02/22/2020 05:22 PM 

Sans Spirit 001

att: Freya, Hope, Clarisse and Josie
Sans Spirit
Rembrandt/ 1593610
The collapse of Spirit Magic reached New Orleans with vicious intensity.  Holed up in the Mikaelson Family Compound, Klaus and Elijah had been discussing their sirelines and the war apparently brewing because of the machinations of the three vampires known as The Trinity.  Tristan, Aurora and Lucien were plotting to destroy the Originals post haste.  It wasn’t the oldest sired vampires that led to their destruction of the Mikaelsons.  Witch Magic was what created the first family. When the Traveler’s spell, both Elijah and Klaus collapsed.   A gaping wound from the blade of Mikael the Destroyer opened up on both their bodies.   Blood saturated the clothing the brothers wore. Their terrifying screams filled the compound.

They had reverted back to being human and at the point of their deaths.  Klaus felt his body grow weak as it did all those years ago.  Eyelids were closing heavily.  He stretched out his hand for his brother watching as the Noble Stag grew more pale slowly dying as he was.   Once their fingers made contact, Klaus felt the last bit of his own strength leave his body with a point of contact with his brother.  Darkness and night covered him.  Klaus Mikaelson was dead.

He woke with a start and desperate panting breaths. Klaus scrambled to his feet with blue eyes golden with the reason for his survival.   Klaus was no longer a Hybrid.   His wolf side had taken over reviving him from the wounds that had been inflicted on him by the man he’d believed was his father.  Fangs bared a wolf growl emitted from his throat.  Nothing was more dangerous than an animal that was wounded.  He was in a feral state of mind with his wolf side taking over his body fully.   Klaus attempted to still his heart rate.  “Elijah!!!” He growled loudly so that it echoed through the walls of the Compound and throughout the French Quarter. 

Klaus ran each inch of the compound on all fours but still in mostly human form.  His desperate search for his brother drove him racing around in utter chaos and confusion.  When he found Elijah, his anger reached a crescendo.  Elijah had lost his vampirism by reverting to his human form.  His siblings were born as untapped witches before they were forcibly turned into vampires by their mother.  Elijah was laying in a pool of his own blood slaughtered by a death that had been inflicted over 1000 years ago.  His brother was dead. Klaus had no regard for the blood everywhere.  He pulled Elijah’s corpse to him as held it to him as if he could simply will his brother back to life.  He could not.  Klaus was alone and there would be hell to pay.

The years passed with the continued lack of Spirit Magic in the world. Vampires were dying not because of the head of their line being gone.  They were all being stripped of the magic that had created then as they reverted back to the points of their mortal deaths.  Some were saved by humans who cared for them and using the knowledge of modern medicine to their advantage. Klaus heard what had happened because of his own spies in Mystic Falls where it had all began. The stories of Nature trying to right itself by letting spirit back into the world encouraged him.  Men and women who had been vampires before were returning back to themselves.  Tristan, Lucien and Aurora were all humans according to what he’d heard. The Strix had somehow saved them.  Klaus kept Elijah’s body tucked away where no one could find him.  He declared war on the Travelers and what they had done to every supernatural being.  They wanted a war and he gave it to them.

Legions of young supernatural beings who wanted to see the humans put down and the Travelers stopped all flocked to Klaus' call.  They were his pack and he was their Alpha.  Despite not all of them being wolves, Klaus didn’t care.  He was the leader of this Rebellion.  He knew the Travelers wanted him dead.  He wanted them dead.  Because of this status he held as Public Enemy #1, he made sure his daughter Hope was kept free from their line of sight.   He’d spirited her along with Josie Saltzman and Clarisse du Volde to a secure location.  The Saltzman girl was Caroline’s daughter.  He’d do anything for Caroline.  Clarisse had been Elijah’s adopted daughter.  The anger and righteous indignation had her as one of the first to join Klaus’ cause.  Spirit Magic had to return to the Earth.  Klaus would do anything to make it happen.

His normally short golden curls has gotten longer.  Klaus had become more feral since the wolf side controlled all of him now. A look in his eye caused him to be a source of great fear and trepidation even more than when he was a Hybrid.  His power was greater as a Hybrid, but what tempered his wrath was the presence of his brother Elijah. Elijah was the counterbalance to all the hurricanes that blew about and the rage of Klaus Mikaelson.  There was no barrier with no Elijah.  He was more apt to rip a throat out without Elijah to calm him than ever before.  Klaus was in solitude in the Gardens of the Mikaelson Compound with wolves protecting him as best they could.  He was contemplating a move.  Staying here in New Orleans was starting to be a liability.   It was time to move.  He sent a message to Clarisse via a trusted werewolf aide that it was time.   â€śPack up the girls and get ready.  We’re going to Mystic Falls.” It was time to end it.

credit: james kriet

02/21/2020 08:04 PM 

The Return of the King

Caroline & Klaus
The Return of the King
Rembrandt/ 1593610
It was an image that had not left his mind.   The image of his brother fading into ash in front of him still haunted him.  Klaus Mikaelson felt the pain as the White Oak stake was plunged into his heart.  He felt his own muscles tighten as he did the same to Elijah.  Elijah was determined to die right by the side of the Hybrid.  It was Always and Forever right to the end for the Mikaelson Brothers.  Klaus met Elijah’s gaze right on as this world soon faded from view.

His eyes opened as a voice surrounded him from all around.   The scenery formed a bit darker than what he remembered, but it was Mystic Falls.   He’d died in New Orleans but this afterlife or what have you had brought him to where he’d been born all those years ago. Looking around, the images began to take a more definitive form.   It was Mystic Falls.  He was standing outside the Salvatore Boarding School.

He recognized the Headmaster immediately.  Alaric Saltzman was a good man.  It wasn’t all that long ago his spirit had taken over the body of the former History teacher of Mystic Falls High School.  Had he been drawn here to Alaric because of the connection they had shared against Saltzman’s will?  Punishment in the afterlife was certainly not unheard of especially for someone with as many egregious deeds to his charge.  To be attached to Alaric Saltzman would not be the worst of punishments.  Klaus watched closely as the scene unfolded before him.  The door opened to the Headmaster’s office and Hope walked in; his Hope.  

With his status as dead or in whatever hell this was, only grew worse.  Hope was in tears with her smaller form lost in the comforting embrace of the man who was there when Klaus was not.  In his status as dead, he was not without feeling or pain.  He felt his heart breaking because he was the cause of Hope’s pain.  It was because of him, she was broken.   As much as it pained him to see her like this, the alternative was worse.  He loved his daughter with every ounce of who he was.   Klaus Mikaelson willingly died so his daughter could live.  The love of a father for his daughter was what had deemed his soul as not completely lost and he knew it.   There was another that had told him that his capacity to love made him not past saving.  That was Caroline.

He had seen Caroline while in his afterlife as a ghost wandering around on the grounds of the school. She was still just as he’d remembered from the last time he’d seen her.  So many thoughts had raced through his mind:  if only they had been given a chance, if only the Hollow hadn’t have ruined everything, if only Klaus had not been such a fool.  Every time she left the campus to travel the world looking for ways to save the twins from the Gemini Coven merge, Klaus felt the heaviness of her heart.   He wanted to hold her in his arms and tell her all would be better but he couldn’t.

Time marched forward around him as he watched Hope grow into a beautiful young woman.  He had been there the night Hope wore the dress he’d bought for Caroline.  His spirit was filled with so much love seeing his daughter wearing something he had bought for the only woman that meant everything to him.  Love turned the beast into a man.  For that he had Caroline Forbes to thank.  Even dead, Caroline and the love he had for her would never die.  That type never did.

Klaus stayed as close to Hope as he could. He watched her at her most heroic.  He saw the lonely tears she shed because she missed him. Her sacrifice into the Malivore pit had caused a most interesting reaction.  Others had forgotten who Hope was, but he hadn’t.  As alone as she thought she was.  Klaus was watching over her.  Granted the tie to this plane was through Alaric, but it was there nonetheless.  He was never going to find true peace until Hope did.  

All the adventures with the arrival of the young vampire called Sebastian who took a fancy to Caroline’s daughter, Lizzie made Klaus recall his own love for Caroline. It was almost as though Klaus was being punished for losing what could have been with Caroline. He ached for Caroline and what could have been.  Surely this was his torture.

One day, everything changed.   The witch students had gathered to help Josie and Lizzie send something to a prison world.  There was more at play here than they knew.  Alaric was sent to another world.  When that happened, Klaus’ tie to Alaric had been severed.  The bolt of magical energy struck him.  He found himself falling.   He felt like Alice did tumbling down the rabbit hole.

Klaus was crying out with a loud voice for his daughter.  He even called out for Caroline. Whatever magic had sent Alaric to that prison world had cut Klaus’ spirit free.  The tether that kept him here was severed.  Where was he to go now?  How much more in eternity would he be forced to bear? He didn't think the endless falling would ever stop when finally it did.

The ground below him actually hurt as he landed with a thud.  Klaus curled his fingers around dirt actual dirt clods came up in his hand.  He stood to his feet brushing the dirt from his hands.  Turning his chin upwards, Klaus could feel the sun on his skin.  Was he…?  Did he…?   His daylight ring was still on his finger.  He started to remove it when he saw his skin start to smoke, he put it back onto his finger.  He was still a vampire.  Holding his hand out, he willed the wolf inside of him to emerge.  His fingers started to take on a canine appearance.  He immediately decided to halt that transformation.  He was still very much a hybrid.

Moving forward on the grounds, there was something familiar about it.  Why couldn’t he recall?  He could hear the murmuring around him.  The voice of a woman called out telling him he was supposed to be in his room.   He answered.  “I’d go if I knew where I was.”  He furrowed his brow.  He didn’t know where he was or who he was.  All he knew was that he was alive.     

credit: james kriet

02/20/2020 05:42 PM 


Rembrandt/ 1593610
What was it about New Orleans that brought him back so many times over the years?   The Hybrid had been lured here this time with a letter from Katherine Pierce.  It seemed that the witches of New Orleans had some supposed leverage on him that he wasn’t aware of at this moment. Klaus didn’t like mysteries.  He didn’t like being left out in the dark on big secrets like this.   People harboring secrets around him tended to wind up one way: dead.

Blonde curls sat upon his head closely cropped to frame his face. Serious blue eyes were cold as he walked down the streets of the French Quarter.  This was not an unfamiliar sight to him.  These streets had seen changes that involved foot traffic, horse and buggy right on down to when Henry Ford’s first horseless carriages made their way onto the scene.  Klaus remembered nearly being run over by those infernal contraptions that Kol had decided to race down the streets for the sheer enjoyment of sending people running in terror.

This was not then however.  This was a very active riddle that made him nervous.  When he was nervous, he got cranky. No one needed to see a cranky Klaus.  Just ahead was a row of vendors designed to draw in tourist money into the city.  He decided to take a small walk down this little square.   The weather was slightly cloudy over head with a slow warming breeze coming in from the Gulf.

That was the thing about New Orleans.  The Quarter was full of historical significance.   History meant nothing to a Hybrid who had been alive for 10 centuries.  This had all been witnessed first hand by his own eyes.  The history books usually got it all wrong.  Klaus Mikaelson, one of the most feared men in history was no where in any history books by name.   The  stories of vampire lore made it in different places.  Occultists, hunters and watchers knew of the Original Vampire Family.  The average man and woman had only heard fairy tales of monsters and the brave few who fought them off.  Even Dracula by Stoker sounded like his brother Elijah.  It was all nonsense really.

Just ahead was a fortune teller.  Klaus watched the woman as she told the fortune of this couple that looked like they’d just gotten to New Orleans.  The woman speaking had a way about her. Klaus became fixed upon her and how she conducted herself.   Once she finished, the couple was sufficiently impressed soon walking away.   As the woman placed the money in her pocket, Klaus plopped down into the chair across from her.   â€śMost prognosticators of your profession tend to be complete charlatans.  You however are quite real.   Can you tell me where Jane Anne Deveraux is?  It seems she’s been wanting to get my attention.”

“The Hybrid!” She whispered through clenched teeth.  “I can’t help you.”  She reached down for her bag when she felt his hand clamp down on her arm like a vice.  The more she tried to pull away from him, the harder he held onto her.

“Oh come now. If you know who I am, then you are fully aware of what I can do to those who cross me.  So let’s try this again.  Where is Jane Anne Deveraux?”   Klaus’ eyes started to glitter golden with the underlying threat of the wolf beneath.

“Jane-Anne and her sister Sophie work at Rousseau's.”   The woman was desperately trying to get away from Klaus any way she could.  Getting caught by any of Marcel’s men meant swift and relentless punishment for any witch.   She needed to just get as far away from Klaus Mikaelson as she possibly could.

Klaus released her with a smirk.  “There.  That wasn’t such a hard thing was it?”  He was amused as she scampered far away from him as she could.   After she was out of his field of vision, he finally stood to his feet.   It was time to take this search to another level.

Watching Klaus from a distance was a man wearing a blue cap.  In his hand was trumpet that he played for the tourists in the Quarter.   He stopped playing the instrument long enough to send a text message.   Once it was sent, he pocketed the device.  He continued to play again walking away from Rousseau’s.

Inside Rousseau’s

There was a young man with light skin and a substantial afro at the end of the bar.  He felt his cell phone go off in his pocket.  While raising a glass with an amber colored liquid inside, he glanced at the message.   Without anyone noticing, he slipped it back into his pocket.

This scene of massive amounts of humanity was what Klaus came upon as he entered the establishment.  Loud music and chattering of human voices were what assaulted his sensitive hearing.  Fortunately for him, centuries of practice taught him how to block out sounds that were too much for one of his kind. 

The sights and sounds of New Orleans had honestly not changed since he left here nearly one hundred years prior.   Humans were noisy creatures and disgusting by nature.  Klaus saw a lovely blonde woman behind the bar.  He started to turn on the charm.   If anyone knew anything about what was happening in town it would be the bartender.  As pathetic as humans were they always spilled their guts when intoxicated.  “I’ll have a whiskey, neat.”  He spoke hoping to catch the bartender’s attention.

Watching from the kitchen was Jane-Anne.   Klaus Mikaelson was here. That much had been accomplished.  Now to get him on board with the witches was the next step. Would he know or even care that a werewolf girl was carrying his child? There would be only one way to find out.

Klaus saw the brunette staring at him from the kitchen.  He was easily amused how they treated him like he was a terrible sight to behold.  They were right to fear him.  He was a monster.  Monsters were terrifying and so was Klaus Mikaelson.

credit: james kriet

02/18/2020 02:11 AM 

Sacred Vows

dedicated to Queen Bee.
Sacred Vows
Rembrandt/ 1593610
989 AD, Near what will be Mystic Falls

When the Earth was young, the innocent were like lambs before wolves.  The small boy with hair the color of the sun trembled at the might of the man who was the finest of all the Viking warriors here in this strange land.  The little blonde boy was not as tall as his brother Finn.   He was not as clever and brave as his brother Elijah.  He was small and silent often protected by his mother.    “Niklaus, come here.”   His mother called for him with an almost quaking fear in her voice.

The boy timidly moved forward with his head bowed.   â€śY-yes Mother?”  Young Niklaus was nothing like his older brothers.  Elijah tried to help him more than Finn did.  It was like Elijah was trying to do for Niklaus was Finn should have been doing as well.  “Am I in trouble?”

Esther pulled the boy into her arms holding him close to her heart.  She enveloped him in a loving embrace that made the boy feel a physical warmth in the process.  Golden eyelashes curled shut hiding his eyes that were the color of the sky.  She began to pick through his curls gently.  “You are far from being in trouble my precious boy.  Tell me.  Has your father taken you into the woods yet to hunt?”  A decidedly worried expression overcame her as she endeavoured to hide her concern.

“He has.”  The boy trembled at the mention of his father.  “He gets so cross with me.  I’m not strong enough or fast enough.  Elijah tried to teach me to shoot a bow, but I cannot.”   Salty tears covered rounded cheeks of the innocent lad.  

Esther moved her digits closer to feel her charm still around his neck.  It was a protection spell cast by this very powerful witch in silence around this one boy.  Despite having another son after Niklaus and a small daughter, Esther went to great lengths to protect Niklaus without her husband’s knowledge.   He couldn’t know.  He could never know.  “Do not worry my boy.  Your time will come and you will be the mightiest warrior in the land.  Even your brothers will bend the knee to you.  When that day comes, you must promise me that you will protect your sister at all costs.  Do you understand me?”

Young Niklaus didn’t open his eyes.  He burrowed deep into his mother’s embrace.  He nodded at his mother’s bidding.  “Yes Mother.  No one will ever hurt Rebekah.”  He paused a moment speaking to the greatest fear he possessed.  “Not even Father.”

1919 AD, New Orleans, LA

Fear was the great mindkiller. Cursed by becoming the first vampires by black magic wielded by their mother, not only were the Mikaelson Siblings a family of vampires they had unleashed terrible evil upon this world for centuries. The modern history of the world cast them as the destroyers of man.  None were more devastating than Niklaus Mikaelson himself.

Arriving in New Orleans some two hundred years prior, they had managed to avoid detection by the one who even brought fear to Niklaus.   Mikael was their Father’s name.  Mikael the Destroyer wiped out scores of Vampires all in an attempt to eliminate his own children.  On this day, New Orleans was on fire.  Mikael had returned setting fire to an opera house to try and drive Elijah, Rebekah and Niklaus into the open. The three stood there in fear as the flames leapt into the sky.  Elijah stood in front of his siblings.  “Niklaus, you have to take Rebekah and go. Now! I’ll hold him off long enough for you to escape.  Hurry!”

The younger of the two brothers, wrapped his arms around the screaming Rebekah.  The young man that Klaus had saved nearly 100 years prior was gone.  Mikael had killed Marcel just because Niklaus was a father figure to him and had made Marcel a vampire. He was fighting back his tears from losing Marcel while trying to keep Rebekah from going mad with grief herself.  He held onto her dragging her from the scene leaving Elijah behind.

The sounds all became a blur to Niklaus who went by Klaus most of the time.  Bitter tears stung his eyes as he desperately used all his strength to pull his sister away from the great fire.  The sight of Elijah running back to the fire to face what could easily be his end made Klaus physically ill.  Elijah’s devotion to Klaus and Rebekah’s safety would not be forgotten.  Silently he prayed that whatever deities existed would grant Elijah the ability to escape this unjust act of murder from their father.

Elijah’s form vanished into the flames.  Klaus had pulled Rebekah even as she continued her desperate cries.   Once they reached a safe distance, he pulled Rebekah into his arms to face him. There was a car behind him. “Rebekah! Listen to me! We have to go! I have kept you safe and I will continue to keep you safe.  You must believe me!”  Tears raced down his cheeks.  He was hurting over Marcel and Elijah racing off as he did.  He had to be confident in his brother’s skills while fleeing with Rebekah.  “Rebekah! PLEASE!”

Inside he was that little boy again.  The gawky boy who had a sensitive heart treasured his sweet baby sister with hope in her eyes.  When the thunderstorm came, Klaus protected her by sitting beside her all night long.  He’d learned whittling at an early age and had taken to carving little trinkets all for her because Rebekah saw him differently than others did.  She knew he’d give his life for her. In the midst of the storm, Rebekah had nothing to fear because Niklaus kept her safe.

It was desperation she saw in his eyes.  He’d been a brutal monster at times but in the end, Klaus would fight the devil to protect her.  He was still pleading with her to leave.  For a moment everything faded away once more.  Rebekah’s trust was implicitly in her brother.  She climbed into the car and shut the door.

As Klaus drove the car into the night, he wondered if he’d ever make it back to New Orleans again.  For now he just drove.  He kept going feeling more at ease that Rebekah was safe.  Elijah was going to survive.   Klaus would not allow the promise of always and forever to end like this, not now and not in a million years.

credit: james kriet

02/16/2020 03:35 PM 

Wayward Wolf

Dedicated to Fierce Heart Caroline
Wayward Wolf
Rembrandt/ 1593610
The sky above New Orleans was just as troubled as the Hybrid's soul.   Hayley and Jackson were both cursed by his own design to be wolves for the entire month except for the full moon.   That was when Elijah took Hope into the bayou to spend time with her mother.  The toddler was sound asleep in her crib.  Klaus was sitting beside her watching her sleep.

For over ten centuries, the world held the name of Klaus Mikaelson with great fear and trepidation.   Everyone feared him and with good reason.   He was the biggest monster in history.  There were numbers of dead and families irrevocably changed all because Klaus Mikaelson existed throughout modern history.   He’d even turned some of the biggest monsters in recorded time himself.   If he wasn’t the killer himself, those he’d turned were.   That brought him to Mystic Falls again Iess than ten years ago.

Katerina Petrova, or Katherine Pierce had come to this town in the 1860s to change the lives of yet another set of brothers.  She’d already inserted herself between Klaus and Elijah.   She was Tatia's doppelganger.  She held the key to breaking his Hybrid curse until she became a vampire herself.   All hope was lost, or so he believed.  Word actually reached him that there was a new doppelganger.    Katerina had a child no one knew about.   Klaus snuck into Mystic Falls using the body of Alaric Saltzman to see for himself.

The tiny body of the toddler asleep in the bed beside him began to stir.  Klaus’ momentary stroll down memory lane had been halted.   His sapphire hues turned to the sleeping child.  The hand of the monster that had once been saturated with blood gently caressed the cherubic cheek of the child that carried his blood in her veins.   â€śThere, there my littlest wolf.   Rest your sweet head.  No one will ever harm you as long as I live.   Not even your mother…”  His brow darkened.  

Fate was not on the side of the Original Hybrid.  Once Hope settled into the blankets below her tiny form, Klaus moved back into his chair.  Hayley was werewolf royalty.   This gave his daughter a pedigree within the Crescents.   Being his daughter gave her a unique bond to the oldest family.  He never imagined himself capable of true love.   He had been infatuated before, but to actually experience love was a new concept to him.  Hope was not the first one to evoke such a change in him.   That honor belonged to another.

Her name was Caroline Forbes.  She was absolutely beautiful.   Her golden curls upon milky flesh made Klaus yearn for her touch even more.  Klaus granted her more mercy and favor than anyone in all his years.  Being torn away from her because of Tyler Lockwood and Hayley Marshall had never sat well with Klaus.   The kind of love and devotion had been part of why he’d been so drawn to her in the beginning.  She was an ethereal beauty that held the true key to his heart.   Klaus Mikaelson would always love Caroline Forbes throughout eternity.   He truly meant it when he said he would be her last love. 

“Niklaus?  It’s time.”    The voice of his brother came from behind his left shoulder.    Klaus responded in action only.  He stepped back from Hope’s side.   Hayley was the child’s mother.  Also letting Elijah go out on these jaunts to the bayou kept his brother in line for Klaus’ ultimate goal.  New Orleans was his home.  It would be his daughter’s as well.

After Elijah packed up Hope to carry her away, Klaus was left alone with his thoughts.   Freya had gone with Elijah to ensure that Hope’s safety was without question.  Kol was off doing God knows what and Rebekah was not anywhere local at the moment.   Klaus rose from his chair heading into his studio.  The call of his art needed to be answered. 

Closing the door behind him, the Hybrid brought a new canvas to rest upon his easel.   Paints on a palette were already paying heed to what was taking shape in his mind.   The first brush came into his hand hitting a pale blue first before striking the canvas.

The thoughts all came rushing to the forefront at once.  The all too vivid memory of the dinner at his mother’s behest begged recollection on his part.  He held her in his arms that day.  Caroline Forbes wore that exquisite dress that made her look like a queen.  Blonde ringlets framed her features in such a way that he fell deeper under her spell. 

The brush met the canvas with more vim and vigor. His passion bubbled forth.   He was not able to hold Caroline in his arms.   He was not able to kiss the woman he loved.   He was not able to take her to his bed.  She was 1000 miles away from him physically.   He longed for her.  He was in a situation right now feeling trapped.

When he painted, Klaus always lost track of time.   He’d gone days painting and not even stopped to eat.   When the muse was this strong, one had to obey.  Klaus had ultimate control while painting.  This was his world.  This was his to put into order as he saw fit.   That was what he did.

Laying down his brush and palette, he gazed at the vision of his mind made manifest.   It was Caroline.   It was always Caroline.   He managed to fall into a chair.   Looking upon the manifestation of his longing, he began to contemplate a trip to Mystic Falls.  The moon would be full for three days.  Elijah and Freya would protect Hope. Even Hayley, Jackson and the pack would make sure no harm came to her.  Klaus stood to his feet.    He had to see her.   This longing ate through him craving to be filled by more than what mere thoughts could provide.  He left the painting to stand there.   He was leaving for three days at least.   Klaus needed to do something for himself for once.   He started to throw a few things into a bag.   New Orleans was in good hands until he returned.  He was going off the radar directly to where he needed to be.   He needed her.

credit: james kriet

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