11/14/2023 03:15 PM 

Guidelines & Such

Discussed Storylines: Discussions are prefered if I don't have you on the friends list of any of my other pages, The only times i will do just wing it's will be with those i have on my other friends list or those i have on FB messanger. If I'm sent a wing it type of starter as a greeting and a wing it starter and I don't know them from other pages their asses are gone off my friends list without second thought.

Verses & Crossovers: American Satan, Paradise City, Legion Of The Black, Teen Wolf, Shadow Hunters, PlayStation 4 Games I've played or completed, Shows and Movies I'm farmilliar with and have completed watching including Supernatural, Lucifer, Game Of Thrones. I'm also a big fan of The Final Fantasy games, Kingdom Hearts 1 and 2, Devil May Cry 5.

Starters: I will send out a few though doesn't mean that i will send one out each time, If you have a workable starter then you're more then welcome to send my way through messages or comments for I write in both. With a very small handful I will write on Discord though i don't write with just anyone I don't know on Discord, Not Sorry. I've dealt with impatient people before on discord who demand of being responded to within a few minutes to an hour. And I have my times where my typing speed will change from slow to fast, with also depending on what is going in the real life behind the screen. If people can't be patient then that's on them and Not I.

Replies: Please don't hound me for super quick half effort Rp Responses. I will not be told when to respond to someone within Rp. Times I will do Paragraph, Multi Paragraph, Mega-Multi Paragraph, and Novella. The only times that i will do one liners and Semi-Para are through status of ooc stuff or in character rp banter. If someone sends a one liner or semi para rp through comments or messages I will just delete the response then in time remove that person off my friends list. Comments and Messages are resserved for responses that are more then One Liner and Semi Para.

Amaya's Heart & Writers Heart Forever and Eternally Belong to Nate Purdy In Both, No one best try to come between them for it won't end well for that person trying to come between them in either rp or irl for nothing and no one will come in between my love and I. Smut Whores can f*** right off if they think and assume that they can come in between Amaya & Nate, If smut idiots suggest of Amaya having an affair it's not gonna f***ing happen EVER! Current Smut Whores that have been popping up on new friends really don't belong on the site to be honest they aren't really writers they just have no respect for other people and those who they are shipped with in Rp. If Smut whores think they are writers and belong online they should just stick to twitter or Tavern, Not everyone does smut those sick f***s. I was told that i need medicine for being blunt and telling a smut whore off , Smut Whores now adays are f***ing idiots.

Connections: I can be and have the right to be selective of the type of connections on my pages and friends list, those who know me out of character wise and have known me for awhile know that i can and will have trust issues, I have other friends who are on this site who i don't have on Amaya's friends list though I have contact with them through discord or playstation or FB friends list, I do have some family friends whom I know in person as well so i do have friends in real life and in person. True Friends know who they are.

Edits: I edit and make my own edits still and moving gif ones, and i will make edits for friends as well and which i won't do edits for just anyone whom I don't know. I've edited for a few new people before and they either didn't ever use the edit or didn't credit me for the edit. If you're not going to use the gif or edit then simply don't ask me to edit for you.



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