05/07/2024 08:01 PM 




1. What drew your attention to Fame Seekers?
2. What's your activity level like on/for discord?
3. Are you sure you understand the rules entirely for this group?
4. What is your discord handle?


My name is (first & last name). I’m (age) and from (city, state/country). I am a (occupation) and have been for (months and/or years). A lot of people say I look like (faceclaim) and sometimes I see it, sometimes I don’t. Most of my friends would describe me as (2 positive traits) but also (2 negative traits). In my free time, I enjoy (3 hobbies). I am currently (marital status) and (sexual orientation). I chose to come on Fame Seekers because (2-3 reasons why).
*be as detailed as you would like with your answers.


Please attach a short bio about your character.


Please attach a 2 paragraph sample of your character finally arriving at the house.
Once you have filled out the form please headline the message with AUDITION: FIRST NAME LAST NAME.

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