09/18/2018 03:24 PM 

Private meeting with my allies
Current mood:  optimistic

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Lord Ravensworth


Nov 13th 2018 - 10:40 PM

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Robin arrived not far behind Roussel. He maintained courtesies and bowed his head to those in attendance. 

"Good afternoon."

Queen Mary Rose of Scots


Nov 13th 2018 - 10:34 PM

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Cecille Rose promptly arrived a few minutes before her meeting. She swiftly shut the book in her hand close as she curtsied to greet everyone.

"Good day!"

The Princess scurried inside gracefully and took a chair around the table.

Cesare Di Savoy, King of Italy


Nov 13th 2018 - 3:48 PM

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:: The Italiano stepped inside after the Spanish ladies and bowed. ::

" Ciao, an honor to be with you all, miei amici.

:: The King was nervous about the news which would be presented today.::

Henri D'Orleans of France


Sep 20th 2018 - 1:07 PM

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::Henri arrived first to the meeting room. The hunt for Hell outlasted the Summer. He was getting closer in finding him. At the same time, the Knighthood of the Forsaken Shadow increased attacks throughout the empire outside of France. The king contained the situation here, but elsewhere the damage was substantial.::

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