εᘔяค on RolePlayer.me - m.roleplayer.me/DaddyEz εᘔяค
Dirty South

34 years old

Last Login:
June 09 2024

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basic information

Ezra Hamilton (Self explanatory)
Birthday (Self explanatory)
Birthmarks/scars (Self explanatory)
Phobias (Things that simply terrify your character. May be trivial or debilitating. Try to have at least one.)
Addictions (Drugs, alcohol, gambling, or bad teen romance)
Mental Disorders ([Ex: Depression, Bipolar Disorder, Paranoia.] May be optional.)

Love Interest

Status: ---
Whom: Hanna McCall-Hamilton
Dated: 00/00/0000
Engaged: 00/00/0000
Married: 00/00/0000

Comments: Your personal comments about your significant other goes here. Your personal comments about your significant other goes here. Your personal comments about your significant other goes here. Your personal comments about your significant other goes here. Your personal comments about your significant other goes here. Your personal comments about your significant other goes here. Your personal comments about your significant other goes here. Your personal comments about your significant other goes here. Your personal comments about your significant other goes here. Your personal comments about your significant other goes here. Your personal comments about your significant other goes here. Your personal comments about your significant other goes here. Your personal comments about your significant other goes here.

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     εᘔяค's Details
Member Since:July 15, 2020

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Optional task 252  (view more)

Optional Task 184 04-10  (view more)

Optional Task 184 04-09  (view more)

Additional Task 39  (view more)

Optional Task 184 04-08  (view more)

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   εᘔяค's Blurbs
About me:
Who I'd like to meet:

I've got this place that I’ve filled with empty space. Oh I’m trying not to face what I've done. My hopeless opus. I'm in this race and I'm hoping just to place. Oh I'm trying not to face what's become of me.

Ezra and Embree Hamilton were both born to drug addicted parents. Ezra was the older sibling and dealt with the abusive parents for two and a half years before his younger sister was born. Luckily four years after Embree was born, the state took the kids from their druggie parents and gave them to a married couple who were wanting kids. This couple always provided for Embree and Ezra, but weren't the greatest parents either. Ezra and Embree never let their parents effect how they lived, and were both quite popular. Ezra into sports and getting good grades, but mainly looking after Embree. Their adoptive father was a workaholic and barely ever came home. He was the type of guy the kids saw on holidays and when they did he threw money at them in hopes of some kind of bond. Their adoptive mother was clincially depressed and Bi Polar. Their kids never knew what mood she would be in, so Ezra looked after them. Making sure Embree was never hurt when their mom was having a depressive mood swing. As teenagers, she ended up killing herself and the kids were left taking care of themselves. The father only coming home to make sure they had money. After graduation, Ezra wanted to get out of the house and leave their family behind. The only people Ezra needed was Hanna, his sister and her children. Ezra had friends and the love of his life, Hanna. He didn't need anymore family, Embree was enough.

College was a blast for Ezra. Finally he was an adult and had everything he really thought he wanted. Ezra finished with a business degree and quickly opened his own car dealership. Ezra knew the people in town loved their trucks, so he made sure to find the best prices, and make sure the mechanical shop he attached to the shop was the best in town. When Ezra finally had everything he wanted, he realized he was sad a lot. Having friends, love, family and the job he wanted, felt good, but he couldn't understand why he also felt so crappy. Little by little, Ezra started to pull away from his finance at the time and it caused a rift between them. Ezra finally got some counceling, though people had no idea and fixed things with Hanna. Now he is doing well and their life seems almost perfect, but Ezra can't figure out why he is so depressed. Ezra finds happiness in his life, when he is hunting, fishing, or working. When he is with his niece and nephew he is really happy, but when he is alone, he is so down and can't figure out why.

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εᘔяค's Friends Comments
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May 8th 2023 - 4:40 PM


Apr 21st 2023 - 5:01 AM

Embree was shackled by zip ties around her wrist, containing her to Joseph’s bed.  To the outside world, he was known as Mr. Monroe.   Embree first met Joseph behind an alley of a dive bar.  She was looking to get high and he had the means to help her achieve the high she was looking for.  Now she is nothing but a strung-out young woman who is often too high to give Mr. Monroe his daily needs.  In retaliation and punishment, he keeps Embree chained to his bed so she could not get into any trouble, or run away.   Her dark eyes were glossy after being injected with Heroine from Joseph.  Track marks and bruises were all along her arms and legs.  She had gotten clean two weeks ago after taking a beating from Joseph for no reason at all.  That was when she made the decision to get clean for herself so that she could return to her family.  Joseph had seen that she was doing well for a week and didn’t like the idea of losing his trophy side piece so he chains her up and injects her with Embree’s former choice of drugs to keep her from leaving him.  He likes and thrives on having complete and utter control over Embree.


Embree’s glossy eyes saw a blurry door open a crack.   Her chest rose in a panic.  She knew he was home from his daily activities.   “You cannot keep me here!  I am a human being.  I have two boys that need me and a brother who is probably moving mountains to find me with costs to his own family.”  Embree pleaded as her words sounded desperate but also strung out from the Heroine that she was injected with hours earlier.  Shut your filthy mouth you whore! You are mine now.   Joseph yelled in a low and loud voice back at Embree before slapping her across her face.   Her head fell back against the bed and she just laid there.  Still strung out from the high she was forced to have now and defeated.   She didn’t think that she would ever leave Joseph’s house.  She was forever going to be his mistress on drugs; despite her wanting to get clean now.  Embree made a lot of bad decisions in her life, but this was by far the biggest and worst of her life.  One that she might not be able to ever fix.


An hour later, Embree was still left alone and breathed a sigh of relief.   She knew that she didn’t have that much time before he returned and would want his needs met.  Whatever she was going to do she had to move fast.  So she did the only thing she could think of and pulled out two pieces of paper from the small desk she was sitting at.  She knew she had one member of Joseph’s household staff who could get her letters into the mailbox to be delivered; a housekeeper.   So she began writing her next letter to Ezra.  If she had one person still in her corner who will give up everything to find her, it was her brother Ezra.   Embree felt partly guilty that she would be taking him away from his family; she knew that about her brother from the first time he bailed her out at the start of her road to drugs.  “If I make it out of here alive, Hanna will kill me herself,” Embree thought as she chewed on her lip.  “It’s a chance I have to take,” Embree thought once more as she scribbled some words onto a piece of paper.   Before she knew it time had passed and she had written a full-length letter.  Front and back.



Dearest Ezra,

If you are reading this I have either been murdered or still a prisoner.  In case anything happens to me, I am sorry.  I chose drugs over everything and everyone.  You were always finding me and saving me, even when I didn’t want to be found.  Even when I didn’t deserve to be found and saved.   I still don’t.  I chose this fate, I chose to be with him so I could score and now I am paying for the consequences.  Please don’t blame yourself Ezie.  You did everything you could.  This is on me but there is one thing I desperately want you to know.  I’m attaching my one-year sober chip.  I got myself clean for a year until he didn’t like me getting my life together.  I’m giving you this chip because it is my biggest accomplishment and I want you to know that I finally heard you.  I love you Ezie.





Embree had also attached details about where she was in clues, like how she and Ezra used to solve things as a kid.  She hoped it would work so he could at least find her body and have closure.  Embree waited until she was sure he was still gone before slipping down the large hallway towards the one maid she knew would deliver this with the mail.  She had just slipped back into the bedroom when she heard doors slamming and his raised voice.  Why are you not ready for me?! Joseph yelled to Embree and slapped her across the face.  Embree fell back onto the bed after the slap and he threw his heavy body onto her.   Thrusting into her before even ripping her clothes off.  Embree bit down on her lip so hard that it bled, just to keep from screaming.  She knew that if she screamed or put up a fuss he would beat her or finally be done with her.


Mar 1st 2023 - 3:32 AM

"Thanks for proving me right.  I do hate being right sometimes."

ooc: So, I wanna do something with them in the mean time but I don't know what.  I made Embree mostly so Ezra is still active lol but I do wanna still do something just don't know what.  Any ideas? 

Jul 14th 2022 - 3:29 AM

truth or dare

Hanna's green eyes watered and she brought a finger to her eye to rub it like she was taking something out of her eye.  "Damn allergies," she muttered casually as she slowly brought her glass to her lips to drink her nightly whiskey.   She leaned her long, skinny legs across his lap.  Tempting fate a little she leaned her foot just inches near his d*ck.  "For making me soft," she evil laughed with a smirk on her face, leaning her blonde head against a pillow in need of a nap.   One thing she knew they instantly agreed on was that they both kill if someone hurt Sawyer.  Hanna didn't even want to think about that possibility herself.  One thing she knew for certain was that her mini-me wouldn't have to grow up the way she did among other things Dan did to her.  Her jaw was chiseled at the thought of him and she pushed it back by downing the rest of her drink.   "Not quite," Hanna replied when Ezra asked if she was ready.  "She grabbed fistfuls of his shirt and pulled him down on her to kiss him heatedly.  "Now I'm ready," she mumbled out with a smirk on her face.


The seclusion of the cabin was exactly what Hanna needed and craved.  To be out of town and the fact that she would have Ezra all to herself was an added bonus.  Her brother can just deal without his boyfriend, she thought with a quiet chuckle to herself.   She wasn't sure if it was the whiskey or if it was just the simple fact that it needed to be said aloud, but she was kind of glad it was Ezra.  Even though she had to swear to him to secrecy, he wouldn't tell anyone.  The last thing she wanted was for her brother to go and do something to Dan because of it.  Plus it was something she wanted and needed to do for herself.  She was prepared and no longer the scared little girl he took advantage of anymore.   Hanna couldn't help but arch an eyebrow at her husband when she heard him, shaking her away from her dark thoughts.  "Well damn, let's get this truth or dare night on the road then if you are really wanting to try Soph's moonshine.  I still can't believe that my prude of a sister makes such amazing moonshine." Hanna shook her blonde head and picked up her own glass after pouring it for the both of them.  "Sorry Soph," she whispered underneath her breath at calling her sister a prude even though she was and Hanna loved her for it.


"Oh baby, you know any game that involves stripping is a good time," Hanna brushed her hands on each side of his face.  Stroking his cheeks tenderly and all while having a devious smirk plastered on her face.   She knew neither one of them could resist a good strip game.  Normally she is all about strip poker but for some reason, she was feeling adventurous.  It wasn't long before she inserted her tongue into his mouth.  The second their tongues played their usual fiery dance and the touch of his strong hands against her hip she knew she needed to be the strong one; despite being turned on and damp.  Hanna's green eyes widened after they roamed to his chest, licking her lips.  "F***," she quickly went in for one more kiss before getting up and putting a pillow between them.  "Okay game first then we rip each other's clothes off," Hanna winked as she picked up her glass to drink.  Mostly to cool herself down, she winked when she heard his compliment.  "It's a gift babe, it's a gift," she laughed loudly.


Hanna watched with immense satisfaction as Ezra made the call to her brother.  She couldn't help but have a huge smirk plastered on her face.  "That will teach him," she whispered under her breath.   "Oh my God, would you spit it out already babe?" Hanna demanded, impatient as always.  When she heard his dare she scoffed.  "That's the best you can do?  Did you forget I grew up with your best friend?" Hanna laughed before disappearing into the kitchen.  When she was back she had a devious look on her face.  She casually sprayed his toes with whipped cream, taking time to slowly massage it into his feet.  Every once in a while tickling it on his feet.   While sticking her tongue out seductively she licked each one off.  Slowly, seductively and with tricks of her tongue.  Finishing it off by licking some stray whipped cream off his upper thigh.   "I believe it is your turn babe," she casually moaned out.  "Truth or dare?"  She eyed him with an arch of her eyebrow.


Jun 11th 2022 - 2:36 AM

Text back:
You do not kiss me the way you kiss those mutts of yours babe. -winks-

Nov 10th 2021 - 3:22 AM

“Listen, I don’t know where all this hostility is coming from babe, but for the sake of my blood pressure can we just agree on two things?  Sawyer is MY mini me because let’s face it she looks like me and has my attitude.  And honestly babe? Don’t you want our perfect baby to grow up to be independent and badass against all the perverts and creeps out in this world? Because they’re out there.  And secondly, yes she’s your little angel because she’s a daddy’s girl and my mini me.   Why is that not enough?”  Hanna simply looked at him before arching an eyebrow and giving him the look.  A lot of sh*t was coming out of left field lately and Hanna knew she was teetering on the edge of a breakdown.  She needed this weekend trip desperately.  She was ready to get down to drinking and having some dirty fun with him.  She was over him trying to pick a fight with her for literally no reason.  Despite all of the crap going on in Hanna’s life she would always put Sawyer and Ezra first and it annoyed Hanna that Ezra would even think that she wouldn’t.  Her boys and mini me would always come first, which is why Hanna was getting annoyed that Ezra seemed to be implying otherwise.  After giving him the look she picked up her mug of moonshine and took a sip to settle her mood so they can get back to being the dynamic duo they are supposed to be. 


Getting away for the weekend was exactly what Hanna needed to stay sane.  Whether it be at the cabin, or in one of her favorite towns that was close to Wrightsville beach.   She was grateful that it didn’t take a lot of fighting on her part to win him over.  There were times she wanted to just pack up overnight and never come back, but she knew that she could never leave her brother and friends.  There was so much she needed to say, but she couldn’t.  She just barely voiced it to herself because of Sophie’s nagging voice in the back of her head.  No one had a clue that she was using Sophie’s supposed grave as her own personal therapy session because it felt like she was just talking to her sister instead of sitting in a stuffy ass room with a stuck up therapist who thinks they know it all.  


“Now that was the main rule I had in mind for strip truth or dare babe,” Hanna winked and picked up her mug of moonshine to clink Ezra’s.  “Let’s seal the game off with a drink,” she tapped his mug before drinking a swig of the moonshine.  Sitting on his lap, she whispered, “Why don’t you make me,” Hanna teased with a seductive laugh.   She angled her  hands on each side of his face to crush her blonde head down for a heated kiss.   “No babe, I am the lucky one.  Let’s just admit it that I don’t deserve you,” Hanna let her hand rest on his upper thigh.   Hanna picked up her mug and took a sip of the  moonshine.  She surprised herself at how good it was.  She was normally a whiskey and beer girl.  She wasn’t sure what shocked her the most, liking the moonshine, or Sophie having made anything alcoholic.  Setting her mug down on the wood table she arched an eyebrow at him, “Yes.  Do you have a problem with that dare or something babe? Scared of letting your bro down?” Hanna teased as she gave him the look. 


Hanna arched an eyebrow at him when he took his shirt off.  “Really babe? It’s really that…” she shut her mouth when he took his phone out.  Leaning slightly she pressed the speaker button on his phone.  She wanted to hear her brother’s reaction instead of just hearing one side.  She couldn’t help but smirk throughout the whole phone conversation.   Picking up her mug, she stretched out her long, skinny legs back on Ezra’s lap once he was back on the couch.  She thought about her pick as she quietly and slowly drank a sip of the moonshine.  The drink was hitting her a lot differently than her whiskey, but she was relaxed and having a much needed fun time with him.  “Since I’m not in the mood of talking yet, maybe my next turn the moonshine will be in full effect for that.”  Hanna winked at him and drank another sip before setting her mug back down.  “Hit me with your best shot babe.  I choose, dare.”  

(c) made by creativian

Sep 25th 2021 - 3:00 AM

It didn’t take much convincing of Hanna to go to Atlantic City to gamble and look for new places to have sex at.   Most of the time she just liked to play around when arguing with Ezra because she knew when it came down to it, that she would win everytime.  And the fact that it was fun to watch either of her boys squirm in their pants.   For months Ezra had been nagging and bugging the crap out of Hanna to go down to Sophie’s cabin to make it their own.  They had their own, even though it was smaller and not as nice, but it was secluded enough.  And she didn’t want to mess with any of Sophie’s stuff because a tiny part of Hanna thought maybe the proof she found didn’t mean a damn thing.  That pig headed father of Sophie’s could have easily planted the evidence now that Hanna thought about it since she never saw her sister’s body for herself.   She had fallen asleep after their last pit stop when she felt Ezra’s strong hands waking her and making her horny.  Hanna’s eyes fluttered open to consciousness and stretched out her long, skinny arms.  “I am going to,” before Hanna could finish her sentence her green eyes scanned the area they were at.  “This doesn’t look like Atlantic City babe,” she casually blurted out with a hint of snarl behind her words.  

She did originally want to go somewhere with not a lot of people and rugged, but here?  She felt almost betrayed as she got out of the truck, but to have a cigarette.  She needed a nicotine fix before she could decide if she was pissed off, or not.   She glared at the cabin with her green eyes as she inhaled the nicotine and exhaled the smoke out slowly.  When she felt Ezra’s eyes on her she half smiled with her familiar smirk so he would think she was okay, but she was still figuring it out.  She was also still horny from feeling his strong hands wake her up.  She finished her Marlboro and tossed it on the ground by her feet, smashing it with the heel of her boot to assure that it was put out.  “Fine, I didn’t want to be around a lot of people anyways since you made me leave Sawyer,” she casually blurted out with a sound of playfulness in her voice.

Hanna called Embree while she was smoking to check on Sawyer already as she walked inside the cabin feeling better already.  She had her hand in the pocket of her leather jacket to pull out her flask.  Between coming here and missing her mini me she was going to need all the whiskey she could get her hands on.  “It’s not too bad babe, this actually might be a good idea.  It’s a lot quieter for any face timing calls I might want to sneak,” she teased playfully in reference to Sawyer.  She went wandering to the fridge and found a pitcher of pumpkin spice moonshine Sophie must have made the last time she was here.  “The one drink I love other than whiskey,” Hanna nodded her blonde head in approval and picked it up from the fridge along with a couple of mugs on her way back to the couch and sat the mugs and pitcher down on the wooden table.  Her green eyes spotted her mini me on Ezra’s phone and grabbed it from him with a smirk on her face.  “Mommy is sorry that daddy took me away for a few days, but I’ll be home soon,” Hanna smirked before handing the phone back to Ezra after Sawyer fell back to sleep. 

Hanna heard Ezra’s question and arched an eyebrow at him, giving him the look.  “Really babe? Sex.  Always sex first, unless I’m starving, which I’m not.”   She suddenly had a great idea when she felt him.  She was tingling and even more hornier than ever.  Her green eyes widened with an arch of an eyebrow when he poured whiskey on her neck.  “Not really babe, you just wasted perfectly good whiskey,” she teased playfully.  She stretched her long arm around his neck to run her fingers through his dark hair though.  “Okay, okay let’s actually have a drink first,” she took the bottle of whiskey from him after deciding on saving the moonshine for another night.  She tilted her blonde head back for a long swig.  “Open up babe,” she poured whiskey into his mouth and smacked his ass back.  “Let’s make sex extra fun tonight.  Sexy truth or dare?”


Jun 27th 2021 - 4:11 AM

Hanna was relieved and appreciative that she was getting away with her husband.  With everything going on, she really did need to just get away.  Even though she was missing her  mini me already.  “I’m going to spank your sexy butt,” Hanna teased with a smirk plastered on her face after hearing what Ezra said about her brother’s butt.   Hanna had managed to punch Ezra’s arm before squirming in her seat, letting out a not so quiet squeal when she felt his fingers between her.  “I think that’s a safe bet,” Hanna climbed across the front to straddle him, but kept one of her green eyes sternly on him to check to see if his eyes were on the road.  Hanna could care less what people thought of her and she sure as hell didn’t care that she constantly craved her husband.  A healthy sex life kept the stresses away and that was exactly what Hanna needs.  As long as Ezra knew that there was more to their relationship than just sex wall all the clarification that Hanna needed.  Everyone else can just watch with jealousy for all she cares about. 


Hanna’s blonde head jerked backwards when the car skidded. “What the hell was that babe?!” Hanna yelled out as she gripped the back of his seat.  “Are you trying to kill us? I don’t find it funny at all,” Hanna arched an eyebrow at him while giving him the look.   Hanna knew she could last longer than Ezra with her vibrator and looked him straight in the eye, “See that you do then babe.”  Hanna winked at him before nibbling behind his ear.   Hanna braced herself, slamming her palms against the back of his seat feeling wetter already.  “Now what I would like is for you to get inside already,” Hanna playfully ordered him.  A smirk plastered on her face when she felt him finally inside of her.  Letting out a loud shriek with the windows still rolled down. 


By the time they both finished, which was about at the sametime Hanna had crawled back over to her side of the truck.  Slipping on her leather jacket she stretched out her long, skinny legs up on the dashboard.  “You're not ready for round two are you?” Hanna glanced over at him with a smirk on her face before leaning her blonde head against the truck.  Within a couple of minutes she was already dozing off.   She easily could have persuaded and gone for round two, but she was exhausted from not getting much sleep the previous night.  Hanna could get turned on from Ezra over anything just as she knew she could turn him on whenever she needed her itch scratch.  She loved that they had a healthy sex life.


Hanna stirred slightly as the truck pulled into the mini mart, but she didn’t open her eyes.  Mumbling in half asleep, “Don’t forget my coffee babe.”   Hanna was just putting out her cigarette when she saw Ezra coming back with bags full from the mini mart.  She leaned slightly to retrieve her coffee from him and winked seductively at him hearing his plans.  “Babe, that sounds like a damn good time. Maybe we'll both get lucky and fall into a food coma.  After a round of sex of course,” Hanna winked at him as she took a sip of her coffee.   Hanna leaned her long arm to switch the radio to Angels and Airwaves and leaned back in her seat sipping her coffee and letting the music overcome her.  “Hey babe, don’t forget sex in the jacuzzi, the shower, the floor,” Hanna winked at him.  When her green eyes spotted the flashing lights of the casino, “It’s about damn time.  My legs need some walking and don’t get no ideas babe.  By walking I mean getting out and walking to the bar and our room.  Not exercise.  Unless it’s sex,” Hanna shrugged her shoulders while laughing loudly.  


Apr 11th 2021 - 3:23 AM

“The stress seems to follow me, but as far as work?  Don’t be jealous because I can work from home whenever I feel like,” Hanna winked at him as she teased him.  She ran her fingers through his dark, but messy hair when she felt wet at the simple touch of his hand on her thigh.   Hanna honestly couldn’t even remember what they were originally fighting about and she didn’t care.  Getting away for a couple of days with him and being out on the open road was the perfect destresser for herself.   Her lips curved into a smirk, “You can say that again babe. To not have to share my man with my big brother.  I just might tie you up and keep you even at home,” Hanna teased.  She picked up her flask from the middle cup holder section and drank a sip of her whiskey. Just one of the many reasons she was more than happy to let Ezra drive this weekend.  She could drink, sleep and even video chat Levi’s phone to see her mini-me. 

“You’re not entirely wrong babe. Your voice is sexy as f***.  Just not your singing voice. Talk about tone-deaf,” Hanna shook her blonde head laughing as she leaned forward to turn the volume up loud enough to drown Ezra out.   Hanna was still wrestling with the idea of moving.  She loved the town and all that it had, but as much of a pain in the ass, her brother was she wouldn’t be able to live a state away.  She had been casually looking up possible vacation homes there for them for any time that they needed a week away.   Hanna casually side-eyed him while drinking a sip from her flask.  “You can say that again babe,” she casually admitted to wanting to f*** him.  “Or I could just bring out my vibrating friend if you’re too scared to do it while driving.” Hanna casually stated with a straight face.  Slowly, she placed her hand on top of his hand that had been resting on her thigh.  With a small smirk on her face, she moved his hand to sit in between her legs, spreading them open.  “Your truck is itchy babe,” she casually stated. 


“Oh shut up babe, you know you want me as much as I want you,” Hanna demanded as she crawled over to straddle him in his seat.  She wrapped her hand around his manhood and stroked with a gleam in her green eyes.  Her green eyes went wide when she felt herself get wet as soon as he had his hand on her breasts. “F***, you better get yourself in me as soon as possible,” she blurted out as her blonde head went down to kiss his pecks.  “You better not get us killed babe,” she half-joked but was serious as well.  “There is nothing old about you babe,” Hanna groaned out as she stuck her tongue down his throat.  She placed her palms behind his head on the headrest to brace herself and moved up and down with him in complete rhythm.   She was finished in seconds before him and slowly found herself back in her seat, but let her long legs stay across his lap. “Damn babe, only you can make me want sex all the damn time.  No complaints from me,” Hanna winked at him as she rolled up her leather jacket to use as a pillow against the window. 

Hanna’s eyes fluttered open when the car stopped.  As soon as her green eyes adjusted enough to see a mini-mart, she sat up abruptly.  “You’re the best babe,” Hanna winked at him after placing her coffee order for him.  She watched as he walked into the mini-mart, then rolled down her window. Pulling out a cigarette from her pack that was sharing a cupholder with her phone, she lit it up and faced her opened window.  Her chest rose with the puff of nicotine she inhaled and exhaled slowly out the window. She had just finished her cigarette when she saw Ezra walking back towards the truck with more than her coffee.  She flicked the bud of her cigarette out the window and reached for her coffee.  Closing her green eyes, she sniffed it before drinking a long swig of it.  “I can’t wait to go skinny dipping with you, some sex on the beach, and most importantly?” Hanna purposely paused and sipped her drink with a mischievous gleam in her green eyes. “Most importantly, good food and great drinks,” Hanan winked at him while drinking her coffee.   Hanna was having fun talking about all that she had planned for this trip and teasing him that the trip there ended a lot quicker than she expected. “I told you, babe, a little gas on the pedal will get you places a lot sooner,” Hanna smirked as she let herself out of the truck. 


Apr 8th 2021 - 9:19 AM

“God damn it!” Levi kicked the side of his car and slammed the hood down. As it came down a part of his hand got slammed underneath. “F***!” He screamed retracting his hand from the hood. He looked down and his hand had numerous cuts on it, dripping in blood. He flicked his hand which made the pain radiate all the way up to his arm. He grunted in pain and went to his trunk. Opening it with his free hand, he reached inside and grabbed an old towel. He wrapped the towel around his injured hand softly, cursing as the pain continued to radiate. 

He went back around the car and opened the passenger side door. He popped open the glove compartment and pulled out a bottle of jack. Closing the door, he popped open the jack bottle and chugged the amber liquid. He looked up and down the dark road and sighed. He was stranded in the middle of nowhere now with a busted hand.  He reached in his pocket and pulled out his phone and alas no bars. Of course, he thought. How could this night get any worse? That's when he felt a few cold drops on his phone. He looked to the dark, cloudy sky and saw the white flakes begin to come down. “Great! Of course, it's snowing.”

Levi knew what he had to do. If he waited here for a car to come, it could be hours. The way it was snowing he would surely freeze to death so he had no choice but to walk. He couldn't be too far from town. He hadn't driven that long so he probably would reach civilization in an hour or two. He patted his car and pouted. “Sorry Baby. I will be back for you.” He nodded and began to walk on foot.  The snow began to come down harder and as he walked, it felt like the temp outside was dropping by the second. He zippered his coat and placed his cold hands into his pockets, making sure his injured hand did it softly. 

He knew Sarah was going to worry. He didn’t tell her he was just going out for a drive. He just skipped work and took off. He had to. He just found out his stepfather got out of prison the other day and well, he knew what that meant. He knew John was going to come after him for trying to put John in prison for the murder of his mother. Levi started to drink a lot lately, waiting for some kind of bomb to happen to his family due to John but nothing has happened yet, which made Levi even more stressed. So he decided to just take a drive to clear his head. He didn’t know his engine would poop out halfway through and he would be stranded out here in the f***ing snow.

A low growling noise took Levi away from his thoughts. He stopped in the middle of the road and listened. Maybe his mind was playing tricks on him. He waited a few seconds but didn't hear the noise so he started to walk again. The low growl was louder this time. Levi stopped in his tracks. His heart began to pound in his chest as he looked around to see where the growl was coming from. The growl got louder and that's when Levi saw something with yellow eyes. “F***!” He couldn't make out the creature but he was not going to wait around to find out. He began to run and he could hear the thudding of footsteps behind him. He tried to run faster but the footsteps got closer. Next thing Levi knew he fell straight to the ground, face first. He bopped his nose and felt the gooey liquid of blood flow down. He turned quickly to see what was chasing him and that's when he saw a Husky sitting in front of him. A damn dog. He couldn't help but laugh. 

The dog had no collar and came up to Levi. He didn't know if this dog was friendly or mean. Hell, with the way it growled it didn't sound happy, but when the dog sniffed Levi, he licked his face, making Levi crack up. “Here I thought you were some big wolf” He petted the dog and stood up. “Come on, let's go before something truly mean comes along.” The dog barked happily wagging its tail, as the two of them headed down the dark road.waiting for someone, anyone to come pick them up

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