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29 years old

Last Login:
June 15 2024

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    ๐•ฒ๐–”๐–”๐–‰๐–‹๐–Š๐–‘๐–‘๐–”๐–œ's Interests


Looking for another nibble?

the basics

BIRTH NAME: High Kinlord Auryn of House Carnistir CHOSEN NAME: Tearlach Plumshade // ALIAS: Goodfellow // PLACE OF BIRTH: Auridon, Summerset Isles // CURRENT LOCATION: Wanderlust // BORN: Last Seed, 2E 245 // AGE: 990 // ALIGNMENT: Chaotic Neutral // SPECIES: Altmer (Father), Bosmer (Mother) // EYE COLOR: Amber-Honey, before Vampirism; Ruby-red outer iris with inner Golden iris, now they burn like Hellfire // HAIR COLOR: Platinum Silver // HEIGHT: 6'9" // BODYTYPE: Broad shoulders, slender-athletic // VAMPIRISM TYPE: Noxiphilic Sanguivoria // WORSHIPS: Lamae Bal, Sanguine, Sheogorath, and Dibella // FORAKES: Molag Bal, Arkay, Stendarr, and Mara // personality: Hedonistic | Extroverted | Unpredictable Inpatient | Dramatic | Manipulative | Flirtatious | Confident Typically follows his own whims, caring little about anything outside of his own desires, dreams, or plans and personal goals; however, he is not without a set of personalized code of conduct, morals and philosophy. //


this is a blessing

primary skills

A rogue who has supplemented their talents for theft with the study of the arcane. Few can match the guile and craftiness of Tearlach, a prodigious thief who blends the subtlest aspects of the arcane with the natural cunning of the bandit and the scoundrel, using spells to enhance his natural thieving abilities. With his mastery of magic, Tearlach makes for an even more subtle or confounding opponent than any standard rogue. He also has a habit of seeking humiliation as the primary goal to triumph over foes, rather than always purely violent solutions.

Illusion - Legendary Master
Conjuration - Expert
Destruction - Master
Restoration - Apprentice
Alteration - Expert
Enchanting - Apprentice

Smithing - Apprentice
Heavy Armor - Apprentice
Block - Apprentice
Two-Handed - Adept
One-Handed - Master
Archery - Expert

Light Armor - Master
Sneak - Master
Lockpicking - Adept
Pickpocket - Adept
Speech - Legendary Master
Alchemy - Apprentice


At almost one millennia old, and under the watchful gaze of their Blood Matron, Tearlach is a Vampire who has been able to unlock transforming into the Perfect Scion. Having been gifted directly from the Blood Matron, Noxiphilic Sanguivoria allows Tearlach to wander in daylight without harm or weakening from the sun. Nighttime grants him even more powers, such as being unable to feel pain, supernatural level of automatic self-healing upon being injured, as well as his physical body being tougher against any physical harm.

S K I L L S;

Blood for Blood
Arterial Burst
Blood Frenzy
Simmering Frenzy
Sated Fury
Vampiric Drain
Drain Vigor
Exhilarating Drain
Mist Form
Elusive Mist
Blood Mist

P A S S I V E S K I L L S;

Dark Stalker
Strike from the Shadows
Blood Ritual
Unnatural Movement

Silly Little Thing

The red means I love you

status: N/A - - since: N/A
memories: {x} {x} {x}

And goodness you're bleeding
What a wonderful feeling
You're down and you're pleading
My head is just reeling
Don't you see
Tasting your blood means I Love You

You're still here?

Strange Fascinations

     ๐•ฒ๐–”๐–”๐–‰๐–‹๐–Š๐–‘๐–‘๐–”๐–œ's Details
Verses: Elder Scrolls, Skyrim, Witcher, GOT, High Fantasy crossovers
Length: Multi Para, Novella, Para
Member Since:December 26, 2022

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   ๐•ฒ๐–”๐–”๐–‰๐–‹๐–Š๐–‘๐–‘๐–”๐–œ's Blurbs
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ooc notes


R:00 || S:00

DISCORD: Ask for it.

Tearlach Plumshade

Who needs morals when you have good hair?


Damn their precious bloodlines!

Born as High Kinlord Auryn of House Carnistir, son of High Kinlord Caranthir and the Grandson of High Prince Ceithir, the only Altmer Born-Prince to have ever willingly forsake the throne and pass it onto another before his coronation. Their royal (and supposedly Divine) lineage was one he grew up being constantly reminded of, just as he was constantly reminded of his mother's humble Bosmer lineage. His mother was a Bosmer from lesser noble houses said to have some lineage of Camoran dynasty, though this connection to Clan Camoran was never fully confirmed nor denied, and his father who was thoroughly smitten obviously cared little. Both of his parents intentionally attempted to hide away the truth of his mother's lineage, specifically among the watchful eyes of the public and people who held high expectations.

While no longer considered direct Royalty by some, all recognized and respected House Carnistir's lineage and place as a High Noble house in their society. As such, it was only expected Auryn be given all of the best tools and teachers at his disposal. Even with all of his needs and wants satiated, Auryn was often times left dissatisfied and "bored" with his surroundings. He often spent time with Prince Naemon and others of royal or noble bloodline, and any time they all got caught doing something mischievous in their childhoods, it was always Auryn outed as the mastermind behind it all. Regardless of his constant "straying from the pack", antics and mischief, Auryn would eventually fall into his given role to become more of what was expected of him: A well-known and respected Altmer high society socialite and exceptionally skilled battlemage.

This is War

Just another Casualty

As was expected of every other capable Altmer, and with his close connections to their Royal Family, Auryn wasted no time taking up arms to fight alongside his childhood friend (and crush), Queen Ayrenn and her newfound alliance, The Aldmeri Dominion. He took part in many successful missions and expeditions, and honestly delighted in getting to travel constantly beyond the Summerset Isles. However, it would be when he was heading back to the Summerset Isles after one of many missions that Auryn's (unnatural) life would forever be changed.

At first glance, all he saw was a group of mostly Nords and other Ebonheart Pact enemies attacking what looked to be not but an innocent group of Bosmer women. He had foolishly pressed on ahead of the small group he was originally with, but naturally assumed he alone could take out a group mostly made up of humans. Unbeknownst to Auryn until it was too late, but he had accidentally involved himself in what was actually just one of many "small tiffs" between different Vampire Clans.

After being near-fatally wounded, Auryn is dragged off by the Vampiric Clan made up primarily of Bosmer women, the ones which he aided and saved. He slipped in and out of consciousness on the journey, but they would eventually arrive to their Blood Matron. With the permission and blessings directly from Lamae Bal, an almost dead Auryn was subjected to the proper rituals and thus granted Noxiphilic Sanguivoria.

Upon realizing what had been done to him, the Altmer noble saw it as nothing less than a blessing. An answer to the boredom and restrictions he'd felt in life, thus far. The escape he craved from every Altmer societal expectation. Auryn would go on to live secretly with this newfound family, the small vampiric Clan of Bosmer who he had helped save. He would even go on to abandon his birth name and titles shortly after becoming undead, instead taking up the name Tearlach Plumshade. Even with such abandonment of his past life, Tearlach would still occasionally pull strings behind the scenes in whatever he could to benefit the Aldmeri Dominion, or at the very least, Queen Ayrenn.

Shortly after the Alliance War, when Queen Ayrenn would finally make her own disappearance, it is said that one of the crewmen aboard the ship which the Queen left on bore uncanny resemblance to the late High Kinlord Auryn of House Carnistir.

King of Petty Crime

Connoisseur of Mischief

From the second era have I nightly revelโ€™d to and fro
Fiends, ghosts, and sprites, all that haunt the nights,
Even hags and goblins do me know,
Beldames old, My feats have been told,
And for my pranks, men call me by the name of Goodfellow

In almost a millennia of being undead, Tearlach has never spent longer than two decades in one place before moving onto the next, great misadventure. Over the years, he has been involved with various Vampiric Societies and Factions such as Clan Aundae or The Order of Virtuous Blood, most which he has kept positive association with. Regardless of consistent pestering, he has kept the same lack of patience or interests to be directly involved with politics of any kind. Instead, Tearlach prefers keeping to observing the world around him take its course, rather than directly influence history. He may very rarely, occasionally nudge or pull a string as deemed necessary, or if convinced enough to do so. He may have also done this once, or twice, or thrice just to s e e. Tearlach will insist the fate of this world and of his people is no longer any of his responsibility, however this doesn't stop him from being quite vocal about certain topics, such as the Thalmor. He holds a very personal, deeply rooted disdain for the Thalmor and what their (false) "Aldmeri Dominion" has become by the 4th Era. How amusing it would be for the Thalmor to one day learn that not all of the Royal Altmer bloodline lay dead by their hands.

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