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05/09/2013 11:51 PM 

Rules & Guidelines

Rule #1
Try your absolute best to be literate. 
I don't mind a few spelling errors here and there, but I will delete you if you start using 'TXT' talk.

Rule #2
This may seem stupid to someone, but please don't use 'You' in a roleplay when referring to an action. For example: Orion stared up at the sky before turning to you, giving a goofy grin as he stared into your eyes.
Don't do that.

Rule #3 
I normally send about 3 paragraphs per reply, though if I am feeling lazy, or simply am losing interest in the roleplay, you can expect less.

Rule #4
Don't pester me about not sending a reply.
I'll get to it when I get to it.
I'm pretty busy in r/l.

Rule #5
No, I am not a part of any Disney themed RPG.
But that doesn't mean I am a bad roleplayer.
I simply have yet to find a group that I am willing to be in.

Rule #6
Orion's sexuality.
He's bisexual, and tend to lean towards men.
But, ladies that doesn't mean he wont fall for one of you.

Rule #7
The edits.
I love editing. For me.
Awhile back I tried doing a Disney crossover edit and it turned out horrible.
So never again.
But if you wanna give it a shot than go for it!

Rule #8
Multiple accounts.
If you have two accounts you wanna try roleplay on with me, then go for it.
As long as the two don't eventually start heading down the same path.

Rule #9
I love drama in my roleplays!
It makes them fun!
However, when I say drama I don't mean acting all emo.
Which has happened before, because someone thought they could guilt Orion into a relationship by 'cutting' them self in the r/p.

Rule #10
I am only saying this because I've had it asked int he past.
If you wanna roleplay as two characters in one roleplay, than go for it!
Be Hercules and Hades!
Or Mulan and Mushu!

Now, would you be so kind as to sign? 

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