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The Big Bad Wolf Lucille is thirsty

Negan Smith has never claimed to be a perfect man. Just a man with strengths and faults like any other. Many who look at him only see one night in his life. There is far more to Negan Smith then his singular step from that piece of shit RV. There are many who wish that day had not happened. While the pain that day caused is regrettable, the lessons taught to those there must never be forgotten. This…lesson was not given for no reason. Everyone would ask Negan to apologize for what he had done. Perhaps if some would show regret for everything that began the war? No one has ever spoken a word of a night just as bad if not worse then the ‘lineup’ as many now call it. In the dead of night the moon shone overhead. Crimson lit up the area. Silence was deafening when the blade slid across the guard’s neck. The rats scurry into the outpost. It was as if the stink of the dead had brought them in. No one was dead. They were all sleeping. Every single one. All of the security were now dead. The first kill would come by way of the man Negan would come to know as Rick Grimes. The former police offer snuck into the room with blade in hand. Nothing could be heard as the knife pierced skin, flesh and bone. Blood was to the hilt of the knife when it exited the skull. This motion was repeated again and again. Rick was not the only one to kill others in their sleep. The ever beloved Glenn Rhee was one to decide to come along this murderous night. Not only did Glenn kill one…oh no…he was so kind as to prevent someone else from taking a life..He would kill two in their sleep. Blood was very much on his hands that night. If only he knew what awaited him for his actions that night. If only he knew his picture would be up on the wall too. He may have been shown mercy had he shown mercy. Let us not forget Abraham. While Abraham cared for others, he showed no such heart when he unloaded a rifle into many people there. That night was more a massacre then any Negan had ever perpetrated upon Rick’s group. The following day was full of tears. No one could have told Negan of what happened because no one was left alive. Negan would make his way to the outpost to see just how much carnage had all been spread throughout. Bodies were splayed everywhere. Revenge was always on his mind. Before he could see that settled, he had to answer questions. He had to answer why people were killed in their sleep. It was a question he had no answer for. There were fights. There were battles between people but he had never seen anything like this. The hours passed as if they were days. The pain in the eyes of families and loved ones could never fade from his mind’s eye. This night is what repeats in his thoughts and dreams. This was the night that carried him to the plans. This is the night that carried him for justice for those who fell that night and the families he must care for. I’m Negan…and I do not appreciate you killing my men.

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Not making a decision, is a BIG decision There are rules for a reason Nothing matters if you’re dead.


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I hope you got your shittin pants on I care about my people
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We know each other, crack and flaw, Like two irregular stones that fit together.
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The loneliness of the liarliving in the formal network of the lie.
Personality Traits
Novelty seeking Impulsive, exploratory, fickle, excitable, quick-tempered, and extravagant. Associated with addictive behavior.
Psychoticism Psychoticism is a personality pattern typified by aggressiveness and interpersonal hostility. High levels of this trait were believed to be linked to increased vulnerability to psychosis such as schizophrenia.
Obsessionality Persistent, often unwelcome, and frequently disturbing ideas, thoughts, images or emotions, rumination, often inducing an anxious state.
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«I wanted to choose words that even you would have to be changed by»
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Maecenas efficitur leo id volutpat commodo. Donec nisl urna, suscipit eget feugiat sit amet, pulvinar quis nibh. Nulla facilisi. Praesent lorem nunc, convallis sed nulla sed, maximus molestie sapien. Sed laoreet magna tortor. Praesent id velit at augue maximus volutpat sed vel ex. Suspendisse erat metus, pulvinar ut quam sit amet, laoreet finibus urna. Suspendisse non viverra nulla, vitae laoreet lorem. In hac habitasse platea dictumst.

I wear a leather jacket, I have Lucille and my nutsack is made of steel.
Groups: Sanctuary Beginnings, 𝘍𝘪𝘳𝘦 𝘸𝘢𝘭𝘬 ■ 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩 𝘮𝘦, 𝗧𝗛𝗘𝗠𝗬𝗦𝗖𝗜𝗥𝗔 .ᐟ,

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Member Since:March 13, 2024


Thanks to AI and Negan @Lucilles_loved
the Dragon finally met Game of Thrones.

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☣️Dr.Josh Smith: Negan’s Son


sᴍᴀʟʟ ■ ᴢɪᴘᴘᴏ

♰:Ascarion Cyrus Hawkmoon:♰

Noxturna Emilia Mikaelson

》drowning man.



The Big Bad Wolf's Friends Comments
Displaying 9 of 9 comments (View All | Add Comment)
中he Great Red Dragon

Jun 27th 2024 - 4:00 AM

Careless Whispers, Chapter Five


The moment Negan took his hand Francis shivered. After so many years on his own he wasn't used to being touched anymore. His skin covered with goosebumps, his fingers trembled slightly. It felt unreal, a bittersweet memory from a long-gone past, yet it felt good, the more because it was a gentle, comforting, even tender touch. After countless painful hours of being tied to the tree, Francis deeply appreciated this gesture. He looked down at the tiny chunks of meat covering his palm and smiled.

''Thank you,'' he said and took a sip from the offered flask. The water was warm and stale, yet in his dry mouth it tasted like liquid velvet, rich and charming, better than the finest of wines. After a second gulp from the bottle, he dared to sample the meat, chewing it slowly and carefully, finally nodding at the bearded man, who seemed to watch his every move. Francis didn't care. He understood Negan's concerns. He risks his own life for a stranger, for a man who could as well stab his back and disappear without remorse. It wouldn't be that difficult for Francis, not even in his current state. Freedom is just another word for nothing left to lose, so strike when no one expects it.

Their eyes met again. All the things Negan had told him echoed in his mind. Too much info at once. Francis wondered about the other's thoughts. Sometimes unspoken words are more essential. (He noticed a scar on Negan's throat. So this was the first visible mark they had in common. Francis' front of the neck was covered by a thick, ugly welt. Decorations of life. Stigmata of survival...)

''The meat is good'', he suddenly uttered in his low husky tone, simply to say something. Maybe he was still a filthy beast, an outcast, a crazy loner, but in any case he was a man of honor. He would never stab someone who has saved his life! (Besides that this Negan was an interesting man.)

Eating up in silence, Francis checked the surroundings, his glance focused on a small golden line glowing in the distance, its blurry shimmer mingling with the shadows. They had about one hour, then it would be completely dark. While his nerves calmed down, he thought of his wound. He urgently had to care for it.

Taking a last sip from Negan's bottle, he finally returned it. ''How about stitching a gash?'' he asked, dragging his shirt over his head. Damn! This movement has been a big mistake. With a hiss of mere despair he covered his injured side with his hand, his palm getting wet in an instant, blood seeping down between his fingers. ''Fvck Beta! Fvck this goddamn freak!'' His hushed words faded to a whimper. ''I hope we have enough water to clean this... mishap. They took away my bag, but they didn't frisk the pockets of my trousers.''
Exchanging his bloody hand with his dirty shirt, pressing it tightly against his side, he rummaged a vanity bag from his cargo pants. ''My First Aid kit. Dressing material, disinfectant, suture material. All the good stuff.''
Releasing a deep soulful sigh, Francis closed his eyes, stepping back to lean against the tree again. ''Listen, Negan. I owe you my life; I'm well aware. You won't regret that. I have a lot to say about the information you gave me already, and I sure have a lot of questions as well, but all things at their time. Please help me with this fvcking wound. Right now I'm... well... I'm nothing but an injured stray, yet I swear... I'm gonna lick your hands and face when I'm nursed back to health.''


中he Great Red Dragon

Jun 25th 2024 - 4:42 AM

Careless Whispers, Chapter Four


As soon as the rope was cut his arms dropped limply, next to his thighs. The pain was incredible, fire running from his shoulders to his hands, while every single vein became a visibly throbbing fuse cord. He clenched his teeth and hissed. He clenched his fists and whimpered. He didn't say a word. Tears welled in his widened eyes. His fingers twitched in rhythm of his pulse. His wrists were crusted with blood. He felt like an open wound: body and soul, physically and mentally drained. Francis took a deep breath, looking at the man with the Bowie knife. Then his glance darted to the bald woman behind this man, her hand still resting on his shoulder. Impressed by this small but staggering gesture he trembled in sudden shock.
The scene was bathed in shades of blue: twilight hour. Usually he loved this time of day, its special serenity calming his senses. It was a time to exhale, a time to release the stress to fading colors and shadows mingling with darkness approaching. A poetic time indeed. Francis sighed. Calming down wasn't easy right now, for he wasn't even sure if he had really escaped the reaper. Maybe the falling night was his last night on Earth.

While another pitiful whimper escaped his throat, his lips formed 'thank you'. Gratitude overwhelmed him. Hopelessness followed. He was well aware of the things the man had told him with a single expression of his hazel eyes. This small woman was more dangerous than her giant bodyguard, even more dangerous than the entire group, perhaps. Now it was up to Francis to prove himself worthy. My ass! Should he bow? At this very moment he wouldn't care. He was weak, thirsty, tired, he would do anything to get a sip of water and some sleep. So why not bow to the walker queen?
''I'm Alpha,'' she suddenly said, stepping back into the orbit of her oversized protector. In the last bluish light her dirt-smeared face appeared like a skull. ''He's yours now, Negan. You have two days. Both of you.'' Then she turned and walked away, followed by the Leviathan and the rest of her minions. Francis finally exhaled.
His back still pressed against the birch tree, he slowly, slowly moved up and to his feet. His thighs trembled. His voice trembled, too. ''Hello, Negan,'' he whispered. ''I... could use a drink.''

The Big Bad Wolf
The Big Bad Wolf

Jun 25th 2024 - 9:58 AM

The short amount of time he'd been with the Whisperers showed him so much about them. Mercy was not something given. Perhaps Negan's talented tongue had worked some extra room for grace.He didn't know specifically what it was with Francis but he knew this man had an inner strength rarely seen in others.  This had been the only person he had seen given a chance.  Hopefully it would not be one to go to waste.
He reaches down to his belt and pulled out his canteen.  His fingers twirled around the lid until it opened. Two days. Now what he did just gave himself a time limit. Two f***ing days.  His eyes wandered the face of the man in front of him. Passing the canteen to him, he tries to keep his calm. His heart felt as if it were to burst through his rib cage and chest. " I just bought you two days. Don't let it go to waste. Francis...people might see this crazy sh*t and think they are a joke. That there is the most dangerous thing anyone can do...That giant there is silent. You know that better then most. He is what makes it so difficult to get away from this place...Alpha..she is the brains but make no mistake, Beta isn't stupid. If I had the choice to leave here I would.  I've come here for a reason...but for now we have two days to figure out how to get you out of here.."
Negan was not even thinking about himself at this point.  As much as he was finding this...Francis intriguing, he did not want to get others killed because he bolted. The fact this man was easy on the eyes did not help things in the least.  He felt they were so polar opposite from one another yet had so many things in common. "I can teach you to get through the horde but we need to do that when they are not in the area..we need ot do this smart..and you need your strength up. You don't have to trust me but know I am not seeing you dead." He reaches into his pocket and pulls out some small pieces of meat they had just gotten from the cook they had. 
"Not many ways to cook around here. When we get an animal, we do an old fashioned oven in the ground. It isn't fancy but it is food" Negan holds the food out to him, gently taking the younger man's hand and puts the food into his palm.
中he Great Red Dragon

Jun 23rd 2024 - 3:15 PM

Careless Whispers, Chapter Three


The sun sank. The air became thick and shimmery, blurry before Francis' eyes. The colors changed, the shadows grew longer. The omnipresent buzzing of flies calmed down. He was exhausted. Thirsty. Tired. He was scared and annoyed. His arms were aching, his temples throbbed. You have but one chance, he thought. Maybe we both have but one. This guy, who crouched next to him, asking him about his name, wasn't that powerful at all. The giant distrusts and hates him. The giant would kill him in an instant, likewise fast and merciless like he has tried to kill Francis.

According to the man's unusual height, his knives were huge as well. Huge and deadly. He has seen the colossus' machetes against the undisguised man's neck: how fast they came up, two oily blades, tightly pressed against the other's Adam's apple, more than ready to rip up his spine, more than hungry to decapitate him. But even if the bearded guy had been frightened enough to piss his pants, he didn't show it. He showed throat, in the truest sense of this phrase. Even more than that: he was here now, right next to Francis, and he risked his life to rescue someone he had never met before.
Why? In slow motion Francis turned his head. Why do you do that? Why do you try to save the life of a man who has killed 42 men, women, children? Staring into the other's hazel eyes, Francis swallowed hard. Over the other's shoulder he could see the bald woman watching, the giant standing at her side. An oversized bodyguard on an invisible leash. Francis furrowed his brows. His glance returned to his possible savior. Why? he wished to ask, but he still could not speak.

Maybe because my past doesn't matter anymore. Maybe because nine years on my own have changed my entire being. Maybe simply because... I have a pretty face, and all my scars don't matter, and because I am worth to be saved. Because I don't wanna die for my sins right here and right now. Because I'm somehow able to fathom what's going on in your mind: a certain longing to end this madness. You do not like being with this group, do you?

''My name's Francis,'' he finally said, his voice not much louder than his breath. A shy smile curled his dry lips. ''I've been on my own since this nightmare started. Nine years? Ten? I have no idea. I'm not even used to talking anymore.'' Trying to take a deep breath Francis coughed. His throat felt sore. ''My worth? I dunno my worth. But I'm fast. And noiseless. I am a snake in the grass. You won't hear me until it's too late.'' Again he took a deep breath. ''Listen... I always loved to dance. I know my steps. So I'm smooth. Ask Mister Leviathan over there. He tried to gut me. But he failed.''


中he Great Red Dragon

Jun 21st 2024 - 4:59 PM

Careless Whispers, Chapter Two


You will wear my face? Francis drew his breath. Staring into the woman's eyes made his stomach turn again. They were blue like his own, but cold - just two polished gemstones, without life or expression. He felt sick. Nauseous. His mouth was completely dry. The taste that covered his tongue was rotten. Who do you think you are, a goddamn female version of Ed Gein? Wear my face for special occasions?
He wished he could say something, something extremely rude or sarcastic, yet Francis wasn't able to speak. Panic gushed up. His eyes widened. They weren't blue anymore; they were nearly bare of color, like the eyes of a husky: a sign of fear, a sign of pure hatred. Finally the woman stretched and stepped back without looking down on him again. Francis was grateful for that. His panic changed to anger. Something deep inside his mind told him that any emotion was useless. In his current state he was but sentenced to death. A slow death, maybe. Instinctively he tried to move his arms again. Once he had been a professional sniper. He had been a serial killer. He had been at least a survivor. And now, helplessly and hopelessly tied to this fvcking birch tree, should he really become a martyr? (The dramatic end of modern Saint Francis...?)

Exhaling a sigh Francis lowered his head again, secretly studying the woman. She was small, curvy; ageless because of all the dirt in her face. She did not appear like a warrior to him. She wasn't one of these wiry Amazons, ready to castrate a man just because he smiled at them. This woman was different. Cold. Cruel. Scheming. Bitter. He wondered if she was the leader of this creepy pack. Apparently she was. Of course she was! She threatened to wear his face as a mask! And she would successfully do so if Francis wasn't able to free himself. Or convince her that he was quite the man she had always been looking for.
All of a sudden Francis shivered. His body trembled. A new emotion tickled his senses: desperation. Cold, cruel, bitter: blank despair.

Hours later (or just moments later, yet every single second appeared endless to him), there came a certain stir to the group surrounding him: an extremely tall man in a long black leather coat approaching the bald woman, showing respect with a bow of his head. Francis gasped and swallowed hard. He remembered this guy as the one who had attacked him with a Bowie knife. If Francis' reactions hadn't been fast enough, his guts would rot in the evening sun now, yet thanks to a quick sidestep and a swift turn of his torso, the blade just ripped his side, causing a flesh wound that sure needed some stitches, yet sewing the gash was Francis' smallest worry.
He focused on the silent communication between the giant and the leader. A simple nod of the tall bastard made the woman look in the direction of another man, who stood aside the group, bathed in the colors of breaking dusk. A man who wasn't wrapped in walkers' skin, his careful glance darting between the woman, the colossus and Francis. Compared to the others, he appeared neat and clean. Short hair, trimmed beard, even a little smile on his face. Francis licked his lips. What the fvck was going on? Now the undisguised one looked at Francis directly. And Francis looked back, into his eyes. A sudden spark of hope reanimated his fading will to live. Help me! His blue eyes watered. Whoever you are, be my savior!

中he Great Red Dragon

Jun 4th 2024 - 8:06 PM

Careless Whispers

Death was just a heartbeat away. Francis knew that. He had sensed it since he had slipped out of the safety of his mother's womb. Not even 50 hours later it became a fact: when exactly this disappointed young mother left him on the stairs of a hospital in Independence, Missouri. He was a child of sin: born with a genetic defect and a minimal chance to survive. Two days old, but doomed already.
They took him in. They gave him a name. They fed him and kept him warm. But they didn't really care. Love was a word of foreign origin. Kids like him are not loved. Kids like him are destined to die. Maybe they actually prayed for his death. But not even the reaper wanted him. Nobody wanted him. Yet he was there, and he whimpered and drooled and craved a life like anybody else does. Comfort. Tenderness. The warmth of arms around him.
Many years later he finally found all his desperate wishes come true. He had been loved, so incredibly loved that his happiness has reached the stars. Yet these stars dropped from the sky and the world changed to a living hell: the dead returned from oblivion and walked this earth to devour the living.
To his own surprise Francis was still here. He was a born fighter. A smooth killer. A true survivor. Love became a foreign word. And Death was again just a heartbeat away.


His head throbbed, his sight was blurry. His entire body screamed in pain. He did not know what happened. Maybe it was better this way. Tied to a birch Francis blinked several times. His arms felt numb. The rope fixating his wrists against the tree's stem chafed his skin. He could not move, yet an unexpected impulse to run overwhelmed him and made him try to break his fetters. The rope bit his flesh and became slick with crimson. His wound broke open again. Instantly he moaned, his mouth filling with puke. Sour and rotten. He suppressed the urge to cough and swallowed it down. Yellow saliva trickled from his lips. Instinctively he licked them. He was thirsty. The omnipresent stench of decay took his breath away. He felt beyond weak. Reality slipped from his grip again. If Death approached him now, he wouldn't resist. He wasn't willing to slowly die another time. (Two times were enough.)

Warm liquid splashed into his face dragged him back from the abyss. (Goddamnit! Did someone piss at him?) He gasped and blinked again. His sight cleared up. A flashback hit his head. He had slipped into a group of walkers. While he killed some of them with his faithful billard cue, others surrounded him, so he noticed the weapons way too late. Walkers do not use weapons! Yet two of them did, so all he remembered was a knife slashing his side and a heavy stroke against his temple that knocked him out in an instant. The following darkness was soothing. The awakening was far from it.

The first thing he saw was a pile of corpses. Most of them flayed and decapitated, their guts and muscles shimmering in the setting sun. Men and women, thrown away like useless clothes, circled by clouds of busy flies. The malodour turned his stomach. Tatters of facial features adorned the trees- a nasty collection of Halloween decoration. Francis felt the urge to scream, yet nothing but a whimper escaped his throat. Back the time he had studied art, he had been fascinated by the paintings of Hieronymus Bosch. This Dutch artist's visions of hell scared the sh*t out of him. Demons stabbing and whipping the sinners. Cauldrons filled with feces and blood to drown them. Giant machineries of torture, roasting and skinning the convicts alive. All these dark oil paintings in shades of brown and red... Francis closed his eyes. Disgust nearly chocked him. Fear made his nerves tingle. The scenery surrounding him was not art. It wasn't Halloween, either. It was not even a nightmare. It was real.

Through fluttering lids he noticed some movement. Four walkers stepped up and stared at him. They did not attack him. Francis whimpered again. Desperately he built a word: What?
A woman approached him. In slow motion she peeled off her mask. Francis gasped. (Did they seriously wear walkers' skin?) Her head was bald, her visage smeared with dirt. Gray lips smiled at him- a smile bare of any emotion, cold and cruel, and full of scorn. Crouching down she grabbed a tuft of his sweaty hair, shoving his head back against the tree. Francis moaned. His eyes widened. ''You are handsome,'' she whispered to his ear. Her breath tickled his shell and made him shiver. ''I will keep your face. For special occasions.''


Layla Grainne🔮

Apr 5th 2024 - 10:13 PM

Hey, thanks for the add! I'd love to work out a storyline and connection if you're game?
Evanescence Piper (Hiatus)

Apr 4th 2024 - 1:12 AM

Hello, my name is Piper Halliwell. I wanted to thank you for adding me and I hope that we can eventually become friends and maybe get a storyline going sometime soon, but no rush

Have a good morning/afternoon/evening

~ Evanescence Piper
中he Great Red Dragon

Mar 28th 2024 - 5:16 AM


~* Your Starter *~

His chocolate hues stared straight ahead. A 10x10. That is just where it is he had been for the past 7 years. He had already been through his insanity phase. Now he was at the point of acceptance. He accepted that things were sh*t. His life was sh*t. Glancing downward at the ball he was tossing at the wall. Again and again and again. Taking a slow breath in, he looks over at the sandwich just sitting by the bars. Same damn sandwich every damn day for 7 yeaars. The only thing that gave him any real entertainment was his version of radio.

Slipping his hand through the bars, he picks up the sandwich. Sitting down on his cot, he munches down on it before he looks back at the barred window. He could hear people talking over and over again. Many of them were talking about 'skin freaks'. He can't say he had talked to anyone about them but he could only figure people have some sort of crazy ass fetishes now if they were wearing walker skins.

His weekly meetings with Gabie were an interesting one for sure. The man had a good heart but for him to try and dig into his heart would things beginning to ice over. He always would have a heart for the kids and those who deserved to be defended. Taking a slow breath in, he shakes his head as he begins rubbing the sleep from his eyes, glancing upward the window to see just what might be going on.


~* My Starter *~

He woke up with a gasp. A pitiful muffled sound escaped his throat. He had been drowning, deeper and deeper, but now he dived up too fast, and his lungs filled with fire, and the light hit his eyes. They were still closed, yet he felt the sun, and he felt the breeze through an open window. These things were real. Real like the blanket covering his body. Real like his nightmare, too real for his taste; a repeat of what had happened some hours ago.
He covered his face with his hands, slowly breathing to his palms. They were dirty still, smelling of mud and blood. Alive. I'm still alive, he thought gratefully.

''Bad dreams?'' a young voice asked, making him startle. His heart skipped a beat. His skin covered with goosebumps.
''I never dream'', he replied in his low husky tone, finally opening his lids.
It was true: usually he never dreamed, or, to be correct, he never remembered his subconscious adventures. (It was the best of protection. Memories are able to kill.)
Francis took another deep breath. His pulse slowed down. It seemed to take endless. ''This wasn't a dream at all.''
''But you slept. You slept for a long time.'' Bathed in light, the girl got up from a chair and walked over to the window, looking out. The brim of her oversized cowboy hat touched the glass. ''It's morning. You have to tell us what happened.''
''You're Jude, right?'' (He remembered that someone had called her.)
''Judith. Judith Grimes.''

''Hi, Judith.'' Francis sat up, the blanket sliding down his chest. He still wore his boxer shirt and cargo pants, both sweaty and dirty, both smeared with blood. ''I'm Francis.''
''This we know already. And that you escaped something so horrible you could not speak about it. Then you... passed out. Aaron and Kyle brought you upstairs. We thought you were bitten, we thought you would die, but Siddiq said you sleep.'' She turned around, hands on her hips. The giant hat shadowed her face. ''How can someone sleep...? Sleep, when... What happened?''
''I'm sorry. Sorry for any inconvenience'', he stammered, still slightly confused. He urgently needed a cigarette, but he couldn't see his jacket anywhere. Grabbing the water bottle he found next to his bed he took a generous gulp. Judith stared at him, waiting. Her patience impressed him. How old was she? 9, maybe, but apparently too old for her age. He took another sip, less greedy this time. ''I was on a hunt. A rabbit. Slipped down a slope to an open field. Walkers there. A small herd.'' He licked his lips. ''They simply stood there. Circling something. I... heard them whisper. I swear... I heard them speak.'' His voice became louder. He squeezed the bottle. ''I saw them killing two campers. But not by attacking and biting them.''

Francis stopped. Again he took a deep breath. With his words reality gushed up. His dream returned. Panic jumped at him and chocked his throat. He wished to wake up, finally wake up: somewhere in one of these lonely hideouts he has chosen over countless years of useless survival, but at the same time he knew that he was wide awake now. This nightmare was real. Too real. As real as this child talking to him. This little girl that should go to school or play in the garden with her dog instead of listening to his stuttered tales of absolute horror.
''These two guys... the trampers... were surrounded by the herd... They fought bravely. My stake in hand I sneaked up to help, but... then... I saw...''
With a gasp Francis stopped again. His blue eyes widened, staring at Judith in a mix of fear and disbelief. „Walkers do what walkers do, we all know that. They do not speak, they growl, grunt, hiss. They don't use weapons. But there was one amongst them, tall like a bear..., he drew a knife. A knife, goddamnit! He ripped these two guys open. Within a split second. They couldn't even fathom what happened. They couldn't even scream. They were paralysed. Like me. I stood there... and pissed my pants. And then this bear saw me. Looked straight into my eyes. I turned and ran. I ran as fast as I could.''
''You... pissed your pants?'' Suddenly relief overwhelmed him. Looking down he chuckled: ''Well, hopefully not.''
''Good.'' Judith grinned and stepped up. If his words worried her, she didn't show it. ''Are you able to join us?''
''Sure. Did you see my jacket?''
''It's downstairs. All your stuff is there.''

With a nod Francis rose from the bed and stretched his back.
''You have lots of scars. And tattoos.'' Judith opened the door. ''Like another man here.''
''Ach?'' Francis arched a brow. ''That's interesting.'' He did not really know what to say.
''Interesting. Yes...'' There was a 'but' in her voice, yet Francis did not ask. Such 'buts' were well known to him. ''What's his name?'' he asked instead.
''Negan.'' Judith hopped down the stairs, taking two steps at a time. ''You won't meet him.''
''Careful, careful'', the Dragon whispered inside his head. Francis' hackles rose.


The Big Bad Wolf
The Big Bad Wolf

Mar 28th 2024 - 5:53 AM

He had been here for years by this point in time. His hearing and ability to pay attention had increased ten fold. The one good thing about having people forget about him was that he was able to get a good feel for what was going on in Alexandria. Taking a slow breath in, he looks back towards the window. So many were talking about him. They were doing the one thing they never should have. They were doing the one thing Rick Grimes never should have. Everyone was underestimating him in a way that would be very dangerous. If people wanted to be that ignorant then Negan was just fine with that. 

Negan could hear the daily voice of Judith speaking to someone other then him.  Someone was in another cell.  He hadn't had anyone else in this area before. It was new for him, that was for damn sure. Tilting his head, he moves closer to the wall.  He was waiting for Judith to leave before he would inquire about the person in the next cell over. The sound of the footsteps running echoed. His lips slowly spread into a smile.

"That lil spitfire there.  That is Judith Grimes.  Guess her curiosity can get the better of her at times.  Funny thing is one of the youngest in the communities is one of the only ones that treat us with respect. She is a good kid." He had heard the man's voice.  Didn't sound too gruff or anything like that.  He was a bit of a mystery to Negan. " You know, I've been here damn well seven years. You are the only other person that has been jailed up in here besides me since then."  He wasn't quite sure what good it would do yet that he was talking to him but he could let the ideas stew for a while.

Slowly sitting down on his half cot half bed, he begins rubbing his temples. " If we are to be neighbors perhaps we can chat a little bit more as much as we can under these circumstances, I would mean" He chuckles to himself and begins tossing the tennis ball against the wall, catching it and repeating said motion. "You don't seem to be from around this area.  You have a different accent. Where are you from?" This was going to be fun in so many ways. Now he just had to find out how good the both of them would be getting along. 
ᴀɴɢᴇʟ ᴇʏᴇꜱ

Mar 26th 2024 - 6:09 PM

I hope you enjoy the picture I sent you on Discord, my love.

The Big Bad Wolf
The Big Bad Wolf

Mar 26th 2024 - 6:16 PM

Of course I love them :) Just as I love you. My sweet beautiful Lily. 
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