12/12/2017 11:41 PM 


I have a huge fanbase on here. Believe it or not. I'm being talked about paranoid freaks without me having to break a sweat. Now, that's power, yall! the ability to make people believe they are important enough to be relevant in your life. When in reality, they are a speck, inside another endless of specks in the deepest part of my daily life. I know.  The only reason they are even brought up in my life it's because they can't get enough of me. I'm the reason they can play out their victim card and get attention from folks. It's f***ing sad, that's the only way they get any attention at all. By using my name, and what I did to them. (LMFAO) Which it's hilarious because shady bitches and liars get the most sympathy around here. Seriously. My fanbase is hardcore fans cuz I can't get away from the RL threats on me and my kids. Man, you know what my fanbase is like? They are like that dog sh*t you step on, and gets stuck in your shoe?  That's what they are. Oh god, it's an odor you can't get rid off no matter how much bleach you use. My fanbase is like a damn deadly disease; no amount of antibiotics will get rid of it. It's a bunch of ignorant folks who believe they are superior because they haven't lived life and are enslaved to their jobs for the rest of their lives. They can't comprehend hard work pays off and that's how you make a living. Their ignorance spreads like a virus infecting sheeps who follow them around, pretending to like them 'cause they are scared of their bullying antics. My fanbase believes this site to be facebook, where they can't tell the difference between reality and fiction. They think I'm a low life good for nothing who pretends to be a badass online. (Yet, they can't even code a layout or work Photoshop,) ROFLMFAO! Right? but im the 'loser'. PUH-LEASE. Mah fanbase believes, IRL I wanna be my character. obviously, they don't know the rest of my characters. buahahahaha. JEezus christ. If that's the way you think, then man, wtf are you doing on here pretending to be your characters? This logic doesn't only apply to me. You can't think for me, fanbase. I'm here because I'm a writer. PLease, fanbase. I'm begging you. BRING NEW MATERIAL to the table, them crackhead jokes are old as ---f***... wait..no pun intended on your age. I swear. MY fanbase is slow, so I wrote this as illiterate as possible for their understanding. I was laughing the other day when they tried correcting my spelling, cuz duh, that makes them feel that they are above when I know better cuz I've seen their writing and man, no wonder their jealousy showing. LOL. man, sit the f*** down and go back to school instead of trying to be an English teacher up in this bitch. Worry about yourself instead of every time I fart or not.  

Their ignorance feeds my ego, their ignorance and judging ways feeds my existence to keep doing what I do.  Which is completely nothing, because that's what got me where I am today. Lol. 
Anyway, enough ranting. If only people wasted enough time on their actual writing than ranting and harassing people, the world would be a better place 

See, I don't need to use your RL to talk sh*t. I do it with how sh*tty of a person you are. LOL. Hope you learned something today.

I love my fanbase. 
names have been protected due to RPME being a little --- I don't want my page to get deleted, lmfao.  I'm learning, yall! I can talk all the sh*t I want without dropping names. My poor little victims will get more material to hate on me for being a big meany -sniffles;

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08/30/2017 08:59 PM 

Quitting bad habits.

"I'm thinking what I did wrong, where I went wrong, and how did I let it get this bad. It's f***ed up. When you think you've given everything you could and you have nothing to show for. All you have are your empty promises and meaningless words" Damien couldn't grasp reality lately. He refused to see ahead of his life. And it was normal to feel like this. He did not blame anyone but himself.

"You can't keep holding on to dreams, dreams fade, you forget dreams, don't you? When you wake up, you forget them... I think it's time for you to do that, Damien. Get the bull by the horns! Win the damn lottery! Do something out of character, be spontaneous," The old man who sat on the other side, in front of Damien, chuckled. "Life's too damn short to be sulking, you're still young, I'd give anything to be in your shoes, right now. Even with all your f*** ups" 

"Would you sell your soul for another chance?" Damien smirked. 
"I already did once," The old man grinned and shrugged his shoulders letting his gaze down. "The biggest mistake we make is to waste time feeling sorry for ourselves. Haven't you done that enough? Look where it got you, nowhere. Feeling sorry for yourself only creates pity from others. It creates a negative vibe, I know you know. Learn from your mistakes. Next time, instead of overthinking, control yourself. Stop being so freaking compulsive and paranoid. It has gotten you nowhere near where you even want to be, on the contrary, it f***ed up your chance, learn from this" 

"You're making sense, but man, I'm too damn lazy to change. I don't want to change. I won't change and I'm not going to change for anyone. I want to be selfish and that's all I'ma do for now. You make sense old timer, but I'm gonna do the opposite and sulk for the rest of my life. If someone falls for this piece of sh*t, they know exactly what they are getting." With a slight chuckle and a hint of sarcasm in his tone of voice, Damien threw his cigarette away. "Let us look at the bright side; I'm quitting the bad habits if I want to make it to fitty" This would be the beginning of a new chapter. 

"That's a good start, young man," 

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