Teddy Flood on RolePlayer.me - m.roleplayer.me/1799801 Teddy Flood
Westworld(All seasons. Season 4 especially)/ Hosts(Robots)/Scifi/Supernatural/Open||

|| No sex or er*t*ca. No sm*t on here or anywhere near me as I am not interested in that. Don't even think about it. That will never happen with anyone. Just no.||

|| No friend collectors/numbers. I am here to rp so would like it if those who request me or accept friend request would be into rp and not anything else.|

|| Taken by one and only Christina/Dolores Abernathy and will never cheat on her

36 years old
Manhatten, New York
United States

Last Login:
May 23 2024

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   Contacting Teddy Flood

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     Teddy Flood's Details
Characters: Teddy Flood
Verses: Westworld AU/Westworld season 4
Playbys: James Marsden
Length: Multi Para, Novella
Genre: Action, Open, Science Fiction, Supernatural, Television,
Member Since:July 17, 2022

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   Teddy Flood's Blurbs
About me:
Teddy Flood wasn't born but created on an Island, together with his love Dolores and others of their kind. They were hidden away while they were worked on. Until they seemed ready by their creators Arnold Weber and Robert Ford. Teddy and his love Dolores were the first of their kind to be created, as the others came from them, so to speak. The others were created based on them. Their creator Arnold Weber was the first to figure out how to make hosts(robots), then eventually his partner was able to make them too with his help. Then the two partners opened the park abd the Island to the public. Unkonwn to Teddy and hos girlfriend, as well as others of their kind.

This is still being worked on but I am ready to rp already. As there is a lot about him so that would take a while but that doesn't mean I can't rp. If you want to know about him then ask and will tell you.

Who I'd like to meet:

   Teddy Flood's Friend Space
Teddy Flood has 75 friends.

Bernard Lowe

Maeve Millay

Frankie Nichols

Charlotte Hale (Hales)

Teddy Flood's Friends Comments
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Oct 12th 2022 - 4:06 AM

Christina used to think that her life was exactly the way that they were. That there was nothing wrong with it. Until things began to change. The day that Christina met Teddy changed things the most for her. Before that she was only slowly waking up but thanks to him she began to wake up faster than before that. Even if Christina was rather scared by that. She didn't expect it. Unknown to Christina she saw the real her a lot, as the real her tried to wake her up, as did her guy, Teddy Flood and her roommate, Maya. She had no idea that her roommate helped her, not yet but unknown to her she was about to find out about that soon. When her roommate set her up on a date with Teddy, Christina had no idea that it would be one of the best moments of her life. She also had no idea that he would change her life more than she thought was possible, until they finally met and had their amazing date. Christina wasn't sure if she should trust her roommates' choices of guy's for her, due to the bad date or dates she had in the past. Which turned rather bad and pretty fast at that. That made her unsure about trusting her roommate's choices. Yet, Christina decided to let her try. She decided to check if it would work or not. To Christina's surprise the guy that her roommate set her up with was the perfect guy, the right one for her. A guy that she quickly fell in love with. Not realizing that he was in fact the right one for her. Christina agreed to go out with her friend and roommate because she needed her. She had no idea that she would enjoy that  day out and that she would find love, up until that was exactly what had happened. Then Christina refused to let it end but eventually, unfortunately, it had to end. She enjoyed the time that they spend together and hoped that it would never change.

Christina understood that things didn't always work as the person wanted them to, as she accepted it. At least she wasn't alone. That was better than nothing. Or so Christina thought and believed, anyway. As for her it was the case. Christina just hoped that it won't be the last time that she saw him. As that wasn't an option. Not for her. Yet, if it was the case then Christina knew that she had to accept it, no matter how hard it would be for her to do. Yet, she hoped that it won't be the case. Christina needed him. She felt like he felt the same for her, even if she had no idea for sure. Yet, Christina believed that it was the the case. She felt like it was the the case, that he felt the same way about her. Christina hoped that she wasn't wrong. Even without knowing for sure but she had a feeling that it might actually be the case for sure. Christina wished that she knew for sure.  Then again as far as she knew, she didn't know him all that well. However, for some reason, part of Christina felt like they knew each other for a long time. It was due to the fact that she was waking up to the truth, unknown to her. That feeling came due to her,  Dolores self. Her real self. Her Christina self was born due to her copy, that evolved to something else and due to her own memories being gone. Her memories over time began to come back, due to her Dolores self starting to finally wake up. Just not fully. Yet. However, it was slowly getting there. Christina had no idea about that. At least for the time being. That was why she thought it was just her mind coming up with stories for her to work on. No more nor less than that. Unknown to her, as Christina so far had no idea that she quite literally lost all her memories. Given that it was how losing memories worked after all.

She was sure that her memories were fine, that it was only something wrong with the world. That the reality was off and no one but her could see it. Of course it was more than that. Which part of Christina knew that. It was just that her Christina side hadn't gotten that just yet. It was about to but so far it hasn't happened, since she fought herself over it. The moment that Christina stopped fighting herself would be the moment when all her memories came back. She had trouble with that so. Christina feared that if she stopped fighting herself then something was wrong with her. Even if technically it wasn't the case at all. Christina had no idea about that, as she had no idea who she really was. At least for the time being. Her Dolores side tried to help her with that but with no luck so. So far at least. Yet, she refused to give up. Her Dolores side was glad that Teddy was there to help her wake herself up or she had no idea What she have done otherwise. Well she was glad that Teddy and her copy, the roommate Maya, were there to help her or she had no idea what she would have done otherwise. Dolores tried not to think of it as she continued to try to wake herself up. Christina was confused by everything that she had gone through. As she tried not to think of that. At least for the time being anyway. Christina  figured that it must be because she was sensitive, so she sensed that something was wrong with the world. No more nor less than that. In fact, she was fully sure about it. Positive about that, in fact. Christina was confused and terrified by everything that her mind showed her, but thought that she must have imagined it all. The only thing that she believed was real was her feeling that something was wrong in the world. That only she noticed, that everyday but others didn't. Which Christina was confused about. She wondered why she was the only one to notice that but others didn't.

Christina was completely sure that she didn't imagine it. She was positively sure of it. Christina doubted that she could have imagined it. There was no way that she would have imagined it. No way at all. Christina was sure about that as well. She just thought that she imagined the other things that came with it so. However, Christina tried to convince herself that she imagined it all. As it seemed better for her than admitting that something was really off with the world. That Christina was a different person than she thought that she was. As she felt that eventually it would make her lose it, which she wanted to avoid at all cost, no matter what. Also, truth be told, Christina still felt like she was losing it, no matter what. Which she hated. As she tried to convince herself that she imagined it but unfortunately with no luck. Yet, Christina continued to try just the same, as she refused to give up, like before that. There was no doubt there, at all. Not to her at least. That was for sure. Christina wished that she could just wake up and not feel the way that she felt. However, she knew all too well that it wouldn't happen. Especially since it didn't work for Christina so far. As she doubted that it would ever change. Since it hasn't changed yet, Christina saw no reason for it to change. No matter how much she wanted that to change. Christina was used to it. Even if she didn't want to get used to that. Christina saw no way around it. At least not yet. If ever. She doubted that it would ever change; whether she liked that idea or not. Christina wondered why things were the way that they were. She tried not to think of that. Especially since Christina had no answer to that, anyway.

She was glad that Teddy existed and was in her life, as he changed her life. He made her life million times better, which Christina was truly grateful for. Which she doubted that it would ever change. Christina hoped to see him again that day, as she already missed him, more than anything in the world. She just focused on getting ready for work, to make up for the times that she didn't work on, at all. Christina hoped that she would be able to do that without getting herself fired or anything like that. As she definitely didn't want or need that, not even a little bit. That was for sure. There was no doubt about that as well. Christina tried not to think of that as she hoped for the best. She walked out as she by accident woke up her roommate. The two talked for a  bit and then Christina left. She headed to work by using her regular road to work, as she usually did. Christina couldn't wait to start work and make up for the time she missed off work. However, as she got there, she couldn't bring herself to continue old stories. Older narratives. Which was why Christina decided to work on new stories, backgrounds and new characters as she wanted to write better stories than she  had due to work. Unfortunately she got caught by her boss and that put her in trouble. A lot of trouble at that. Christina stopped as she glanced at her boss and the see through screen right in front of her. She listened to her boss. Christina then turned around to face her boss and sighed as she listened to him. She tried to explain but her boss refused to hear it and was still furious at her about all of that. Christina tried to explain again. This time it made her boss curious and ask her to tell him about her story that she was inspired to write about. Christina did just that to the shock of her boss, as well as frustration too. Which she thought was because he liked it. Even if it wasn't the case at all. Yet, at the moment Chrustina had no idea about it, at all. For the time being, at least. As she had no idea that it was her story. Which meant Christina was waking up. As far as she knew it was just a story. No more nor less than that.

Christina liked her story. Her characters and their backgrounds. Which Christina hoped and believed that her boss liked it too. Despite the fact that her boss had no idea about it. Unknown to her for the time being, just as she had no idea that he was angry. Yet. Christina thought that it might give her permission to keep working on it. She continued to talk, as she got temporarily trapped in her thoughts, until her phone rang and got her out of her thoughts. Christina shook her head and looked confused, as she glanced towards her boss. She told him that she had to answer the call as it was important and answered before her boss stopped her. To Christina's surprise it was the guy of her dreams. The same one she had a date with. Christina tried to tell him that it was a bad time and all that but he guessed quickly that her boss was breathing down her neck which creeped her out. Given the fact that she had no idea how he knew that. Christina had no idea that her roomate saw that and reported to him as they tried to keep her safe and help her wake up. Yet, since she had no idea about any of it, that scared her as she looked around and tried to find Teddy but found no one familiar who could have followed her. Which didn't help any. If anything it made Christina's boss more confused as well as angry and made her more confused. She tried to get Teddy to talk to her later but he insisted that she had to meet with him, and hung up. Christina told her boss that she had a family emergency. Then got her coat and left. Her boss sighed as he tried to stop her but in the end he let her go. Not that he had a choice as she was out of there faster than he could say anything. Even if it took Christina awhile to get to the boardwalk. To the area. A place where Teddy asked her to meet with him. Christina was confused as to what happened that he needed her to come. She wondered why he wanted to meet her at that moment specifically and not later. Christina had a feeling that it might have been because he felt the same way for her as she for him. Which was why he wanted to see her, among other things. Dolores tried not to think of that as she made her way over. She eventually got to the area. To the place. Once there, Christina made her way over as she tried to find him.

She did find him, eventually. Then Christina made her way directly to him.  She stopped by him right as he turned to face her. Christina watched him walk closer to her as she made her way over to him. He stopped in front of her as she stopped in front of him. "Hello Teddy," Christina said as both laughed a bit. She listened to what he said next and smiled. Christina looked down and back at him. "So Teddy, what is your story?" She asked him as she waited for a reply as she watched him closely. Chtristina listened to him once more and raised an eyebrow confused. She listened to him speak again and glanced towards the water as he asked her. Christina looked around but saw nothing there. She sighed to that and looked back at her. "There is nothing there. I don't see anything there," Christina said to him and sighed to that. She watched him as she listened to him once more. Christina sighed as she couldn't understand what was his deal and what he possibly tried to do. She listened to him for quite a while. Christina gave him a confused look and then looked across the water, towards the water again. For less time this time. Then she looked back at him as she looked him over and sighed to that. Christina tried to figure him out on her own, if he refused to tell her on his own, who he possibly was. She refused to give up on it. Christina saw that he almost fell over and all but tried not to think about it nor care. Since Teddy for a bit there began to scare her, so she tried not to focus on it as she focused on other things instead of him and such. Christina began to think that he was bad news and that she and her roommate shouldn't trust him at all. That he wasn't trustworthy. Even if it was hard for her to convince herself of that. Yet, Christina tried to do that just the same, no matter what. She quickly realized that he was the one that saved her that night, when she was attacked by Peter. Which meant Christina was right after all when she thought it was him during their date. Even if for a bit there she began to think that she might actually be wrong about him after all. Christina sighed and shook her head as she spoke to him. She began to truly believe that he was a stalker like Peter. Even if Teddy, unknown to her, wasn't a stalker. He was honest with her as he cared for her. Yet, due to Christina not remembering anything from her past, that included him. The man of her dreams. The love of her life.

Due to that Christina began to worry that he was a stalker like Peter. Which meant she should stay away from him. Christina didn't understand that he had saved her because he loved her and cared for, among other things. Even if he used extreme force to do that. As Teddy did beat the guy badly until they both disappeared quickly. Which Christina didn't get how it happened but tried not to think of that at the moment. She walked away from him as she heard him behind her and cringed. Christina froze as he mentioned her stalker Peter and turned to face him as he spoke. She replied and then she listened to him once more. Christina thought that both Teddy and Peter were both nuts. Delusional. Yet she still listened to him just the same. Christina wondered what other nonsense he was about to come up with. When she spoke to him she kinda startled him as she almost unintentionally hit him. Yet, it looked like Teddy dismissed it, and due to that, Christina herself did too. She then followed him as he led the way to wherever it was that he was taking her to. Christina didn't think of any of it as she followed him. She stopped as he stopped and looked at the people in front of them. Then Christina looked at him and sighed. She thought that what he asked her to do was nuts but did so anyway. First time nothing happened but it did the second time. Christina thought it was a fluke. That it didn't mean anything. That it only looked like she controlled the people, the girls in front of them, narratives. Christina told Teddy just that. He asked to do that again but changed things back as she did. To Christina's horror it worked as she stared in horror, shock, disbelief and surprise. She then glanced at him and saw him stand in a different position as she watched him closely. "I don't understand. What is going on?" Christina said to him. She then listened to him with the same look she had when she saw what she did to the girls and the same look that she gave him afterwards. Christina tried to speak again but nothing came out. She looked around and back at him and sighed. "That is impossible," Christina said suddenly. As it was the only thing that she could think about. Despite the fact that she could tell that it was in fact possible.

Christina couldn't believe what she saw and what he told her. Even if she knew it was all true as she saw it all herself. It just made no sense. Not to Christina. She never wanted any of it. Christina never asked for any of it. That much she knew for sure. Which Teddy seemed to confirm just as much. Christina looked down and back at him. She sighed as she fell forward but felt him catch her as she wrapped her arms around him in return. Christina put her head on his shoulder and closed her eyes. She was hurt by all of it. Shocked and horrified as well. Just like when Christina found out about that a few minutes ago. It hasn't changed. Yet, she was slowly calming down. Christina tried to convince herself that  it was all just a bad dream and nothing more, and  that she was about to wake up soon. However, she hasn't. Which Christina knew that she wouldn't as it was real and she knew that rather well. She just hated that very much. As it wasn't at all what Christina wanted or needed. "Why would anyone do this to me? What did that person or whatever they are did to me and the world? It is just wrong that anyone would do that to anyone or anything," she said as she meant it. It was what Christina thought and believed. That was for sure. There was no doubt that. Not to those who knew her at least. As Christina aka Dolores never changed. Even if she had no memories and thought that her name was Christina not Dolores.

Even if she was Dolores. Also at the moment she was Christina/Dolores, unknown to her but slowly she began to understand that from everything that Teddy told her so far. Just very slowly. Unknown to her at that moment at least. Christina walked with Teddy as they sat somewhere on their own and talked among themselves more. She bombarded him with questions as she needed and wanted to know more, to know everything. Especially since it seemed important. Very important. To Christina at least. Given that he agreed to answer any questions she had, if he had an answer to it, as she used it. As Christina spoke to him and asked him questions she felt him look at her as she waited for him to answer. She listened to him as he answered her and replied to her. Christina glanced at him and then she looked around. She sighed as she had become more and more confused by a minute. No matter what.  It made Christina wonder more about him, herself and those like them. It also made her wonder whether it was all real or her dream or such. Christina had no idea what to think or believe, even if she knew by that moment that it was all real and not in their heads at all. It still was too much information. Christina needed time for the information to sink in. Even if she knew that sooner or later it would sink. At least Christina thought and believed that it would. Or at least she hoped so, anyway. Christina just had trouble letting it sink in. She had trouble processing all the information that she had found out. Or most of it, at least. Christina looked down for a bit. Then, after that, she looked around herself once more. Christina glanced at Teddy and sighed. She truly hated the situation a great deal. Christina believed Teddy, of course, as he was right and he proved it to her but she still didn't understand any of it. Quite the opposite. The more she listened to him, the more confused she had become. Despite how much Christina tried to understand it all, she still had a problem understanding it all. No matter what. As it was very confusing. Especially to her.

Christina was terrified by what she heard. She wasn't sure what  to do about all that she found out about. "What are we? If we are not like the humans around us," Christina said and glanced at Teddy. "Also how many of us are there?" She added. As Christina truly wanted to know all of that. Just say, as he was about to answer her, her phone beeped. Christina checked it to see that it was a reminder to see an old  college roommate and friend. She sighed as she truly didn't wish to go. Christina even said so but he told her to follow her schedule, so that no one would suspect anything. He also said that they had already talked a lot, so she should go and that they will see each other later. Which Christina listened to him as she agreed to do that, even if she didn't want to do that at all. However,  Teddy warned not to tell anyone about what they talked about. He also told her to be careful and to keep the act of being under control to avoid people suspecting her, as anyone could be one of them. Christina listened to him and nodded as she left. It was hard for her to do but she did that just the same, as she knew that she had to. Since she knew that he was right, even if she wished that she could stay and talk to him but she knew better than that.  Christina hated it but it was what it was. Which she accepted. Despite how hard it was for her to do. Since Christina had no other choice which she knew rather well. She wished she could hang out with him and that things were so dangerous and bad. Christina wished that they met on better terms. Unfortunately, life didn't work that way and she knew it rather well. Despite the fact that Christina hated that a great deal. She knew that she had to accept it. So Christina did just that. She tried not to think of that. So that she won't get any more upset by that, as Christina didn't want or need that. Unknown to either of them, she was going to meet  her copy that evolved, Hales. That the meeting was more away for Hales to keep control over Christina aka Dolores. At least they had no idea about it just yet. However, sooner or later they would figure that out. Also even that they had no idea about just yet. The situation that they dealt with was much worse than they ever thought that it was. Unknown to them at the moment. It was another thing that they were about to find out but not just yet.

They didn't think about any of it, due to them not knowing about any of it. Just yet. Christina walked to where she needed to meet her college roommate and friend. She stopped for a bit and turned back. Christina watched him for a bit and then walked off. She planned to see him later that day. One way or another. There was no doubt about it. At least not to her, not to Christina anyway. That was for sure. She refused to stay away from him. No matter what. Christina needed him more than anything in the world. Especially since he was the only one who understood her more than anyone else ever did. It was ironic, so. When  Christina first came she thought that he was great. Amazing in fact. She thought that he was the greatest gift she had ever gotten in her life. Then it changed by the way he spoke to Christina and acted. Only to change back when he proved to her that he was a sweetheart. A great guy. Amazing guy, etc. She originally thought. Christina considered going back and to try and find him again. Yet, she knew that she couldn't do it. Which was the only reason that Christina didn't do that at all, in the first place. She sighed as she tried not to think about any of it as she walked. Christina felt like her life was falling apart, or more like they had fallen apart. All due to her finding out that everything that she was real and normal, not crazy turned out to be fake, not normal and crazy, among other things. It meant to Christina that her feeling that there was something wrong with the world turned out to be right. Which she wished won't ever be, had actually happened.

Christina sighed to that once more, as she tried not to think about that at all. No matter how hard it was to do. It took Christina some time until she found the place and walked inside. She was tempted to leave but decided against that. Christina looked around herself as she tried to find the one that she was there to meet. She wasn't sure where to look but did that anyway. Christina was worried that she was late, and that it might look suspicious but tried not to think of that as she hoped for the best. As that was all that she could do, which she knew rather well. Christina wondered where  was the one that she was there to meet.  She hoped that she hadn't missed them and ruin her cover. Christina tried not to think of that as she hoped for the best. A few minutes after she walked in she heard someone say her name. "Christina," which got Christina's attention as she looked over with a kind smile. Also it was a pretend smile, just as Teddy told her to do. Christina walked over as did the other woman. They hugged and then walked to the side and sat down, as they talked among themselves. When the talk went on the subject of whether she met a guy or not, or well a new one, it took her a while to answer as she had panicked about that. Especially after what Teddy told Christina before that. She eventually confirmed that. As the woman asked her about him. Christina told her all the good qualities she saw in Teddy, as she blushed right in front of the other person. When asked about the name she tried every way she could to try and avoid telling the person his name.  "I rather not, I don't want to jinx it, you know?!" Christina answered simply. That was the moment that things got more intense for her. "I have my ways of making people talk," the person, the woman by Chtistina said as she swallowed hard as soon as she heard it. That made her suspect that the woman she talked to could be the one behind it all. Christina kept that to herself in order not to raise suspicion. When the woman smiled and laughed she did too. Then Christina froze as some employees of the coffee shop that they were at, right at the moment began to argue over things. As she came out of her trance as the woman she talked to looked behind herself and at her. Then Christina made an excuse that she needed to go to work as she had a lot of work to do. It pissed the woman but then she nodded as they talked a bit more as they said goodbye and she left. Christina did the best that she could to get away from there as fast as she possibly could. As she didn't want to stay there any longer. Christina quickly headed to work as she started to search for Charlotte Hale in the database and then Dolores Abernathy. Her own actual name. Yet she found nothing but access denied as her boss caught and got her to his office where they talked. Christina did her best to avoid using her godly powers, unless she had no choice in the matter.  Which she ended up using on her boss, the moment that he startled her. Christina then got her boss to show her the imported walled garden.

Then she watched her boss leave and focused hard until she finally saw the door that she couldn't see before. Christina walked over to the door as she opened it and walked in. As she walked until she found what she wanted to and walked over, as she asked to city the city until the AI understood her and did so. Christina asked for certain people to be shown and then to show her narratives. Then she heard her own voice tell the people's stories until she freaked out and covered her ears. "Stop," Christina said as she was terrified. It stopped as she ran out of there and her work place. Christina ran none stop as she then stopped as she was far away from her work building. Then she called Teddy and asked him to meet her by her apartment building. Christina walked around for a bit and then headed back to her apartment building. She hoped that Teddy was there waiting for her as she needed him. More than a little bit. At that. Dolores wasn't sure what to think or believe. Nor did she know what to expect as she tried not to think of that as she made her way over; as she continued to hope for the best just like before that. Christina tried to stop tears from coming down her face but she couldn't, until she eventually gave in and let it be as she made her way over to the park by her  apartment building, where she hoped that Teddy was at. She had a lot to say to him but had no idea where to begin. Christina figured that she would figure that out when they met or hoped so. As she tried not to think of that. For the time being at least. Christina couldn't wait to see her guy, Teddy again. She needed him, especially because she couldn't handle the situation on her own. Christina figured that her roommate was busy, and she wasn't sure whether or not she could trust her. She believed that Teddy was the only one that she could trust. Which was why Christina hoped he would be there and that he would wait for her.

Another reason was that to handle the situation she needed her guy. Teddy was her guy, at least as far as Christina was concerned. So that was another reason that she needed him. There were more reasons but those were the basic reasons that she needed him for. Christina just needed him, period. That was exactly why she asked him to meet her. Christina was worried that he wouldn't show up, so. Yet, when she got to the place and saw him there, she realized that he had come and she was truly grateful for that. It took Christina a while however to even realize or even notice that he was there, due to her crying. Not only that but she almost passed by him.  The only reason Christina even noticed  him or realized he was there was due to him looking over towards her and saying her name, then getting up and walking over to meet her half way. It got her to look over to him, while she still cried. Christina then told him that he was right. As she had no doubt about that at all. Not anymore, that was for sure. When the guy asked if she could see it then Christina looked over and saw the tower. The same one he tried to get her to see for a while. Christina wasn't the only one who looked at it, so, as he did too. She nodded as she looked at him. "Yes, I do," Christina said to him as she still cried. Not that it was surprised as it hurt her to know all the things that he helped her find out and all the things that she had found out on her own. Due to his help. Only when Christina spoke again he looked back at her and nodded to what she said about it always being there. She then spoke again. After which Christina revealed that it had everyone in there, as in the tower behind the walled garden, right down to the tiniest detail. Then she asked him if that was what she wrote about, in there, inside her work place. About everyone and watched him nod.  Chrustina was shocked and speechless about that. That told her everything. Of course Christina wanted it not to be true. Of course she expected that to be a bad dream but she knew better than that, by that point. Christina knew better than to hope for something that won't happen. She did expect the truth from Teddy and she got it. Which Christina knew rather well. No matter how much she hated it. Christina was still grateful for him being honest with her, as it meant a lot to her. She needed at least one person to be honest with her or she would have lost it even more so. Luckily Christina did have, had a person like that in her life and that was Teddy. Which she was grateful for even if it didn't help much, if at all. Given that Teddy gave Christina bad news. Then again he didn't lie to her. So there was something good there. As lies were worse. Which Christina knew that. She thought that as well as believed that too. Despite how bad the truth was Christina was glad he told her and that she found out. Since it was much worse not knowing the truth and being used the way that she was.  The plus side in all of that was that Teddy was there for her and that Christina didn't go through all of that alone. She tried not to think of that, so, as she watched him closely.

Then Christina shakingly asked him who did that to her. She still cried even as she asked that question. Christina wanted to know that and as far as she was concerned she needed to know that. She knew that she herself didn't do it to herself. Which meant someone else did that to Christina. That much she was sure about. Since Christina knew that she, the one that talked to Teddy and went through all of it, couldn't possibly be behind any of it. Given that there was no way in hell that she would ever do it to herself. As that wasn't like Christina and more than likely it wasn't like her other self either. Her original self before she became Christina. She was sure about that too. Christina was positive about that, in fact. Yet, that was all that she possibly knew. No more nor less than that. That was exactly why Christina asked that in the first place. She wanted and needed to know that. Christina knew that and believed that. At least as far as she was concerned she needed to know all of that. That was important to Christina. Especially since it was her life and not anyone else's hers. Christina believed that due to that, she had every right to know that. No matter what. She doubted that nothing or anyone could ever change that fact. Christina was sure that it would be the same if it was someone else. Whether Teddy or someone else completely.  Christina was sure about it. Completely sure. Positively sure. She also knew that if it was the other way around then she would tell him, for sure. No questions asked as it was the right thing to do. Christina truly believed that. She had no doubt that she could trust him to answer her. Since Teddy never lied to her and Christina doubted that he would start at that moment. It didn't seem like him at all. Not to her at least. Christina also doubted that he would start lying at that moment. As it didn't seem like him at all. Not to her at least. Christina didn't believe that he was even capable of lying. Not really anyway. Yes, she knew that she could be wrong but somehow she really doubted that.  Christina truly believed that. She felt that deep inside herself. Christina didn't believe that he wanted to hurt her or use her or anything like that. True, she did think that for a bit but she quickly stopped. At the moment it was no longer what Christina thought or believed. Quite the opposite in fact. She believed that he cared about her and wanted to help her or he wouldn't be there for her. Christina had no doubt in her mind about that. Not anymore. She just wished that he could stop what had happened to her from happening. Yet, Christina figured that he had tried that but unfortunately failed. She was sure of that. Christina doubted that he let that happen deliberately and then ended up regretting that. As that didn't seem like him. That much she was sure about. Positively sure, in fact. Teddy seemed like a good guy. A great guy. He didn't seem capable of anything like that. That much Christina was sure about. She refused to accept or believe that he was behind any of it. That he did that to her, to Christina and then regretted that. As there was no way. Not a chance. Not even a tiny chance at that.

Christina was million and more percent sure about that. She didn't believe it was even a possibility. As it didn't seem that way to her, to Christina. Given the fact that he went really far and beyond to try to save her. To wake her up. Which meant that he wasn't a bad guy. At least as far as Christina was concerned it was the case. Which Christina was truly grateful for. She tried not to think of that, so, as she looked around and back at him as she waited for a reply.  Christina saw how hard it was for him to say. Which made her even more sure than before, if that was even possible, that he had nothing to do with any of it. Christina wondered what he would say to her next. What would his reply to her be. Christina wondered who did that to her. Whether he knew the answer to that or not. Christina  hoped that he knew the answer to that but was ready for anything. Or so she thought and believed at least.  Due to her not knowing for sure, Christina tried not to think of that as she hoped for the best. She hoped that he  would never change as she waited for him to reply to her. Part of Christina kept telling her that she was right about him. That she was right to trust him. To love him. Etc. Even if Christina had no idea for sure. Yet, it seemed to her that that side of her was right, so she trusted it and therefore she trusted him, she trusted Teddy to answer her on that. To answer her honestly at that. Which Christina truly believed in as she waited for a reply to that.  She still wondered what the reply would be, though. That was for sure. To Christina,  it was, at least. She looked around and back at him as she waited for a reply. Like before that. As Christina continued to wonder what it would be. She cleaned her face from her tears, from time to time as they talked, even if it was hard to do with new tears coming down. Christina did the same at that moment, despite how hard it was for her to do as it continued to come down, which was no surprise. Not to those who understood her or anything like that, at least. That was for sure.

Even without her, Christina thinking about that, it was still the truth. There was no doubt about that. She had no idea what to expect as she continued to wait for a reply, as she wondered what it would possibly be. Christina felt horrified that he had no idea how to answer her, so. She wondered whether it was because he didn't know the answer to that or if it was because he had no idea how to answer her because he feared hurting her feelings. Or him fearing hurting her, Christina's feelings and not knowing how to answer her without her panicking or such. She tried to convince him to answer with a look, and even to convince him that it was fine, that she didn't blame him for that, or anything like that.  Christina wanted him to know that he could tell her without worrying, as it was the truth. At least it was the truth for her. At least as far as Christina was concerned it was indeed the truth. For her it was the truth anyway. Christina had no intention of hurting him, no matter what he told her. As long as it wasn't him behind any of it. Which she still doubted that it was. It truly didn't seem like it. Not to Christina at least. That was for sure. Which meant that he truly had nothing to worry about. At least as far as Christina herself was concerned, that was the case, anyway. She  knew it wasn't him so it was more than enough reason for him to tell her the truth without worrying. Or so Christina thought and believed, at least. Which she hoped that he knew that. Even if Christina had no idea for sure whether he knew that or not. As she hoped for the best as she waited for him to reply to her. Christina had a feeling that he felt bad for her, and that he hated that it even happened to her, at all. Which she was grateful for. Grateful that he cared. Yet, Christina still wanted to know the truth, no matter what as it was very important to her. She sighed as she tried not to think of any of it, as she continued to wait for him to reply to her once and for all. As Christina still wondered what his reply would be, like before that.

She looked down for a bit and back at him as she waited for him to reply to her, like she did before that. As Christina continued to wonder what his reply would be. She was worried and terrified about that, but she still waited for that just the same. Part of Christina wanted to know the answer, no matter what but the other part of her wasn't sure whether she really wanted to know that or not. As she was terrified about what the answer might be. Christina wanted to know the answer all in all, so that she would stop wondering and worrying about it. She also wanted to know the answer in order to stop the one who did this to her and other people, in order to keep herself and others safe from that person, once and for all. As that situation shouldn't continue no matter what. It also couldn't continue no matter what. That much Christina knew for sure, and believed in. As for her it was true, and she believed that for him it was true as well. In fact she was positive about that. More than anything in the world. Christina was sure about it. 100 and more percent. That was for sure. Even without thinking about any of it. As seemed rather true, at least it did for Christina anyway.  She had no doubt that it was the case, with or without thinking about that. Christina did however wonder how bad it was. Given the fact that it was very hard and painful for Teddy to tell her the truth. Which Christina noticed rather well. That scared her and worried her even more. If that was even possible, given the situation and how scared as well as worried she already was. Christina hoped that sooner or later he would answer her, as she truly needed to know the answer, no matter what that answer was. She had a feeling that the answer was so bad that he feared telling her what it was. Christina tried to hint to him that it was fine, that he could tell her anything, that she could take it. Which meant he could tell her and she would be alright. Or at least not angry at him but at the one who did that to her. Christina tried to let him know that she knew that he had nothing to do with him. Which meant that Christina wasn't angry with him, and never will be angry with him. Especially not about that. As there was no reason for that at all. Christina tried to let him know all of that, as she hoped that he understood that and believed her as she waited for him to answer her or that.

She looked around again and back at him, as she waited, like before that. Christina continued to wonder what his reply would be. Until she heard him reply, firmly but kinly, as she watched him shocked and confused by that. The words 'You did,' rang in her head non stop since the moment he said those two words. Christina watched him shocked, confused, scared-terrified.  She had no idea what to think or believe about it. Christina had no idea what to think or believe. That was definitely a reply that she had never seen coming. Christina was sure that it wasn't her, up until he actually said those words. Then she just froze and watched him with a confused, scared- terrified look, as well as shocked, etc. Christina had no idea what to think or how to react to that. She tried to speak but nothing came out. Christina was definitely shocked, confused, scared, terrified, etc. She was that way no matter how long had passed. Christina tried to deny that. Tried to deny that it was the truth. Yet, she had  trouble doing that, no matter what. Given that Christina knew him well enough to know that he wasn't a lier. She also knew that he wasn't about to start lying to her. Which meant that he told the truth. Christina knew that rather well. She didn't like that. Christina didn't like the truth. Yet, she knew that there was nothing that she could do about it. Since the truth was the truth, whether someone liked it or not. Christina understood that rather well.  However, she still hated it, no matter what. The longer that had passed the more Christina wished that it wasn't real but she knew that things didn't work that way.  As she accepted it, no matter how much she hated it and wished that it wasn't real. Christina tried not to think of any of it, like before that as she just stood there and watched Teddy. She opened and closed her mouth, as she tried to speak like when he first said that it was her but still nothing came out as she sighed to that. Christina opened and closed her mouth nonstop, as she had no idea what to say or how to react to any of that. She didn't expect the answer that it truly made her speechless. Christina didn't understand any of it. Not even a little bit. Not at all. She understood the words and all but she had no idea what exactly did he meant by any of it. It made Christina more confused and startled.  She hoped for something else. That was for sure. Unfortunately it wasn't anything else but that. Christina tried to find in his face anything that said that he either teased her or messed up or something but she found nothing. Not even a tiny hint that it was a tease or such.

That made her realize even more than Teddy was in fact telling the truth. Not that it was surprising as Christina expected that much from him. She expected honesty from him. Even if that wasn't exactly the honesty that Christina expected from him but it was still honesty. Just the same. Which she knew rather well, even if she didn't like that at all. It was what it was and Christina had to accept it. She knew that rather well and accepted it as much as she possibly could. Even if Christina hated that a great deal. She had no choice but to accept it. Christina knew that rather well, which was why she did what she did. She sighed as she let him hug her as she hugged him back. Christina continued to cry in his arms at that. She was horrified that something like that could be even possible. Then again after finding out that they were different from humans, Christina knew that she should have expected it but she still didn't. She was sure that there was some limit but it turned out that there clearly wasn't any limit at all. That was one of things that scared Christina the most. Other than everything else. She hoped that she heard him wrong or something but she knew that she didn't. Christina could tell. That frustrated her, hurt her, scared her, terrified her, confused her, freaked her out, took her by surprise, etc. There was no doubt about that. Christina continued to hug him and cry as she still felt his arms around her. She liked being in his arms but not the situation or anything like that.

The situation was something that Christina definitely could do without. That was for sure. Unfortunately, things didn't always, if ever, work how a person wanted them to. Christina knew that just as much as others knew that. Just like she knew that before that. Whether it was because Christina went through something similar or not, didn't change the fact that she knew that rather well. She hated that just as much as other people.  Christina always hated that, no matter what. That moment wasn't any different. She wished that things were different than they were, just as much as other people did. However, Christina accepted that things hardly if ever worked as people wanted them to. She accepted that a while ago, even if she didn't want to. Christina felt like she was inside a nightmare. However, not the kind a person could wake up from but the kind of nightmare that a person lives through when going through bad things. At least it felt that way to her, to Christina anyway. Even if she wished that it was the kind of nightmare a person could wake up from. However, since there was no way to change that and all, Christina tried not to think of that as she hoped for the best about that too. Despite the fact that she knew that there was no use to hope for the best about that. Christina hoped that Teddy would never leave her. Especially not after he helped her find out the truth and to start to wake up or wake up more at least. That surely did mean a lot. To Christina. Despite the fact that most things that she found out were bad. Especially due to that.  Christina was grateful that he helped her at all. That was better than nothing. Or so she thought and believed, anyway.

Christina was glad that she didn't need to go through it all alone. Also, she would rather not go through any of it at all and have a better life than she did at that moment. That was for sure. However, if she had to go through it all then it was better to go through that with someone than on her own. That much Christina knew for sure. At least she had support  when she had someone that helped her deal with the situation than she would have had if she had to go through it all alone. That much Christina knew for a fact. She truly believed that as well. Christina had no idea how to react to any of it, other than in the way that she had reacted in as she didn't expect any of it to happen, nor did she expect to find out that it was the situation that she was facing and that it was done by some version of her. She never imagined anything like the situation that she faced where she was a god and controlled people with the help of a tower. Nor did Christina imagine the fact that the life that she lived wasn't her real life, the good life that she deserved and that she was made to go through all of it and control innocent people's lives. By her own self, no less. Yet, it turned out to be exactly the situation that she was in. Christina only realized all of it, found out about all of that because of Teddy who cared for her so much that he made her face her reality no matter how hard it was and see the truth for what it is but instead of abandoning her right after, he stayed with her and did his best to help her deal with it. She hated that she had to find that out and face it of course, just as much as she hated the fact that it was a reality but the part that made it easier for her. At least slightly was the fact that she had to go through that alone. Christina was grateful to that, since the moment she began to realize the truth of her reality and when she realized that he was truly there for her as she dealt with all of that. She couldn't believe that any of it was real. Especially the fact that Teddy was in her life. However, Christina was glad to have him in her life and the fact that he cared enough to be there for her through it all. Also the fact that he wanted to be with her in general as she wanted to be with him was just another plus about him. Or so Christina thought and believed, anyway.

For her it was the case anyway. Christina felt lucky to have Teddy in her life. She just wished that they met or meet again on better terms than the ones that met on, due to the situation. Yet, that was better than nothing.  At least for Christina it was the case anyway. She was glad to have him in her life. That moment especially. However, Christina would have preferred that he was part of her life without all the bad stuff in it. That was besides the point. She tried not to think of that too. Christina stayed in Teddy's arms for a while longer, as she continued to hug him close. She refused to let him go. Whether Christina still felt hurt, scared, startled, terrified, confused, shocked, freaked out, etc. Or not. Either way she felt way better with him by her side, no matter what. Christina felt like it was always the case, even if she had no idea for sure as to why. She figured it might be true that they met before and that was why it felt that way to her. Christina wasn't sure so. She believed, however, that more than likely that was in fact. Even if she couldn't explain why it felt that way. All Christina did know was she felt that way, no matter what and no matter how long had passed. She couldn't help it. Christina just felt that way every passing minute. She liked the feeling no matter how long had passed , despite the fact that she still hated the situation and always will be. The situation was horrible but having Teddy in her life was great. Even if Christina was rather to have him in her life without all the hell that she had gone through. Like before that. However, there was nothing that Christina could do about it. Which she accepted no matter how hard it was for her to do. Not that she wanted to accept it but she had to. Which Christina knew that rather well, despite the fact that she hated that, very much. It hadn't changed no matter how long had passed.

She tried not to think of any of it but she truly had trouble with that. Especially since Christina went through it all, with others at the current moment in time. She hated the idea of anyone suffering, herself included  and yet, unfortunately that was exactly what was going on at that moment and hardly anyone knew that. Except Christina herself and Teddy, as well as the ones or one behind it all, with those who were loyal to them. That was about it. Which Christina truly hated with passion. That was something she wanted to change. It was something that Christina planned to change, no matter what.  One way or another she planned to make sure that it was changed, and fixed for the better. No matter how hard it was. Nor how long it took. As nothing else was an option. Not to her at least. That was for sure. Since Christina like her Dolores self were good people. As was Teddy. Granted, Dolores had a period when she was evil and cruel but that was due to her Wyatt persona at the time but that was besides the point. Christina had no idea about anything to do with her Dolores self. At least for the time being as she tried not to think of that. Also, Christina was waking up already to the whole truth but she wasn't there. Not just yet at least but she was getting there. Or at least it seemed that way. Whether Christina knew that or not. Which, truth be told, she was slowly beginning to realize that. Even if she hadn't realized it just yet. Christina didn't think of that, due to the fact that she had no idea about that. For the time being. Slowly she had began to understand and realize that, but she wasn't there yet. Christina let herself see the situation the way it was instead of fighting it. Even if part of her wished that she didn't know about it but other part of her was grateful to know the truth, despite the fact that she hated it a lot. Since the truth was better than a lie, which Christina knew rather well. For her it was true, just like it was for her Dolores self. Which, deep inside Christina knew that but had no idea about it as she didn't have all her memories back, yet, but it was rather close. She felt that, even without knowing or understanding it, at least for the time being, anyway. Christina didn't think of that as she had no idea about it just that. Despite the fact that she was close to remembering it all.  Christina was close to realizing it all. Even if she wasn't there just yet, she was still getting close to it either way. Not that Christina knew that but still.

It was something that those like Teddy, who saw her at the moment and knew her well enough, would be able to tell but others won't be able to tell.  As for those who didn't know Christina or well who she used to be, won't be able to tell. As it would be hard for them to tell. Since they have no idea how to see that side of her. Those who knew her and were there  at that moment would know and therefore would notice that about Christina. Like Teddy, as those people knew how to look to see that about her. Teddy knew how to do that so he would no doubt know how to see it. Then again Christina didn't even bother to hide it. Especially since she saw no point to do that and she had no idea how to hide that in the first place. Then again Christina didn't even think about that, as she was too distracted by how she felt at that moment and all. There was no doubt there. That was also what she thought about and focused on. Christina couldn't focus on anything else, whether she wanted to or not. As the situation was what got her attention the most. Christina wanted to fix it. She wanted to stop it from getting worse. If it could even get any worse. Christina also wanted to stop it all and save people, as well as herself and her guy, Teddy.  Since she was a good person she truly cared for people, herself and for her guy, Teddy. Who, Christina had no doubt cared for her and others or he wouldn't try to help her or anything like that. She was sure about that. Christina was 100+ percent sure about that. She had no doubt in her mind about that. Christina felt that deep inside of her. He never showed her anything that said that he couldn't care less. Which was why Christina felt like she could trust him. It was why she did trust him more than anything in the world. Christina felt lucky to have him in her life and that he existed. As she couldn't imagine her life without him nor did she want to. Especially after Christina found out the truth. Her life before Teddy showed up was not a life she wanted. At least her life as Christina as she didn't remember her life as Dolores. Not fully at least. Not yet, anyway but she was truly getting there, so. Even without her knowing that it was the case. For the time being, anyway. Sooner or later she would realize it, there was no doubt there. Christina's true self, Dolores was sure about that, positive in fact. As she watched it all and waited for herself to wake up. Since her, Dolores self was the one who put it all in motion. Her waking up wise not anything else. The bad stuff was because of her copy that evolved, Hales's fault, and doing. Not Dolores's herself. The real her fault. As the real her had no connection to that at all. Dolores did plan it because of her Wyatt side convincing her of that but she didn't want to do that because of the good people she met, which made her believe that humanity had hope. Yet, at that point Dolores listened to Wyatt because she couldn't fight Wyatt's persona in her and because he had good points. That was besides the point, so. Since Christina had no idea about any of it, she did her best not to think of that as she thought about other things instead. What she did know was she was a good person. At least Christina, her and she wanted to stop the ones who did that to her and others. Then she wanted to save people and herself from those that messed up their lives, and have justice be served. As that was the right thing to do, which Christina knew rather well, like she was sure that even Teddy knew, all too well.

She had no doubt that he knew that too and agreed with that. As Teddy didn't seem like a horrible man. Not to Christina at least, that was for sure. It was a fact. For her it was, anyway. Whether it was to others or not, didn't change that fact at all. Christina doubted that it would ever change. Not as far as she was concerned, anyhow.  There was no doubt about any of it, like with other things. At least as far as Christina knew and only about things that she herself knew about. No more nor less than that. She tried not to think any of that like before that, as she knew  all of that rather well and believed in it. Christina had no idea how would she got back home, to her apartment. At least not after she found out the truth about it all. It was much harder than most things she had ever done in her life and other people's lives. Christina wasn't sure if she could go after she found out all the things that she had found out. It was way too much. For Christina it was too much, at least. Even her , Dolores side noticed that and felt bad for her.  For herself but there was nothing she could do about that. She had to let it unfold in order to be herself again. Which Dolores knew rather well, even if her Christina side had no clue about any of it. She knew that she would be herself, whole self again soon. Dolores was sure about it. She had no doubt about it. Even if her Christina didn't know that yet, or even thought about it for that matter. She, as in her Christina self continued to focus on the moment and nothing else but that as she hoped for the best. She hoped to solve and fix it all and save anyone soon, so that the next thing she could focus on would be her life with Teddy and everything that was connected to that. As Christina deserved a better life than she had at the moment, as did others, the others who had suffered. Which she wanted to stop, once and for all. Which Christina wanted to fix and change once and for all. That was what she planned to do. With Teddy's help. As Christina hoped that he would want to help with that. She was sure that he wanted to help her with, as he was the one to wake her up to the truth. Teddy was also the one who tried to bring her back, up until he finally brought her back, at least as far as she knew anyway. As Christina had no idea about her life as Dolores yet but she was slowly but surely getting them. Getting her memories back from her time as Dolores/Dolores and her time as Dolores/Wyatt, and she slowly but surely  was getting her memories about all of her past lives, about her other lives that she lived through. Also no matter how many lives she lived and went through, Christina was always Dolores Prime, the real and main Dolores and always will be. There was no doubt there. Even if Christina had no memories of any of it, yet she was getting there.

Which meant that it wasn't long from that moment that she would finally get all her memories back. Christina had no idea about any of it, as before. That meant that she had no idea that the memories that she slowly but surely was getting back were memories of her real self, of her actual self. As Christina herself wasn't a clone. She never was. Christina was always the real deal. That moment wasn't any different. Whether Christina had her memories back and knew that she was the real Dolores or not. None of it changed it and none of it ever will. Christina and Dolores were one, and the same even before she became Christina due to the loss of her memories. It was just how things were and how they would always be, no matter what. Also due to Christina not knowing any of it, she didn't even think about it. As she hugged him and he hugged her, as she cried she saw some visions, images of her old life. However, Christina was too shocked to even realize the truth. She was too shocked to even consider it being the case. Christina had no idea what she saw as she shook her head to it all, as she almost fell over while she held him close. Which made her hold him closer in order not to crash or anything like that. As Christina definitely didn't expect it. Any if it. That was for sure. Then again most people if not all, in her situation, would expect it. Especially without knowing that they went through any of it in the first place. Christina froze to that, like most people in her situation would. As she had no idea what to think or believe, liks before that. Christina held on tighter to Teddy, as that happened. She just didn't hold him way too tight or tried not to, as she didn't want to hurt him after all. Given that Christina, like her Dolores self, loved Teddy very much and wanted to be with him, forever. For that to happen they both needed to exist in the same place or at least be in the same place. As otherwise it won't work. Not ever. Which Christina knew rather well and was sure that he knew that too. That was one of the reasons she was very careful. Among other reasons. Christina did that without even thinking much or at all about that. She felt that Teddy was the one for her, that he was the one she wanted and needed, etc.  Christina felt that way the moment she first met him after losing her memories. Just as she felt that way before that. When Christina still had her memories and was Dolores not Christina. Her feelings never changed or disappeared after she lost her memories and became Christina. She just had no idea about them because he wasn't near her at that moment.  That was also why Christina had no idea that those feelings existed until they saw each other again. That was when she finally realized that. It was also when Christina realized that when she felt that there was something wrong with her world and something missing, she wasn't wrong. Yet, it took her until the next day to fully understand it and figure out that she didn't imagine any of it. That it was all in fact the truth, as it really was the truth. Also that overwhelmed Christina. In fact even at that moment she was still overwhelmed by all of it.

Christina tried to fight it but she ended up giving in. As she saw no way around it. Christina also believed that not fighting those feelings made things so much easier. Not to mention when she fought those Christina hurt him and herself. Which she didn't want to do. Besides Teddy was one of the people that truly cared for her. If not the only one who cared for her. Which made him the one for Christina. As she knew that rather well. Christina felt it in fact. There was no denying it. As she knew it rather well. Christina decided to give in to it instead. Which was the easiest thing she had ever done. That moment especially. Even if Christina was hurt, upset, terrified, etc. By everything that she had found. However, since Teddy wasn't behind any of it, she let her feelings for him in. Christina embraced her feelings for him. Given the fact that despite it all, Teddy was still there for her, no matter what. That meant that he came into her for her, and to help good people. Yet, mostly for her, for Christina and that was more than enough for her to know that he was the o

Jul 26th 2022 - 6:56 AM

Christina never knew that her life would turn out the way that they did. Especially her having a stalker but unfortunately she did end up having one, so a mysterious guy, who for some reason looked familiar to her, saved her. Which Christina was still shocked about. After that day she never thought that she would see him again. Her savior wise. Given the fact that Christina looked away for a minute and when she looked back he was literally gone and so was her stalker. Which she still had no idea how it had even happened in the first place. Christina was sure that it was one and only time that she would ever see him. She felt him follow her for a while. Christina had no doubt it was him before her stalker was dead. Which made sense for it to be her savior not her stalker because of that. However, that didn't mean that she would ever see him again, face to face, as it didn't seem like he wanted to see her, not to her, not to Christina. As she accepted it and let it be. Despite the fact that part of Christina wanted to see him again. Yet, other part of her was terrified of it. As Christina had no idea about him, because she didn't remember her old life or anything like that. She could have searched for him but instead she searched about her stalker and attacker, as she wanted to find out more about him, and why he blamed her for his life.  Christina also wanted to know why he committed a suicide and everything else she could possibly find out. It was why she skipped work and went to the mental institution he was committed to, before she met him and all. The trouble was that it didn't bring Christina answers but more questions. It literally started her. Christina ended up calling her bff and roommate, and then she headed back home, to her apartment. One she shared with her bff and roommate. Christina decided to let that go for the time being. She hoped that she overreacted or such. Christina hoped that it would turn out like nothing, not any crazy mystery or such, as her life was crazy as it were without that. Instead of focusing on the strange things that she went through she just focused on her life and nothing more than that.

Christina's roommate and best friend seemed to agree with it, but at the same time she seemed to act like she was hiding something. She ignored that, and told herself that she was being ridiculous, being silly. Christina said that to herself enough times until she began to believe that, herself. Except part of her was still trying to figure it all out, even as she tried to fight herself over it. Christina ended up not able to sleep, so unknowingly to herself and her roommate at that moment, she drew the tower, one the stalker mentioned and another guy that people ignored. She eventually fell asleep. It got her roommate and best friend to go in and try to wake her up, before Christina woke up. Her roommate and best friend at first thought that something happened to her, only to realize that she was still asleep. As Christina woke up only to realize that she overslept. She and her roommate talked as she got up and closed her bed as always. Then Christina got dressed. She listened to the nightmare that her roommate and best friend had, as she was horrified but something about it made her wake up and remember more about her old life. Not enough for Christina to be Dolores again and help but close enough. She turned to her roommate and best friend as she wanted to know more about it. They talked a bit more and agreed to meet again, as Christina agreed for her roommate to set her up even. She just hoped that it would be a better man than the other one her roommate and best friend found for her. Christina tried not to think of that as she watched her roommate leave, and then she left herself. She wondered who would she go on a date with this time. Christina shook her head to those thoughts as she hoped for the best. She went for a walk and then when it was time, she headed back home, to her apartment that she shared with her roommate and best friend, Maya. Once there Christina checked and brushed her hair. Then she went to the place where they agreed to meet. Then Christina got her roommate and best friend's attention, as they walked to a table. Once at the table her best friend and roommate put make up on her, and then handed her the lipstick. As it fell as if by accident but unknown to Christina it was all planned.

She had no idea what to expect that day. Until that exact moment the lipstick fell and the guy picked it up and spoke. Christina just watched him confused and impressed. She and her best friend, and roommate spoke as she then asked if he was her date but by her voice it was easy to tell that she hoped that he was, and that she was embarrassed and impressed. As well as being shy. When the guy asked her if that was a problem, she definitely let him know that it wasn't. Given that for Christina it wasn't a problem. It would only be a problem if he wasn't. Yet, since that wasn't the case it didn't matter. Not to Christina that is. Which was why she tried not to think of that and didn't mention it. As both blushed and all. Then Christina walked away with him to start their date. First of many. At least Christina hoped so anyway. The moment the date started she already was having fun.  A lot of fun, like the guy seemed to as well. Which was true the guy was too. Even if the guy did scare her and confuse a bit, but, his explanation made sense to her, and it helped her calm down. Christina was just glad that he didn't turn out like the other jerk she dated. Or those before. The guy seemed silly and goofy, charming and cheesy but not crazy or a jerk or such. Yet, everything he had said and did seemed familiar but Christina couldn't figure out why. Not yet at least. However, Christina planned to one way or another figure it out, no matter what. She was grateful that her roommate and best friend introduced her to him as he was a great guy and a great catch. Christina was just surprised that he was still single but she definitely didn't complain about that. It just meant that he had a chance to be her guy. Which was a good thing or so Christina thought and believed at least. With and without thinking about it. Unknown to her for the time being the guy was already hers. It was something Christina was slowly beginning to understand.

The guy perhaps was cheesy but not boring or cruel or anything like that. Christina didn't mind him being cheesy nor hitting on her, she actually liked it even if she pretended not to notice that. She ended up being cheesy herself as she apologized, only for him not to mind it at all. Christina claimed that she wasn't hitting on him except she was but she was too shy and embarrassed to admit to that, which seemed to hurt the guy, as she felt bad about that. He seemed hurt by it, upset and disappointed as she felt horrible about it but she wasn't ready to admit to that, not just yet anyway. Christina hated lying about it but at the moment she was even fighting herself about. About the fact that she indeed flirted, hit on him. Part of Christina did agree that she hit on him but other part of her didn't and thought it was ridiculous and silly, which it really wasn't. She was glad that he just changed the subject as they continued to have fun. Just like they did before that. Christina had a feeling that he was still hurt and disappointed by that but that he accepted that, which she was glad by that. Still she couldn't really shake the feeling that he looked familiar but she had no idea as to why so. Christina still tried to figure that out, one way or another. She did that as they had fun. Christina didn't stop wondering about him, no matter how long had passed. The longer that had passed the more curious about him she had become. It was hard for her not to. Not just because the guy was a mystery but also because he looked familiar to her and she had no idea as to why. Christina planned to do all that she could to figure out why he looked so familiar to her. No matter how long it would take her to do that. Christina refused to give up until she found out why he looked so familiar to her.

She had no doubt that sooner or later she would figure that out. Since Christina was smart after all. She was sure that she would figure that out. Eventually. Christina was sure of that. Positive of that in fact. She knew that there was an answer to that and she would figure it out. With or without his help, Christina planned to figure that out. One way or another. Christina hoped that he would help her with that but if not then she planned to do that on her own. Either way she planned to figure it out. Christina wondered if she imagined it and he wasn't really familiar, except the longer that passed the more sure she was that he was familiar. She had no doubt about it. Not even slightly. Christina just couldn't put her finger on it. Just yet but it won't last long. Christina was sure about it, as she refused to let it stay that way. She had trouble with the mystery. Christina wanted to solve it and soon. However, she hoped that it wouldn't end things between them before they started as she liked him and wanted to be with him, but at the same time she wanted to know why he looked so familiar to her. Christina wanted to be with him, she felt it deep down, even if she had no idea why. She just felt that he was the one for her, for some reason. Which Christina truly did like that feeling. It was all true even if she tried not to think of any of it, as she truly enjoyed their date. More than Christina ever thought that she would as he was a good guy, charming and sweet,  and someone she definitely was glad to have met. He was a guy that she was glad to be on a date with. There was no doubt there. Not to Christina at least. She actually enjoyed the time that they had spent together. More than anything in the world. Which was rather easy to tell. Even without thinking about that either.

Christina didn't even think about the time, just about spending time with him. As he called her beautiful she just blushed and smiled at him kindly. "Thank you," Christina said to him. As she smiled at him as she said that. "You are very handsome," Christina said to him kindly. She didn't expect him to call her beautiful. Then again Christina didn't expect herself to call him handsome but she did. So there was that. She just let it be as she didn't want to take that back nor planned on that either. Christina was glad that she didn't startle him away or such. Even if she was shocked and confused by that but glad and relieved as well. As Christina liked the feeling of saying that and hearing him call her beautiful. Even if both things sounded familiar to her and made her blush. Christina still didn't change her mind about it. Her feelings hadn't changed either. Which surprised Christina but she let that be. She smiled at him as she took another sip from her drink. Christina felt like she was on the best date ever. As it was the case for her at least. Christina smiled at him once as she waited for him to speak again if he wanted to, before she spoke again. She didn't even feel like she wanted to leave and flee but stay. The longer that they spend together the more Christina was that she liked him and wanted to hang out with him, if he wanted to hang out and spend time with her. Which Christina hoped so but was ready for anything or so she thought, as she hoped for the best without thinking about that at all. 

She then spoke again as she watched him closely and hoped that he will tell her, or at least give her a hint as to where the y had met before and all. Christina then listened to him and shook her head, as she sighed. "I knew that it was you. And wait, what? Can't you just tell me? What do you mean that I have to figure that out on my own, how do I possibly do that? Can't you give me a hint or something?" She asked him as she wondered what he would say next, even if she had a feeling that she knew what it would be but waited to hear his reply just the same. Christina hoped that he would give her a hint but she definitely doubted that. As it didn't seem that way. Not to Christina at least. She sighed as she continued to wait for a reply from him. Christina looked around and back at him as she took another sip from her drink. She watched him as she smiled at him once more and tried to figure him out. As much as Christina possibly could do that. "You saved me because I am someone you care about. I think even love, perhaps," she said as she continued try to figure out the mysterious guy and why he looked so familiar to her. Christina also tried to figure out why she felt like he was the one and why she felt attracted to him. Among other things. "We met some time ago, that is for sure! Not just now," she continued as she watched him closely. "I know deep down inside of me you say? I really have no clue. We were close! We were, weren't we?" She said to him a few minutes later.

"I am? Special? And important? Really? Thank you. For calling me special and important, as it means a lot to me! And good that you won't. I have no idea why but I feel like I can trust you! Even if I can't figure it out. I will figure it out, so, with your help or on my own," Christina said to him but not in a mean way, so. "Because of our past? So we do have a past huh? You didn't leave me? That is good to know but if we are that close as you are hinting then why weren't you in my life, and not just following but like in front of me and all? What made you be far away from me?" She asked as she blushed as she asked that but tried to hide it, so. "You missed me? Then why weren't you there? I mean like my roommate and best friend, not just following me. Also I feel like I have missed you too,even if I am not sure why! And really? Alright, mind we go slow just not too slow so, I hope you understand what I mean," Christina said to him.  She looked down and back at him.

Christina hoped that he understood her, even if she wasn't sure one way or another. "Really? I knew it. We look familiar to each other and always will in that case! I see. I want you to help me remember! I do want you in my life as long as you are not stalking me and truly wish to help me," she said to him. "Thank you for willing to help me, so.  I don't understand, I don't remember us meeting before, except I also do! How is that even possible at all? I don't understand it," Christina said to him and sighed to that. She then looked around herself once more for a bit, before she looked back at him once more. Christina was surprised that he felt so highly of her and that he cared so much for her but was glad about that as well, as it truly meant a lot to her. More than words could say, whether she told him so or not. Christina was glad that at least someone valued her and saw her worth. That was better than nothing. At least for her it was the case, anyway. Christina had no idea what to say for that, other than what she had already told him. She smiled kindly at him. Christina was glad that they had met. He was one of the things, one of the people she had met that felt real to her. Unlike most people and things. Which was nice or so Christina thought and believed. As for her it was the truth. There was no doubt there. Not to Christina at least.

The interesting thing was, that as she talked to him and the longer that they talked the more she felt like she was waking up to the truth. Even if Christina didn't really understand that at all. She had no idea what was happening to her but she knew that she was safe and that she enjoyed spending time with him. He was very different from most guys Christina had ever met and she liked that about him. Very much.  She felt like he could definitely be the one for her and she was pleased by that. Christina was grateful that he was her date and not another jerk, as she couldn't handle another bad date but luckily for her she didn't need to worry about that at all. She listened to what he had said next and shook her head to that. "No, let's not end it here. I don't want that! I want to see you again. I don't want that to end as I am having fun spending time with you! I rather spend time with you than alone," Christina said to him with a smile as she watched him. She couldn't believe that she told him that but she didn't regret telling him that, no matter what. Christina felt good telling him that. She couldn't really explain it but she did. Christina really did. She felt like they could talk and spend time together a lot and she would be happy. As he never hurt her and Christina liked it that way. As she truly liked him. A lot. Christina couldn't not to, that was for sure.

She tried not to think of that as she listened to him once more. Christina smiled as she heard what he had said next.  "Aww. That is so sweet! You have? I feel like I feel and felt the same back then way but can't figure out why I feel that way, if I don't remember anything. Thank you for being so amazing! It makes being with you so much easier. So I wish that I knew your name! I feel like you didn't hurt me before and that you will never hurt me, not intentionally at least. It seems like you truly care for me and I like that, I like that about you! I am not scared of spending time with you because of that," she said to him. "I am glad that you will never do what I don't want to do as it means a lot to me. More than you would ever know," Christina said to him. "Thanks also for following my request. As it means a lot to me," she said to him. When he said the next Christina nodded to that. "Yes. Not sure from where so! A park I do believe. I don't think my parents or just my dad were pleased with you wanting me but you didn't care about it and neither did I or something like that! I don't remember. I am sorry but thank you for being honest with me," she said to him. Christina listened to what she said next as she smiled at him. "Thank you so much. That means a lot! I wish more people realized it but unfortunately they don't as they don't see it that way," she said to him as she looked down and back at him. Christina then listened to what he had said next as she thought about that. "I don't remember. I might have wanted to do something else but it didn't work out so I have settled for that, instead. What about you, Teddy? I mean, what about you? Tell me about you," she said to him.  Christina didn't realize that on her own she figured out his name. She had no idea how she did that but she did. Yet, Christina had no idea that she had done that. Even if she was about to find that out soon, unknown to her. Christina had no idea that she was already waking up to the truth and to her reality, and to who she really was. At least at that moment she had no idea about it. Also, Christina was about to find that out and soon. Yet, since she had no idea about it, she tried not to think about that. At least for the moment anyway.

Christina listened to what he had said next. She was tempted to take him up on his offer but she wasn't sure how she felt about his offer, so. "I will think about it. Most likely I would take it so! My stalker said that I influenced his life and if that is the truth then I don't want to work there anymore. I do want to remember the truth about myself and what we, as in you and I went through together, so," she said to him. Luckily no one  heard them as unknown to her Teddy and her roommate made sure of that. As they didn't want Charloress, her copy and those loyal to her and under her control would find any of that out. She listened to what he said next and nodded in agreement with that. "Yes, we really do, and it sounds familiar. I said it before, didn't I?" Christina said to him and sighed once more. She had a feeling that she had but she wasn't sure but it sounded like something she had said before that. Which was why Christina was sure that she had said that before. Pretty sure at that. She had no doubt about it. Even if Christina knew that she could be wrong about it but somehow she doubted that. She was confused as well as curious about him, herself and their past together. Christina thought that he was handsome, sweet, cheesy but fun and interesting, charming, amazing and more. Definitely a guy she wanted and needed in her life. Christina had no doubt about it. She believed that her older self was the same about that too.

Christina wondered what could help her remember it all. She looked around as she took another sip from her drink, except part of it got spilled into her nose by accident, as she cleaned her nose and tried to get it out of there. Luckily it didn't short circuited Christina or such.  She shook her head to that and sighed. "I am sorry about that. It isn't how I am usually! I am not sure what just happened," Christina said to him. She wanted to be with him but hoped that didn't ruin anything between them or such, as it was the last thing that she had ever wanted. Christina watched him and waited for him to talk again as she cleaned her nose and tried to get the liquid out of there, as she used a napkin that she got to do that. She listened to what he said next. "Yeah, we do. And you are right or we both are as I have a feeling that I have said it before you just did," Christina said to him as she was pretty sure about that. "Or am I getting things confused," she said to him as she sighed once more. Christina smiled at him kindly again. "I do? You think? I will try and use it. I hope you don't regret what you said later! I hope you won't regret anything you said about me and I hope that your feelings towards me won't ever change either," she said to him. Christina listened to what he said next and smiled at that. "I would love to see you again soon. As long as you haven't changed your mind about me nor are about to, that is all that matters," she said to him. Christina heard what he said next and blushed at that. "I am? Thank you, so what do I call you?" She said to him as she still didn't realize that without noticing it she had already said his name. As Christina did that without even thinking about that, so she didn't even notice that nor knew that due to not remembering anything about her old life and all.  At least for the moment anyway but she was starting to but slowly so.

Christina watched him with a smile. "Thanks for saying that. You look handsome too," she said to him. Christina looked around and back at him once more. "So Teddy…. I mean so tell me more about you? What do you do? As in what do you do in your life? Other than rescuing women like me or just me and all? What is your name and what is your dream job? Things like that," she said to him and sipped from her drink again. Christina looked around and back at him once more as she waited for a reply as she wondered what would it be. "I am having fun with you by the way, so I am not going to end it here or ever. As long as you stay the way that you are, that is all that I care about! However, your cheesiness sound silly but at the same time it sounds so real, so you make me wonder about you even more and I like that about you and I also like you, a lot," she said to him and blushed as she tried to take another sip from her drink and spilled it into her nose again and into her ear too this time as she put her glass down and cleaned her as well as nose as she tried to get the liquid out of there.  Christina was lucky that even that didn't short circuited her  or anything like that. She blushed at that as she continued to clean herself and get the liquid out of both her ear and nose, as she looked at him and waited for him to talk again if he chose to. Christina just hoped that he wouldn't leave or anything like that. She didn't want him to give up on her or such as she tried not to think of that as she hoped for the best as she watched him. Christina still had no idea that no matter what he wouldn't abandon her nor change his mind about her, as nothing would change it, so she was scared about that, for the time being at least.

"I am sorry about the weird things that just happened. I am not usually like that, just so you know! At least this me isn't. But I have a feeling that other me isn't like that either! Is she? I mean me as myself I guess you could say isn't like that either. I just hope none of it changes your mind about me or us so," she said to him as she hoped for the best about that. Christina looked around and back at him as she got herself a new drink and paid for it. Then she sipped from her new drink and sighed as she watched him closely. "I am glad you are my date and I am glad that we met. I am also glad that you exist," Christina said and then she realized something. "You came back. I mean you said you didn't leave me but you weren't there for me for a long time! So you must have been forced to go but you came back, that means you love me as for you to come back it means that you love me," she said to him as she smiled at him once more. "So thank you for coming back, Teddy. I mean… whatever your name is, thank you for coming back for me! I just wish that I remembered you, that I remembered us but I will. I will make sure of it," Christina said to him. "With your help of course. As you did promise to help me! Unless I misunderstood you but somehow I doubt that," she said to him a minute later.

Then Christina took another sip from her drink. She finished her drink and then as the place was closing they walked out together and walked around together talking. Christina enjoyed their time together even after they left the place. She didn't want their time to end not soon nor ever, as she enjoyed the time that they shared together more than anything in the world. Christina moved her hair out of her face as she walked with him and talked to him. Without noticing she took his hand in hers. Christina looked at him and then around as she talked to him. She enjoyed spending time with him. He seemed to understand her and support her, and at the same time care for her and want to help her. Which made Christina feel lucky, just by meeting him and talking to him. There was no doubt there. It took her a while to realize that they held hands but when she realized that she glanced at their hands and then at him as she blushed at him, as well as smiled at him. Christina looked around at everything that they walked by and then at him, as they walked. She could have moved her hand away but she decided against it rather fast. As Christina didn't feel like doing that. She couldn't explain it, she just didn't want to, as she liked it the way that it was, they both did no more nor less than that. That was for sure. Which was rather easy to see for those who knew them and looked at them. Christina  tried not to think of that as she blushed at that. 

She was disappointed, however, when the date had to end. As they said their goodbyes by her apartment building. Christina wished to talk to him more but it was rather late and she needed sleep, so she knew that they had to cut it short, even if she was rather not to, like him, she had no doubt. Yet, it had to be that way so she could catch some sleep.  Despite how much fun they had and the fact that they wanted to spend more time together. However, the guy whom by that moment Christina knew was named Teddy, told her that he would call her later that day, made things better. Even if him telling her that they knew each other from before might have sounded familiar and not. Which made her wonder if he was only being silly or if he was serious, which she couldn't figure out, given the fact that she had no memories of it and it only confused her more. So Christina let it go for the time being, yet the fact that they would talk later and hang out later, was something that she looked forward to. The rest didn't matter unless it could be proven, until then it was just his lovely imagination of liking her. Or so she thought and believed. Either way Christina liked the guy and enjoyed spending time with her. Which was all that mattered. To her at least. Christina tried not to think about it as she waved goodbye to him and walked into her apartment and headed to bed with a happy smile on her face. She fell asleep rather fast.  To Christina's surprise she fell a sleep the second that she lay in bed.

She dreamed about the guy and them spending time together as a couple. As well as Christina dreamed about her and the guy's life together before she became Christina but she figured that it was her mind, making a story up. Even if she had no idea for sure. Part of Christina felt like it seemed familiar but wasn't sure why. Whether her mind was hoping that the guy was right and they met before and were a couple or her memories resurfacing. Either way it was a lovely dream. Given that she only dreamed about the good moments rather than the bad ones. Which Christina didn't complain about. Unknown to her it was in fact memories coming back to her. Even if it was too slow. Christina wasn't sure about telling the guy about it, as she assumed that it was most likely a dream. Especially given that she even dreamed about herself and Teddy spending time together as a couple. So Christina figured that all of that was the same thing. A dream and nothing more nor less. A nice dream at that, but still a dream. By that point however, Christina was sure that her mind played a trick on her and she never met the guy before and he never met her before either until that moment. She thought that he was being silly to play pretend with her and nothing more, in order not to hurt her feelings. Which Christina found sweet but unnecessary but she let it be. She thought that it was just him  not hurting her feelings but at the same time not mocking her and what he wished would happen in a way. Christina figured that it was all harmless fun and not done because he was bad. Which was enough for her.

Enough for Christina not to hate the guy. She was grateful that he didn't hate her for that or anything like that. Christina hoped that his feelings for her were real as her feelings for him were. He made her feel alive like she was in cloud nine of love and she liked it. Christina couldn't wait for their second date. If it would ever come that was. Which she hoped so but for the moment she tried not to think of that as she just slept and dreamed. Christina then woke up some hours later with a smile on her face. She got up and did what she normally did and then she left her room. Christina met up with her roommate, and friend, Maya who got woken up by the noise she(Christina) made, as they talked. Then she left to work while her roommate and best friend stayed at the apartment and rested for a while. Christina walked to her office as she felt like a different person all together, right after her date with an amazing guy named Teddy Flood. Who she felt could definitely be the right guy for her. Christina was sure of that. Positive in fact. Which she hoped that it was the case and that he won't turn out to be a crazy stalker like Peter was or anything like that. Christina shook her head to those thoughts as she walked into the office building and then towards her desk.

Then she began to work as she again tried to work on a nice story until her boss interrupted her and  tried to put a stop to it as she argued with him until Teddy called her as she sighed. Christina talked to him and then got her boss to let her leave early as she went to meet Teddy as she hoped that he wanted to just spend time with her and not hurt her or scare her. Christina shook her head to those thoughts as she refused to believe that he would ever do that to her. She looked around the boardwalk as she walked until she saw him and made her way over to him as she wondered what would he say as she couldn't wait to find out what he planned to say to her and what he planned to show her as well.

Jul 19th 2022 - 5:21 AM

Christina woke up as she normally did. She woke up  once more similiar to the way she did in her previews life, when she was herself. The real her, Dolores Abernathy. Yet, Christina didn't think of that as she didn't see that, nor remembered her old life. So due to that, she had no idea that it was even happening. Which was why Christina didn't even wonder about it, or anything like that. She, however, did wonder about her existence and her world. Christina also coulfld see that there was something wrong about her world, her life but didn't understand any of those feelings nor what it meant. Let alone what was happening. All of that was also like Dolores. The one thing that she felt that was truly real in her life was the mysterious man that saved her life. Who Christina felt was the one who watched her. Given the fact that the one one who stalked her and all had died,  while she still felt like she was being followed. Like someone watched her. The thing was Christina didn't feel like she was in danger so. She didn't even feel that way before that either. Which surprised her. Yet, didn't scare her. At least not as much as the other guy did. The one that saved her seemed sweet, kind, charming and mysterious. Even if it took him a while to react, which Christina still wondered about him, despite the fact that some days had passed since then.

She tried not to think of that, as she laid in her bed. Then Christina got up and sighed. She looked around herself lost in thoughts. Christina got up and walked over to the side of the bed and pressed on the button on the side, as the bed fully got pulled into the wall. Then Christina got dressed, as she brushed her hair and headed into the kitchen. She had breakfast with her best friend, and roommate, then she watched her roommate leave.  Christina then left herself as she headed to work. She felt like she was being followed as she ignored that. Christina walked into her work place, as she went over to her area, as always and began to work on a new story. On new npc characters for a game. Christina was there until late at night as she headed home. As she walked into her apartment, one she shared with her roommate, and best friend Maya. Christina headed to bed. Except  she couldn't sleep, as she ended up staying awake painting. Eventually Christina fell a sleep only she woke up late. Her friend woke her up as they talked and then her best friend, as well as roommate, Maya left. Christina headed out for a walk instead of work as she called in sick.  She then headed home and changed, after which she went to meet her friend, who got her set up with someone. When Christina got in she met up with her best friend and roommate, Maya. She was dressed better than the clothes she had on when she went for a walk after she changed clothes. As Christina headed home first and then met up with her best friend, and roommate. She then got her attention and then walked away. They set somewhere on their own. Christina's best friend and roommate, Maya put make up on her. Then she handed the lipstick to Christina but she by accident dropped it away as both of them watched it. Then they watched someone walk over and pick it up. They watched that and then looked up over at a handome guy. They watched him close as he walked over to return it. It felt familiar to Christina but she couldn't tell why but it seemed that the guy did, it seemed that the guy knew why.

Like it seemid that her Roommate and best friend did too. Unknown to Christina herself, who didn't notice that. She looked the guy over. The guy was a good looking guy. Yet, he looked familiar but Christina had no idea why. Unknown to her he was her boyfriend and love, from befote she became Christina. Her feelings for him were there but she had no idea why, he did so, as did her best friend, and roommate, most likely. Unknown to Christina as welll. She shook her head to those thoughts. She listened to the guy as he spoke, as she heard her friend speak. Christina then spoke to her friend, roommate but the guy replied instead as he was confused by what she asked her friend. "My date?!" Christina said as she looked at him and listened to him, as he seemed to blush in away and speak.  She was glad that he was her date as he was a better looking that the previews guys her best friend and roommate set her up with. Christina gladly walked away with him, as he acted like a perfect gentleman and moved the chair for her to let her sit, as he then sat in front of her as she blushed, as she did since they met, as he seemed to blush too but she tried to hide it. Christina felt like he was the one for her but said nothing as she watched him as they spoke. She had more fun than she had ever before. Well, after becoming Christina. As she had fun before that, like her good and romantic moments with her man, the guy in front of her and such. Yet, that was besides the point. Christina was glad that he was the guy her roommate picked for her as he was amazing, even with the cheesy lines and his silliness. Yet, Christina still couldn't shake the feeling that she had met him before.

She sighed as she decided to bring that up again. "We have met before. I know it but I have no idea why it seems that way," Christina said to him. "Have we met before? You look familiar? Who are  you? And don't say we never met before or you just look similiar to someone as  I recognize you. Wait, you saved me, right? It was you, wasn't it? But I know you from before, who are you?"
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