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03/24/2022 06:17 PM 

Vampire starter

The air smelled of Rose and sandalwood oil. The London silver haired beauty rose from the porcelain bath. Her pale skin covered in red stains. She smirked, her eyes a red color. She got up from her bath, walking down the hall way to the marble shower. Cassandra rinse the blood off of her skin as she moaned. She loved the feeling of warm blood against her body in the morning. Grabbing a towel as she dried her body, which was now as white as the porcelain bathe. Walking down the mansion as she headed to the master bed room. In the bathroom was a maid cleaning the blood from the tub. She had  used compulsion to hire cleaning ladies to pick up after her mess. The bodies laid on her bed, it was two females. Naked covered in cum and blood. She smirked thinking about how delicious they were. 

 Walking  outside of her room to her balcony she headed down the spiral stare case she walked to her pool as she slid off her robe and headed into her pool. She loved the feeling of the cool water against her naked skin. Moaning as she pulled her hair back, her silver locks drenched. She smiled as she began swimming. Her body was sore from dancing in the club. She swam for a few minutes as she then got out of the pool and laid down on a black hammock.
She laid there, feeling the sun on her skin, drying her up. Sleeping there for a few hours until she woke up looking at her phone as she saw the time. She walked into her house as she headed to the kitchen and looked in the refrigerator. She grabbed a bottle of champagne and some strawberries and sat on her couch. Champagne helped her with her cravings. She knew she would need to find someone tonight from the new club. Placing a champagne glass on the table as she opened the bottle and began drinking. Drifting to sleep on the couch as the bottle spilled on the floor.


Her eyes opened as the room was quite and dark, getting up as she walked up the stares as she took a bath, laying in the clean tub that was already warmed for her as she moaned as the warm water touched her skin. Minutes passed as she drifted to sleep, waking up as she got up from the tub, dripping wet as she grabbed a black silk robe as she walked to her closet. Looking at her clothes as she grabbed a green satin dress and slipped it on as she fixed her silver hair. Biting her lip, looking at her black painted eyes and red lips as she headed out of the room. Grabbing the keys to her Porche 911 as she headed out of the house and to a club. When she arrived she walked to the valet parking and gave them the keys as she walked inside and headed to the bar as she grabbed a glass of champagne. Smirking as a blonde female walked up to her, as she grabbed her hand and took her to the dance floor. Moving her body against hers as she smirked and used compulsin on her as she rubbed her body, kissing her neck as she bit it. Sucking on it for a few minutes as she took another sip of her drink.

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