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11/12/2012 11:08 PM 

new starter

'no one from this time will ever see that girl again...'

The doctor, amy and rory round off a sight seeing tour around london with a trip to the theatre. That's when things start to go wrong. The doctor wonders why so many younf girls are going missing from the area.When he sees Sammy Star's amazing magic act, he thinks he knows the answer. Sammy's glamerous assistant disappears at the climax of the act, but this is no stage trick.

whatever you do - Don't Blink!
The doctor along with his companions amelia and rory williams had been taking a sight seeing tour around london on an open top bus when the doctor's persistant talking finally got on the tour guides nerves and they were throun off onto the side of the street. This had happened to them wherever they went and it was causing some amusing entertainment to the ponds whenever they were thrown out of somewhere. presently they were now sitting in a local cafe so that they could have some tea and lunch as they were all hungry when rory williams pointed out the missing posters that they had seen in different areas around the city of young men and women especially women disappearing due to a magic act at the local theatre.

"well then looks like we'll just have to take in a magic act and get to the bottom of this"

he said to amelia and rory williams who had been hoping not to have to deal with monsters on their holiday trip around london.

 "not before we have our lunch doctor"

came amelia's response to this as she wanted to have a full stomache if she was going to be running around after some unknown monster.

"of course pond eat up then its off to the theatre"

 he said as he sat there across from his best friend's a nice hot cuppa tea sitting in front of him.


Time was relative, it didn't really have any meaning when you were inside the vortex it was as if time itself ceased to exsist. the doctoe reached up and pushed his floppy fringe out of his face and eyes glancing at the black framed glasses that were now propped up on top on the console. he mused how they had suited his previous incarnation a lot more that they did his current one of which he had finally managed to take the time to get a good look at. the doctor found himself to be rather skinny almost awkward and yet at the same time found he rather liked the new him. so lost within his own musings he hadn't realized that the tardis had come to a full stop materializing who knows where until he heard sounds right outside of the tardis doors so loud that startled him right out of his chair both his feet and his entire slight body frame hit the tardis floor with surprise.


he yelped and gained his footing rather swiftly and moved towards the console to find out exactly where he was increasing the tardises defences while reaching for a switch he turned on the scanner and looked at it.

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