04/11/2024 12:35 PM 

Wash it all Away
Category: Drabbles

Peace, such a simple thing that was fleeting at best for most. This was especially true for Elena. Her life had been full of turmoil. She had tried having her memories compelled away. That was amazing while it lasted. Unfortunately, she couldn't live that way forever. Reality had come knocking as it always did. She had to have her memories returned. For a while after they came rushing in, she spiraled out of control. This was what everyone had expected. Elena was shattered all over again. This time she wouldn't just have the memories removed again, that had obviously failed. She needed to find a new solution. 

Elena remembered that while living in New Orleans that she would sometimes take a trip to the beach and find peace there. The soft crashing of the waves, the warm ocean breeze, and absolute tranquility. Elena always enjoyed those times. Now needing sanctuary and a complete reset since she had been back in Mystic Falls she knew exactly where to go. She would go to her newfound happy place, the beach. It was there that she would be able to rest and recharge. 

After weeks of resting and relaxing at the beach, Elena decided she didn't want to leave. She enjoyed the peace that being here afforded her. It didn't take her long to find herself a job here and even a small cabin she could rent to live in for an affordable rate. Soon she went from vacationer to resident. She settled in quite nicely, enjoying her new home away from the stresses of the supernatural. Here she could have her memories intact and just live life as a normal human girl.

Days in her new home were spent working, Days off were spent enjoying the salty ocean air, swimming and relaxing. Nights were often spent beneath the stars. She was able to find tranquility, the sound of the rolling waves quite often lulling her to sleep. Whether it be inside, or even lying on a lounge chair on the beach. With each ebb and flow of the waves crashing onto the beach, she felt as though parts of her old life were being washed away and taken out to sea. 

Yes, she had run off once again, but this time, she had made sure that everyone knew where she would be and how to get ahold of her should the need arise. She even had an open invitation for any of her friends that may want to visit. This would remain a standing invitation. One thing was certain though. They could come here, and she would remain here. This is where she needed to be. Let the past wash away and a new beginning sprout as the roots took hold.

A soft breeze blew her dark brown hair, and a smile curled at the corners of her lips. As her eyes gazed out over the brilliant orangish coloring of the sunset reflecting on the water and even the wet sand she felt happy. Joy took gold in her heart and spread throughout her entire body. It was like a warmth, coursing its way through her veins. For the first time in a very long time, she felt happy. She felt purpose in life, and knew that she could go on. She knew that she would go on. She was a fighter, and the past was slowly washing away, making way for a bright and happy future.

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