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10/30/2022 03:25 PM 

Task 10 -- TW: blood and gore

Task 10
The emptiness inside of him was never ending. The dark void where he faced an unknown evil that had his own face. Stiles Stilinski was a good young man at his core. It was his deepest desire to help those around him. That desire was perverted by the presence of someone or rather something that was pure evil.

Don't bother fighting me Stiles. I've already won. The sinister evil was driven by rage and blind fury. It was a Nogitsune that looked exactly like him.

Stiles was pouring sweat from his brow. "I won't let you hurt them!" He stood in place using all last vestiges of his strength.

In the real world, what looked like Stiles was pale with dark circles around his eyes. He was stalking Lydia Martin. "You can't kill me! I am immortal!" Lydia opened her mouth to shout at him, but was stopped by the speed of the nogitsune who possessed Stiles. "Oh, the glorious fear right before certain death."

His right hand clamped down on her neck, ripping her larynx from her body. The spurting blood from her body erupted like a fountain. The malevolence covering his face, which was the last thing she saw, was twisted in glee. Evil had won the day after all.
"I'm 147 pounds of pale skin and fragile bones. Sarcasm is my only defense."
credit: james kriet

10/29/2022 07:25 PM 

Task 9

Task 9
Five characters

Tony Stark
Flynn Rider

Corn Mazes were harmless fun right? Stiles insisted he could go it alone here. He brushed off companionship and headed straight to the edge of Beacon Hills preserve to where this corn maze waited. Little did he realize but this innocent Halloween fun was in close enough proximity to the Nemeton that the magic recognized him.

Stiles entered the maze simply enough. There was another guy who was already inside. "Hey! The name is Flynn Rider. These mazes are the best aren't they? Mind if I tag along? I'm new to the area…"

Stiles shook his hand and waved off the rest of his speech. "It's all cool. I'm down with making new friends." Stiles motioned. "Let's head this way." He motioned for his new buddy to follow him to the right. He didn't suspect that anything would be out of the ordinary. He didn't see Flynn disappear after he rounded that corner.

The new area started to get dark rather quickly. "What the hell? Flynn, are you there?" Instead of an answer he expected, there was a surprise. His eyes focused on a tiny light that appeared. It managed to make its way right to the light that suddenly increased like a mini sun and temporarily blinded him.

"Stiles Stilinski, it's surprising you came alone. I'm Tinkerbell. You really shouldn't have come alone." The fairy flew around him making sure her lights kept flashing like a strobe light to keep him blinded.

Stiles kept trying to keep himself from being hurt by anything else but the temporary blindness kept him at a disadvantage. He kept blinking as he struggled to get his vision back. He stumbled forward until he felt himself falling through what he presumed was a trap door. He landed unceremoniously with a thud. He shaded his eyes until his vision returned. It started off with a blue glow that seemed to be in the form of a man. "What in the HELL is going on?" Stiles demanded.

"Hell's right kid. The name is Hades. You've heard of me?" The god of the Underworld was standing right there in his resplendent glory. "Seems you ticked off all the wrong people, kid. They want you sufficiently scared sh*tless."

Stiles couldn’t believe what he was actually seeing. "This can't be real. This has to be some sort of trick." He was backing up closer to the wall behind him. This didn't feel so much like a corn maze any longer.

"No trick." The voice came from somebody to Hades' right. It was none other than Loki god of mischief. He was outlined in an emerald glow. "Tricks are my specialty. " Loki's grip tightened on his scepter.

The ground above that was a ceiling soon exploded with the force of a repulsor blast. Iron Man landed between the gods and Stiles. "Let's get out of here kid." The hero took the young man in his arms. He blasted out of the danger with Stiles out of the corn maze. He landed near the entrance with the young man in his arms. "You have enemies, yes. But you have friends too. Don't forget it."
"I'm 147 pounds of pale skin and fragile bones. Sarcasm is my only defense."
credit: james kriet

10/29/2022 07:20 PM 

Task 8

Task 8

Something orange: candy corn
- A costume idea: werewolf
- A Halloween treat: snicker bars
- A Halloween trick: tp a house
- Something scary: ghost
- A Halloween party item: streamers
- An item in a haunted house: cobwebs
- Something black: a cat
- A Halloween activity: bobbing for apples
- Something in a cemetery: mausoleum
- A creepy sound: squeak
- A room in a haunted house: the hall
- A Halloween decoration: jack-o-lantern
- A Halloween snack: caramel apples
- Something you scream: HELP

Stiles tried to consider himself brave. All things considered, he was more brave than he used to be now that he knew the truth about families like those of Derek Hale. Hale House looked as though it had come straight out of his nightmares. Scott had told him to meet him here for something very important. Who was he to argue?

Stiles approached Hale House with caution. He knew that most of Derek's family had died here in a fire. That added to the cold chill that moment. He reached for the door to open it. The squeak of the door opening made his heart beat faster. The open door gave Stiles free reign to run inside. As soon as he did, he ran into what he thought was the world's biggest hcobwebs. A shriek of terror erupted as he tried desperately to pull the sticky strings off his body.

He bumped into a wall with a paper ghost that was hanging from the ceiling. Stiles started back away from it when he practically ran into Derek. "Take it easy Stiles. Have you never been to a Halloween party before?" Stiles looked in the direction behind him that Derek was facing. There was a bucket filled with water with children bobbing for apples. Still another table had a fresh plate full of caramel apples .

"Heh." Stiles muttered as his heart rate returned to normal. "Who knew you had a soft side?" He teased the grumpy wolf who simply glared at him.
"I'm 147 pounds of pale skin and fragile bones. Sarcasm is my only defense."
credit: james kriet

10/27/2022 07:43 PM 

Task 6

The Haunted Bathroom
The downstairs bathroom is tucked away partially under a staircase that leads upstairs. The antique door that leads to this bathroom has a rather large hole in the center. Your hand reaches for the hole just to satisfy your own curiosity but are met with cobwebs of spiders from over a century of neglect. Pulling your fingers back, you brush them off as well as you can before switching your grasp to the bronze doorknob. You give it a twist.

The door makes creaking sounds as it opens and withers to dust leaving you holding the doorknob. With your heart pounding, you continue inside. There is a fixture on the wall that will ostensibly turn on a light that seems to date back to the days of Thomas Edison. Your trembling hand flips the switch to find it actually works. You heave a sigh of relief.

The small room tucked under the stairs is filled with a glorious array of spider webs as well as generations of the critters who have lived here since humans left. The stirring of the webs and the century of dust lead to one end. Your nose can't help but be tormented enough to let out in a thunderous eruption. The expulsion of air clears out a new path sending the spiders and dust flying.

The cramped conditions of the bathroom makes your lungs crave air. To your right is the medicine cabinet. The broken mirror reflects your frazzled expression as you reluctantly decide to continue to move deeper into the small room. Inside the sink below the medicine cabinet, the porcelain is intact, but there is enough liquid in the bottom that makes you wonder exactly what is in there? Dare you investigate? Not this time…

The smell that emanates from the liquid in the sink wafts up to you. The toxic smell is so vomitous that you barely manage to turn around to examine the source. It was a pull chain toilet with the same viscous fluid in it the sink contained. You couldn’t help it. You had to pull the chain to clear the air. The creaking sounds of the water racing into the pipes makes your hair stand on end on the back of your neck.

One last item remains in this bathroom of horrors. It is an old clawfoot bathtub that is stained with the passage of time. A large brown spider that was near one of the feet skitters away when you nudge it with your foot. Inside this tub is an iron ring with a nozzle or a shower head there. This is one of the first showers ever put inside a house in the early 20th Century. You begin to wonder if the shower works. Reaching forward with a trembling hand, your turn on the water at the tub. All appears normal. The shower itself is next.

Gaining confidence in your recent successes, you turn on the shower head. Clear water starts coming on until it begins to change right before your eyes. The water turns into pure blood running like a waterfall. GET OUT! GET OUT! A creepy voice makes your own blood run cold. The message is clear and you flee for your very life praying you escaped the evil you met in all places…a haunted bathroom.
"I'm 147 pounds of pale skin and fragile bones. Sarcasm is my only defense."
credit: james kriet

10/26/2022 10:05 PM 

This is Halloween

This is Halloween
Beacon Hills High was about to have a Halloween party. It was all set up in the lacrosse field. The senior class was sponsoring the festivities for the children in the area who were less fortunate and had no other hope to celebrate the holiday. Stiles Stilinski had volunteered to help serve as security for the event. After all, his father was the town sheriff. With bat in hand and over his shoulde, Stiles began to peruse the perimeter.

He looked like a super skinny baseball player with that familiar piece of lumber over his shoulder. It was a good thing he'd been able to get all the blood stains out of it after the recent events dealing with overzealous hunters who came after innocent werewolves like Scott. The hunters called the werewolves of BH cursed. Stiles happened to know that they didn't feel that way. They felt blessed. As a matter of fact, two of the cubs he knew from his experience associated with Scott McCall came up to him. They recognized him and smiled.

"Trick or treat!" They declared holding up their bags for him. They were dressed as two little angels. Stiles knew them to be twins and two of the cutest kids he knew.

Stiles laughed with his eyes twinkling. He happened to have a bag he was carrying as he walked the grounds that was filled with the best chocolate around by far. "Here ya go!" Stiles loaded up the kids with the candy with a wink and a nod. "Have fun out there kids!"

His gaze was caught by Lydia Martin as she was manning the station for the kids to carve their favorite designs into pumpkins. He knew that Lydia had a phobia at one time about getting too dirty. Since she became a banshee, that wasn't quite a problem anymore. Two other children were finishing their projects while under the watchful gaze of the banshee. Stiles admired the handiwork of the kids who had done a frighteningly good job of capturing ghosts on their pumpkins. Lydia even commented on them. "Wow guys! These are really great!"

The children were pleased with the reactions of both Lydia and Stiles. Naturally the kids were given safe tools so they wouldn't harm themselves. "Glad you've got this under control here." Stiles teased.

"Of course, Stiles. You had doubts otherwise?" She made a clicking sound with her tongue against the back of her teeth. "Oh Scott and Derek were looking for you. They wanted to shut down the hayrides at midnight."

Stiles quirked up an eyebrow. "Alright. I'll go check it out." As he passed her by, he didn't notice the text she sent to Scott. She was grinning knowingly as he walked away.

Stiles soon arrived at the station where the wagon was sitting there as though it had been abandoned. "Scott? Derek?" He was starting to worry when no one showed up. "Guys?"

When he rounded a corner next to the locker room doors, a group of about six kids along with Derek and Scott jumped out shouting. "RAWR!"

Stiles screamed like a little girl and jumped into Derek's arms. The sound of his screams covered the bat hitting the ground. Derek put Stiles back on his feet and laughed. He actually smiled. It was a Halloween miracle. "You guys scared me to death!" He declared touching his chest and trying to calm his fluttering heart. "How'd you pull this off anyway?"

Scott flashed his phone to Stiles. "We had help." He was grinning broadly. Lydia was their lookout for this moment that Stiles would never forget as long as he lived.

It was the greatest Halloween ever.
"I'm 147 pounds of pale skin and fragile bones. Sarcasm is my only defense."
credit: james kriet

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