03/10/2019 08:08 PM 

Discord for after the snap.

The end of the world came quick..one snap of purple fingers was enough. But maybe we have a second chance..and find help in those we didn't expect it from.
A portal opened, bringing Captain Hydra and his team into this world, just a few years earlier. 

New coming groupstory. Join the discussion. Doubles highly wanted. 
You don't have to be an Avenger to save the world!


03/07/2019 09:49 PM 

Question to the Oracle

------------------------------------->  >> >>> Come Out, come on! 

  "I command you!" You might shock your head but this is why God had not given ten suggestions to Moises onto the masses, not even one.

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 Who else was present? I can only see unclear unswears, we know that there were the priest of the temple of Apollo, as a group of woman in charge of keeping the flame alive, of only laurel wood, symbolic of Victory to the titan Goddess Nike in Zeus Honour, King of Gods and civilisation. We accompanied the Pythia's response while standing next to her assumed the case has money to be payed from, for what might be suffered or sustained it must be payed in the city of Delphi for the God's message. 

 Then advanced lifting a heavy ancient paper, thick of knowledge, which was quite full of gold in the borders and edges, remarkably speaking from all over the times to whom was before us. "Mercy on us, if we survive from this one!" Noted down while reading the manuscript and holding the parchment for the revival of our hopes and prospects in life, also suspicions of the purpose for my mind is a crack when the Gods come down at mine. "I can transcribe and you riddle what they say, in other words to the people, we don't want to frighten the minions, if to disguised those words to avoid deception, you might Pythia of Delphi." 

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  The rooms were prepared, each to the contestants for how much coins they gave to the Gods, this city will grow imperatively multiplying the rest of civilisations across the lands, it won't be the tower of Babylon, nor Troy. Not even Alexandria "You will reveal the secrets as no concealed library, it will run mouth to mouth, from priestess to priest and monk to nun, from their habit in later times perhaps along a virtual reality far away from virtual intelligence if you wish to rescue man kind from now. Come on out, come on!"

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   It depends in how we understand her to have been inspired, there has been no issued debated more hotly than the process that the Pythia would give in respond. She walked out with her sisters, leaving behind the chasm bellow, it was this chasm and the powerful vapour that emerged from the underworld of Hades, many said that before the 4th Century BC, that it was it what let to the initial discovery and installation of an oracle at Delphi. And Hekate would be named after the Gods to bring the magical powers of alchemy, for Zeus wished a rapid human evolution to connect with the hight of Hades spiritual psyche, during the course of the living. 

 The story narrates in its translation, how it was found by goats who would for they noticed in a particular hole on the mountainside, how they shriek and leap around. Goatherds began to do the same and also began to prophesies the news of the spot, to eliminate the danger, because many people started to come leaping on the hole, so the locals appointed one woman as prophetess for all. They builded her a special apparatus called the tripod, on which she could be secured and stable during the trance. 

  Since the divine inspiration as mania, from insanity, and the Pythia's madness is caused by the "evil" pneuma rising upward from beneath her, entering through her genitals as she sits on the tripod. Dances and rituals being host by arduoyus hours of dance till the brain drops, the consultation was being forced and she feels calm and peaceful without point of rant or rave when they let her be, when the spirits daimones  let her chew laurel leaves for inspiration and let her drink from the Castalian spring away from the intoxicating gas from the subterranean chasm. 

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 She did not like to read the liver of the animals in sacrifice, the raving of her is a cultural mistranslation and subsequent, would the Priest of Apollo trick the ancient world, sought different exclamations? I deducted that Pythia's madness was high from eating laurel. The answer relay not in some drug, but in her psychology. No one can hack you that, how can you copy the message? Perhaps involved with the temple as one of the woman guarding the sacred flame, would have found herself in an emotional intense relationship with the God and could fall victim to his hypnosis. Is it a spirit possession, a psychic call? "Come out an run the show, that, there are many like you and I, who need questions."


01/16/2019 09:43 PM 

And why did it capture the attention?

And why did it capture the attention? Investigationthe ancient world can tell us.
And why did it capture the attention? It was a long story of those who take you back to the start. 

  "It hasn't been easy you know, you don't reply a full embodiment after I displayed a rolling act, to word, and you are not the only one beloved twin flame, all those divert onto others, and me? Am I blessed with providence to whom which knowledge no one is to understand back but for the curse of not?" Might had find myself in dialogues of all sources. What does it have to be to turn back? Used as an inspiration, or a catalyst, if to divine the future or ignite a movement, finding clues with fine observation unveiling the hardest crimes, when we all seek is love and success."
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  When we all inspire and pass a certain knowledge, but what is is greater than meaning through commitments when lack pauses, a lost, transformation and gains, changes, destructions, passages, visions who lurk towards enlightenment in a love who is held in the hands of God to its children, for more trusting, will it be given back as we were held once? Is there a gratitude to an extend to vanish in it? 

  Held Juliet's hand with the idea of returning home, after lamenting it, however, she represented the first Juliet to the Oracle of Delphi to all the Julias, the woman in the patriarchy of the patricians, to the noble class sometimes a silent silhouette of feminine grace showed behind the veil without being alarmed on the communications who gave an extend deal from what concerned me. The perfect wisdom in the world made me dress as a man to men, a Priest to savour her docile flame protected by the right air and shelter to never extinguish, and what a woman was behind to let me lead her senses.

  At this, the ancient caravan continued to rotate its wheels revolving around each of its axels, independently parallel, we did not have an idle wheel now, those who state in the center letting you balance the turns at the same time in a faster frequency of speed, down the rocks and up jumped from the seats as we set free along escaping, traveling through the Mediterranean coasts till Egypt in the further continents of Isis, the God of the Sun Helios and the Moon Selene to the silk road who directed to the Middle East and Orient, more caravans savaged its arid lands among bandits and the merchants. 

"What could you take from a Priest and Priestess? A story." 

  We were well educated to survive the tale, make believe with hidden grape red powder as if transforming water to wine, seduce them into a drunken state to whom's alchemy,... drugs to save us towards the threaten of Gods if not let us free or let them sympathise with us when come along a higher trip. "What a failure it's to travel with gold when you can't pay true friendship? We have healed enough sickening minds that of this present we leave behind as the fates twist back in a so called future, away from psychopaths and the investigation of serial killers, detectives who will not joint for the rivalry of who detects what. Am I, an excuse for others channel let be found?" 

   Talented in silencing her monstrous darkness, I know everything that comes around, unlucky that the ladies make me silence as well as intimate we can tale together the commence of a shredded history whose secrets heal as conservatives hide them with treasury. Of inventive generosity is of those who continue and until the very last moment of their journey as if the mountains themselves were guiding us, we arrived back home a few kilometres before Delphi, a city ruled by Apollo, builded to serve Demeter, Gaia. Where the plethora of other gods are honoured as well, hailed as honey to philosophers who crossed points from all over the ancient kingdoms to perfect their charisma with wisdom away from the madden crowds. 

   "I'm hungry, are you?" After her gesture, turned back to the caravan behind halting my hand to all others and circling to the site, they slowed the horses letting me stop the chariot before as them. Stepped down letting my hand to her with indifference, I was listened, yet, felt so alone anticipating the landscape who showed it self from the distance. Its that void before you eat, have not I suffered from hunger till the absence of goods let me free from desire, as offerings in a bow of poverty, a sacrifice by loosing appetite. Little I knew what being hungry was, but could mirrored from her breast. The consolation of thinking for others, feeling, granted me their desires and soon, we walked surfacing the panorama, looking for dry branches, picking them in a relaxing venue, more appealing and natural to the human eye. 

    It's only as the road sweeps you before the final stop, we were not very ambitious might say, everyone turned happily towards one another as if a great deal leading togetherness was more the Goal than the destination.  Her smile twined me, once again, one day I will transform in a woman and reflect the beauty she means to me, how hostile this lands can be without sandals, in her delicate feet I will dance to the Gods taking possession of her splendour, and will she vanquish away, thinking it was not her? It was not from her to the God? 

   "In Greece everything turns as an orgy, one step in and the other out of your mind, do you think to be so important and special, when enter into the greater, if the Gods contribute we might have a sense of otherworldliness to the people, from the whole to all." But, who really knew, when humans played to be Gods as we played to make them special, asking for favouritism and votes in disregards of heralding the lands. Full rounded we gathered the wooded sticks, the thin first, the strongest who corral the fire then and the trunks who endure the nigh, at last. "Lets turn the fire" So, we whirled the wood against another, back and forth till the first hit of smoke woke a flame. 

  "I'm a vegetarian, I don't think like carnivorous who eat upon others, I can see them joyously with content, so unconscious, thou shall not kill, if you knew immortality you'd knew better the importance of the usage of energy, how we relate, you will be eaten in the next life and again desire to be as those who eat you, and eat others till you see the cycle of evolution and toxicity."

 Something went wrong in the city of Delphi, a view from the wide spectrum led me to believe a complete range of happenings. There is a connection, who wants to work the earth, when animals can work it for you in one cut? As the ancient saw it an understood, never they knew the unstoppable chain reaction that cascades as cancer and nihilism. That believe that there is nothing in the world that has no existence of meaning, such is the return to paradise.

 At the heart of Delphi was the sanctuary of Apollo, competitors traveled for glory in the eyes of men and of the Gods, as we set around the fire crossing our legs, joked for whom was an artist, or of Athletic muscularity or sharp mind to play in the theatre a voice who reflects a passion in the audience, among chants and chats said "You see our minds direct the arrow as in the Olympian games its disc or wand to a point, the God of the Sun couldn't be lesser than right, if providence is the exercise to human kind in comparison to animals by the form of arts, let the magic of Hekate come down, and let it be a crack in the earth so I can breath Hades air to heighten me, perhaps there could be delivered a prophecy to honour Apollo, after all this years non of them can walk this earth as humans do, by the collections for winter till summer, Demeter must know the importance of this arrows, that point in which we reflect in our minds before targeting the object of our deepest desire, that at hand throws, projects. Its true that you need a loving mother who cares who presents with mirroring, if no one is there to mirror the baby, the toddler, the child and man, how can you feel yourself identity, without it, how can you take the reflection of another object or person's energy to your own. Demeter grows pointlessly, how generous to ever stop." But, one day as today, this story happened. 

   I believe to be the vengeful Oracle of Delphi, by Apollo, to translate to mortals what Gods not, to not have given her daughter to him, show the people on this earth what is abuse to take from earth giving back a general waist to her earth, will civilisation pay back to her goods? Or to Apollo? One will be given rubbish and the other praise. Entertain the masses, the consuming madness without control, will Demeter bow down to the God of the golden arrows, for what is pointless if not valued, one day she must in each of us remind us the happy sun rays down on earth, for that was love asked, all with appointed virtue to earn, will it stop shinning or the other growing? No, but human kind will make the lead as I tell them the riddle from the Gods. One day, Demeter must repent in the eyes of humans, to let the multitude care back for her nature, to mother earth as she too, to the Golden Arrows, my prayers goes towards the power of precision P R E C I S I O N to each cellular aspect who governs this planet. 

  Meanwhile, and how not, I now see the psychopaths I left behind, nurtured by the civilisation of winters and the lazy savages of summer, the criminal minds from this ancient world I'm to return, felt alone once more by the caravan. No one can respond back to me, unless I'm to sleep in Poseidon's feet tackling waters for who was the first and only Zeus to reign Olympus, this two have too much freedom others say, but freedom what freedom is but freedom to love and do unstoppably as burglars in the night who take it all while you sleep. But, lets be cautious, this realms are it. Remind him of the fight with Hermes, for when in Hades were only cups of tea without souls, for when Medea of Colchis was a new born and I gave my Psyche to the spiritual world. 

    No one knew my riddles, alone in the multitude watching them sacrifice animals of heavier pride to the Gods, changing the stories and meanings as a cow for 7 sheep, it will continue the crucial factor for securing emergence as the predominant oracular site in a world teeming with oracles the rich dedication and taking part made me wonder, what is the problem. In full and brilliant Technicolor, must write the laws of the play and let it role. Is there truly a free imagination of a collective entity? When I opened my eyes for the first time, whom did I see? Zeus and Hermes, Persephone, but Zeus shouted for the human side against the vanity and cruelty of the Gods, while the King of Kinds was taking over, then I became part of them and from that day I took a silent bow, was reborn to serve an ideal God, far away before the waters and earths, learned to live and let die always asking myself, why those shouts, why? when the first showed us the way and still how prepotent it can be the mistake, of claiming superiority to the one who opened the portal whom secrets are now to worlds a many discovered afar this ancient one. Stealing information, destroying it and malversation, is no secret to divination. 

   "Juliet, soon we are to arrive home were, friend-enemies are made" Who cared as long the story isn't flat and sucks you in its many layers, it all begun here! Remember how music used to be as words who move you, as every day is the first one and how often we treated each of these activities, how the craft fades away, and why it redirects for more applause, is it the power of love or immortality who carries history? Would compression vanquish you away onto another creation? If I can laugh again, if I'm reminded of the cupids in the garden of eden, before creation it be a blessing to have come. Why, why the flame of knowledge had to be taken, now they must build protein in scientist laboratories to stop the apocalypses, onto a new Genesis. 



 One of the enduring missions of Delphi is to bring together men and woman who otherwise remain divided by material interests.

_Memorandum of Justification

Soon, very soon will wake in the epigraphic center and put forwards a manifesto who descends from the Gods, let me see no one, let me listen carefully the ancient word to translate to the masses, in riddles yes, it be impossible to reveal the exact truth for its secrets can be mortal and will lead no trust among anyone who has a heart who can't be renewed, Gods do have an inevitable power of transformation and endurance whom mortals would petrify before understanding their codes, and I clapped my hands to the music as the dancers waved their robes under the moonlight, celebrating the season of this journey till its end.

"Jules, you are so beautiful, never stop please." Kisses and hugs, filled by the Gods, the Oracle Twins are back in town, "Lets pray to Apollo's arrows and be precise, if we need love, connection, do not hide to the Oracle, the same obsession, that its in the question the unswear."

09/17/2018 10:27 PM 

Coming Down to Business.

Investigates revolutionisingwhat a realm can do

In each business they are taking advantage of human psychology, how can you benefit from a mayor attraction, they will vote for you, believe in your tendencies, if is a long standing believed product, such as as the bible or the conservative party, but when it came to the creatures who lived under the sea, its Gods and Monsters, it all gamifies an exercise of awarding badges. 
Seating by the timed protocols and access I had to think very well in the words I will use, is not that I'm a sales man, but we need the highest bettor's to invest in our spending times and rules. I had to make then automatically pay into a bank transaction, lawyers and mayor accountancies seat in the other side of the table, from normal to ambitious I had to describe in an intriguing humble manner to open their attention, their future down fall and the necessities of gamifiying a world which already existed and it was yet in pampers. The submarine players existed in a net which waved after more then a decade, while keeping their money safe with encryption detail, I would turn their pockets fluently into their scientist computer engineers. "As you see, I follow my God a God which we all belong, some of us, play to win, study to win knowledge, power, whatever fatal attraction might be, gamblers exist to force a dream to become, playing by lack. 99.99% of this players are looser." The owners of the casinos, nodded their faces slightly, they knew were all they money come from, but the program of the internet launched another generation whose system's of reward departed form the emotional wave of expression through the arts. "The role players are taking a mayor impulse, playing games without money." They shock their heads, but as I soon as I displayed an analytical board form the past years and what their values represented, standing out reappointed. 

"You have a financial prudence, were virtual money could never come out as the frequency of money you produce, but its  power remains in this virtual world. You can calculate your emotions and others, learn how to dialogue by gaming, learn how to interact, the laws of protocol and building your own system of interconnection, coordinating the priorities of what matters most to fight for, studying each realm that you enter, hours, days, months, years and decades invested to be here, you will tell me ho much it benefits. If you invest your life and turn it into virtual value, into a reality which help us become more interactive and instructive, losers will keep existing, till they achieve the love for the game, the addiction, the need to connect, points are that the given time has build your Empire. Once you invest in the money exchange per values in the rules of the games, we can proceed."To engage them in such activities will be an impossible task, as long as they understood the rules of the games in which bettors lose all their time and moneys, is enough, but will they vet into an alternative reality? Based in values? If 6 million dollars were given to the Statues of the 3 Graces to remain in the National Gallery of London. I knew they could shake hands, after the points of pioneering a new form of art, were the psychological embrace of civilians will alter their vets, to learn what it truly takes to win with the rules of the game.The Goddess of Science one of the nine biggest Muses, broad me inspiration to determine the virtual cash, and how the affluent players who started to rule this world, will support what they once build for the different levels, what happens when it brakes, why it brakes, how a multiple script can be managed and to specify the scientific rules of keeping a story, game going on. To give third party secure access, I signed the confidentiality agreement in which they are welcomed, it opened my eyes because compared to the national average, this people like to make their moves with their inner circle. They stood with pride shaking their hands to me, one shall never feel nerves before magnates, they take a considerable long time in the studies of their investments. Moving on to other business made sure that they were dopaminized by the game, if owning the first encrypted money would announce a new digital world and era. If they want to infiltrate into my data, they will need decades of informational layers. Having or Owning will keep your dopamine and neurotransmitter exited, and while they believe to purchase the greatest invention on earth and quantum reality, we will keep on playing.
At home, after a dinner with my colleagues and the habit sense of abundance, called Angela.
"So, tell me, you are there right? What do you think after I told you that, are you going to keep playing games against me or what?"

On the other side, because each God has its realm and the big wave of the internet has Poseidon's freaks out of control, if he was happy with the business, they knew the streams weer nothing compared to his flood, and his emotional waters will reach beyond the earth if necessarily, yet, this time, alone, feared, if to reside near the Dragon of Gaia or Poseidon's Monsters.

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