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03/31/2018 12:23 PM 

You’re too kind.

And I met a person. And this person said, “What are you doing here, this late?” 

And I kinda stumbled on my words. 
Taken back by the tone of her voice. Smooth and clear, like an angel’s tune. 

 “I can’t sleep, I’ll have a beer,” 

And it made no sense. Since when do I drink beer? Never. 

 “What’s on your mind?” 

She asked, her thin long fingers worked the counter, and just like that, a bottle was settled right in front of me. 

“A lot of bullsh*t,” an unknown amused chuckle escaped my throat. 
 And it scared the heck out of me. 
Where did it come from? Not drunk yet... not forgetting yet. 
Still me. 
 And she’s kinda looking at my way, my expressions speaking louder than words. 
 “Won’t your wife know you’re missing?” 
She’s not very observant. I looked at my hand, no ring anywhere. 
And it clicked, why is she asking so many questions? The beer looked watery. Not my thing. “Don’t you like?” 
 My shrugged was enough. 
“Here, take this, sugar”  
Another unexpected chuckle leaves my thirsty lips. 
“I know your kind,” 
 And I laughed this time. Amused by the whole ordeal. 
“I see your kind here, all the time” she kept going. 
The cheap background ass Christmas lights, reminded me where the f*** I was. 
Not drunk yet. 
 “I bet you do, miss,” now we’re talking. A couple of shots later, heaven seemed closer. I could taste it. 
 “You remind me of my ex-husband,” she spoke, suddenly breaking my thoughts away. Chasing away memories deeply rooted in my brain. 

“He was a really amazing man. He loved me. He thought I was the best thing in his life,” the sparkling lights hanging above her head illuminated certain parts of her face. “Two years later, he scrambles out with the groupie,” Her chuckled made him smile. “You’re too kind,” Damien poured down another shot, ironically, he could related.

03/28/2018 12:32 PM 

A smoke.

Image result for smoking tumblr
Tonight, like all the other nights, Damien Waltz stood next to his car. He was smoking a cigarrate, a habit he picked up again recently. He thought he could quit the bad habit, but nah. It was only an illusion. You can't quit addictions, they might go dormant for a little while. They eventually come back to bite you in the ass. 

He watched traffic passed by. After a rainy ass week, it was time to enjoy LA's beauty again. In the background, he heard screaming and shouting, it didn't bother him one bit. It didn't even made him curious enough to turn his head and see what the chaos was about. Probably 'cause he already knew. Meetings like this never go right. There's always the victims trying to get in the way, to save their man. Always bloody...

Each time the smoke left his lips, it blew right back against his clothing. Hugging him tightly around it's intoxicating aroma, just the way it did his lungs. Giving him that tight squeeze hug he didn't know he needed. 

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03/09/2018 11:20 PM 


"I want to go to a place where no one knows my name...or my face."
"It can be anywhere,"
"No, it can't, I want to go to a place where nothing reminds me of here," 
"You're getting difficult, now"
"I know... It's not easy trying to rip your heart out filled with memories."
"Why do you torment yourself with the past? Or why, do you let someone in particular destroy you? It's not worth it,"
"Because, I can't stop these feelings that kill me inside. I can't comprehend the hatred and the sudden departure. I just can't," 
"I'll take you to a place where souls rest, and hearts beat,"
"Sounds pleasant," 
"It's heaven, not everyone gets to go there" 


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