09/05/2022 04:07 PM 



I was hoping rules won't be netded but they really are needed.  Unfortunately. As people seem to break rules and blame others for that and it has to stop as I am here to rp not for numbers. People don't seem to understand how rp works and how to make it fun. As people tend to hurt people and assume they hurt the person who deserves it but they are wrong. It seems that people think that Teddy here is into them when it already says not on my headline. So it is time to have rules and those who follow rules would stay. Those who already do follow I truly thank you for it. Keep that up but others need to follow those as well. This is important to have a fun rp on here. Otherwise it's no fun but annoying and frustrating as it makes it hard to find peopld to rp with and that isn't the point here after all. Which is why the rules are needed. It would be good if people read those and follow.

Here are the rules:

1.I am not the person on the photos or gifs. The actor is busy  and the character is fictional. So neither can be here. With that in mind it is in fact an rp account and not a real life account. Can't believe I have to add that but not many get that nor follow that.  That is here to make sure that people get the difference. Since not everyone gets that this is an rp site and that account is rp and not a real life account. I am not here for out of character chats but to rp. Out of character chats are fine to have other than rp but the main reason I am here for is to rp as it is an rp account and not a real life account. It isn't a mockery account either but only an rp account and nothing or no one could ever change it, no matter what. It is a character from a tv show and not the real me or anything like that. Nor a mockery account as I alreasy said before but an rp account. So keep that in mind and we will get along fine but ignore it and you are gone.  That is how it works. I am a good person but won't allow anyone to mistreat me, no matter what. As that is just a no. A definite no. So keep thag in mind and follow that.

2.I rp Teddy Flood from the show Westworld. He isn't based on anyone on there but actuslly one of the characters there. A character I like, and am glad to rp him. He is not a mockery character to mock rp but an actual rp character.  Now mind you while he is from Westworld, there are other themes/Genres connected to it that I rp as well. Like Scifi, hosts(Robots), Supernatural(yes allowing that as it makes sense and won't ruin either verse in my opinion), futuristic, theme parks and open to others but no sex or erotica or romance as those will never happen as he is taken and won't cheat. I rp him canon and au but there never will be sex or erotica or romance on here with anyone. Romance is only with his girlfriend, as for sex and erotica not here for that so it is a no. We do fade to black when it comes to sex, so yeah. As in me and the one rping his love. The character will only have sex with his girlfriend, no matter what. So keep that in mind. Teddy never had and never will look at anyone the same way he looks at Dolores. That means he will never want another the same way that he wants her, or want anyone else at all. It will never change. So only Westworld, Scifi, Hosts(Robots), Supernatural, Futuristic, Theme Parks and anything else but no sex, erotica or romance not ever.  His girlfriend is an exception to romance rule. So keep that in mind. His girlfriend is the only ome he will sleep with and that will never change, so keep that in mind as well, as mentioned before. That part stays and no one can ever change that, so don't even try it.

3.Teddy Flood is taken by Christina/Dolores(Which is the same person) and he will never cheat on her. So don't assume it means you and ask me to change that or ignore that and read my message about discussing a storyline as interest in sex as that will never happen and therefore it isn't true and never will be. I am not apologizing for asking for sex as I haven't asked for it and never will. I am not interested in that. Teddy only wants Dolores and no one else and no matter what any of yoj says it will never change. So no sending over people who do sex nor attacking me for asking for sex when I haven't. Also don't try to break them up or anything like that. Don't even try to get with him for any reason as it will never happen. Even if you want that or not. Teddy loves and wants only Dolores. His Dolores. His beauty queen. His biggest love ever. So at the moment she is Dolores/Chtistina but she is one and the same person, not two people or such but one and the same. He is fine with friends but no more than that. Never more than that. As all of Teddy belongs to Christina/Dolores and all of Christina/Dolores belongs to him. As in by feeling not anything crazy so don't even go there. They would literally do anything that they can for one another, and it will never change. Their love wasn't designed but born on it's own. Which they found out years ago and it had never changed, and never will. As it hasn't yet. It got no reason to so it won't. And I have my main, which stays no matter what.

4.I am here to rp not for numbers/friend collections so keep that in mind. That will never change so don't assume that and  reply when you can. Being busy or sick or such is understandable and isn't something I will delete you for as long as you don't pretend it is the case or such, that is all that matters. Don't talk to all but ignore me and ask for more storylines and rp as that is a no no. As I won't do it to you so don't do it to me. It is wrong and unacceptable. Also don't say or tell people I am fake and stuff just because as again I won't do it to you so don't do it to me. It is just wrong. Lying about people is an unneeded drama and I am not here for it. I will never be here for that. So just don't do that. Mistakes happen but face up to your mistakes, don't lie about it. That will show maturity and not a childish behavier. Otherwise it is a childish behavier. So just act your age is all I ask and don't act like you know the real person behind the character as you don't.

5.I am a multi and novella rper but will rp with others too. However that doesn't mean that I am a one liner or fake rper I just don't judge. So don't judge me. That is all I ask. Don't cause issues due to me rping with those who do one liners or sami para or para, as that doesn't make me dumb but a good person. Learn the difference is all I ask. Things would be good if you don't judge and accept it, even if you don't agree with that. That makes all the difference in the world. If you are the same way I won't judge you for it, so don't judge me either. That would make things easier and more fun. Which is the whole point, anyway.

6.When I ask about Future or present, it is the same as with the one rping my love interest, it just means that I ask would you rather them meet in the future, aka Teddy's timeline or in the present, your character's timeline. Present is like 2016, 2017, 2020, 1970, 1980, etc. Depends the year your character is from. Teddy is from like 2026 or so,  depends when he was created as the wiki got wrong year then in the show, given the year that the cast of the show mentioned when Dolores fled the part and the number of years the Island and the parks there were active for. So yeah. Currently in rp timeline it is like 2088 or 2090 or so. So during 2088 -2090 or such is where our characters would meet if you pick the future. Any year from the years before that, if you chose to have them meet in the present and not the future. So yeah it us up to you, which is why I ask about it. 

7.Another thing that is important. Please read the headline and look at my top friends. The first person on my top friends is his girlfriend and that isn't you and never will be.  This isn't away to trick you or anyone, so please get that and respect it. Yes it is a rule and important like the other rules.

8.Have fun, as that is why we are here for, or I am and those I rp with are. So respect that.

Those are the rules for now. Will add more when I think of more. Please read and follow those. I am a good person and I don't judge but provoke me and you are gone. I am taking those rules seriously as they are serious. So you should take those seriously too. If you read those post a gif of a westworld character or your own charscter so that I would know that you have read those.

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