05/10/2020 12:14 PM 


1. Not the person in the photos. Only here to rp. The actor got other things to do than to rp, as for the character he is fictional, so obviously won't be here as fictional characters don't rp. Should be a common sense but not many seems to get it. Just because you don't know the celebrity or the character or both doesn't mean that it is a real life account.  No one knows every verse out there it is impossible, so keep that in mind when you rp with me.

2.My verses are Westworld, Sci fi, robots the most with action but open to supernatural and others, just no sex or erotica, nor romance. It says on my profile but plenty of people ignore and seem to think that I am here only for sex and erotica, some even think romance too and they all are  wrong. Not here for sex or erotica. Nor romance. Especially since I go canon with him, and canonically he is with Dolores. The only Dolores my character is with, is the one rped by my real life bff. She needed a Teddy for a while as no one helped so I decided to help. So don't assume or such just because you say so that it is the case as it isn't. So I would appriciate it if people don't tell those who do rp sex and erotica with or without romance to request me  because I would love to rp with them as that is disrespect and lying. As it will never be true. When I say not into that I mean just that. Teddy is taken case closed.  Supernatural is fine, scifi is fine, Hosts/Robots or just Robots is fine too, and westworld, as thos verses fit more and those like that but definitely not sex or erotica nor romance, no way no how. So keep that in mind. Teddy was only ever with Dolores and it stays that way, no matter what. It will never change.

3.Connected to rule 2, Teddy isn't single and I don't need a fake Dolores or crap like that, as my character is taken and only by one Dolores, rped by my bff.  He won't cheat  on her so don't try to get him to sleep with you or such or you will be blocked. Don't even dare assuming that if I ask for a storyline that it means I am here to rp  sex as I am not and never will. If ever there would be an rp sex, it would only be with the one rping his girlfriend and only if we decide on it, no one else, and off the site or without it being seen, but not with anyone else, ever. Don't even assume he wants you and ignore the fact that he is taken and Won't cheat because that is idiotic, arrogent, selfish and wrong, and will get you blocked faster then you can count to 3. I won't do it to you so don't do it to me. Not ever. Respect me and will respect you.

4. I do multi and novella but will rp with others too. Whether you do the same or less. Whatever is easier is fine  by me but that doesb't mean I am a one liner or such, as I am not. I am a multi - Novella rper. I just don't judge people despite everything I went through so respect that. I respect you so respect me. That is the right way to do things. I rp with who I want, as long as the person wants to rp that what matters. As long as they don't judge me. I don't judge you unless you judge me first.

5. I am here to rp not for numbers, so keep that in mind. Don't assume I don't rp or such as I do. Whether you know the character or not doesn't mean anything. If I sent you a message about a storyline discussion don't erase it, as it isn't polite. Reply when you can but don't be a jerk. I don't attck you so don't attack me. Don't delete it and act like I said nothing because it is wrong. Storyline discussion isn't sex or erotica, so don't assume. Also don't talk to others and then ask for more storylines and ignore me, as that is disrespect. I won't do it to you, so don't do it to me. Show respect and you will get respect but disrespect me and don't be surprised that I disrespect you. So don't act like I am here for numbers when am not as I won't do it for you, which means  don't do it to me. Case closed.

6.Take as long as you need to sent a starter or a reply, or an introduction but please don't block or delete me just because, nor ignore me and just keep me on your friends list to show others that I am fake or crap like that as that is wrong. I won't do it to you. So don't do it to me. I am a nice person and patient but there is a limit. Also please don't rush me or assume I rush you as am not. Especially when I check how are you, as I won't to clear friends from none talkers and only keep those who rp as am here only to rp not for numbers or anything like that. You can't assume that I ask you for sex or such as that will never happen. Also reply to my first message/comment to you  about a storyline but still reply not right away but when you can. Be kind and will be kind in return as it is how it works.  Just be a decent human and everything would work good.

7. I need mains and connections. Except girlfriend and Dolores as both are taken by one person, my bff that rps Dolores. And she will never be replaced, don't even bother trying. If you wanna rp siblings or parents we need to talk about it, as it is rather complex, since first his full backstory is only known to him and he isn't human but a host/robot. Don't assume you are a sibling or a parent. Same with uncle, aunt, cousins and such. We need to talk about it due to the fact that Teddy isn't human but a robot as mentioned before. So he can't be biologically related to anyone, no matter what. As for kids only if the rper of Dolores gives the ok. So most likely not,  just friends. No biological kids because Dolores and Teddy are Hosts/Robots. So biological kids aren't possible. Friends, new friends, enemies and such are fine so. As long as it's not a girlfriend or an ex or such, as he is taken and has eyes only for Dolores, always had and always will. As far as it is known he has no ex's. Rp the same, unless we can come up with something that works. Keep that in mind. Bernard and Sarak such are needed so. As is Charloress(Charlotte/Dolores Host/Robot). Mains and connections are always coming first no matter what.

8. Another important rule, don't judge me and treat me like an idiot when I tell you that Teddy is a Host/Robot as he really is, no mockery or such there. Some did and that was wrong, and is wrong still. Teddy is a Host/Robot. Before assuming I mock rp or such do a research, check out Westworld and you will see for yourself. Don't assume I just tell you crap to avoid telling you about my character as it isn't true. Don't judge me or my character, and I won't judge you or your character. Sounds fair to me. So please be respectful.

9.I request or accept people's friend requests only to rp, that is it. Not to let you break my character and his girlfriend but to rp. I also don't request or accept people's friend requests to break up couples. So don't go there. It is connected to rule 2 and 3. As I said Teddy is taken and won't ever see another but Dolores ans only her. No more nor less.  Keep that in mind and we will get along well but ignore it and assume that I try to be with your character and/or break your character and the one they are with to be with them you will kicked off. Making a mistake is fine but really believing is wrong and you will be deleted, and maybe even blocked. So just don't do it.

10.Teddy is from the future and not present. So could use creativity to bring him to the present. Teddy originally thought that he and the others in the same theme park were from wild west world aka westworld, until he found out that it was all a lie. Due to his beloved Dolores telling him everything. With that in mind don't assume I mock you or such as am not. You can even check Westworld. The au only start when he dies. As in rp Teddy never died officially. As he never killed himself like in the show, so Dolores never put his concsious in the other world made for their kind. That is why in storyline discussion I ask whether Past, Future or present. The past and future part is Teddy's. However, for those from 2000 or 1880 or 2020 or 2016 or 2021 or 2022, etc. Both past and future are in the future. Just not to Teddy or his kind or such. No am not kidding or mocking. The thing is the first and second seasons of westworld delibrately not show that due to things happening in the parks on an island and not outside it. Season 3 is off the island. I go during season 3 in rp jusy au. In rp he left the island and westworld park to the real world as they say, as in the human world. Yes literally and no joking. Please respect that and don't assume it is fake and proof that am not an rper and then expect an apology. As it isn't fake or mockery but the truth. You can add and ask my main Dolores or Maeve or Caleb rpers who are my mains they will confirm it. Respect that or no rp. I respect you and your character but disrespect me and that respect is gone. Be kind and respectful and none judgemental and we could rp and have fun. 

11.I rp in both messages and comments. So looking at my comments for rp isn't always going to help as some rp in messages and with those will rp in messages. The messages won't ever be seen by anyone else but me and the other person. Same with storylines discussion. So stalking my page for that won't prove nothing and won't help you. Instead of stalking or just viewing my page for rp discussion and rp check it for the rules and bio. Yes it is a rule as it happened too many times that people stalked/viewed me for rp and storyline discussion and judged me for it. Enough is enough. No stalking or viewing just to check for rp and instead just talk to me and discuss a storyline with me then rp whenever you can or just leave. As am here to rp only as I said before.

12.Read the whole first message before you stop and ignore me or block me or delete me or delete the message. As I don't flirt with anyone and never will. My character won't flirt with you either, as I already said he is taken and it will not change ever. No matter what. My character is in love with Dolores Abernathy and would only be with her. I have my main and it won't ever change. So don't assume or judge or such. Be respectful and will respect you back. Assume and judge then will do the same to you, so keep that in mind.

13.Regarding double characters. It is mostly to do with mains and connections, if the connections are canons from other verses or such. I will rp with more than one of the same character but be mains and have connections only with one of those. I will only rp with doubles of mains and connections because I am nice. No more nor less than that.  Even with a double of my characters love interest, aka Dolores Abernathy but other than my main Dolores who is my top friend and main, the other Dolores's would only be friends, no more nor less. As for others well depends if the main or connections are friends or enemies, if enemies then it would be the same with doubles of that characters, unless that version au then friends. If friends then friends with doubles too, unless an au version of either one, in which case it would be enemies in rp. However, with the doubles the connections weren't be as big as with my mains and connections, but still important. So keep that in mind and don't assume things nor judge, or we will not get a long and will probably block you, so just don't.

This is all for now. Follow those and we will get along great but don't and we will not, in which case you might as well get off my friends list or better yet don't request me or such. I am nice, unless I am provoked.

Rules Updated:March 30, 2022.
Rules Updayed:April 4, 2022

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