
11/21/2021 04:25 PM 

Optional task 252

1. RV or Tent
2. Mountains or Oceans
3. Stargazing or Wildlife gazing
4. Sunrises or Sunsets
5. Natural Parks or Natural Museums
6. Camp days or Camp nights
7. Friends or Family
8. Fishing or Hiking
9. Chocolate or Marshmallows
10. Couples or Singles
11. Land option or Lake options
12. Cookouts or Campouts
13. Sunny days or Rainy days
14. Archery or Riflery
15. Top bunk or Bottom bunk
16. Wild animals or Tame animals 
17. Snake in your tent or Spider in your tent
18. Campfire or Bonfire
19. Hot springs or Cold lake
20. Scary stories or Play games
21. Early bird or Night owl
22. Mountain bike or ATV
23. Energetic or Lazy
24. Backpack or Suitcase
25. Tourist spots or Hidden gems
26. Aligator or Anaconda
27. Flashlight or Lantern
28. Kayak or Canoe
29. Telescope or Binoculars
30. Map or Compass
31. Bears or Wolves
32. Cool nights or Warm nights
33. Sleeping bag or Blow up mattress
34. Outhouse or Behind a bush
35. Trail mix or Chips
36. Hot dogs or Hamburgers
37. Day hike or Night hike
38. Believe in ghost stories or Don't believe in ghost stories
39. Bigfoot or Lizardman 
40. Boots or Flip Flops

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