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09/02/2023 04:28 PM 

Updated Rules!!

Rules, Rules, Everyone love Rules- NOT!!

1. No Drama!! Honestly, I hate it. I've spent 4+ years in a different verse and I haven't had a single ounce of drama! So don't try saying I'm elite because of how I might write (I am always aspiring to write better!- It its why we are all here after all isn't it?)  Or that I am too social and or love drama... Drama ruins RP for everyone! So if you are a troll, you will not be in my friends for long...Gone are the days where I would defend Trolls- or let others take advantage of me -and my being a nice guy!

2. Act your Age- not your shoe size-  This I stand by! I'm not interested in playing schoolyard games- he said- she said sh*t- if you wanna gossip head over to gossip girl verse or something like that...better yet... join bloody facebook or something like that!

3. If under 18, I expect to be told! I am a man, and although i will not snub you if you are underage, I will make sure any role-play or interactions are done responsibly, as should be when dealing with a minor.

4. I have a RL, and so do you- I'm not here 24/7 and to be honest- you shouldn't be too (it's not healthy)
   So if I'm not around, don't complain, I will get back to you as soon as I log in. Work!- what can I say, it sucks adulting, but we all have to do it!)

5 And it's all about RESPECT!!- Respect yourself!- and I will have no problems respecting you also!
   Respect me and I will be a loyal friend.

6 Spelling, Punctuation??  Just do your best- unless you actively write out the dictionary for fun once a week- grins- I don't think anyone has the right to judge another-

7. Sorry -NO one-on-one Role-plays unless with family or in status- I'm a multi-SL/ group writer  ( Reasons being-  Work, RL, and too many have looked for Legolas for LI RP in the past.  It is very easy to become overwhelmed with them and let people down -  hence -multi-writer SL's and groups are easier to keep track of.

8. Understand I write ' Straight'  and Cannon, in any SL I might participate in. (Sorry if this offends you, its not intentional)

9. No! I will not be your Lover or Husband in Role-play, but I will be your friend.
    I'm not here seeking Romance! Understand this please and do not try to bring Drama to my door, when I do not reciprocate LI's wishes. I am here to write. I don't need a LI. I am not lonely in RL and if I choose to take a LI in the future, it will be a mutual decision and NOT BECAUSE SOMEONE HAS TRIED TO BULLY / OR BLACKLIST ME into it!

10 Did I say no Drama ???? winks-


04/05/2022 01:46 PM 

"Why!... Why now!!"

"Why!... Why now!!"
Att: Woodland crown

The ground had swiftly swept away beneath the pounding rhythm of his horse hoofs.
They sang like a symphony upon his waking his thoughts: the rapid breathing of his mount, the clumping of dirt, and the scattering of loose stones as he rode like the wind, trying to out-ride the clouds that threatened to cast asunder his heart into despair.
 His Ada's words still ringing like echos of tournament upon his ears...

A lifetime, he had longed for just a single word! A childhood filled with a thousand dreams cast up to the sky above... their questions unanswered, like moonlight jewels they had haunted his sleep, a long lost and lamented Ghost.

Was she beautiful? Was kind. Was brave... Did she feel pain?

He wasn't sure when the late afternoon light had given way to the ire of night, or the bitter warmth the sun had held upon the craggy and desolate land had faded..

"Go North!" His Ada had said. Go North! 

Should he not be glad! For was he not finally free?... Then why did his heart hurt so!'

But the rapid snorting of his weary steed brought Legolas from his thoughts. Taking a deep breath he closed his eyes and leaned forward in the saddle to whisper "Daro!"  Upon the horse's ear. Instantly it slowed its gait, thankful for the reprise. And as it came to halt; its flanks heaving under twitching muscles lithely Legolas twisted upon his seat to land nimbly at its side, and whispered. "Diheno nin!" ' forgive me'

Frowning, he ran his hand down along the horse's arching and sweat-riddled neck as silently, he tried to block his thoughts from his mind, focusing only on the care he owed his faithful ride.
They had traveled far across the land towards Ered Mitherain and the white-tipped peaks of the Grey Mountains...
They loomed like a wall of remembrance to the softly whispered memories. The fleeting and few moments of hushed words of their kin...And he remembered!... He remembered, how they had echoed down the golden lit passageways when they spoke of his mother, and how he bore her eyes...

He had told himself it was why his Ada could find no solace from his gaze.  
He had told himself it was why he would turn away. And somewhere over the seasons... the years that passed, he had stored the memory far away...  Placed it in the utter darkness within the far reaches of his mind, like a long-forgotten demon of the past.

He had said he couldn't go back! and he had meant it!
Was it because of his pride?... Was he cursed to never know the gentle touch of a Mother or a Bride...Was it the parting gift, his Mother had placed upon him as a child... Or the ire of Ada's will, the punishment for his eyes...
He remembered the first day he saw Tauriel... The first day, he really saw her... the way the sunlight caught upon her auburn locks turning them into waves of flaming fire. He remembered her spirit, it cast aside the darkness with a will liken to the flame of Anor! It had made him smile as a child.
And as their friendship had grown, he'd found himself wondering if she was like his mother... If perhaps it was why his Ada dwelt in silence and the darkness of his thoughts evermore.
He'd told himself he loved her. He did. It was no lie...Yet it was not her face... her pains his thoughts kept swaying back too, time and time again!

Love, it was many things, the ruling of a King, the caress of a mother, the smile of a lover, and the laughter of a friend...The most precious of gifts and yet the most bittersweet!
He had known Tauriel did not love him, the moment he had seen her laughing with the Dwarves in the dungeons below, and for a moment he felt ire of his Ada's pride well within his chest like a blazing fire!  Yet, when faced with closing the doors upon her fate at the bid of his Ada... It had not been unrequited love that had driven him forth in an attempt to find her... It had been the fear of losing his longest friend!

Silently, Legolas pulled the cowl of his cloak high, over his head, and deftly made his way up onto a craggy boulder, where he could watch his horse rest as it grazed below. The world about him was silent, cast into a blanket of slumber, as the clouds he'd been fleeing from, finally caught up, rolling lazily across the sky to blot out the stars overhead.
It reminded him of his mood! 
It reminded him of the look in Ada's eyes as he'd told him... ' Your Mother loved you!... More than life itself!..' And he felt his anger rise like a torrent of waves to crash against the shore once again!


He had no right! No right to tell him he loved him now! 

Was it just another ploy to crush his heart beneath his cold and empty gaze? To bring him back, pleading for answers that his Ada wasn't willing to give! So often as a child he'd paused to touch the walls within their Cavern home, and he'd wondered if years before, had his Mother touched the same wall, felt the same stone... And as he'd caught his Ada watching him... He'd wondered if the warmth he'd felt from the living stone, had been her, his Mother telling him she loved him.

His Ada should have told him then!
He should have told the lonely and sad boy he used to be, that he loved him! Not make him grow up feeling like he had to live up to expectations he could never meet!
He should have told him about his Mother!... So they could share in their grief!

'Go to the North... Meet with the Dunedain. There is a young Ranger among them. His father, Arathorn, was a good man. His son may grow to be a great one...'

Lifting his head to the clouds, Legolas's brow furrowed and he clenched his lips willing the tears that welled within the corner of his eyes not to fall... But fade with the coming dawn as it broke across the eastern sky...
He would go North! He would find the Dunedain and this Strider... But there was something else he had to do first!


The Journey had taken two days...
Two days where he hadn't ridden his horse into the ground. Two days where every waking moment he'd questioned his own thoughts, and played the words he wanted to say over and over again in his mind!

Two days... it wasn't enough. It would never be enough...

It was too long!

Until he met his Ada gaze once again!

Lithely Legolas jumped from the horse's back as it reared to a halt with a clatter of hooves and agitation upon the edge of the solid stone bridge. Yet the guards who stood upon the bridge's girth neither swayed nor faltered at his arrival!

Had his Ada been expecting him?  Had he really succumbed to his plan after all?...
He could feel the overwhelming rage... The hurt of possibly being thwarted, welling up within his chest once again and he dared not meet their gaze!
Clenching his jaw, Legolas strode forward passing unhindered through the great steel-enforced wooden gates, and for once he was glad of the dimly lit winding passageways as he made his way ever deeper into his Ada's domain.

He saw him... His Ada, well before his Ada saw him! Sat nonchalantly upon his throne. Legolas knew he was aware he'd returned... That he'd have been aware before he even got to the Forest gates! For nothing and no one ever escaped his Ada's gaze! And yet there he sat! Calmly waiting for him to bring forth his ire upon him so he could once again no doubt brush him off...
Brush him off because the moment had passed!

The one solitary moment his Ada had shown his true feeling for him!

Clenching his jaw tighter Legolas's eyes narrowed beneath his furrowed brow, and he stormed forward, meeting his Ada's gaze.
"You do not get to tell me that you love me now!"
He snarled breaking the silence between them as he lifted his hand angrily, pointing at the still and silent expression upon his Ada's pursed lips...
"You do not get to tell me where to go! You could have told me years ago you loved me! You could have told me about my Mother! But you never did! Instead, you let me suffer! You left me to pine alone within these caves!.." He cried feeling his resolve, his anger crushing beneath the burden of his overwhelming grief as his tears welled, finally overflowing to cast his face in sorrow...

"Why!... Why now!!"



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