05/21/2020 03:12 PM 



1.I am not Caleb Nichols as he is a fictional character, and I am definitely not Aaron Paul the actor that plays him, as the actor is too busy to be online at all. It should be known but not many seems to get that, so it has to be mentioned. As I am not here to rp. It isn't an off character account but an actual rp character so keep that in mind. Not here to mock rp like some seem to think but to rp. This is an actual rp account, no more nor less. So don't assume. Mistakes are fine but not delibrately so.

2.My main verses are Westworld/ Hosts(Robots)/ Scifi, Crime and such that connected to one. Then there is supernatural to fit other interesting verses with those. The only versrs not applying here and that would never change is sex/Erotica. No smut ever. Yes, Caleb is a guy but that doesn't mean he sleeps around, as he doesn't. Never have and never will. I rp him canon not made up. Other than those the other verses are fine, just please no changing my character. Accidents are fine but not just because you feel like it. As I rp him canon with au, but I already have the righr au for him that doesn't messes him up or such. I know how to rp him as I know how he is in Westworld. Plus, I know what fits au and what is off character. Caleb Nichols is from Westworld, a canon to it. I just changed small things in his life, likw some events so that those I hated won't happen. So his mom still abandoned him and the system used him. The system forced Caleb to be someone he shouldn't be, it made him a criminal but he isn't. The system decided what life he would have and such and it plans to force him to kill himself unless Caleb, Dolores, Teddy and others on their side don't stop it and Sarac first, which is exactly what they arr trying to do. That is what they are trying to do. Yes, Teddy part is au because in the show he died but not in rp and me, Teddy and Dolores plan to keep it that way. Anyway, that and Maeve has Hector and hee daughter, and is friends witn Caleb, Dolores and Teddy is au, and it stays. Plus there other things au  both his life and those around him, so keep that in mind. Rest you could ask and will tell you. Just don't assume things and believe that you are right, as you are definitely wrong and that isn't accepted. Accidents are fine as I said before but not delibrately so. That is definitely not allowed. Pretty much.

3.Caleb is single but only will date a person that he likes and only if rp leads to that, no more nor less. That doesn't mean he is going to sleep with your character or crap like that, as that will never happen so read rules and headline. Follow this rule and others and we shall get along but ignore it and no rp. People already requested me for sex and such. Some more than once and had to block but rather not do it so yeah. Caleb doesn't sleep around and that will never change. Don't assume and expect an apology or something as not happening. I am not here for sex or erotica, no smut and it stays that way, case closed. He doesn't break couples up either. I rp Caleb as he has to be and not as you want me to or make up. Do we get each other? If we do good. Him sleeping around and such is off character. One it isn't like him, two no time for it and three he is a good guy and especially now when the system can't control him.  Caleb made mistakes and such but sleeping around isn't one of them and never will be, no matter what and never will be. I don't rp sex, erotica, smut not my cup of tea and never will be. I rather personally avoid it. So please keep that in mind. Ge doesn't even breaks couples up and it will never happen in rp, no matter what. Nkt ow nor ever.

4.I am not a friend collector but an rper. I am here to rp, so please understand that and don't assume things. It is an actual character not copying someone's made up one to create my own to mock real rpers but an actual character. He is from Westworld and only it. I go au and canon but that doesn't change the fact that he is from a show called Westworld and is a canon from there.  I am here to rp him with anyone who wants to rp except  those who rp romance and sex only, as that won't happen, don't even ask why. I don't do that, I hate it. Personally I rather not rp that. So don't assume and don't force me to do that as there is no way. Especially not just that.  And no matter what it won't change. When I ask if you want to discuss a storyline it means just that not sex and never will be.

5.I can do all when it has to do with writing but I rather do multi and up aa those are my favorites. Due to real life stuff multi and novella take me time but I do reply, so keep that in mind. Just because I make sure not to judge those who do one line, sami para and rp with them too means nothing, as I rp with all. I just like multi and up no more nor less. That doesn't change a thing, just means I accept all rpers, as long as they don't do romance and sex only.  And those would never happen, no matter what. When we rp let me know what is easier for you and we will do so. One line then one line, semi para than Semi para, para then para. However, don't assume that it is all I do because of it as it isn't true. I still only rather multi and up to novella.  Nothing will ever change it, no matter what.

6. I am here to rp, so don't assume I am fake and friend collector, so talk to others and ignore me, then ask for more people to add you and rp with you or you will be deleted.  Also don't my message to you about discussing and claim I sent nothing as that is rude and unacceptable. As I won't do it to you, so don't do it to me. Yes it is a rule as it happened to me before and I refuse to let it happen again or I can't rp. I am not leaving just because you think I am fake and need to leave. Don't ignore me and then block me because you think I want sex or use you, as I won't do it to you. I am here to rp not for sex or erotica, so no smut nor to collect friends but only to rp so keep that in mind and  be respectful. Yes it is a rule. Don't delete me just because you think I am a friend collector or here for sex, as I won't do it to tou so don't do it to me. No matter what.

This is all for now, will add more when needed. So read those and follow. Also check back once in a while in case I add something to the rules. Follow those and we will get along but don't and you are gone. As I hate people doing what they want to hurt others. You are allowed to do what you want with your character and such but not judge others and ruin their chances to rp just because as that is wrong. Give a person a chance if anything before judging as when I request you I give you a chance. So as I said follow rules and we would be able to have rping or you are gone. Mistakes are fine but otherwise not.  So keep that in mind.

let the fun rping begin.

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