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05/05/2021 10:33 PM 



AGE-RESTRICTED: This blog is 18+ and mun is 21+ and will not write with REAL LIFE minors due to mature themes. 

STYLE: My writing style is usually para to multi-para. I rarely do One-Liners because I am just incapable of doing them lol! I have to elaborate on what my character is doing and thinking. I do not expect lengths to be matched but I require at least a few paragraphs with sufficient detail I can work with. I am also not a grammar nazi but please be legible. 

TIMELINE: Depending on the muse she's RPing with depends on the timeline. She is mostly available before the First Curse and after the Second. 

TOXICITY/DRAMA: I am an adult but I also make mistakes. Sometimes I can be hyperactive and blunt. If I say or do anything that makes you uncomfortable please also be an adult and TELL ME

I do not have any triggers. Please let me know if you do so I can put a warning beforehand. We can talk about these triggers and if they're needed. 


CURRENT VERSES: Once upon a time, Grisha, Dune, and high fantasy. Crossovers are always welcomed.

TIMEZONE: I am Eastern Standard Time and mostly active. You can find me best on Discord. 


STORYLINES: Feel free to contact me to discuss any, anything goes really. I rarely get upset. It takes a loooooong time to make me mad and am very chill. Drop me your Discord if you have one and we can also talk more in-depth about one there if you prefer otherwise messages are fine.

I will do multiple storylines and possibly even play with multiple versions of the same character. All of these are separate and should not affect one another. 

Please bear in mind I have a life and a full-time job and am not someone who can always respond daily. It might take some time but I will get to your reply. 

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