12/07/2023 05:56 PM 



I wanted to gather everybody to a place where we can say our words for Mallory / Swanny. We need a positive place to just let it all out without everything negative that surrounded her death. I think we can all agree that we need to grieve in peace, now that everything has died down.

We all knew her by her real name, but I won’t say it here, as it is a public blog. And I plan on keeping it public. If you were her friend, and you didn’t see eye to eye with me for whatever reason, you can still add me. My adds are open, and you can comment on this blog. Life’s too short for conflict. We learned that lesson last week. 


With that being out of the way, here’s some words for her. I haven’t really been able to process everything correctly, so if they’re jumbled, I am sorry. 


Mallory, You were my main Mallory for years. We met in the AHS verse, and you caught my attention from the get go. You were truly a unique person, and truly a special spirit that flew over this site. Without you, it’s like the light part of the site died. I know we had our differences, and I know I didn’t know how to handle you, and I am so sorry. I know we worked out everything, and at the end of the day, we loved each other, but I can’t help but feel like there were so many things I never got to tell you. 


Mallory/Swanny always had this positive outlook on things. She would give EVERYBODY the benefit of the doubt, and she had energy that not everybody could match. She loved way too hard, and sometimes that was her downfall. She loved everyone, even when she felt hurt by them. She Helped, even when she had nothing to help herself. 


She told me she spent the LAST of her money to help people. She wasn’t a greedy person. She sent us gifts, helped out her friends, and didn’t ask questions. No she wasn’t perfect, but who is? But I will tell you one thing about Mallory/Swanny… SHE ALWAYS ASKED HOW YOU WERE DOING. She always checked up on you, and made time for you. I’ve never met a person who would just be so open and kind when you needed them. Never. 


Her childlike demeanor will always live on in our hearts. She was a pinnacle of innocence, and that was my favorite thing about her. She was different (in a good way), and she stuck with that, and she never wanted to change. She had so much passion for EVERY SINGLE character she took on.


 I definitely admit I couldn’t handle it at times, and we got into a couple of falling outs, but I am so happy we worked it out and I can call her one of my great friends. For almost six years, and it got cut short. I wish She wouldn’t have left us so early. 


May she rest in peace with Her Cat Gary. 



Please share your stories and words about her in the comments. I would love to see what you guys have to say about her! 


Here’s a couple of her favorite things. May her lovely, silly, and bubbly spirits forever live in our hearts! 

Someone told me to not forget the Cherry Coke! She would want all of us to have one.


Her favorite Video she had showed me. This is absolutely HER and her obsession with Cats!


Here's Her and Her Cat Charlie. You can hear her voice in the Background! She loved that Cat to the moon and back. 


“Oh my Heck! Pickles!” 

Let's not forget the SUSHI. She and I shared an undying love for sushi! Last I Spoke to her, She had eaten sushi for the second time that week! 


I would put up her favorite Fandoms, but there’s WAY too many! 


If there’s anything else I am missing, Please post them! 


**Remember this blog is for positive memories! If you add me, and have nothing nice to say, You will be blocked ! 


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Dec 18th 2023 - 11:30 PM

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Mallory was a different kind of soul. One I believe that wasn't truly meant for this world. She could be extremely kind, and full of compassion. But she also had her flaws, as do we all. I truly hope she finds peace in the afterlife. She will be missed by many. Rest in peace, butterfly. Find solace in the gods and your loved ones that were waiting for you.

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Dec 8th 2023 - 9:42 PM

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I was honored to know Mallory for years here, she was such a bright light, even if I was struggling and not doing well mentally, she could always get me to smile and feel better with her antics and the sheer vibrance of her friendship and love. Just seeing her suddenly posting about Nom nomming down on sushi would brighten my day. I stood up for her and defended her to the end, she can never be replaced, her bubbly personality and laughter spread joy and welcomed others into creative stories in a way that nobody else could do and I'm indebted to her for being such a wonderful friend. I'll never forget her, may she live on in the good memories and joy she spread. Shine on forever, mon ami

๐ญ๐š๐ฅ๐ค๐ฒ, ๐ญ๐š๐ฅ๐ค๐ฒ.


Dec 8th 2023 - 8:33 PM

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/ I wasn't fortunate enough to know Mallory for as long as others have but in the brief time that I was blessed with her company, she was like a little ball of sunshine; so bright and cheerful. She was also very generous in sharing a kind words.
They say "the good die young" and I feel that Mallory was evidential of such a tragic saying.
May she rest in peace and until we meet again in heaven ๐Ÿ’›๐Ÿ’š

[ ษชษดแด…ส€ษชแด… ]


Dec 7th 2023 - 8:56 PM

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Oh, Mallory. What can I say...
You approached me out of nowhere one day on a completely different site and asked me to come here and be Michael.
For some reason I said yes, and that was it - cue two years of daily messages, multiple series and characters and plots and ridiculousness...
You were so personable. And you opened up and told me everything about yourself, even when I was still practically a stranger. You had such a child-like view of the world that was so very humbling. Multiple times you made me stop and think and wonder and appreciate life. I'd love to put some Tori Amos lyrics here because I know how much you loved her, but I can't find any that do justice. So instead I will simply say, Mallory, wherever you may be now, I trust lyrica pales in comparison. I know you know exactly what I mean.

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Dec 7th 2023 - 8:22 PM

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Gosh, It seems forever since I first met Mallory in the True Blood verse. Ironically I was rping Elvis at the time, and the first thing that caught my attention was her uniqueness. She sheer creativity she poured into her OC that she had.  The stories we created both in stream as well as full fledged storylines were nothing short of epic. 

A few years later she came into the Phantom of the opera verse, as an Emmy Rossum Christine, and she insisted she be my twinnie.  Of course I couldn't say no.  It's very true a light has gone out that will not and cannot be replaced.  She will be sorely mssed.  

Fly high, Swanny.  

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Dec 7th 2023 - 7:56 PM

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I'd just met Mallory days before her death. She was very kind to me, and we hit it off by our excitement and love for things we discovered we both adored. I hadn't clicked with someone in that way in a while. I will forever associate her with Donna from Doctor Who. I love the way she freaked out when I said I used to write Charlie from LOST. She seemed like such a kind soul and despite barely getting to know her for a week, I will remember her energy and love for things. May she rest in peace and her memory bring smiles to those who loved her. 

Devil In Disguise !


Dec 7th 2023 - 7:34 PM

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i truly am lost without her. we were watching lost togther before she died. we were also supposed to watch star wars and never got to do that either. i miss her so much already, my heart is heavy. i remember she made me watch phantom of the opera with her last year and i hated it because it's not my kind of movie, but listening to her talk about certain scenes and how certain songs reminded her of her parents. hearing her sing and get teary eyed over a movie she has seen hundreds of times. she was truly passionate about the things she loved. i was her micheal for a brief time back in late 2019 early 2020 and i truly don't know if i'll ever be able to write as him again. 

her sister told me that when they cremate her they're putting gary's ashes in her urn with her and burying her with her parents in california. i just worry how charlie is taking her death, i am truly devastated. my life will never be the same without her in it. 

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Dec 7th 2023 - 7:03 PM

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This is so beautiful. Heck yes! I miss her goofy post. ♥๏ธ

Eva Vu ~Modern Princess~


Dec 7th 2023 - 6:40 PM

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Don't forget X-Files and Weird Barbie

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