07/08/2021 10:21 PM 

Commitment Issues? No thanks.


I avoided places like this. The only reason I was going to this nightclub was because the owner of the establishment was my packmate and a good friend of mine. As the Alpha, it would have been rude of me to decline his invitation. After my split with Audrey, I frequented the bar scene quite often and left with a new girl almost every time. For all I knew, I could’ve had half a dozen kids in the world I didn’t know about. Not my proudest moments in life, but that was then and this is now. My past stayed in the past. I didn’t live there anymore. The person I was two years ago was a stepping stone to the man I’d become and I was a better person because of it. Besides, everyone went through a wild and rebellious phase at some point, right? Especially wolves. Still, this was outside of my comfort zone. My inner wolf objected to the crowd, to the stimuli, to the heaviness of the cotton pique oxford that I’d left open to the third button. I had no problem putting on my usual uniform for work, or even the PPE that weighed 50 plus pounds, but this shirt, this sport coat, these slacks, this belt and these loafers all made me want to plot my escape for a run in the woods where I could be free from clothing, uninhibited, true to the animal that I am
 I could be the wolf.

‹Unlike my tarnished view of this scene, my Beta, Reece and his younger sister Melina, whom we endearingly referred to as Mel, were happy to have a new hangout. The line of people outside the building must’ve thought we were rockstars when Reece pulled up to the valet in his Tesla Model S. Heads turned as I stepped out of the front passenger side to open the door for Mel. I hated that sh*t; that kind of attention. I liked when Mel and Reece accompanied me. It shifted some of the attention away from my direction. Attractive wasn’t an adjective that did Mel justice. Standing at a mere 5’3”, she was petite in stature, curvy in all the right places, but lean and powerful, able to pack a punch, just like the rest of the wolves. Hell, we were all physically attractive in our own ways. But Mel had an allure about her that mesmerized onlookers. Her long dark hair fell in cascading curls down her back, covering the skin exposed by her backless dress. She wore an elegant emerald green cocktail dress that hugged her curves and complimented her caramel complexion.  Her eyes were a light amber hue, framed by long thick lashes. It would’ve been the understatement of the decade to say that every man’s gaze was transfixed on this woman. They were practically drooling.

‹I probably should’ve escorted Mel in, but she was as independent as the U.S. was from Great Britain and she wouldn’t have complied. Rather, I followed at a distance, noting several familiar faces in the crowd as fellow packmates. The place was overly crowded, bodies brushing against me while I attempted to make my way to the bar in the back, my inner firefighter thinking the place should be shut down for exceeding capacity limits. At some point a handsy fellow got behind Mel, groping her backside. My ears perked at the sound of her voice, “Excuse me sir, hands off the merchandise, k, thanks.” She attempted to thwart his advances at least twice more before we made it to the bar, at which point I could feel her inner she-wolf ready to choke the guy. Reece looked my way with concern written on his features, “Are you gonna step in and stop this?” There was no concern on my expression whatsoever as I answered, “No. She’s your sister. Are you?” “Hhhhell no,” he replied as we exchanged knowing glances laced with humor, both well aware of what was about to happen. Any guy making persistent advances on a woman after being repeatedly rejected deserved what he had coming to him. “Twenty bucks says she goes for the nads
” My brows furrowed, knowing he’d lose that bet, “What? No way Reece, that’s not what I taught her. She always goes for the nose.” No sooner had the words rolled off my tongue that Mel turned to face Handsy, delivering a right hook that would make Muhammad Ali proud
 followed by a swift knee to the groin. My expression was flat as my gaze met Reece’s. “Nope, that’s what I taught her,” he smirked proudly. “Son of bitch
 you knew she was gonna do that.” I didn’t want the money, I wanted the bragging rights of winning a bet. “Don’t teach her low blows, man. Anything below the belt while sparring is off limits. In our world violence is a necessary evil. That said, we can fight with honor and integrity.” “She’s my sister, Alex. We weren’t sparring. I showed her how to defend herself against overly aggressive men in the event she can’t use teeth and claws, like this guy here, in a crowd of people.” “Touche.” Mel fixed her hair and smoothed out her dress before Reece handed her a drink. “Did you guys see that a**hole? Bet he won’t try that sh*t again.” I couldn’t help but snicker as she went about her business, mingling with the crowd while security escorted Handsy to the exit.

Reece was four drinks in and it was apparent I was going to drive us home, so I paced myself much slower. “Soooo Alex, tonight I’m gonna be your wingman and find you a date.” Oh sh*t, not this again. I sighed in defeat playing along anyway, “Talk to me Goose.” “Alright Mav, you’ve got a bogey at 2 o’clock
 target locked on you in the form of some serious ‘f*** me’ eyes.” Sh*t. Not that. Anything but that. My hazel orbs scanned the crowd slightly to the right, finding it hard to avoid making direct eye contact with the blonde bombshell staring back at me. The wolf within me was stirring, riding my ass hard to make a move. “Pass.” Years of discipline allowed my human side to dominate, the words expelling without hesitation. “Relax dude, I’m just trying to help you get your d*ck sucked. It’s been two years. At some point you’ve got to get yourself out there and back in the game.” Jesus take the wheel. The heat crept up my cheeks, flushing my complexion a shade of crimson as I literally face-palmed, “I can’t believe you just said that in public. I don’t need help with that.” Mel turned to face her brother, her dark elegant brows knitted together as she hissed “Quit being gross, Reece!” I couldn’t help but hide a sh*t eating grin, feeling as if she was somehow defending my honor. “If by out there you mean meaninglessly f***ing pretentious Barbies
 I’ll pass.” I didn’t have time for that game anymore.  I had a pack to manage, a resort to run that doubled as a supernatural sanctuary and a fulfilling job as a first responder that brought me more satisfaction than the dating scene ever had. “What I’m hearing is you’re afraid of commitment.” My wolf mockingly reciprocated Reece’s sentiment. Yeah motherf***er, you’re afraid of commitment. Instinctively, I toyed with the platinum band on my right hand that belonged to my father, turning it about my ring finger. I’d wasted six years of my life with the wrong person whom I though was my mate, and another year after that making up for lost time with multiple women. I was finally happy in my existence now.  I didn’t want a relationship to ruin it.  Little did I know, fate had different plans for me and I was on a collision course with eating crow.  

07/05/2021 02:46 PM 

The Toll it Takes


Into the stream he went, the water acting as a baptism of sorts, cooling his tensed muscles, washing away his frustration, and stress that had mounted on his broad shoulders making him feel like Atlas holding the weight of the world. There were times, like now, when he just needed breathing room. A moment of respite. The situations he encountered as a firemedic left graphic images forever embossed in his memories. You can’t unsee the tragedies of yesterday. The anguish of a family having been involved in a motor vehicle accident in which not all of them survived. It never got easier for him, but the reward in his job came in the form of the lives he saved and there were many more of those than there were tragedies.

And then there was the Alpha side of him; his most important role. The pack only functioned as well as their Alpha and considering how much time and effort the elders spent on trying to find a mate for him, he was certain they were worried, calling him their lonely Alpha. He certainly wasn’t lonely and having a mate wouldn’t affect how he performed his duties. But he did his best to oblige, going on blind dates that he had no real interest in. It was the polite thing to do. Running White Wolf was no easy feat either. He had to be aware at all times of who might be friend or foe. His beta was great at that. She was quite the investigator, wingman, confidant and often his best friend. But still, there were times he needed to be alone with his thoughts.

A hand casually slid through his dark wet hair, slicking it back as he emerged from the water. His soaked shorts clung to his muscular frame, leaving no room for the imagination as to what was beneath them. Kneeling to a squat, he placed river stones in a circle around a small pile of wood before lighting it on fire, allowing the warmth to dry his tanned skin while he sat on a log facing the stream, the sun setting behind the trees on the horizon. Closing his eyes for a moment, he took in the sounds around him, the babbling stream, crickets and frogs, and the crackling of the fire all singing their symphony of solitude to him. Alex MacGuire was a lot of things, but lonely wasn’t one of them. Was it?

05/13/2021 05:17 PM 

Probie Initiation


//This is meant to be lighthearted and somewhat comical. I purposely avoided getting too offensive or tasteless, yet still struggled as a writer with pushing my limits as to how far I’d take a public post. By all means, please laugh. I did.//

Probie: A probationary firefighter, aka a rookie.  A probie is any firefighter in their first 6-18 months of service in the fire department.  

Circa Spring 2014

Twelve months had passed since Alex MacGuire had joined the 118 of Pigeon Forge, Tennessee, as a way to give back to a community that made his business and his people thrive.  A fresh round of newly graduated recruits from the Fire Academy were ready to join the ranks; a period endearingly referred to as “probie initiation.” While it sounded intimidating, this was far less sinister than hazing, consisting of various pranks pulled on the rookies for nothing more than sh*ts and giggles at their expense. With double certifications in both fire rescue and emergency medical training, Alex was the only recruit to join the 118 from his 2013 Fire Academy class.  He considered himself lucky that during his twelve months with the Department he had not been subject to initiation and was feeling pretty confident that he was moving out of the probie phase of his career now that new recruits were coming… misgivings of an epic proportion.

As the â€Ș8a-8p‬ shift was slowly winding down on a â€ȘFriday night‬, he pondered that all things considered, it had been a pretty quiet day, a thought never to be taken for granted or spoken aloud at a fire station or a hospital.  Unbeknownst to him were the plans his crew had for the evening that would include himself and two new recruits putting their skills to the test.  Captain Robinson casually addressed his crew with a poker face, “I hope no one here made plans for your â€ȘFriday night‬.  We’re going to have a mandatory drill at a local pub. I’ll be timing the shutdown and removal of occupants in a staged emergent situation.  I want everyone in full apparatus and on the engine ready to pull out â€Șat 21:00‬.” Sh*t. It’s going to be a long night. Alex had no idea how long or what was in store for him.

The engine arrived to what appeared to be a full house at a local watering hole â€Șat 21:10‬. Although Alex had never been inside, he’d responded to a few EMT calls in the parking lot of the address.  His first red flag indicator was the sign that read “â€ȘFriday Night‬ Ladies Night.” This was a f***ing setup. Gritting his teeth he tried his damndest to keep his emotions from betraying a cynical laugh.  “MacGuire, Baker and Dugan, you’re leading the show.  Get in there, shut it down and get ‘em out.” Captain Robinson barked his orders… the second red flag… just the probies.  A tick started in his jaw as Alex moved ahead of everyone else.  Pushing through the wooden double doors, he yelled out, “PIGEON FORGE FD! EVERYONE STOP WHAT YOU’RE DOING!” He was just about to order everyone out when the bartender grabbed a bullhorn, “Ladies! Your entertainment for the evening has arrived!”  Entertainment?  “What?” No sooner did the word leave Alex’s mouth did a woman reach down his bunker suit trying to grab at him. “Ma’am!” Boos could be heard at the probies’ objections to comply, the rest of the crew leaning against the back wall with sh*t eating grins plastered on their smug faces. Alex looked at Baker, “Hell naw, it ain’t going down like this.  I’m doing this on my terms.  If they want a show, I’ll give ‘em a show...”     

The scent of various perfumes clung in the air, invading his supernatural senses while he moved through the crowd.  It was like wading through quicksand; he moved, they moved with him, clinging to him, grabbing at him.  What the Fire Department should’ve been doing was shutting the place down for over occupancy, but he refused to be a spoilsport.  The tables would be turned on the veteran ranks.  Arriving at the stage, he had a quick chat with the DJ as the lights went dark.  Removing his helmet, jacket and boots, he left them neatly on the edge of the stage.  A spotlight revealed him center stage in his bunker suit while Prince’s Gett Off began to play.  The crowd went wild as he began to move, gyrating his hips, his thumbs sliding beneath the elastic of the suspenders that held his bunker suit in place.  Off one shoulder, then the other, dropping the rubber suit to the floor to reveal his lean muscular physique in his EMT uniform.  Grasping his uniform shirt, he pulled the tail from his trousers, slowly undoing each button before tossing the garment aside to reveal a white t-shirt beneath.  The veins were pronounced in his forearms, showing his strength as he subtly flexed, crossing them over his torso to lift the hem of the t-shirt over his head and onto the pile of clothing.  He continued to dance, now completely shirtless, his tanned and chiseled upper body moving effortlessly to the rhythm as if he’d done this his whole life.  Skilled fingers unbuckled his belt, jerking it from the loops of his black uniform trousers, tossing it onto the growing pile.  He mouthed the words of the song while dancing along to it, “Peter Paul’s, Almond Joy, lemme show you baby, I’m a talented boy…” The crowd was cheering, eating from the palm of his hand while his crew looked on, wondering how far he’d go.  Next, he unfastened his trousers, letting them fall to the floor.  Black form-fitting boxer briefs sat low on his hips, displaying the iliac crest where it met his obliques, lowering to the base of his pelvis in what some referred to as the swoon worthy V.   Dollar bills were being tossed on stage left and right. Crouching lower, he crawled to the edge of the stage before getting on his knees, allowing his patrons to place dollar bills in the waistband of his skivvies.  Standing back to his full height, he pulled at his waistband, teasing a bit more flesh before stopping short of becoming offensive, wagging his finger in the air and shaking his head as the song ended.  The crowd was still cheering, chanting “MORE, MORE, MORE” as he gathered his clothes and tips before making his way through the touchy-feely crowd to the back wall where his crew looked as if they were eating crow pie.  Alex looked at all of them, “we good?” Captain Robinson laughed, “you got some balls MacGuire.” “I’ve also got money.  Who’s drinking? I’m buying!” And that… was the last night of his probationary status.  

02/27/2021 03:16 PM 

Risky Behavior


The snow was once again starting to fall, dusting the ground with a fresh coat of white powder when the call came in.  A pickup truck had left the roadway and was trapped in a snow embankment on the mountain parkway.  The frantic caller reported to the 911 operator that his girlfriend was eight weeks pregnant and unconscious.  She’d hit her head as their truck spun out and came to a stop buried in the ice.  There was a reason the Emergency Management Agency advised against being on the roads in the early morning hours and late night hours.  While Pigeon Forge was no stranger to snow and icy conditions, an unprecedented snow storm was wreaking havoc on locals and tourists alike and the resources to keep the roads plowed and de-iced were spread too thin.  For the most part, emergency vehicles had no trouble getting through the snow, but up a mountain on icy roads was an entirely different story.  The ice prevented tire traction, a requirement for climbing elevation.  The morning shift of the 118 loaded into two smaller engines and an ambulance, heading to the parkway. 

It was so f***ing cold.  This wasn’t the regular cold; this was artic cold.  While the other guys were struggling to keep warm layered in their PPE, Alex was comfortable.  His body held heat, regulating his temperature to accommodate the extreme conditions. He was, after all, an artic wolf.  When the fire engine struggled in the uphill battle causing the wheels to spin out, he volunteered to disembark and install the tire chains that would allow them to forge ahead.  Time was of the essence, but alas, they cleared the hurdles and arrived on scene.  The entire cab of the truck was engulfed by snow.  They’d have to dig before they could attempt to get the doors open.  If all else failed, they’d cut the occupants out.  They worked tirelessly, carving their way through the elements.  Fortunately, the snow was still powdery and soft making it an easy dig.  When the passenger side door was finally opened, there was silence among the first responders, followed by whispers of Alex’s name that caught his attention.  His brows furrowed in confusion, unable to decipher sympathy from scandal, perhaps a bit of both.

The crew cleared a path for Alex to approach, his blood running cold when he saw the unconscious passenger with a concerned stranger hovering near to keep her warm.  “Can you help my girlfriend?  Her name is Audrey
 and she’s pregnant.  I don’t think she’s allergic to anything.”  All things Alex knew
 except for the pregnancy.  Because this guy’s girlfriend was his fiancĂ©.  He was stone cold stunned for a hot second, but reality kicked in reminding him that regardless of the situation, he had a job to do.  Her pulse was weak, but it was there, an indication of hypothermia.  “I need a collar and a backboard.  She appears okay, but we have no way of knowing the extent of her injuries until we have X-rays, which
 is now complicated by her pregnancy.  We need to keep her warm.  I think she’s going into hypothermic shock.”  Alex’s expression was stoic, revealing he was not an opponent you’d want to take on in a game of poker.  Sure, he could have words with the guy, but it would be counterproductive.  Of course he had questions.  Did the guy even know Audrey was engaged?  Because Alex sure didn’t know that she was seeing other people.  Deciding to forego the ride in the ambulance, he remained numb on the silent ride back to the station. 

Refusing to let him drive, Capt. Robinson drove him to the hospital where Audrey was now awake and stable.  As he entered her room, she was apologetic but unregretful. 

“We should talk.” Her light blue eyes gazed at him. A freshly stitched cut stood out against her pale complexion, auburn hair framing her delicate features.       

“You think?”

“Don’t be like that,” she said.

“How do you want me to be, Audrey?  I just found out my pregnant fiancĂ©, whom I learned from a stranger was pregnant, is having an affair with said stranger.  I’m not exactly sure what reaction would be appropriate for you at the moment.  I thought you were visiting your sister

“That’s a fair assessment
 Alex, I don’t know how to say this, so I’ll just say it.  I can’t marry you

For whatever reason, call it animalistic intuition, he knew it was coming.  It’s not that they didn’t have a good relationship.  She was an honorary member of his pack; human, but raised by wolves.  While their parents had hoped they’d be together, it wasn’t arranged.  She went off to college and he got his kicks at home quite rebellious and rambunctious
 until the massacre, which brought her back, bringing them full circle as he took his place as the alpha.  They had found their way into attraction naturally and in the face of tragedy and loss.  They meshed well.  Their temperaments aligned.  The sex was great.  They were completely compatible.  “A fact that would’ve been great to know before you started seeing other people.” 

A sigh left her lips, indicating that now she wanted to be regretful. “
It’s hard to marry someone that’s already married.”

“Come again?”  A brow quirked over his honey hazel hues, oblivious to her accusation. 

“Your job.  You’re married to your job.  Between the pack, the fire station and the resort acting as a sanctuary, you have no time for yourself, let alone anyone else.  You’re overcompensating for a tragedy that you had no control over and no way to stop.  What happened to Jules and the others was not your fault.  You have nothing to prove, so quite trying!”

A tick began in his jaw, his stoic expression turning into agitation as a low warning growl rumbled from his chest.  “DON’T.  Don’t do that.  I do this for myself.  Granted, a lot of it is selfless, but helping people makes me happy.”

“What about the happiness of those around you, Alex? I’ve been trying to talk to you about family planning for months.  It’s not a conversation you ever wanted to have.  I’d try and you’d put it off.” 

“Because I didn’t think it was possible, Audrey.”

“Well it isn’t when you choose to play it safe, always wearing a condom.”

“That’s not what I meant.  You and I
 we are different.  The product of our union is a risk I wasn’t ready to take.  And having this conversation after the fact is certainly not helping the situation, but I guess now is as good a time as any.  What’s done is done.  You don’t want to get married, fine.  We don’t have to get married.  But now there’s a baby...”

She interrupted him mid sentence, “
There’s no need to have that conversation anymore, Alex
 we’re not having a baby.  I’m having a baby.

Full stop
 his frustration grew as the gravity of this betrayal hit him. 

“The baby

“Isn’t yours.”  Tears now fell down her porcelain cheek.  “This isn’t how I wanted you to find out.  It must be humiliating that it happened this way, in front of the crew.”

“The crew, Audrey, is like a family to me.  They were just as shocked as me.”

“I’m sorry Alex.  For what it’s worth, I’ll always love you.”

There was a long awkward silence in the room.  He couldn’t reciprocate her sentiment.  His feelings were an overload on his emotional grid and in his usual manner, he was shutting them down to process later.

“Say something, damn you!”  She cried out in frustration.

“I don’t
 I don’t wish to be in conflict with you.  There’s no point in arguing over this and it’s not good for you or your baby.  There’s not really much to say.  I’ll get your things packed and you can come by the chalet whenever you want to pick them up

  I wish you and what’s his name the all the best.”  His response was a little colder than he’d anticipated, but that was to be expected when he’d taken himself off the emotional grid.  “Goodbye Audrey.”  Turning to leave, he rejoined Capt. Robinson in the waiting area heading home to process this information and pack up this chapter of his life. 

Was it possible to mourn the loss of something that was never yours to begin with?    Having children was a desire that crossed his mind often, but the complications of having a child with the woman he supposedly loved put that desire out of reach, regardless of how strong it was. The emotions came flooding like an avalanche down the mountainside.  His fist connected with the wall, punching a whole in the sheetrock, hitting a stud behind it.  “F***!”  The expletive was from anger, not pain, though his bloodied knuckles would beg to differ.  Maybe Audrey was right.  He took risks, but not the right kind.  To love was to risk loss.  Was he in love with Audrey?  Or was he simply trying to honor what their parents had wanted?  And it was true, the sanctuary existed because of the Mikaelsons and what Klaus had done to Jules and the pack.  Determined to prove a point, Alex grabbed his jacket and the keys to the Jeep, heading into town to join his fire crew for a pub crawl.  He was more than capable of risky behavior.  Making his way into the bar, he was greeted a cheerful demeanor.  “MacGuire! The ladies are asking for you, brother.  Find ‘em hot and leave ‘em wet!”

02/12/2021 07:12 PM 

One Life Lost, Another Life Gained


A good night’s sleep didn’t come easy to Alex MacGuire, but when it did, you could bet your ass it would be interrupted by the ringing of a fire alarm.  “Get up! We gotta go!” Ramirez pulled at his foot, helping to rouse him.  Leaping from the bed, Alex pulled his uniform pants and shirt on, fumbling with the buttons as he ran to the pole to slide down.  In a matter of 90 seconds, he was in full PPE and on the truck ready to ride while Captain Robinson briefed the company on the emergency. “The fresh snow caused a petrol tanker to jackknife and hit the pilings on an overpass.  Gasoline is leaking from the tank and HazMat is enroute.  To make matters worse, it’s blocking the southbound access to Highway 321 and a pileup has ensued.  Highway patrol has shut down access to both northbound and southbound lanes until this mess is cleared. We need to get as many people to safety as possible in the event the rig explodes.  There are probable injuries and possible fatalities.  MacGuire, you’ll be working both rescue and medic.”  Double duty was the norm for him.  He was the fastest member of his team, agile and precise.  Though he was often criticized for taking risks, he could afford to.  He was the alpha of the Appalachian Mountain pack; an artic wolf.  Of course, Company 118 had no idea and his motives for joining the Department consisted of more than just saving lives.  His pack owned and ran the White Wolf Resort and Ski Lodge and they required emergency services that the human population couldn’t provide for obvious reasons.  A small number of them underwent training, resulting in an infirmary specifically designed for the needs of the pack and other supernatural beings. 

As the brigade of fire and rescue vehicles made their way to the scene, it was apparent the situation was dire.  They would need to work quickly to secure the area.  It was very cold and many of the victims in the pileup were trapped inside their vehicles with no source of power to run heat.  That, coupled with possible injuries, set the stage for hypothermia.  Due to the pileup, the rescue vehicles were unable to gain access to where they needed to be and there were far too few of them for a mission of this size.  As soon as the fire engine came to a halt, Alex’s feet hit the pavement, springing into action.  Part of the crew assessed the tanker’s safety and stability while HazMat worked to clean the fuel.  The driver had not survived, leaving him as a recovery rather than a rescue.  Alex flanked Ramirez, calling out for survivors, assessing damage and injuries.  With a little assistance, the conscious victims were able to be pulled from the wreckage with minor to moderate injuries.  While working to get to the more complicated entrapments, Alex’s impeccable hearing picked up the muffled words in the distance, “IT’S GONNA BLOW!”  In a panic, Alex searched for Ramirez, his gaze locking on him way too close to the tanker working to free someone from entrapment.  Making a mad dash for his crewmate, he was clotheslined by two others, and then more first responders joining the struggling to stop him as the tanker exploded, the blast engulfing Ramirez, as well as half the HazMat team.  “NOOO!!! F***!!!”  Alex screamed out, hitting his knees in defeat, anguish crossing his features as anger toiled in the pit of his stomach.  Everything around him seemed to happen in slow motion, his head spinning, the noise around him drowned out by ringing in his ears. There was no way Ramirez could’ve survived the blast and it was way too f***ing hot to begin a recovery effort. The heat from the flames started melting sh*t within a 100ft radius. While he felt the bile rising in this throat, threatening to make him vomit, Alex had to keep his sh*t together.  Too much emotion would make him phase and there were too many witnesses, not to mention the people that needed him in this moment for his wolf to make an appearance.  With a stoic face, he made it back on his feet.  He’d process what just happened later, when he had the time to fully digest it. 

The screams of a woman caught his attention in the distance.  “She’s coming! HELP! Somebody, anybody! IT F***ING HURTS!” Switching gears from rescue to medic, Alex found the vehicle from which the woman was screaming.  She was in the driver’s seat crying and panting, but appeared to be otherwise unharmed.  “Pigeon Forge Fire and Rescue ma’am, we’re gonna get you out of there.”  “No! I can’t… I can’t walk.  She’s coming, the baby is coming, right now!”  Glancing down, it was clear she was very pregnant.  “Okay… my name’s Alex.  I’m a firemedic.  What’s your name and how far along are you?”  “S…Sara.  I’m 39 weeks and… I was on my way to the hospital when the accident occurred.”  “Nice to meet you Sara.  Was there anyone else in the car with you?”  “No… I… THIS BABY IS COMING! I need to push!”  Using his radio, Alex called for supplies from the ambulance.  “We’re about to deliver a baby.  I need a medsurg kit, clamps, blankets, etc., STAT.  …Okay Sara, I can’t get under the steering wheel… my shoulders are too broad.  We need to get you facing the door so I can assist you.”  While he helped reposition her, his supplies arrived.  Pulling his jacket off, he soaked his arms and hands in iodine before kneeling between Sara’s legs to check her progress.  Indeed, the baby’s head was crowning.  “You’re right.  Call it a mother’s instinct.  She’s right here, ready to meet you.  I need you to give me a really big push Sara.  Push and hold it.  Can you do that?”  The poor woman was beyond talking at this point, but she followed his directions.  “Push… 1… 2… 3… 4… 5.  Okay, relax and breathe a minute.  You’re almost there.  You’re doing great. The baby’s head is just about out.  Give me another push.  Ready?  Go.”  Alex could see the baby’s head while she pushed, a head full of hair, eyes, nose, mouth… he carefully cradled the head while guiding the baby out.  “We have a little girl!” He carefully suctioned the baby’s nose, maneuvering her to get her crying and breathing.  Relief flooded him when she cried… he wanted to join her in that ugly cry, but that would have to wait.  Handing her to her mother, he clamped her cord before cutting it.  “There’s a MedEvac helicopter enroute that’s going to take you to Tennessee Regional.  Hang in there for me, Sara.”  “It’s so cold, Alex.  She’s so cold.  You’re going to stay with us, right?”  Giving Sara his jacket, he took the baby, cradling her beneath his shirt, sharing his extraordinary warmth.  His enhanced abilities weren’t enough to save Ramirez today, but they could save this little miracle he’d just helped enter into the world.  Where one life is lost, another one is gained…

… … … … …

It had been the longest shift of his 10 year career.  He was covered in soot, sweat and afterbirth as he headed straight to his shower.  Emotions pooled around him like the water in the bottom of the shower.  Bracing his weight on one arm, he leaned toward the tiled wall as the hot water rained over his olive skin, soothing his muscles; the cuts and bruises already healing.  If only his heart could heal at the same speed.  The station had given his crew several days off to process the loss of Ramirez.  He didn’t know if that was a good or bad thing.  On the one hand, working kept his mind off of it.  On the other hand, being at the station without his comrade was salt on the wound and it was hard to focus as the scene replayed in his mind.  He knew if his crewmates hadn’t stopped him, he’d have died trying to save his friend, causing two casualties instead of one.  The decision was made.  He shut the water off and grabbed a towel from the rack, wrapping it around his waist.  Grabbing his phone, he dialed the resort.  “Rita, I want the penthouse suite for the next few days.  We’re gonna get some sh*t done around the resort.” 

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