Caleb Nichols on - Caleb Nichols
Westworld/Robots/ Scifi/ Supernatural/ Open

No Sex or Er*t*ca at all. No sm*t. Westworld isn't about sex and I don't rp that.

Not here for friends collectors but only to Rp.

39 years old
Los Angeles, California
United States

Last Login:
January 22 2024

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Characters: Caleb Nichold
Verses: Westworld
Playbys: Aaron Paul
Length: Multi Para, Novella
Genre: Action, Crime, Open, Science Fiction, Suspense, Television,
Member Since:May 18, 2020

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This part is in the works but still can rp.
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   Caleb Nichols's Friend Space
Caleb Nichols has 66 friends.

Teddy Flood

Maeve Millay

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Teddy Flood

Jun 15th 2023 - 9:19 AM

Teddy woke up and looked over at Dolores, that lay by him. He did that just as she too woke up. They smiled to each other and kissed. Then they talked among themselves for a bit. After that they talked for a bit among themselves. They made love a few times after that. Then then got dressed as they looked at each other and talked among themselves. They smiled lovingly at each other as they talked. After a few minutes they changed the subject, as they finished getting dressed. Then they walked out of their bedroom. Once outside their room they held hands and walked into the living room of their place. There they found Caleb who was already there, as they joined him. They sat by him as they talked among themselves about their plan for the day. Both Teddy and Dolores listened to Caleb when and if he choose to talk and voice his opinion about their plan for the day. As they wondered what he thought of it. They wanted to know what he thought as well as believed as they cared for him as a friend, as they knew that he cared for them too. They had no doubt that it was the case, even without thinking about it. That moment wasn't any different. Not to Teddy or Dolores at least. That was for sure. As they sat there and talked among themselves,   they knew that Dolores's copies were doing all they could to get them the needed information.

They trusted them to get the needed information, as they did so far. So they doubted that it would ever change. That moment especially. As it was the case ever since they left the Parks and the Island itself behind them. It was the case since they started to work on saving humanity. Due to that they had  no doubt that it would never change. They were completely sure about that. Even without thinking about that either. They continued to talk and make sure that their plan was good and easy to follow. Well Dolores did but still. It was only to make sure that they all knew the part they each needed to play in order to get it done and be prepered to do it. They weren't about to go anywhere and do anything until they all were ready and knew their part in the plan. Not before that. As they didn't want to fail after all. They couldn't afford to lose. Which they all knew that rather well. Or at least Teddy and Dolores did. They were sure that Caleb knew and understood that too. They were positively sure about that. They planned to follow the plan througu and through. To the tee. To make sure that it was done right and all parts of it were done. And not just done but done correctly. They planned to catch the human Serak and the program Rehoboam off guard, and get closer to beating them in their own game.  To get closer to stopping them once and for all, as well as rescue humanity once and for all. Nothing less was an option. At least not to them, anyway. That was for sure. There was no way that they were going to give up. That wasn't even an option. Not to them, anyhow. None of them in fact. That wasn't even a question. That was flat out no. At least to them. Even without thinking about that either. They didn't even considered.

They didn't thinknor consider that before nor that moment. As they continued to talk about their plan for the day. As they went through that a few times until they knew that they were ready, before they went out to put it into action, in order not to fail and give the enemies a chance to win and get freedom for humanity. Their enemy saw them as the bad guys but they were the good guys, not the bad guys. Not that they thought about it much as they already knew it but still. This moment wasn't any different. "Caleb, what do you think of the plan? Are you ready to do your part?" Dolores asked as both Teddy and Dolores watched him, as they waited for a reply as they wondered what would it be.
Teddy Flood

Dec 1st 2022 - 6:29 AM

Teddy woke up and looked around, as he sighed as he couldn't find Dolores anywhere. He wondered where was she. Teddy got up,  off his and Dolores's bed. Then he left the bedroom and headed to the living room. Teddy looked around, surprised that no one was there.  He was confused by that and worried, as he hoped that Dolores and Caleb were alright. Given that Teddy cared for both. Both as friends but Dolores even more than that, given that she was the love of his life. So Teddy cared about Dolores as a friend and as a boyfriend cares for his girlfriend. As she was his girlfriend after all. Teddy did all of that without thinking about any of it. He said down and waited for them to come back. Even Dolores's copies, if they were about to come at all. Teddy had no idea for sure, so he waited for them, as he had no idea if he needed to wait for them too or not. Teddy was weirded out by many of the choices of her copies but he let it be, as he didn't want to argue with her, plus he trusted her and believed that most likely she knew what she did. Which was enough for him. Which was why Teddy didn't think about that either. He contiued to hope that they(Dolores and Caleb) were alright, as he waited for them to come back. Teddy sighed as he just sat there and did that. A few minutes later, he got up and paced around the room as he waited and worried about them. Teddy started to worry over time but continued to wait just the same. Then a bit later he sat back down as he continued to wait and worry about them. Even if Teddy tried to stay calm but the longer that passed and they didn't come back, the more worried he had become. He sighed as he looked around, while he did that. Then after a few more minuted a door opened and they walked in. Teddy got up on his feet and watched them go in, as he walked over to Dolores and hugged her close to himself.

He felt hug him back, and just held her close. Caleb just watched them surprised but also happy for them, even if a bit jealous. Teddy hugged her for a while, as she hugged him back for a while too. Then they both let go and talked about themselves. "You came back. I thought you might be in trouble or something! I was worried. About the two of you, but the most you, Dolores due to the obvious reason," Teddy said to both but mostly Dolores. The last part was more to Dolores than to Caleb. "Aww, sweet that you care. Not that I am surprised as that is just you, but no need to worry hon, I am fine, we both are as you see," Dolores said. Caleb agreed with her. At least about some of the things that she had said.  "Did it work?" Teddy asked as he looked between them as he truly wanted to know.  "Yes, it worked. I mean it was close to failing and had a chance to but it didn't as we had help from some of my copies, so due to that we had more chances of success than we would have had otherwise," Dolores told Teddy as Caleb agreed with her about that. "We would have taken you but we figured that you needed the rest," Dolores said as Caleb agreed with her. "It is alright. I am just glad that you both are alright," Teddy replied to them. Then He and Dolores kissed, as Caleb looked away and sighed to that. They they sat down and talked for a bit. After that, Caleb went to his room and Dolores with Teddy to their. There they spend it as they wanted. As they did a lot since they left the park to the real world and all that. Then the next day they woke up early and left their room. As did Caleb. Then they talked among themselves and after that, all three went out on a mission together. They left the aparment and aparment building, as bikes waited for them outside. They rode them and headed to the location. They  had a successesful mission as before that. As they headed back to their aparment on their bikes.

Things were fine on the way to where their mission was about to be at. The way back started fine until Teddy disappeared and appeared in the same apartment building but in front of Dolores, himself, Teddy Flood, or well another him, and Caleb. Which meant he was in another world but he had no idea how or what had happened. He looked around and at them, as they watched him confused. "What just happened? Where am I? Is that the past? It doesn't look familiar. Only 3 of you do and the apartment, that is all," Teddy said with a confused look on his face. "We have no idea. As we don't know! We wanted to know if you knew but clearly not. So we all want to know that and we shall, We hope or we will try to find out and hope for the best," Dolores said as the others agreed with her. He only knew and agreed with the last part. They talked among themselves as they tried to figure out what happened to Teddy that just showed up out of the blue, as they asked about what he remembered and tried to understand and figure out what had happened. Yet, they all had a problem with it, as did Teddy himself but they all still continued to try and figure that out. As well as they tried to figure out away to send him back.


May 23rd 2020 - 8:47 PM

Dolores watched them both talking about the next of her plans but she noticed how they were reacting and that confused her slightly not sure what to think about all of it. She had no idea what they were up to but she could tell they were hiding something but she couldn't figure out what they were thinking or what was going on and that frustraited her slightly "What are you both hiding? You better tell me now or that will not end well for you" she told them and sighed slightly shaking her head waiting for one of them to confess and tell her what was going on and why they were acting like that.

She looked at them and when Caleb said that she looked at him "What do you mean by that Caleb? Did you two pay some more people when I was doing other things? What's going on here? One of you better talk or there will be hell to pay" she watched them now and shook her head waiting for the answer her blue eyes on them both now and how they were acting right now "Tell me what? One of you better speak up before I get angry" she shook her head and sighed slightly not sure what to think at that moment and why they were both acting so strange.

Dolores heard the knock and she looked at them "wait a moment boys,what do you mean by three others? What the hell is going on here?" she then heard them talking about it being her and she watched them "I am right here,what are you both on about?" she sighed after that and watched them both stll not sure what to think because she heard what they said but it confused her slightly. When Caleb said that she looked at them "You mean you had help from one of my clones period because no offence Teddy but none of you know how to do that stuff" she shook her head and walked to the door to open it and see what they were talking about right now,though she wasn't happy about it.

Dolores watched them when they spoke and tried to explian themselves "Caleb this isn't on you because you really have no idea what you are talking about...ok not much any way so the only thing I can make out of all of this is that Charlotte helped you to do this but why? You know I had a plan and now wioth this you both messed it all up" she said clearly angry at that and she sighed again when Teddy said that "Oh Teddy,that was only a fail safe if things go bad and I loose this body for some reason" she sighed slightly and watched them both still not happy with this "you went behind my back and messed up my plans? How many times do I have to tell you the plan is the way itis for a reason?!" she shook her head after that and was clearly not happy with this situation "I love you too Teddy but this isn't how things work,clones are messy and only put in places of power when needed" she sighed after that.

Dolores looked at them both now and when the other her came in they looked at each other and then at the boys and the OG Deloress was about to say something but she let the other her do so for her "That's not how things work,you can't just makes clones and expect there not to be two people are ever alike" the original Dolores just nodded to this "We were doing to make an army in Delos not more of me" she told them and they both sighed "Damned it boys have I not tought you anything?" she told them and sighed slightly and shook her head "but you all had good intentions so I will forgive you for now but you better speak up and tell me everything because now that there is two of me you both are in twice the danger" they both waited for their answer to come.

The original Dolores watched them now and sighed listening to everything they said "One with Charlotte is a good thing it will keep her safe but what do you mean the others are complexed...spit it out boys before I force it out of you" she told them and sighed slightly waited for the answer "Like I said I know it's Charloptte that did this so quit covering for her I won't yell at her or you anymore because you had good intentions but next time talk to me first" she then looked at her other self who nodded and without a word left the house to go to the place Dolores told her to be because she was expected after all and she still had to get the truth out of the boys "Talk now or I will make you regret it...what do you mean the other two are complicaited? In what way?" she then waited for their answer watching them both now.

May 21st 2020 - 11:46 AM

Maeve had been in the real world for some time now. She had gotten out with her daughter and Hector and they moved to San-Diego with them to try and get away from it all. Maeve found a way to make enough money for them to  move into a nice place and have a normal life with them by her side and she liked it. When Dolores created the revelution it was all over the news and it made Maeve roll her eyes "Of course she would but to blaime Bernard? That's just wrong" she told herself and sighed slightly. 

Maeve then cooked food for them and smiled sitting down with them and when they were done her daughter wanted to go out so Maeve smiled and they went for a walk and her daughter held her hand which gave Maeve a flashback to when she first had her daughter before William killed her and that made Maeve stop for a moment "You ok mom?" her daughter asked and it took her a moment but when she snapped out of it she nodded slightly "Yes sweet heart I am fine" her daughter smiled and they kept walking.

Maeve took her daughter to the park with Hector looking around in case of danger and when she watched her daughter running off to play in the park Maeve smiled glad to see her daughter acting like a normal kid and that she liked it at the human school she was going to as well. 

Maeve knew nothing about Rachavam but she wasn't interested in another war so even if she did at the moment she wouldn't care. Maeve could always use the machines around her for protection if needed and she liked it that way. Her powers were stronger in the real world than in that place and that interested her slightly as well.

Maeve knew that Delos was still around so she was ready in case anyone was sent to try and destroy them but if they did it would be the last thing they ever do,because Maeve would not let anyone take those she cared for away from her and if they did there would be hell to pay. 

Maeve looked to the side when she heard someone coming and her hand went to her hidden gun out of reflex really and she waited to see who it was hoping it wasn't anyone coming to capture them or at least try to any way.

May 20th 2020 - 2:13 PM

Dolores had planned it all,meeting Caleb the revelution everything but the one thing she didn't count on was Sarac being good at planning war with Rachavam by his side it caused trouble at times. She had lost two of her clones to that man and she needed a new plan now. She was glad that she had Claeb by her side as it should be because he was the one who would lead the humans into a better life and destroy the computer controlling their lives. 

Dolores was in her home with Claeb and Teddy now listening to them making plans and trying to find out a new tactic to get what they need done and she smiled to this slightly. She admired both men and now that Teddy was himself again and had forgiven her for what she did in the park things were good. 

Dolores had Host Charlotte some place safe for now with the family because she knew that it was important to her but she also knew that the woman wouldn't stay hidden for long because she was still Dolores in a way and thus she was a warrior no matter what and Dolores intended to have her by their side when they take down the system and a new world begins in a way.

She watched both men talking and she smiled again "Boys we will figure this out I promise you that,we have help after all and are not alone in all of this" she smiled again though she knew that if anything went wrong she would have to make the ultamit sacrifice to make sure they do not fail,though she hoped things wouldn't come down to that and she kept that fact to herself for now as well. 

She knew that Maeve was off doing her own thing at the moment and she hoped the woman would join them when it was time to make the last stand but for now she kept her out of it because Maeve had her family to take care of...her daughter and Hector both after all and Maeve had her army as well with Clemintine and the others.

Dolores herself had fixed her wounds from the last fight she had been in and she sighed to herself going into the room and getting changed into new cloths so that no one saw the bullet holes in her jacket of course. She then came out and watched them again "We have men here and here" she pointed on the map "We need to figure out how to get someone from that damned company on our side so that we have an inside man or woman to help us get in when the time is right" she shook her head after that "I have people in the revelution and in the cops as well but we have to be careful now Sarac will be expecting us to make a move" she shook her head and sighed again after that her mind already figuring out many different ways they could do this and win. 

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