07/11/2016 10:23 PM 


It seems apparent that I have to come up with some rules for my page, well, guidelines at any rate.
I am doing this to make my own life easier, and to also explain how I feel about certain situations and aspects. Please read, understand, and follow these rules and guidelines as I hope they will explain some things and make things easier for all of us.

1) I am not Lex Luthor from Smallville, nor him from the Superman films or BvS. I am sort of a combination of the nu 52 in carnation, with inspiration pulled from the pre-nu-52, the Animated Series, and other areas to take my own spin on the character. I hope to be a respectable Lex, and one that can make roleplaying fun/interesting/awesome for all those who reach out to me.

2) I have a life outside of roleplaying. I may take a few days to get back to posts, especially if that post is simple chit-chatting. Please do not delete me if you cannot wait and are that impatient. Or better yet, I guess please do. I literally work one of six jobs at any given point during the year, of which maybe I will share with you if we get friendly OOC. But just know I have a busy work life that prevents me from going on until nights or weekends.

3) Please respond to me in a timely fashion. Or, if you do not like a starter that I sent out, please tell me what you did not like and I can try sending you a new one. When I try and click with a fellow writer, I try to send something really worth while to them: Something not dull or generic. If it does not work to your standards, roleplay is like a dance: it takes some from you and some from me. Feel free to change stuff around in your reply. I am very down to earth and very easy to write with. Just an open line of communication is what I prefer.

4) I do erotic writing. Apparently its frowned upon in this community. Why? I don't quite know for sure. People have sex in real life, I don't understand why it's such a no-no thing on here. That being said, Lex doesn't ditch the suit and tie for just anyone. It has to be a part of the story/a story and make sense. For example, Lex shouldn't just appear in a college party hooking up with a sorority girl. It might make more sense for him to do it as part of a relationship with a business partner, villain alley, or an enemy. But yes. It won't be a part of every story line, but, if myself and a female character decide to go down that road, it may happen. Just don't be alarmed if we do

5) Communication is important to me, so if you are also interested in making sure that we are both on the same page, constant OOC information exchanges might be in our favor. I like to use this for anything ranging from clarification to a roleplay to something as simple as asking how your day went. So, don't fall off the face of the planet. And if you are worried about me, the same goes for you. It's easy to reach out to me and find out how I am as well.

That's all I have for now.
Any questions or comments, feel free to ask.

Just add your name below and we should be okay.

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