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06/15/2012 06:52 PM 


After careful thought and consideration once I have voiced my ruling it is non-negotiable; and anyone who tries to contest it will answer with their own lives!

Now that we got that straight. Awhile back I knew this vampire who was in a relationship with a demon that was a subject of mine who decided he was going to try and go against me thinking he had all the answers. He had done his damage to my family as it was, so I had to impose my wrath. Now, what did that consist of? Well, I shall tell you, death. I do NOT tolerate those who think they are slick enough to get passed the hand that feeds them biting it in the process; but I digress.

As I was about to kill him, his vampire love decided to show up trying to talk me out of it. I explained to her why he was meeting his fate, but she decided to lunge at me. What did I do at that point? I ripped his heart from his chest and made her watch before setting her to ash. The point of this story is the following; if I were that being I was back then, I would have ripped Ivan's heart from his chest while Ruby watched before slowly torturing her until she begged me to live, and then I would have killed her to; but I am not that being anymore, and I HATE sentencing those to death who want it too bad, so here is how this is going to go.

I would like to say that though you are all of Hades' bloodline, you have done nothing but make a mockery of your family, and have caused a rather notable title to be tarnished. The fact that you are also of my subjects makes me the lucky one here because I get to deal with all of you as I choose, so there will be no more plotting and scheming with what you think is behind my back. So, onto my first order of business.

The entire line of Hades from this moment forth is not only stripped of their titles of Prince and Princess, BUT if I DARE catch ANY of you using your powers in my realm you will either be banished or put to death; am I making myself clear?

ith that said and done...

Ivan Blackwick- Your title of Demon Prince as well as ALL of your powers are hereby stripped. From this moment forth, you will be living life as a human, be grateful because this still entitles you to be with my granddaughter. I will not be the one to separate the two of you because I know that fate will eventually do that job for me. You two however, can never marry, or breed. This is your punishment for what you have done; again, be grateful! Go behind my back and elope, and it will be your death.

Ruby Abaddon- From this moment on your title of Demon Princess as well as ALL of your powers are stripped as well, and are now human. I figure for someone like you who prides herself so on her powers, this for you will be worse then death. You even think of teaming up with anyone that has powers for your own gain, and you will die a very slow and torturous death.

Michael Abaddon- Seeing you have not yet done anything really to harm my granddaughter, you can live; however, go near her, or even breathe in her direction and the same that has happened to your sister, will happen to you; Kapeesh?

Now, I know there is a child of power in all of this so, being that her father is now rendered human, I have binded the child's powers for her own safety. I have also took the liberty of binding my granddaughter's powers as well seeing she has proven to not be able to handle what she has until such time that I deem she is ready for them back. When this day comes, I shall be the one to teach her everything she needs to know. With that being done, she will need protection and seeing he has been doing such an incredible job thus far, Sebastian is from here on out appointed to be her guardian.

Let this serve as an example to all as to what happens when not only you bite the hand that feeds, but what happens when you take it upon yourself to screw with my family. Once more, this is my FINAL ruling and is not open for discussion or negotiation. The first one who does, will be the last, Kapeesh? Now you can all go about whatever business you had before I had to come in and clean up. Learn from your mistakes for a change and stop repeating them!

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