01/06/2017 12:18 PM 


Replies I Owe:

Replies Owed to Me:

Starters Owed
Emma Swan 12.27.16

Pan (need to finish)

10/06/2016 06:56 PM 

Guidelines for Roleplaying with The Bandit Princess

Rules......Everyone has them...I consider them to be a necessary evil even under the best of circumstances. I know...I know I bet you are thinking that here are more rules that need to be followed. Given the experiences that I have had in this verse and other verses I felt that it was indeed necessary. I am quite sure that a few of you have read your fair share of these things so I'll keep it short, straightforward and I won't have to whack somebody with a rock, a stick, or whatever comes handy. Just ask Charming.




Yes I am roleplaying as Snow White/Mary Margaret. The shows depiction of this character isn't something that I really like to follow. The writers do an incredible job most of the time with writing this character and the many other characters that appear in the show but sometimes they fall flat and maybe that's just the actress part of me coming out but you can only do so much with what you are given. When I first started role playing in this verse after Season 1 episode 1 I never really followed the show then. I've always been a fan of fairytales but this show just got my attention. Snow White is a very sensitive, caring, and compassionate person. She will do anything to protect those she loves. She does what she believes to be right in the given situation. There is also a dark side to Snow. There is darkness in everyone whether they chose to admit it or not. She goes from being this spoiled selfish brat to this unbelievable strong determined woman. Her mother was tragically taken from her and she's never really recovered from that.  She wanted that relationship with her stepmother but I'm rambling and I should get back to the task at hand.




I don't really like to have connections or mains. I do have what I will call favorites. These will be people that I enjoy writing with, people that I connect with on some level, people that I will talk to regularly.  With mains you have one of each character and I prefer to write with as many creative people as I possibly can. Having mains sort of puts a restriction on this.



I enjoy writing in both past and present tense. I don't mind writing in just one. This will be entirely up to who I'm writing with. With this being said..... this will be a multi story line page. This just means that one storyline will not connect to the next and so on and so forth. Writing is all about having fun, being creative, thinking outside of the box. Lets push the storylines to be all that they can be and more.  Add in your own twists and turns and surprises as the story progresses. Feel free to do whatever you wish. Surprise me I love it when I have no idea where the story is going to go. If we reach our main goal let's keep going and see what happens next.


AU storylines.....hell yeah I am all for it.  I enjoy the challenge of it all.


Let me be honest for a second.  It's no fun when one person has to do all the work. For the love of love and happy endings collaborate with me. If you have an idea don't be afraid to tell me, let me know what you want in a storyline.  If you like an idea that I have shared then tell me why you do and expand on it. I'm inspired by all sorts of things. Make me want to be here.  Let's take the road less traveled and have some REAL FUN. I like for all my storylines to be different and unique so we are not repeating things over and over again or just repeating the show.  I can roleplay in comments, messages, and occasionally AIM. Whatever works for you.



Details. Details. Details.  I love details and I will be detailed. When I first started writing as Snow White there was one writer in particular that pushed me to write, pushed me to see that there is never really enough. He knows who he is.


You don't need to match what I write. I love to paint a picture for you to see in your head, to let you see the storyline come to life. I would you send me something legible and literate than just a paragraph piece of rubbish that you can't understand.   I write multi para to novella. I write in third person but you write in whatever style you wish. Don't let my style dictate what you write in.  I like to try new things and I love to leave picture comments so don't be surprised if I go into your album and comment to my little hearts content.


I put a lot of thought and effort and of course time into my work, my writing and my portrayal of Snow White so if you are impatient pirate, mermaid, queen or what have you that's going to message me asking when you are going to receive your reply then there's the door, there's the forest.


Replies come on my time. I work two jobs and sometimes my time is limited.  I am very picky when it comes to my writing. Sometimes some replies will come quicker than others.




This is a big one for me. I hate drama. It is unnecessary to have drama. This is part of the reason why I left this character for a while. I don't want to get into the details of it all but I was basically almost bullied out of this verse.  Don't accuse me of things without knowing the whole story.



First and foremost I will say this....I don't want to jump into a relationship. Relationships take time to build I don't want to jump into anything. If there is any chemistry or connection between two people then it will not work. Relationships will form through interaction and through the storyline.



Out of character I am a female in my early 30's. I don't share a lot of my private life because I believe it to be private. 

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