04/12/2023 07:08 PM 

rules for interactions and storylines


• first and foremost, do not pressure for replies. we all have responsibilities and interests that lie outside of this place, be respectful of that.
• smut must make sense within the context of a story driven plot. 
• unsolicited starters will go unanswered unless you are an already established writing partner. banter is always welcome, but ask me if you would like to write together.
• everything said between us will be assumed to be in character unless an ooc indicator (such as || or ooc:) is used.
• this is more a reminder for everyone: I'm allowed to be selective and so are you. this is a hobby. you should not be stressed because you're trying to get replies out to everyone.
• repeated violations of these incredibly basic rules will result in a block.

a little note that I thought might be best to add here: I don't enjoy giving away too much of a character outside of ic conversation, storylines, or solos. posts that are meant to be taken as social media posts will always be lighthearted and shallow. if you would like to know something about gabby, have your character talk to her about it.

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