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01/13/2022 01:56 PM 

ABC headcanons

Despite being imprisoned in Swan Lake, Rumplestiltskin occasionally allowed Odette to visit the nearby village. In the guise of a young girl named Ivory, she would spend most of her hours as a human helping an elderly woman. It gave her peace of mind in times of sorrow. Once Odette became too comfortable, Rumplestiltskin restricted her time away from the lake. 
When Odette lived in the Ivory Castle, she made a daily vow: to read as many books in the castle as possible. Her favorites were hidden in random places and only accessible with her crayon design specialized Map. She hid them so her father wouldn't take them away.

『HC- C̶R̶Y̶』
While in captivity, Odette's tears were once used for a spell. The spell was so devastating it left an eternal scar through the soil of several kingdoms. The scaly-faced man wanted everyone to know he had left his mark on the world. There isn't a day that goes by that Odette recalls this day and refuses to shed a tear.
To try and keep Odette's heart sheltered from impending darkness, the neighboring Kingdom's Queen and her father decided to try and marry off their children. Derek and Odette were meant to be and proceeded to fight the Black Swan curse with their love. Unfortunately, though Odette started to develop feelings for the handsome prince, Derek only desired Odette for her beauty. It crushed her even more to realize he would never love her. This resulted in her imprisonment. 
『HC- H』
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『HC- Z』

01/08/2022 08:42 PM 


HCs soooon

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