06/13/2016 01:23 PM 

A Fresh Start...
Category: Drabbles


Day 1
Well, the time has finally arrived. It's my birthday today--my eighteenth birthday to be exact! I am officially an adult, despite feeling otherwise. This last year has been complete and utter chaos. From spending 7 months in juvie, to another 6 months in therapy, I thought finally life would start to resemble what I remembered it to be. I couldn't have been more wrong. The following eight weeks were met with looks of disdain, disapproval, and utter disgust--all from people I had known my entire life. I mean, I get it, what I did was messed up. But come on...

I want to move passed that. It is in the past. I want to start over, start fresh. And that's exactly what I plan to do. After much begging, pleading, and convincing to my mom and dad that I am fine and this will be good for me, they finally agreed to letting me go off and explore a bit--to find me again. Part of me will always belong to Montana...How could it not? With the big, endless skies, and the beautiful mountains and valleys and seem to span forever...this place is my home. It will always be my home. But this is all I have ever known, up until a year ago.

And here we are now, and I want to know something else. I need to know there is something else out there for me. I wanted to travel to New York City. That is my end goal. Yes, that is a bit of a 180 from my current lifestyle. But maybe that's just what I need, something new and different. However, I think taking a bit of a roadtrip going west then east sounds like a nice way to ease into it. With my trusty companion, Smudge, I think this adventure will prove to be worth while! ...Which is currently where we are headed! 

I got on to I-90 and am traveling wherever it'll take me. Through Idaho, Colarado, into Nevada, and then even California, if I'm looking at this map correctly! I've always wanted to see Disneyland, so might as well stop there, yeah? And a beach? Yes, please! After that, it'll be approximately 2,750 miles to my final destination--Empire State, The City That Never Sleep--NYC. Currently, I am in a KOA somewhere in Idaho, a little rest before the journey ensues.

As Peter Pan once said, "To live will be an awfully big adventure." 
And I'm here for it. Here's to new adventures. Making happy memories. A fresh start.
I'll keep you posted. 


P.S. Isn't my little home on wheels adorable?

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