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12/31/2021 09:46 PM 

loveless | mini drabble

Bare feet stand steady at the edge of a window; yellow and gray curtains sway on opposite sides. A journal lays open on the window seat, ready- as if the contents themselves would spring to life and spill forth over the edges onto the pewter carpet below. A river flowing until the rocks break its fall on the way down. A breathtaking sight to see, Melrose, writing once more. Stepping closer still, she takes a seat adjacent to her scribbled pages, written in pure haste. Feelings, encouragements, words that struck a nerve once read… true and intense in every sense of the phrase. Here goes nothing… everything.
Were you always heartless? Did you learn it from your father?
Felt pen clutched into a tightened palm, the color of night fall. The words seemingly spell themselves out onto the manilla colored sheets that are tightly bound by yellowed leather, the spine resting gently in the middle of thighs pressed together. Back straight against the window, eyes focused… she scribbles more.
The way you ran away from all this, was I just the target? It's hitting me the hardest… is this what you wanted brother?
Lashes lower in comparison to her shedding tears, an unwelcome sensation over her wet cheeks. Hadn’t she realized she had released the water works while writing her weeping words? Honest honey dripping from her home there, holding heavy thoughts about her family life. Now in the city that was the birth of her career how could she be so greedy and crave the affection from those who decided she no longer existed? The family tree burned from the roots upwards. 
The TV in the corner plays the interview of the famous Ezra Phoenix. Her brother lost in the lights and fame of the public eye. The young man claimed to have never had much of a family life… yet here she sat wishing she could see her big brother for 15 seconds, despite his fame.

“I’ve followed you over, big brother. I hope you’ve missed me.”

12/31/2021 09:40 PM 

limoncello | drabble

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