01/05/2019 08:16 PM 

Interesting facts about MIKE.

jotted down from various interviews, tweets and other media.


-- It irks Mike to see Engineers come into the studio using ProTools and not knowing how to use the hotkeys. To see them scroll through all the track layers individually, drives him nuts. Mike knows ALL of the hotkeys and maneuvers through the program flawlessly.


-- He's a control freak / perfectionist.
Mike: "I'm a f***ing control freak." || Chester: "I wouldn't say 'f***ing control freak,' I'd say: A Mother-F***ing control freak."


  -- Has a Linkin Park house studio. The hallway connecting both studio rooms was made into a vocal booth. The walls are deadened. One of the rooms has a piano and microphones. The other room has his desk with his specks, computer, keyboards and guitars.


-- Has a lot of say into the producing process of their albums in the studio, just as much (if not more) than the actual producers. Always overshadowing and ensuring things are done right and to the highest standards.
-Until "The Hunting Party," when Mike finally branched off to become a self-producer; with Brad as his right hand.


-- Creates beats, rhythms, guitar chords, etc. for Rob and Brad during studio time; creating the tracks on computer and emailing the files to them. Sometimes Chester and Mike will question how to make the parts more difficult for the other band members, creating intricate / difficult parts to challenge their band mates, musically.


-- Mike and Brad are the lead writers for LP.

-- Mike and Brad have known one another since they were 13


-- Fans refer to him as the Dad of LP. He once tweeted that Him and Anna (wife) like when the fans call them Mom and Dad.


-- Loves guitars and collects them. His guitar collection is bigger than LP's lead guitarist.


-- Received an Honorary Doctorate of Human Letters in 2009 from Art College of Design.


-- Favorite Pizza is: Ham and Pineapple.

-- He and both of his kids have asthma (one of his kids in particular has it really bad).


-- Loves Pokemon: his favorite is Charizard Ex. [[In a Live Stream on 4/9/2020, Mike stated "Evee" was his favorite pokemon]].


-- Weirdest thing he ever signed: a real life baby.


-- Did Ancestory.com search after his brother, Jay. Discovered he's related to Jesse James.


-- Favorite folk music is Norwegian Folk music.


-- Uses iMachine while on tour. He uses a lot of virtual syncs, plugins and gear.


-- Uses the Apple watch to record audio of him singing / rapping for song ideas, while he drives. The car is where Mike gets the MOST ideas for songs.


-- If Mike doesn't do something creative, he goes stir-crazy. "I get unbearable. I'm TOTALLY unbearable."


-- Got his first cassette 4-track and sampler [and all that] at the age of 15. Had an Akai S 900; "Task M"(?) 4 track; Alesis HR 16 (little drum machine // uses it as his sequencer)
-Used to have a Calculator set beside it to count seconds, because the sequencer didn't have a loop; it relied on math.
"I'd have my snare and 1200 seconds of silence, and it'd bounce around and loop back. --By the way guys -- it was 12 BIT, and floppy disk."


-- Music Creating with LP:  Mike said, "We call it a Meritocracy [not a democracy]. It's not just that you decide on something, it's that it's the BEST thing. And everyone has to leave their ego at the door and to really be honest about what's the best thing. We strive for unanimous, which is hard with 6 guys."


-- Enjoys watching NigaHiga and some Pewdiepie (Interviewer: You're a Pewdiepie fan? || Mike: "I am a fan of trolling.")


-- Dir en Grey opened for Linkin Park for 2 nights; November 23rd and 24th of 2007 at Saitama, Japan.


-- Mike can't touch his shoulders; the closest he can get is about an inch. He doesn't know if it's because of his elbow or his shoulder. Because of this, fans sometimes call him, "Rexnoda," (as in T-Rex).


-- One of his favorites artists (painters) is Antony Micallef. "I'm a HUGE fan of his. He's incredible."
-He has an original Antony Micallef painting in his home studio. (hanging above the couch).
-The painting on the wall with the guitar boat is by Conor Harrington.
-The painting on the wall (where the vocal booth hall exists), is by "Futura" a graffiti artist, he got that back in 2008.
-He has a hand-painted, traditional Japanese flag hanging on the same wall as Micallef's art. It's a vertical flag.


-- In the song "I. O. U." from Post Traumatic, there is a line: "'Cause even when I'm sleepin', eyes keep 'em open. Stripe across 'em both the color of your hemoglobin"
In an annotation, Mike explained, "
All my close friends know this–and most have seen it–I literally sleep with my eyes open. They’re open a tiny bit, and I will watch people moving around the room. The result of this is that I have a red line across the middle of both eyes. It’s worse on days when I’ve gotten less sleep."

-- When working hard on a song, Mike will literally dream about it. He'll wake up singing it and thinking about how to make it better.

-- In an interview during Fort Minor, Mike once said: "I'm not blood-related, but my lineage can be traced back to Tchaikovsky." Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky was a Russian composer of the romantic period during the 19th century, whose works are among the most popular music in the classical repertoire. 

--In 2020, Mike answered a question on Live Stream that he has two dogs named Jasper and Misty.


03/17/2018 01:41 PM 

RPME Suggestions.

THESE ARE SUGGESTIONS I intend to send OR have sent TO RPME.
Please feel free to add your own suggestions below - and I'll update my list.
Also, if you think anything I've worded below could be WORDED or EXPLAINED better, feel free to make suggestions to that, also.


The ability to tag one's friends within status posts, status comments and photos would be quite useful.

Similar in the way that we have designated URLs for profiles, perhaps some sort of "userID" could be implemented for profiles for "tagging" purposes.

Profile URL: roleplayer.me/m_shinoda
User/Status ID: M_Shinoda

^ Ideally it'd be great if users held the ability to change this ID so that the vast majority of free users who "recycle" accounts can have the option of having an ID that pertains to the characters they change to/play.



The ability to enable or disable the language filter.

Have it set to "enabled' by default when a new profile is created.



A mobile app that works similar to that of "LINE," or other popular social media apps.

An App that is designed specifically for mobile users that is simple and efficient -- but FUN to use --  would be incredible for those in our community that are STUCK on mobile permanently.

Notifications on their phone when they receive messages, comments, status comments, group comments/bulletin posts.



Sometimes the small errors and imperfections in our statuses and comments gets old.
Instead of having to go through the hassle of deleting entire statuses and reposting the same comments over (or spamming comment threads with corrections), it'd be simpler to have an option to EDIT our posts.



The ability to write in our own moods would be nice. The English language is expansive; there are so many vibrant words that could more accurately describe a mood someone is feeling.

Our current selection of moods is mostly generic and often times doesn't capture the specific emotions we're looking for.



It would be incredible if the RPME Community were given the option to repost their OWN statuses.

Having to find the status reposted by someone else to repost it again or remaking the status is terribly inconvenient and can be avoided altogether, with one simple "click" if users were given the self-reposting option.



Character Count at the bottom right corner of the status section as we type our statuses, as seen on Twitter. 

Even if you don't reach the cut off limit (where RPME physically prevents you from typing) your post WILL STILL get cut off when you submit it. 

Being able to see an actual WORD COUNT for statuses would make our experience with stream far more enjoyable and less frustrating.


[ This blog post is viewable to friends only ]

02/01/2018 02:32 PM 

Rules -- what the hell are those..?

how long replies take YOU.
messages, chit-chat, discussions, starters, replies.
We're here for fun. We all have lives beyond RP.
don't worry about time stamps.
just have fun.
get to sh*t when you get to it.
You'll hear no complaints from me.
E V E R.


N.O.  M A I N S.
I don't like doing "exclusive" sh*t.
I like to have EQUAL WRITING opportunities with
 E V E R Y O N E
(yes this applies to any and all possible Linkin Park bandmembers)
[[yes even you, Chazy(s).]]

Writing with multiple copies of the same characters allows me to explore other storyline options
-- this keeps my muse sparked and keeps RP fresh.

if you can't handle the fact that I am willing to write with mirrors of your character,

[I'm not interested in having someone play her for me, either].


I don't ship Chester + Mike.
They had a very beautiful BRO-mance.
They were brothers at heart.

this little notice will deceive you.
I stay logged in on mobile basically 24/7.
Even when I'm not using it.

there are days I'm at work and read
discussion comments/messages,
but don't actually have time to answer.

Then by the time I have free time, I forget,
and new notifications cause me to gloss
over the old ones, later on.
Which makes me forget to respond, even longer.

I am sorry if your messages/comments
are left unattended for a long period because of this.

If you suspect this has happened,
SHOOT ME A MESSAGE to make sure.
I will always be honest.
whether it's cause I forgot, real life was busy, I've been feeling lousy,
uninspired, whatever the reason. I will tell you.


Despite being a fairly open person with fans,
there are many things in Mike's personal life
that he doesn't put out there for the world / internet to see.

This means that there are gaps in Mike's personal life where information is
simply not provided.

Therefore, if you avid Mike fans read stuff
that you've never heard before -- it's likely I made it up.

if you read something factual that
I'm flat out WRONG about,
please C OR R E C T me.

I want to portray Mike as accurately as possible.

Help me whenever you see me dropping any balls.
I will not be angry, salty or butthurt.
I will worship the ground you walk upon.


Chester has been a hero of mine since I was 14. He was my favorite of LP.
I made my Mike page because a Chester Roleplayer placed ads for one.
I wanted to complete the Bennoda bromance, so I made Mike.

Shortly after I made Mike, that Chester deleted, but by that point,
I had fallen utterly in love with Mike as a person.

I had 0 desires to delete Mike, but the urge to create Chaz had never left.

I fought the urges for a month and then settled on making my own CB profile on my birthday.
between these two pages. CB exists merely for my muse's sake.
Feel free to add and interact with me there, too!

[ This blog post is private ]

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