05/24/2017 01:37 PM 



1.Not the person or people in the photos, just an rper, don't ask or assume as that should be obvious by now. It is an rp site, so that should be obvious by now, without assuming crap or even asking. If you have no idea what rp is then why are you here anyway? I can't believe I have to mention that but not many get it even now, which is sad, to say the least.y ch If you are here then you should know that by now.

2.My character Chey Phillips isn't a made up but a canon from renegade, a tv show. Yes, a real tv show, not made up by me or anything like that. I hate that I have to mention it as you can even check that on google but still.  It got action, crime, mafia, law enforcement, conspiracy, you name it, even scifi/supernatural due to what the main character went through, whether it has to do with his wish or him ending up in the past, as both things happened. Chey is a second main or was until she left that is, also my Chey came back. As I do go au with her as well.Anyway, the point is despite those themes I am open to others verses/themes but not sex or erotica. Another genre and verse added to my Chey is The fugitive due to Richard being her ex. That part is au as well.

3.Chey is with Reno Raines, so she won't cheat not with a girl or a guy, so don't ask. Chey is straight and very much in love with her guy, Reno. Not if you say so or yeah right or whatever, I don't want that coming from either one of you, she is,  end of story. No ifs or butts about it. Some I trust and I know you but those I don't I will watch and if you do this seriously and  annoy me then I would be blocked you. Keep in mind that she is taken by an amazing guy and won't cheat on him. So don't request me for sex and romance or accept my friend request for it and/or assume that I request you or accept your friend request for that as it isn't true and it will never happen. Not ever.

4.I need mains from the show and other connections. Those would always come first. If a child or a sibling message me so we could talk about it, before assuming it is a yes. Just to be clear about a few things and to be sure it works. Given the fact that Chey has only 3 ex's, her ex when she was a teen and hanged out with a bad crowed, then it is her ex professor and last is Richard Kimble. All are different times. She only got one love interest named Reno Raines and she will stay with him in definitely. So no love interest but him is needed. Her mother is Amanda, you can take her but her name must be Amanda and be same play by and age as in the show to fit the rp best and same information as in the show, as she is canon. Chey has one older step brother, Bobby Sixkiller and her only brother. She can have step siblings from her dad side but to fit it best you need to talk to me first. As for a child well talk to me to make it fit best. Other than that for connection only friends and enemies are needed. With mains I need all mains. From both Renegade and The fugitive, even if she is with Reno and won't cheat or dump him again but still. Keep it is all in mind and we shall get along great.

5. I am a multi para and up rper. Yet, I will rp with all but I personally rather multi para and up. So keep that in mind and don't assume things. I am not judgmental, so don't judge me. Just because I rp with all doesn't mean I am a fake rper or a one liner, para or semi para. It just mean that I am a good person and don't judge people. Case closed. Don't judge or assume things. I won't do it to you so don't do it to me. I just rp with all. Even those who can only do one line or semi para or para. Not only those who do multi para and novella but I definitely rather multi para and up. However, while I rp with all I still don't don't do sex or erotica, so no smut and it will never change, no matter what.

6.Take time to send introduction or starter or a reply. As I will do the same. Just as long as you send it eventually, that is all that matters to me. Not when. Which will never change.  Just don't talk to all and ignore me for good, and ask for new storylines as that is a no no. Do it and will delete you as am not a number or a friend collector. So don't treat me that way. Not ever. Don't assume things as I won't do it to you so don't do it to me. Being busy or sick or suck is different. In cases like that you are safe and will be patient with you just don't lie about it is all I ask. Also don't judge me and won't judge you. If you judge me then will judge you and delete you. As that is how it works.

7. Read all my first message not only two words and assume I hit on you and delete or block me for it as I don't flirt, I am being nice and in the message I ask if you want to discuss a storyline not to have sex or such as I don't do that and never will, as I already said before. Reading only 2 words of the message and deciding it is flirting and that I want sex  and erotica based on it, then deleting me or blocking me is called assuming and judging which is wrong. I won't do it to you, so don't do it to me. So do yourself and all a favor and read all the message, really read it and you will see that I don't flirt. I am not here for sex or erotica, no romance so am not going to flirt with either of you. My character won't either. So keep that in mind and rp would go great and we would get along great but assume and judge, and you are gone. The real me is not intetested in dating anyone, period and that is the only thing you will ever know about me. As for my character she is taken and won't cheat. Case closed. So just read the whole message, not that hard and reply when you can. Just don't be rude is all I ask and don't assume and don't judge.

8. The roles I request are actual roles not mockery or such. So keep that in mind and don't block or delete due to them being fake or mockery as they aren't. The information that comes with the roles is actual information and is exactly by the show.  So again as I said before no assuming things and no judging as I won't do it to you so don't do it to me. You do it to me and I will definitely do the same to you. So just don't. If you don't want to take those just say so, and kindly not rudely. Be respectful and you will get respect back. This rule is mostly for open pages and those who consider taking the needed roles for me.

Those are the rules, please read and follow. I am nice and forgive mistakes but if you seriously break rules then you are gone. There shouldn't be a reason to ignore those and break those. So just don't.

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