03/13/2024 10:09 PM 

Neganโ€™s Rules
Category: Character Info

These rules are to be followed. Anyone that breaks them will be deleted.  No exceptions. 

1: I am over the age of 18. I only roleplay with people who are over the age of 18. If there is a child character, there will be nothing adult. I mean Nothing adult. If anything I try to limit any children characters unless they are essential to Negan's story. Do not test me. Do not try me. I will not deal with cowardly bullsh*t. 
2: I roleplay with people who have a love for writing and passion for the art. If you are here for smut, go elsewhere.  
3:I roleplay multi-para. That means multiple paragraphs. When I say multiple paragraphs, I do not mean 3 sentances that take up the space of multiple paragraphs.  I mean proper grammar. I mean punctuation. I mean people that give a sh*t. If you make mistakes, that is fine but if it shows that you do not care after I give constructive criticism, it also means that I will delete you.
4: I am not here for OOC Drama.  That means, I am NOT here for OOC DRAMA. Leave that sh*t at the door.  If something OOC is starting to bleed into IC or visa versa, stop and remember..this is NOT real life. This is a way to relieve stress and become a better writer and have fun.
5: Negan is a single LI.  If you don't like it...too f***ing bad. He already has his LI so the storyline will have to be something inventive.  Amazing, isn't it?
6: I try to make Negan as Canon as possible. There are a few changes I make. While Maggie is an important part of his story, I will not have his story be JUST about Maggie. I will not have this go round and round in circles.  If you cannot like that then too bad.  I will roleplay with Maggies if they are willing to accept that.  What does this mean? The constant ' will i, won't i kill him?' Questions will be kept tastefully done.
7: Given that I have stated my distaste for OOC drama, this also includes those that are a part of Negan's family.  If Negan's family are harassed in any way you will get the same treatment as if you were bringing a flaming bag of sh*t to my doorstep.
8: Negan cusses. Deal with it.
9: My playboy is Jeffrey Dean Morgan.  I use his wife as the playby for Lucille Smith ( given that she played Lucille Smith on the show, The Walking Dead). If you cannot respect the man and his family then any respect for you is gone. The man is a good good father, husband and person. In this life there is so much negetivity.  Try being positive for once. It helps tremendously.

10: I will not roleplay with you unless you have read these rules and signed accordingly.

Negan himself lives by three rules.  If you want to argue with me over them, I've heard it all so it is a waste of both our times and breath
1: You never kill those who don't deserve it. You don't harm children
2: Betrayal is repaid with punishment. Depending on severity of incident would show just how harsh a punishment.
3: No rape. This includes anything with anyone underage.   That is still rape. An example of punishment for this can be show through what he did to David.
These are his three rules and he will abide by them. You don't like them, have a nice day and f*** off. 

Before you sign, write down the answer to one question. Is Negan a Multi or Single LI character?

58 Comments  Report Post

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8 hours ago

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He is a single LI
read and understood

Chibs {S&L}


13 hours ago

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Negan Smith has always been a single love interest 

Leann E&L The Lord Of Flies


Jul 3rd 2024 - 6:24 PM

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Negan Smith is a Single Love Interest character

๐š™๐š›๐š’๐šŸ๐šŠ๐š๐šŽ ๐šŽ๐šข๐šŽ.


Jul 1st 2024 - 12:56 PM

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Negan is single LI. 
Read and accepted. 



Jun 27th 2024 - 8:26 PM

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Negan is a single LI. Respectable.
- Destiny


Evanescence Piper (Hiatus)


Jun 23rd 2024 - 11:31 PM

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Negan is single LI

Read, understood, and will do my best to follow all rules!

~ Evanescence ~

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Jun 23rd 2024 - 10:22 PM

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Lu et compris, monsieur. 
//Read and understood, sir. Negan is single LI



Jun 23rd 2024 - 10:33 AM

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Negan is a single LI character.

Read and understood!


Broken Wings!


Jun 23rd 2024 - 9:49 AM

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Negan is a single LI, and has a beautiful girlfriend. 

The Big Bad Wolf
The Big Bad Wolf
Jun 23rd 2024 - 9:55 AM

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Almost.  @LilyRose is Negan's wife. ;)  Thank you for reading the rules. 

แด€ษดษขแด‡สŸ แด‡สแด‡๊œฑ
แด€ษดษขแด‡สŸ แด‡สแด‡๊œฑ
Jun 23rd 2024 - 10:42 AM

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Jun 23rd 2024 - 8:30 AM

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He is a single-LI 
Read and signed ๐Ÿซก


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