12/15/2020 08:56 PM 

To The Country Side

To the Country Side.
I'm particularly found being a no one when it comes to this part of ours, blending into nature with the many greens and christmas lights.
   Regarding my liking towards Sirius black and to the care of his, the headquarters of his house left me with the sensation of having a heavy spirit, a sort of draining field. Too much information. After the meetings on his house, "Yes, lets go to the country house at Alicia's family, change of plans, new airs?"

  Calling my friends wrote their name on a list and multiplied by numbers for the shopping list. Genially appreciated the friendship and moments together joining us by golden writings, fine embroidery and many surprises for this celebrations.

   I knew of a person who was intentionally wishing the worst on me, beyond the dead eaters and it's not the time to talk about what really bothers me. If to curl the edges of my hair, and procure my magical bank account I'd leave it all in his heart really, light as the wind and temporal as a cloud drizzle as the British rain with sprays of perfume whom are neutral to see in the ordinary details of the day that he always counts, as december.

  After he became the god father to the baby of our best friends it all started to become very complicated. The fit will work, the gifts in the boxes and the spices on the small bottles, the liquorice dried fruits on the jars ready for the black cake and much paper wrap with the patterns from Wizardly Victorian Times, this is mere madness.

I hear you my friends. Next call, "yes yes". Afterwards, till then in patience our proceedings will be. Jokingly in shakespearean sort its always a particular indiscretion or rashness to the events as I keep noting down the deep plots do pall to what's a divinity that shapes our ends.

  "Going to the country girl!" Jumping in one place after opening the door to Alice, supposedly she is also jumping as best friends do. Then after the other comes, the exiting is such, how contagious, "Erica Scamander, others too maybe, is waiting? in your car? Parvati is up to no good and Luna said nothing back, maybe she wishes to be with her new son and her husband but... " Gestured ambiguously pronouncing my shoulder up "Who knows, it's like a curse, after all this years she still wants everything on her side, she could have had asked me to be the spiritual mother to her baby Harry if Sirius was honoured to be his God father, I'm always there when she needs me!" It's totally what best friend's brag about missing each other and wanting more from them from the profundity of your heart. Alice said nothing at the moment, her husband waiting on the drive of the car, I wanted to be for her, she had to know that being together we could protect our selfs better. 

  A friend told me so many names to pick from her, maybe I'm about to make this a non secret meeting, everyone seems to be afraid, overly stressed, ill, excuses, these are special celebrations, intimate, trusting, generous. I love babies, I really wanted to be her God mother, those cheeks of Harry. A more obvious predator is a much rarer guest into Alice House, the Potter's House, but Black's house had so many anti virus spells that it was like missing oxygen. We all need that time of our own, what calls special, at that special place that maybe is new for you or me but it has that call who guided you. I'm a woman ready to continue this preparations. 

  Those death eaters, could care less of where Wizards and Witche's House were based in love and good friends, well guarded, but I can sometimes get entertained with many Scottish lochs, lakes, an arm of the sea narrowing partially landlocked to the sight forget everything that just rendered through, then I'm lost in wonder without any anticipations and is all fine, no death eaters could ever enter on that state.

  Producing the same solution to the same ecological problems, we select and become percussive, stringed, fluttered to the drumbeat and base, nature never lies, when not flowering have found largely stony bottoms and by the the way wonder where Alice's husband got his last name from, Longbottom. As they drove us in their car this neatly fresh by the see-through-clear airy sensation of the traveller, unexpectedly a passenger, trusting, could see the unrelated feathery leaves and striking left yellow flowers of lesser shades, the always pine greens and the birds in Petershire as we drove by, protected by the Wildtrust Found. Ducks and the sound of the frogs as we neared by her Country House, craving by another deep breathing to enter.

   It feels treasures, weather Sirius comes on not, very few insects can live in such a fluent water and not be washed away as the bird's pick on them, could not see them from the window's car, can't wait to see the sandpiper in summer with his birdie call, specially the males, only the males. Everyone is calm in the path as the pavement and the limestone changes, the curves and lines, the swings up and down, we are getting to feel this togetherness in his vehicle but wait till we pass the mute swans, we will be dead silent. England's country side, Scotland is a fairy tale, this houses really exist to an extend, as if to say, its almost a sin to not have come. Whatever, if he recovers or not, if his troubled mindfulness stop, if that little single moment he spoons the soup and makes me laugh inside does, he acompains me regardless of what he does or not and I love him for that.

We are getting there, yes, yes. Can you see it? 

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