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We took your body, turned to ash down by the waterside. We watched the reason your dust collides. I watched the old man cry from the otherside. No, no it won't help you. No, no it won't. Lost inside a day that never happened to feel this way again year after year in the back of your mind. I'll find you in the back of your mind.

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04/27/2020 11:28 PM 

top 5's,

Multifandom Female Gifs (Female Readers) 💙 - Sara Lance •1• - Wattpad


Requested by Narcissa - favourite patients
  1. Layla Johnson: One of Carys’ first cases on the Mental Health ward, Layla was five years old when the metamorphmagus first met her and diagnosed the child with a severe form of autism. Subsequently Layla would make a brief appearance in the ward every two months for the next six years. Though autism was not something Carys could cure there were ways in which she could ease the issue for the young girl, and it was because of this that the young half-blood was able to attend Hogwarts and be sorted into Ravenclaw herself. Carys receives a Christmas card from the Johnson family every year.
  2. Alice Longbottom: Though Alice and Carys were not in the same year or house at Hogwarts the two girls paths did cross on multiple occasions. Friendship between the two occurred more seamlessly when they both joined the Order, the two in fact growing so close that Alice named the former Ravenclaw godmother to her child. Carys was the running the shift the night that Alice and Frank were brought into her ward and tried everything she could to reverse the effects of the cruciatus. Nothing worked. Though there isn’t much she can do for them, twice a week Carys will sit by the lion’s bedside and read to her from whichever muggle text she is buried in at the time. Insanity cannot tear her away.
  3. Orianne de la Mare: Carys became Orianne’s healer through the request of her mother, the two had met a decade prior during one of her brief stints in foreign hospitals. When Hélène brought her daughter to be healed, Carys immediately dismissed any current cases she had and got to work even if Orianne wasn’t in fact a patient on her ward. The two met again during the tri-wizard tournament and a tentative mentorship bound the two together. Unlike most of Carys’ cases, Orianne wasn’t a permanent patient but she became a fixture in the metamorphmagus’ life.
  4. Seamus O’Reilly: As a mental health specialist, Carys has run many clinical trials throughout her tenure as a healer in an attempt to cure the incurable. Seamus was one of a group of schizophrenia patients that she had been attempting to help. Most of the time Seamus was an uncontrollable flirt who always had a compliment for the young healer, Carys was a fan of his natural optimistic personality and he quickly became one of her favourite patients during his time in the ward. Sometimes the Irish man reminded her of Liam. Carys had been caring for Seamus for three years when the former Hufflepuff committed suicide, his death hit her harder than the other patient’s she had lost and because of him she pushed herself to work harder to find a cure so that she wouldn’t lose Liam in the same way.
  5. Michael Moore: During her training, Carys was switched between different departments to find her specialty. Though she was adamant that she end up in Mental Health it was protocol to work in each specialty just in case, she was working in Artifact Accidents when she met Michael – a thirteen year old Gryffindor who had gotten in the way of his father’s potion when it exploded during the Christmas holidays. Michael was the patient that, had she not chosen Healing to save Liam, would have caused her to switch specialties. The small child was so fascinated by everything that was going on around him that he spent his entire time there asking her questions that she didn’t always know the answer to. Five years later the young boy that she had known showed up in her rounds and eventually settled in the Accidents department himself.

Requested by Amelia: birds
  1. Atlantic Canary: The atlantic canary, known worldwide as the wild canary or island canary is a small passerine bird belonging to the genus Serinus in the Finch Family, Fringillidae. This was her mother’s favourite bird and Carys grew up with the image all around the manor in her childhood. She’s not sure if it’s a coincidence or not that she designated the codename Canary when she agreed to work with Diarmuid in his ‘taskforce’.
  2. Magpie: As a child Carys and Dylan were taught the magpie song and it was common for the two to be found chasing magpies around the countryside. The magpie totem is a good luck symbol that indicates joy, love and lasting fortune. It can also signify trickery and deception. The meaning of the magpie can represent good and bad omens, or duality and opposites.
  3. Flammulated Owl: The flammulated owl is a small, nocturnal owl approximately 15cm long with a 3cm wingspan. With such large wings for a small, they can fly rapidly from tree to tree. Females are larger, ranging from 62-65g and males are smaller ranging from 50-52g. The summer between their third and fourth year found Carys and Amelia being divebombed by a tiny bird as they entered Eeylops Owl Emporium so that Carys could treat herself to her own bird. After attacking Amelia’s hair for a good ten minutes the owl landed gracefully on Carys’ shoulder and she purchased Athena without a second thought. Amelia was not impressed.
  4. Golden Eagle: The golden eagle is one of the best-known birds of prey in the Northern Hemisphere. Like all eagles, it belongs to the family Accipitridae. These birds are dark brown with lighter golden-brown plumage on their napes. As the symbol of her dedicated house, Carys finds herself identifying with the intelligent and aggressive creature for she could be classed as the eagle in human form.
  5. Phoenix: In Ancient Greek folklore, a phoenix is a long-lived bird that cyclically regenerates or is otherwise born again. Associated with the sun, a phoenix obtains new life by arising from the ashes of its predecessor. The phoenix classes as one of Carys’ favourite birds as it not only represents her adoration of magical creatures but also her love of Greek mythology. The first time she was ever in Professor Dumbledore’s office she sat there for half an hour stroking Fawkes plumage and completely forgot why she was there in the first place.

Requested by Amelia: languages
  1. Welsh: One of the two languages she was taught from birth Carys has always preferred to speak in her mother tongue, though she only really gets the chance to speak Welsh in private conversations with her brother. Though it is her favourite language it actually ends up being one of the languages she speaks the least though she has a habit of swearing in Welsh when she is aggravated or stressed. There’s less chance of being reprimanded for foul language when people can’t understand what you’re saying.
  2. Greek: When their Aunt Josalyn taught the twins languages Carys actually begged to learn Greek, it was a way for her to connect with her deceased mother who was fluent in the language and loved all things Greek. The language, the culture, the mythology Carys demanded to know it all. And so she did.
  3. German: Literally the only reason Carys and Amelia decided to learn German was the fact that it doesn’t matter what you say it always sounds like you’re insulting someone. It amuses her greatly when people walk past and think they’re actually being insulted.
  4. Italian: A beautiful language, Carys found Italian the easiest to learn when she was a child. It was also the first language she chose to teach Amelia believing that because it was easiest for the Ravenclaw it would be easier for the Gryffindor. She was wrong, surprisingly Greek ended up being the easiest for the redhead to latch onto.
  5. Russian: The language that took her the longest to learn Carys rarely uses Russian in everyday conversation and it is actually the least handy in her line of work. However if it wasn’t for the two girls learning Russian during their years at Hogwarts Amelia might never have known that it was a polyjuiced Death Eater that attacked her and not Carys herself. There are some silver linings.

Requested by Amos: friends,
  1. Amelia Bones: Carys met Amelia within ten minutes of boarding the train to Hogwarts in first year, the two gorging on sugary confections and praying that the two would end up in the same house. Sadly Carys did not follow the young Bones into Gryffindor but the separation of houses did not break the newly grown friendship. A friendship that would endure trials and tribulations yet growing stronger throughout the decades. Sisters in life and death, Carys would never call anyone else her best friend and even after the auror’s death when someone ask Carys will always state Amelia Susan Bones as her best friend and the family she chose.
  2. Liam Bones: Liam was the first Ravenclaw Carys spoke to after she was sorted, the new second year helped her adjust to life as an eagle and their friendship grew throughout the years. The older Bones was the reason she became a Healer and she has loved him for most of her life, the two were so close that it was apparently inevitable for the two to end up together. Even though the two are romantically inclined Carys will always class him as her friend first because more often than not friendship outlasts romance.
  3. Diarmuid Stebbins: Though the same year and house Derry and Carys didn’t really connect until around their fourth and fifth years at Hogwarts. It wasn’t until the two became the fifth year house prefects that Carys really classed him as a friend rather than an acquaintance. The Apollo to her Artemis, the friendship between the two only grew. Carys later joining his ‘taskforce’ and Derry saving what was left of her soul. She can honestly say she wouldn’t be alive today if it wasn’t for her Apollo.
  4. Amos Diggory: The first friend she ever made, Carys has known the badger since they were three years old. Amos’ mother being close friends with Carys’ aunt. Amos was in fact Carys’ first kiss she was six, a memory the two prefer to forget about and in the end Amos is more like her overprotective big brother than anything else. The two are so close that Carys ends up being named godmother to his only son.
  5. Charlotte Montague: Her fellow Ravenclaw is an enigma for the metamorphmagus, sharing a dorm for seven years the two click almost instantaneously both of them viewed as the strange ones. Unlike most of Carys’ relationships however this one doesn’t last long past Hogwarts as Carys becomes a world-renowned healer and Charlotte delves further into the Dark Arts. The blonde’s problem? Even when she hates Charlotte and the woman she’s turned into she can’t help but still love the girl she once knew.

Requested by Amos: spells.
  1. Ferula: Conjures bandages. The first spell Carys was taught during her lessons with Madam Pomfrey, this comes in handy not only during her time at Hogwarts but also in later years. You would not believe the amount of bandages she goes through while the Bones are in her life.
  2. Anapneo: Clears someone’s airway. Though Pomfrey taught her this spell she never actually needed to use it until after she graduated when she ended up in the field. The amount of patients found under scattered debris was incalculable and anapneo became one of her most used spells until Lord Voldemort was defeated by Harry Potter. The spell became more useful once more during the second war.
  3. Ducklifors: Transforms an organism into a duck. Yes she knows it’s not necessarily a useful spell but when you turn your best friend into a duck as punishment for not shutting up in the middle of the night then it kind of has to be one of your favourites.
  4. Glisseo: Turns a staircase into a slide. Glisseo is a spell that Carys actually uses multiple times a year. She uses it less since she graduated Hogwarts but every time it was someone that she cared about’s birthday you can bet that the stairs would turn into giant slides. If she could have gotten away it mattress surfing would have been included to.
  5. Episkey: Heals minor injuries. Though Carys’ specialty rarely deals with physical injuries, it is not rare for a multitude of auror’s to randomly show up in her office or on her doorstep needing to be healed. Episkey really is the most useful spell for this situation.

Requested by Diarmuid: greek deities
  1. Athena: The Olympian goddess of wisdom and war and the adored patroness of the city of Athens. A virgin deity, she was also – somewhat paradoxically – associated with peace and handicrafts, especially spinning and weaving. Majestic and stern, Athena surpassed everybody in both of her main domains. 
  2. Mania: In Roman and Etruscan mythology, Mania (or also known as Lyssa) was a goddess of the dead. She along with Mantus (Hades in Greek), ruled the underworld. She was said to be the mother of ghosts, the undead, and other spirits of the night, as well as the Lares and the Manes. In Greek mythology, she is the goddess of insanity and madness. 
  3. Asclepius: The god of medicine, Asclepius (or Asklepios) was the patron god, and reputed ancestor, of the Asclepiades (Asklepiades), the ancient guild of doctors. Asclepius was the son of Apollo and the Triccaean (Trikkaian) princess Coronis (Koronis).
  4. Hestia: Hestia is the Greek goddess of the hearth, one of the original twelve Olympians. Cronus’ and Rhea’s first-born child, she was pure and peaceful. However, since she always had to stay at home, tending the fireplace, Hestia is not involved in many myths. Consequently, at a later stage, she would be replaced in the Pantheon with the much wilder Dionysus, son of Zeus.
  5. Hypnos: In Greek mythology, Hypnos is the god associated with sleep. His mother was Nyx (goddess of night) and his father was Erebus (god of darkness). Hypnos is said to be a calm and gentle god who helps mortal humans in their time of need. Because he is the god of sleep, he owns half of every human life. In works of art, Hypnos is depicted as a young man who has wings on either his shoulders or brow. He is often seen holding a horn of opium, which produces sleep, a branch that that is dripping water that comes from the Lethe or an inverted torch.

Requested by Diarmuid: what ifs
  1. Hogwarts House: Carys always wonders what would have happened had the sorting hat decided to put her into Slytherin like it almost did. The possibility of her being a death eater raises exponentially, especially when you think about her metamorphmagus abilities and potions skills. Her life would have been completely different had she ended up as a snake. She definitely wouldn’t be a healer and being the person she is Narcissa Black would probably have been one of the people she was closest to, even if they didn’t class each other as friends. That half-blood status gets in the way a lot.
  2. Career: If Carys had decided to go through with being a translator for the Ministry her life would completely different than the way it is now. Not only would she never have found cures for illnesses that had never been found before she would have been a diplomat dealing with representatives from foreign Ministries around the globe, she might have been able to spend more time with Amelia, the two working in the same building, and she probably would have been involved with the return of the tri-wizard tournament. She’s not sure whether she would have been more or less respected than her career as a healer makes her.
  3. Love life: What if Carys and Regulus’ relationship hadn’t ended the way it had. Carys broke off her relationship with the younger Black after he took the dark mark. Would he have seen the error of his ways earlier or would he have dragged her down with him? Would he have survived the war? Or would she have died instead of her brother?
  4. Betrothal: Had Carys been born a pureblood the contract between the Black’s and the Cooper’s would have gone ahead. In which case Carys would have been betrothed to Sirius Black. The ways in which her life would have differed if this had taken place are numerous but as the black sheep of the family she’s sure that even if the engagement had gone ahead, Sirius’ hatred for the dark arts and most of his family would have saved her from being dragged into Voldemort’s circle. Would their engagement have saved him from Azkaban? Or would she have spent decades believing the man she had married was a mass-murderer?
  5. Children: If she had been able to find a cure for the curse that caused her to be baron earlier in her career, Carys’ life would’ve been completely different. Children had always been a definite future for her until she lost the chance, she’s not sure what she would have been like as a mother, but she always wanted to know. But would her career have gotten in the way of that? Would she have even had children even if she could? She would never give up the godchildren that she loves but she’s always prayed she wouldn’t be the last Cooper. The fact that she is brings her to tears more often than she cares to admit.

04/27/2020 02:05 PM 


Female X Female GIFS - ~SARA LANCE~ 4 - Wattpad 2 different worlds - meet the cast - Wattpad

UPDATED: 30/06/2021

Bellamy Clarke (anapneo) (him)
Sirius Black (brightest star) (him)
Remus Lupin (lune de loup) (him)
Kore Moonstride (flora) (her)
Rufus Scrimgeour (war minister) (?)
Alice Longbottom (brave heart) (?)

Diarmuid Stebbins (stebbins) (him)

Amelia Bones (madamn bones) (me)
Liam Bones (human error) (him)
Gawain Robards (robards) (him)

Zacharias Smith (kestrels beater) - "You never told me you had a twin." 
Veronica Prewett (draco dormiens) - "You know I wouldn't do this if I had any other choice." 
Liam Bones (human error) - "I wish I could hate you."
Tom Riddle (megalomaniac) - "Am I supposed to be scared of you?" 
Narcissa Black (daffodil) - "I want to go back to before." 

Nymphadora Tonks (eccentricity): patch - help my muse patch up a wound.
Bellamy Clarke (anapneo): wrap - wrap an arm around my muse's shoulder/waist.
Molly Weasley (mamabear): patch - help my muse patch up a wound. /reverse.


07/18/2018 12:25 PM 

diarmuid stebbins 2.0,

Image result for sam claflin and elizabeth olsen gif

"I refuse to believe it will all end like this."

Leaning back in the high-backed chair, her ankles crossed behind the leg, one elbow rested on the chair arm as her face leant on her upturned hand. Once again nothing was getting done. This small, secret community were not working in harmony at all and their plans for helping Apollo with his task were not coming to fruition in any way.

It had been months. In fact if she thought back, she was pretty sure it had been almost a year now since they had all met for the first time. Carys still didn’t know many of their real names, but that was the point. They were safer if they didn’t know. She knew some members, obviously. She had gone to school with a few of them and others she knew because of her status in the Wizarding World itself. But some of them, specifically those that were more than two years younger than her were practically strangers. For all she knew they could be like her.

She twirled a strand of vibrant red hair around a lone finger as she watched the chaos unfurl in front of her. She would have to get involved eventually. Stop this madness before anyone got hurt, she really wasn’t in the mood to actually be healing anybody even if it was her job. But as second-in-command of this bumbling band of rag-tag misfits at least they would listen to her if she rose and told them to shut the hell up. For the moment though the rising voices were giving her the chance to observe the other members.

The younger women, the ones she was sure were new graduates of Hogwarts, had all banded together in one corner. From the looks of things they actually were working on the mission they had been given a few weeks earlier. They had pulled away from the round table the group normally convened at and seemed to be discussing their progress, no matter how non-existent it was. She was proud of them. It was nice, for a change, for someone in this group to actually be doing something.

To her left sat people she actually did know, and if it wasn’t for the fact that their hands were clasped together, and their heads were leaning towards each other as if to block out the world she’d be surprised that Sirius wasn’t involved with the current chaos. Instead he was focused more on Marlene. It had taken him long enough to admit his feelings for her. Years, by her count. She was happy for him, ridiculously so, but it would be nice if they actually took time away from each other to focus on the problem going on right now.

As she looked across the table she caught the eye of their leader. Diarmuid looked just as irritated by their lack of progress as she was, if not more. Added on top of that he just looked exhausted. His work at the Ministry and this entire issue battling against his father was slowly turning him away from the bubbly, upbeat, mythology fanatic she had known as a teacher.

This was the first time she’d seen him in three weeks, their work schedules giving them no time for personal time. She missed him, she did. And she really needed to get some potions down his neck to make him look better. She shook her head slightly as he winked at her, obviously having watched her observations for the past few minutes. Tilting her head towards the rabble, she raised a slender brow in question.

His lips pursed for a minute before he slowly nodded and smiled in appreciation.

Sighing softly she finally rose from the chair that she had sequestered herself in over an hour ago. She took a deep breath before her quiet voice rose over the crowd.

“Everybody. Sit. Down. Now.”

After her order you could hear a pin drop as the remaining members rushed back to their seats, those working in the corners returning to their spaces to listen to her. Staying stood she placed her hands on the table and looked around at all the faces individually. She had the attention of every single person in the room.

“I know that you’re all scared. This is not going how we planned and we’re struggling. The war is raging around us and many of us are involved in that as well. People are dying. Some that we love, some that we don’t. Some that we have known for years,” Her eyes flickered towards the couple on her left and the man seated in front of her, respect shining in his eyes. “And some that we may have just met. But I can tell you one thing right now. I refuse to believe that it will all end like this.”

She took a step back and circled the room, weaving around different members. “We may be a bunch of misfits,” she smirked in Sirius’ direction as she heard a snort leave his body. “But we are also fighters. We all joined to fight for justice, to save our kind. Pure-blood, half-blood and muggle-born alike.”

She came to a stop next to Diarmuid’s chair, her hand resting on his shoulder giving him a soft reassuring squeeze.

“If you’re out, you’re out. None of us will blame you for leaving right now and spending whatever time remains of your days left with your family. But if you’re in, then you can proudly say that you fought until the end. Because one day it will end. But not without our input. We are fighting for the future, for our children, for our family.”

She took another roving look around the room. “So, who’s with me?”

For a moment there was silence and in that split-second Carys’ heart dropped. And then a cheer rose through the ranks, every member climbing out of their seats to applaud her courage. To her right, her fellow ravenclaw rose to his feet, suddenly towering over her and wrapping his long muscular arms around her tiny back.

“Thank you, Artemis.”

She smiled softly as she buried her face in his neck, a blush obviously covering her entire face. “All in a day’s work.”


07/18/2018 08:56 PM 

amos diggory 3.0,

Image result for henry cavill and elizabeth olsen gif

"You don't look so bad yourself."

Sipping on the tall glass of champagne that had been shoved in her hand practically the movement she had walked through the door of this extravagantly decorated hall, the blonde sighed. The mayhem of the day was starting to catch up with her now that she had finally slowed down. After the day she had had at work she wasn’t surprised at how extremely tired she actually was.

When she had returned home to change for this unnecessary event she had been contemplating skipping out on it altogether, but as it turned out Liam had still been out on his ‘mission’ and being alone wasn’t really what she wanted at the moment. Now though? Now she wished she had just climbed straight into bed with a glass of wine and a good book. She would have woken up in his arms and it wouldn’t have mattered that he wasn’t there when she fell asleep.

Instead here she was, schmoozing up to potential donors for her research projects. She had been struggling with results lately, as had many of her colleagues with their own projects. Obviously St Mungo’s had money, but much of that was allocated for the actual healing of patients rather than the research for future healing methods. Which is how she found herself at the third medical fundraiser of the year. She was pretty sure it was the third out of five. She was actually quite accomplished when it came to swindling old crones out of their large amount of gold, in fact Faith had been quite proud to tell her that she was the largest earner of research funding. Whether it was down to her name, looks, skills or the actual idea of her project she did not know.

To be honest, she didn’t really care. As long as she got the money.

That didn’t mean that she didn’t just want to go to bed. She’d been up 52 hours already, for Godric’s sake.

“If I hadn’t seen you dolled up at the Potter wedding I’d be shocked at how amazing you look dressed to the nines, Cooper.”

Twisting towards the voice that had called to her, she took another sip of the bubbly concoction as her eyes roamed over his lithe figure, taking in the soft grey robes he had adorned himself with.

“You don’t look so bad yourself, Diggory.”

A cheeky smile stretched out across her face as she stepped forward to embrace him in a large hug, the violet of her own robes swishing about her ankles as she moved towards her childhood best friend. She squeezed tightly as she breathed in his familiar scent. He was actually the first person she had seen her that wasn’t a Healer or a donor.

Pushing away from him she slapped her hand against his shoulder. “What the hell are you even doing here, Diggs?”

A smirk crossed his unnaturally symmetrical features and she frowned at the sheer perfection of his look. It had probably taken him five minutes to get ready, she didn’t even want to know how long it had taken her to hide the terrible bags that had surrounded her eyes.

“Guard duty, love.”

Raising a slender brow, she surveyed the room as she took in the few aurors that had been patrolling the room in a subtle manor. She watched as Gawain and Amelia spun each other round in a waltz in the centre of the dance floor, obviously trying to blend in. Due to the fact that they were both ridiculously good-looking they were failing drastically. Kingsley Shacklebolt had taken up position by the bar and he somehow, with his bright blue robes, looked even less inconspicuous than the two parading their beauty round for the world to see. The precautions of auror guards was obviously due to the attack on St Mungos three months ago. This was the first even that had taken place since.

“I thought I’d use my time wisely and annoy my date-less little sister.”

She growled in frustration as she leant her head on his shoulder, her lack of sleep finally starting to catch up with her. “M’not your little sister.”

His chuckle reverberated through her body as he placed a gentle kiss on her forehead. “You might as well be, little chameleon.”

Her head shot up suddenly as his previous comment registered in her brain. “And I had a date… he’s just working.”

His raised brow caused her to frown as she laid her head back down. “When he could be here showing you off?”

Slapping against his chest, she chuckled softly though he wasn’t actually funny. “Leave him alone, Diggy. I’ve been working for two days, I wasn’t even going to come.” She sipped her drink once more before finishing. “You know he hates these crowds anyway. It makes him anxious.”


The silence washed over the two of them as she ignored everyone around her, and he, she assumed, was surveying the crowd for any threats possible threats. It would not do for all of the healers that took part in major projects to die while surrounded by Aurors. And damn good Aurors at that.

“Hey.” Her head shook off of his shoulder as she squinted up at him, her eyes blurry from lack of sleep and her brow raised in confusion. “He hates these crowds, huh?”

Running her hand gently down her face she followed his gaze towards the overly large oak doors, she could see Amelia grinning out of the corner of her eye, an expression that confused her even more before her eyes landed on what they were seeing.

A natural, happy smile spread across her face, scrubbing away her previously tired expression, her eyes glittering at the sight of him wrapped in the navy robes she had bought him for Christmas. She couldn’t believe it.

A hand squeezed her arm gently and she looked back up into Amos’ proud face, she was pretty sure she could see a tear glistening in his eye, but she pushed that observation away… for now. “I guess you’re more important than anxiety, little one.”

A blush spread across her cheeks as he pushed her towards the door. “Go have fun.”

She wrapped her arms around his neck once more, standing on her toes to do so, and placed her lips against his cheek. “See you later, big brother.” Pulling away, she winked slowly before running in the opposite direction, not caring in the slightest how childish she looked as she launched herself at her world.

07/18/2018 04:06 PM 


Image result for rooney mara gif

"Brontide: the low rumbling of distant thunder."

It was the burning in her throat that first brought her to her senses. She was pretty sure that a steady burn was not normal when you’re sleeping. She was sure it wasn’t normal at any time of the day really, but when you were sleeping it was just ridiculous. Her eyes opened to the blankness of the ceiling, white surrounding her causing confusion. In her second year she covered the top of her bed with glow in the dark stars, she had always been scared of the dark as a child and though she had gotten over that phobia in recent years she had loved the memories of her mother that the stars brought her so where the hell had they gone?

Twisting her head to the side she took in her surroundings. White. Everything was white, because of course she was in the Hospital Wing. What had she done this time?

Pushing herself up slightly, she noticed a slight pressure on her legs and it wasn’t until she looked down that she realised that she wasn’t actually alone. The only noise or sight that had been apparent to her was the low rumbling of distant thunder. A storm had rolled in the previous night and it had caused the entire population of the castle to sequester themselves in their common rooms. Half of them even going so far as to skip any class that took place outdoors. Care of Magical Creatures had been a quiet affair and so had Herbology.

As a matter of fact only three Ravenclaws had actually been present in their last Care of Magical Creatures class, Carys herself, Diarmuid and the brunette who was currently half-sprawled across the blonde’s legs. The fact that there was less students had meant that Carys and Charlotte had ended up partnered together without too much argument from any on-lookers.

After class they had… what had they done?

Moving slightly so as not to disturb her dormmate, she winced in pain – louder than she had anticipated as she pulled at her ribs. The sudden noise shocked the brunette awake which caused the blonde even more pain in her hurry to climb off of her friend.

“Rys! Thank God!”

A frown marred the blonde’s features at the worried look that had dashed across her friend’s face before being replaced with her usual closed off expression.

“You look worried?”

“You were unconscious for three days, of course I was.”


Carys thought back to the last thing she could remember. She had been cold and wet, but she had been cold and wet all day due to the storm. Nothing was coming back to her.

“I don’t…”

“You fell in the lake and the storm kept pushing you away from the edge. It kept pushing you down and no matter how hard you tried you couldn’t push through the current.”

A pained expression seemed to cross both of their faces as Carys realised the predicament she had landed in. She had always tried to avoid being closer to the lake than necessary. “It wouldn’t have mattered.” She took a deep breathe, about to reveal a secret that she had never told anyone before. Not even Liam, who knew more about her than even her brother. “I can’t swim, Char.”

“It’s a damn good thing I can then.”

Eyeing the brunette, a soft smile crossed her face as she realised what the brunette was saying. Charlotte Montague who struggled around other people had dived into the lake herself to pull her out. Risking her own life, and her own fears, to save her from the unknown depths of the lake. A tear forced its way out of her eye and rolled down her cheek. She didn’t even bother swiping it away and hiding her vulnerability. “Thank you, Charlotte. I mean it.”

The brunette smirked down at her and stroked the top of her head gently. “Don’t mention it.” She paused before looking away towards the wall. “Seriously, don’t.”

The blonde laced her fingers through her friends and smiled, her body relaxing now that she knew she was safe. The thunder rumbled again overhead. Quieter this time, as if the weather understood how important this moment was for the two girls.

And it was important. This moment could possibly be the most important of their lives. It was this moment that changed the course of their friendship forever. It was this moment that would stick in their minds as the point when everything changed.

07/16/2018 12:39 PM 

amelia bones 4.0

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"I am dying, there's nothing you can do about it."

The blonde stared down at her best friend, an exasperated look marring her otherwise perfect features as the redhead clutched her hand towards her chest. She rolled her eyes at the startling and yet not really surprising idiocy of the girl she had now known for close to a decade. The youngest Bones was just shy of turning 21, soon to be officially legally old enough to be classed as a fully grown adult anywhere in the world by muggle standards and yet here she was rolling around on the floor, large crocodile tears streaming down her face. Carys rolled her eyes and perched herself onto the arm of the chair she had risen from in shock fifteen minutes earlier when Amelia had collapsed into a fit of despair and ‘agony’.

“At least I know being overdramatic runs in the family.”

Memories of her long-term boyfriend/ best friend’s older brother overexaggerating certain nuisances and scenarios flashed to the forefront of her mind. She had gotten used to the fact that Liam tended to make thing seem worse than they were and though she had known the entirety of the Bones family for so long that it was actually more than half of her life she had always seen Amelia as more mature than her slightly older brother.

Obviously she was wrong. In fact she was prepared to admit that Edgar was the only Bones sibling with a mature bone in his body. But, she supposed, he was a father now. Even if he hadn’t been mature before he kind of had to be now that he had a child or two to raise.

She continued to stare down at one of her favourite people in the world, an eyebrow raised and a snort of laughter trying to make it’s way out of her body. At a sudden glare from the former Gryffindor the amusement pushed its way back down. Obviously this was no laughing matter.

Except it was.

“You don’t get it Rys.”

The pain in the redhead’s voice was evident and without meaning to Carys’ laughter burst free of the confines she had tried to keep it locked in and she too found herself curled in on herself, only this time hilarity was the reason not hurt.

“I’m glad you find this so amusing, oh supposed best friend of mine. I am in agony over here. I am dying and there’s nothing you can do about it.”

The blonde’s laughter slowly dissipated until she lay perfectly still, staring at the lion incredulously. When had her best friend become such a drama queen? Had she been so focused on work and helping Liam that she had completely ignored her best friend becoming such a hypochondriac? Had she always been this way? Or was this a new thing? Shaking her head she pushed those thoughts to the farthest recesses of her mind as she noticed a slight smirk on Amelia’s usually perky face.

The sneaky little minx.

“Meli… It’s just a bloody papercut.”

07/15/2018 02:24 PM 


Image result for sam claflin and elizabeth olsen gif

"Tarantism: The urge to overcome melancholy by dancing."

The blonde stared out at the lake as the droplets fell harshly from the sky, the pattering of noise crashing against the windows. The water in the lake itself splashed up against the sides as it threatened to overflow and flood the luscious dew-kissed grass that surrounded it.

She crossed her legs in the air behind her as she pressed her front into the ground, her body stretched out across the astronomy tower floor, glaring at the unnaturally evil weather that had befallen the school. The morning had been beautiful, the glare from the sunlight streaming through the windows and pulling her from sleep earlier than she would have liked. And yet it had given her hope, hope for a beautiful day of flying through the clouds, racing with her friends and occasionally – okay, maybe more than occasionally – sneaking off with Liam so she could wrap her arms around him as the breeze washed over them both.

And now? Now here she found herself, confined to the astronomy tower in a fit of anger and unsurprisingly melancholy. Her day had been ruined, the sudden storm taking the gloriousness of the day away and leaving her stranded in the oversized castle alone as her closest friends changed their plans. Amos deciding that now he had no distractions he could use the time to work on his transfiguration essay as the deadline crept ever closer. Amelia sneaking away to stalk her target, Amos, as usual but not until she had decided that she would find her way into the Ravenclaw Tower that night for a girls’ night. And Liam? He was currently in detention, finding himself under the watchful eye of Minerva McGonagall. Two nights earlier, her insomniac boyfriend had gotten into a fight with Rowle trying to protect her honour and as usual, when it came to Liam, McGonagall had happened upon the physical altercation.

So now she was stretched out across the astronomy tower floor contemplating ways to destroy this downpour of God’s tears. Rolling over onto her back, she slid backwards slightly in shock, an audible gasp of surprise leaving her body, as she literally came face-to-face with another person.

“What the hell, man?”

Her fellow ravenclaw succumbed to a fit of laughter as she leant back against the arch, her right hand moving to clutch at her chest, hoping for it’s racing beat to return to a normal pace.

“You should have seen your face. You looked so miserable and then suddenly terrified as hell.” The taller male in front of her was still laughing, half-bent over at the stomach as his amusement level continued to rise. Carys raised a singular eyebrow as she stared at him with contempt.

“I’m glad you find this so terribly humorous.”

“Oh come on, Coop. I didn’t mean to scare you. It was purely accidental.”


Turning back to the thundering rain, the blonde shook her head and sighed once more, completely ignoring her ‘Apollo’. The Apollo to her Artemis. Her heartbeat steadily returned to normal as the melancholy feeling, that had spread over her earlier, rose once more. This rain had ruined everything. Absolutely everything.

“You’re seriously bringing the mood down.”

Turning her head to look incredulously at her housemate she scoffed slightly. “You’re the one who interrupted my time of quiet contemplation. If anyone’s to blame it’s you.”

“You were already depressed when I got here.”

“Your point?”

She watched as he rolled his eyes to the sky, his head rising as if to stare at the heavens, the golden brown curls on the top of his head bobbing along with the movement. If today had been any other day she would have felt a great deal of satisfaction for being such an annoyance to Diarmuid Stebbins. Alas, today was not one of those days.

His hand suddenly appeared in front of her face, reaching down towards her and his entire body towering over her. “Come on up.”

Her brows furrowed as she tried to guess his reasoning. “Excuse me.”

“We’re going to dance.”

Tilting her head slightly to the side let a bout of confusion wash over her as she spluttered out “We’re going to what now?”

He reached down to grab her hands and lift to her feet, trying to force her to join in with his sudden spirited jig. “Dance.”

 Standing there stock still, she stared at him in astonishment. He had gone crazy. He had completely lost his marbles. There was no doubt about it, he was turning into Sirius Black. “Why the hell would I do that? Are you insane?”

He ignored her obvious refusal and continued to drag her around the room, a wide grin spreading across his face, his eyes sparkling with mischief. “Just come on, Cooper. It’ll make you fit better.”




It did.


07/13/2018 04:34 PM 


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"CAPERNOITED: Slightly intoxicated or tipsy."

The blonde’s head rose rapidly from the pillow that it had previously been smothered in. Pausing for a moment to listen intently for any further noise, she shook her head and rolled over turning the pillow with her so that she could lay her head back down on the cold side. It wasn’t even two minutes later when a loud crash came from directly below her bed. Who the hell was in her kitchen?

Climbing out of her bed as quietly as possible, she took care not to wake her usually insomniac boyfriend and yet failed drastically in her attempt.


A soft smile crossed her face as he practically tried to bury himself in her covers. Placing a soft kiss to his bare shoulder, she stroked her hand down the side of his cheek, whispering encouragement for him to remain in bed and to return to the land of nod. A sleepy grin spread over his face as he once again buried his face into her duck feather pillows.

Tiptoeing as quietly as possible around her room, she grabbed her silk dressing gown and slipped out of the door closing it softly behind her and throwing the gown over her shoulders. She ran as silently as possible down the narrow stairs and along the hallway before coming to a halt in the doorway of her practically pitch black kitchen.

The noises from the room hadn’t dissipated like she had assumed they would, instead they had gradually gotten louder. They only reason she wasn’t terrified out of her mind or brandishing her wand at her would-be-attacker was because of the ward’s. Her alarm had not activated, if it had Liam would have charged out of bed and down the hall faster than she could have even woken up.

Instead her she was, peering into the darkness trying to figure out which one of her friends had managed to sneak their way into her home. And why. The why was a big unanswered question.

Flipping the switch next to her, a smirk marred her otherwise innocent looking face as the intruder jerked backwards in shock, flinching away from the brightness that had consumed the room.

“Urgh, moooom… why?”

She raised a slender eyebrow, at the young boy in front of her. Of course it was him. Now that she had visual proof, she wasn’t actually surprised. Not in the slightest. In fact she probably should have realised it would be him earlier. Except, she had never expected to see him in this state.

“Mom? Do I look anything like your mother Zacharias?”

The brunette squinted in her direction, swaying slightly as he tried to hold onto the countertop that he had been leaning against. The fridge door wide open behind him and what she assumed was the makings of a ginormous five layer sandwich spread out in front of him. “Aunt Rys? What are you doing here? Is it Christmas already?”

The giggle of a young child left his throat and Carys sighed in exasperation, shaking her head at what she now realised was her highly intoxicated godson. “I was trying to sleep. Why would you think this was your…” She paused midsentence as an ingredient on the worktop caught her eye. “Is that watermelon?”

The young hufflepuff’s hand raised to rub at his eyes, a yawn leaving his body as he nodded slightly. “It was where the butter normally is. I couldn’t find the butter.”

Rolling her eyes so hard, they probably could have rolled straight out of her head and out the door she rubbed slightly at her temples with her forefingers, a headache beginning to bubble up. “Because it’s my fridge Zach, why aren’t you at home? And why the hell are you so drunk?”

“I am ho-“ Swivelling around her favourite godson took notice of the photos adorning the front of the fridge, possibly realising that there was way too many pictures of the Cooper and Bones siblings for it to be his own home situated at the other end of the country. “Oh.”

Crossing the kitchen, she wrapped her fingers gently around his arm and tugged softly, praying for him to follow her without too much argument. A waft of stale beer made its way up her nostrils and she almost threw up right there as the smell lingered with what she could only assume was muggle tequila. Yep, he was definitely inebriated.

“Come on, sweetheart. It’s the spare bedroom for you.”

Nodding slightly, he followed behind her like a puppy dog, letting her drag him up the stairs and deposit him in what had practically been his own bed for the past few years.

Tucking him in like she used to when he was at an age where he could barely even work she stroked a strand of his fringe away from his face before turning to leave the room. She was just about to close the door behind her and was contemplating making herself some warm milk to send her back off to sleep when she heard him call from behind her.

“Yes, Zach?”

His speech was slurred and if she hadn’t been so intensely focused on his words she probably would have missed the jumble that flew from his lips.

“I’m not drunk, just slightly into.. intoxi… intoxipacated.”

Shaking her head and smiling softly she whispered a final goodnight before shutting the door behind her and heading back to her own bed. She would deal with the fallout in the morning.

06/26/2018 12:55 PM 

bellatrix lestrange,

Image result for bellatrix lestrange gifs

"I swear to God, if you die on the way back I'll kill you."

Her eyes droop in and out of consciousness as the chill of a fresh breeze washes over her. When she finally comes to moments her later, her eyes squint against the blinding sunlight as she struggles to move against the bristled ropes secured tightly around the upper-half of her body. Her companion, now noticing her alertness, comes to a halt – a large smirk spreading out over her soft and deceptively innocent features.

“Finally sleeping beauty awakens.”

Her mouth strains against itself, trying to form any sort of words and she suppresses a sigh of defeat as she realises what has happened. The psychotic bitch has not only silenced her, but also magically glued her lips shut.

A shout of pain tries to release itself as what feels like a sharp knife slices its way down her cheek. An eyebrow is raised in the snake’s direction as she is lowered to her feet and with a swift look down she notices for the first time that unlike her top half, her bottom half is completely free of ropes and as she takes a stop forward the confusion washes over her at why her least favourite Black would leave her the option to run.

“I wouldn’t if I were you, the only reason you’re not still floating is that the Hunt is just so much a fun.”

A sadistic grin crosses the Death Eater’s face, and for a split-second the blonde wonders what happened to the girl who had once been her friend all those years ago, before they had been separated by house and ideas of blood purity. With a shake of her head the thought is gone and is overtaken by scheming. How the hell is she going to get out of the predicament she had found herself in?

She wasn’t sure how the newly married snake had even found her, it had been years since she had lived at Cooper Mansion and Bones Manor where she had currently been taking up residence with her boyfriend and her best friend was practically unplottable. When she wasn’t at home, she was at work and it was insanely difficult to sneak into St Mungo’s undetected. Sighing softly, her eyes drooped shut momentarily – her body trying to push her back into unconsciousness. Widening them once more she followed behind the former Slytherin, tripping over twigs and loose branches that littered the ground.

She hadn’t noticed her surroundings before, choosing to focus on the how and the why instead of the where. Now her eyes wandered around the scenery, searching for anything that may stand out as familiar and unfortunately coming up blank. Tripping once more, Carys found herself face down in the dirt, her arms and her cheek aching as the rough ground burnt against her bare-skin.

She felt rather than saw the pale hand pull her back up from the ground and she listened carefully as the psycho behind her let out a frustrated groan. “Urgh. I swear to god, if you die on the way back I’ll kill you myself.”

Finding herself once again on her feet, she rolled her eyes in exasperation and attempted to reply before her shoulders dropped in annoyance. No words. No nothing. She felt a sharp flare across her face and her lips suddenly sprang apart as if someone had torn Sellotape off of her face. A mutter of ‘bitch’ came out under her breath as another spell shot towards her, her stomach twisting in knots as it felt like she was being punched in the gut.

Straightening up, she locked her eyes on the evil sadist who was now smirking at her with glee. Amusement and something darker gleaming in the brunette’s eyes. She moved to speak, and her voice came out in a hoarse rasp. “You’re going to kill me anyway Lestrange, just get it over with.”

A bout of laughter came flying out of her companion’s throat, a never-ending shout of glee and the blonde glared at the older Slytherin as her excitement slowly faded. “Now where would be the fun in that? I want to watch you bleed out slowly. Watch as your sullied blood drips out of your fading corpse.” Her head dipped down to the blonde’s eye level and her gaze locked onto hers, conveying pure loathing. “I’m going to make you scream and writhe in pain, Cooper. And you’re going to love it.”

Turning away from the blonde, her fly-away hair swinging over her shoulders she continued on her journey through the woods. Carys took timid steps to follow her, careful not to trip over her surroundings once more. A gleeful voice drifted over the wind.

“We’re going to have so much fun together.”


06/26/2018 10:26 PM 

alecto carrow,

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"Come over here and make me."

The blonde shook her head in exasperation as she leant back against the wall behind her, the congregation pushing into her personal space expanding drastically as the argument that was taking place in the middle of the corridor became more heated. How she had ended up slap bang in the middle, unable to manoeuvre her way out she had no idea. Absolutely none. It wasn’t like she was actually that close to either party, in fact she would say that she spent most of her time avoiding one and being harassed by the other. Even playful harassment could get irritating at times.

“Nowhere for you to go, huh?”

The voice of her best friend floated out of the crowd and she tilted her head slightly in the direction of the redheaded Bones. She desperately wished she could just disappear away with the girl stood to her left, a delicate hand perched on her hip and a serious expression covering her face. Amelia hated getting in the middle of these unnecessary fights just as much as the eagle did but Carys kept her promises.

“Urgh, I promised Black I’d help him with some sort of project. You know I don’t break my promises.”

The young lion shook her head as a short laugh left her body and the blonde huffed in reply. She wasn’t going to change her ways just because Amelia thought she was an idiot. A promise was a promise, and unlike the rest of her family she was trustworthy. She always would.

The Gryffindor pressed her lips softly against the blonde’s cheek before twisting away, turning back the way she came. “Well, you know where to find me if you change your mind.”

A bark of laughter could be heard over the crowd as the blonde shouted after her best friend. “Yeah, stalking Diggs around the castle.”

“Damn straight, son.”

Turning back to the crowd, the smile that had crept over her face dissipated rapidly as she took in how close the two sides had gotten, physical violence seemed to be on the menu and it would come to fruition very soon. Very soon by the look of anger that was taking over Black’s face. This was not looking good.

Rubbing her forefingers against her temples, the sixth year shoved her way through the crowd, some of the students automatically moving out of her way as they noticed her hair shifting colours. It was a sign. Danger – Imminent. It had become common knowledge to steer clear of Carys Cooper when she got angry and it wasn’t the fight itself that was making her this way, it was the onlookers that were pissing her off.

“Well, why don’t you come over here and make me!”

Her face turned drip white as the Slytherin’s voice could be heard over the entire crowd and the Gryffindor took another step forward. This had to stop now.

Gripping the back of Sirius’s collar, she dragged him backwards towards her own body. Moving her hand quickly from his back she grabbed at his wrist her nails digging into the soft flesh and her anger rising as she turned to face the one student she tried to avoid as much as possible.

“You two are acting like a pair of immature children. For Godric’s sake you’re both almost seventeen. Act your bloody age.”

“She sta-”

“He sta-“

“I don’t give a damn which one of you started it. I’m finishing it.”

Turning her head to stare at the crowd, she raised a slender brow and watched as many of the students ran in the opposite direction, obviously scared of the wrath which she would inevitably unleash on them. And when it came to the rest.


The remaining stragglers fled, and she was now left alone with the playboy Gryffindor and the sadistic Slytherin. A glare spread over her face as she pushed her friend in the direction of the stairs muttering a quick ‘I’ll meet you outside’ before turning back to face the other woman.

“Any chance you can stop these ridiculous outbursts of aggression?”

The brunette had crossed her long, skinny arms over her chest and was gazing at her with a look of haughty derision. She seriously despised this woman. “And why would I do that Cooper? When it irritates you so terribly much?”

Shaking her head irritably she took a step away from the Slytherin, sensing another outburst of anger rising in her body.

“Oh bite me, Carrow.”

A smirk spread over Alecto’s face. “Just give me the opportunity, blondie.”



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