09/18/2018 03:24 PM 

Private meeting with my allies
Current mood:  optimistic

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Henri D'Orleans of France


Dec 17th 2018 - 2:12 PM

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:: Austria was a sour topic, one not interested to indulge in with many other matters in his mind right now. It was good to hear she was aligning with them. The King knew he needed to act fast to get as many allies as possible.

Henri chuckled when Elsa and Robbie made a good argument. His attention spanning to Cesare. This time he laughed out loud then crossed to Roussel. Before saying anything about Princess Isabelle, Catalina chimed in.::

She brings a good point, gentlemen. Princess Isabelle should not be trusted by the fact she is with the Duc, and he is too close to Allie.

:: The King smiled and winked at the Grand Duchess.::

Catalina, this is why I have faith you will become one of our strongest leaders.

:: He grew more serious as he looked around the table.::

The Duchess of Deveraux has invited us all to her annual ball. This year it will be masquerade themed. Be careful.

:: Henri warned his allies.::

It will make it difficult to see if we get intruders, please be alert. Alright, that is all from me. Thank you all for your time. Does anyone need to say anything before we end our meeting?

Cesare Di Savoy, King of Italy


Dec 5th 2018 - 12:31 PM

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:: The Italiano listened to Henri and the others speak on the important matters at stake. The one news which did not sit well with him was the escape of the Angel of Hell again. That monster needed to be captured and done with once and for all.::

" I will also have some of my lords and myself join your new order, Henri."

:: He chimed in between their chatter. The King of Italy was aware of the dangerous movements, if he wasn't careful, he could end up losing control of his country like Austria had done so.::

" We must be a united front against Hell and his followers. No mercy."

:: Cesare's mood lightened when Genevieve brought up the search of a bride for Henri. He knew his friend would object to actual love, but a marriage that could propel him to the top would be difficult to refuse.::

" I have been speaking to Princess Isabelle to persuade her into our allegiance. A marriage between France and England would give us the territory and power to claim the Imperial crown."

Lord Ravensworth


Dec 4th 2018 - 11:34 PM

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The prince remained initially quiet, though spoke up to provide his own thoughts after Elsa.

"I actually agree with her in this matter. It was for the better. There are many less excruciating ways to take control the empire, Henri."

Henri D'Orleans of France


Dec 3rd 2018 - 7:32 PM

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I was aware, I didn't know how proactive she was. I spoke to her also.

:: The left brow raised up as soon as his sister opened he mouth about the search on a bride after Cecille's explanation. His chuckle was faint as he shook his head.::

As you know, I have tried all angles on the Empress and she has made it clear she wants nothing with me.

:: Henri had to laugh again when they teased him about it.::

As much as I want the empire in our hands, we will have to take it slow. Don't worry about brides and heirs. It is not my priority.

Queen Mary Rose of Scots


Nov 30th 2018 - 11:04 PM

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Cecille glanced around and as she was addressed by the king she humbly bowed her head.

"Oui, she did."

The Princess raised her eyes to summarize the current relations between them.

"Princess Katherina asked for my help and I offered assistance. Nor, was I the only one to help Austria."

She was aware the relationship between Austria and the rest of the Empire were complicated, but she was not going to judge Katherina for what her sister did. She was her own person and she deserved to be heard.

The conversation smoothly transitioned with Genevieve's aid. She gave her a big smile as she brought up the issue of Henri's bride. Roussel chimed in with a remark which made the belle princess make a teasing face at him.

"Oh dear, we can't have that. Henri, you must save us all."

Henri D'Orleans of France


Nov 27th 2018 - 4:09 PM

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Thank you all.

:: Henri bowed his head respectively. The new order would put at ease his concerns about security for himself and his friends. With Hell on the loose, they were all in grave danger.::

Curious though. Austria? Has the Princess been asking for your help, Cecille?

Lord Ravensworth


Nov 23rd 2018 - 2:22 PM

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Robin took a seat as Henri addressed them and began the meeting. The prince shot a brief look in Cecille's direction at the mention of Hell being found in her country, though his attention soon diverted to Elsa who was quick to provide her own thoughts on the matter. Robin's eyes rolled to the side as she recommended sending herself in; though she did follow up with the good sense to incorporate Roussel into the plan. He imagined they had a chance.

With Henri's announcement of the new Order, he spoke up to support the cause.

"I'll send for men to join. The more forces we have to defend, the better. But I will add -- not catching him on time is not an option."

Queen Mary Rose of Scots


Nov 23rd 2018 - 12:19 PM

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Cecille Rose watched and listened attentively as the meeting began. The Princess had been shocked to hear the Angel of Hell had been hiding in Belgium.

"Belgium has suffered from many attacks by the Knighthood of Forsaken Shadows and Austria has been in trouble too. It is fair to assume, the Angel of Hell has been helping with these attacks also."

She was upset the man behind attacks had been hiding in her country.

"If there is anything Belgium and Austria can do to support you, please do not hesitate."

Ceci spoke on behalf of Austria because she had been helping Princess Katharina of Austria with the attacks. In return, the Princess promised to align herself with Belgium therefore Belgium and Austria stood together to capture the people responsible for the heinous acts.

Henri D'Orleans of France


Nov 21st 2018 - 1:24 PM

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You can go, after our meeting.

:: The King lowly relented.::

I wanted to do this quietly. Never mind it. What is done, is done. 

:: He shared in their frustration, but Henri knew if he had sent them, they would have been detected by him or the mole working for him.::

I have given the order to have the borders closed to keep him trapped in France. 

:: Henri relaxed in his chair again.::

The faction within the knighthood of the Forsaken Shadows have been apparently working with him also. He is planning a big attack, we should all be preparing for if he isn't caught on time.

As King of France, I have decided to have my own order of chivalry. I will be creating the Order of the Holy Spirit. This will help ensure our safety. 

Henri D'Orleans of France


Nov 19th 2018 - 2:00 PM

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Thank you, Genevieve.

:: Henri embraced his young sister and handsomely smiled.::

Good day everyone, allies and friends, welcome.

:: He bowed and greeted them all as they stepped inside the meeting room. The King invited them to sit around the table.::

There are a couple of issues I wanted to speak to you about. The first being that the Angel of Hell was found in Belgium. Unfortunately, he was able to escape before our guards were able to get to him.

:: The news had dampened the King's mood. They had been close again, but to no prevail.::

Last we heard, he had been severely wounded. Reports say he must have entered France again.


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