04/18/2020 06:06 PM 

Another French Mistake

Just for Fun
Another French Mistake
Rembrandt/ 1593610
With the mobile pointed back at himself, Joseph Morgan was grinning from ear to ear. “Here I am backstage right before the Originals panel. About to go get Daniel Gillies for our panel.. Stay with me now. He tends to be a little bit grumpy. So I’ll try to get him into a good mood for you. Oh Daniellll….” The British actor was a bright eyed and humorous man who liked to cater to his fans. It was part of the reason why his character Klaus Mikaelson was so beloved on first the Vampire Diaries and then Julie Plec moved on to do a spin off called The Originals. Even as diabolical as Klaus was, they still liked him. The reasoning truly baffled Joe as he continued on with his hectic schedule of filming and various conventions to promote the show. He was spending more time with Daniel Gillies, Charles Michael Davis and Phoebe Tonkin than his own wife Persia. It was funny to him since he met Persia on the set of the Vampire Diaries as she played Bonnie’s Mom.

He had quite a following on Instagram with his outtake videos with his misadventures alongside Daniel especially. Daniel had become like a brother to him. The New Zealander often kept the Brit guessing from one moment to another. Fans often compared their relationship to that of Klaus and Elijah’s a few times although they got on better than what their counterparts on the show did. “Danielllllll…..!” Joe called out again as his hand reached behind him to grab for the doorknob. A quick yank downward and then he stepped backward through the door.

Joe lost his footing and fell unceremoniously on his rump. His mobile fell to the ground and shattered into three different pieces. “Bloody hell! Who put that step there?!” He grumbled aloud not caring who heard him. He wasn’t angry. He was more upset with his own carelessness that cost him a phone and time on his latest Instagram post. He slowly stood to his feet. Looking around him, he realized where he was. This was identical to the New Orleans set for the Mikaelson compound for the Originals. “Alright. Who’s the wise guy? Daniel? Charles? Come on now.” Joe knelt down to pick up pieces of his phone sliding them into his pocket. He’d have someone either fix this later or he’d just get another. He started to walk through what looked like the Mikaelson compound in New Orleans.

The detail was strikingly beautiful as Joe ran his fingers over the wood of the furniture in what was obviously Klaus’ art studio. On the easel was a painting of New Orleans with the moon hanging low. Joe recognized it from Season 2’s beginning when they were all protecting the fact that Baby Hope was being hidden away by her Auntie Bex played by Claire Holt. Joe had enjoyed working with Claire both on Vampire Diaries and the Originals. He missed her while she was on maternity leave. The pictures of her little one were absolutely gorgeous. He admired her for that. “What the devil?” The noise came from behind him. Joe spun on his heels to stand face to face… with himself? “Who in the name of hell are YOU?” It was so odd hearing his own voice and seeing himself in this way. His head was starting to spin. “I ASKED YOU A QUESTION!” The voice was now that of a growl. This was getting serious.

Joe swallowed hard. “I’m Joseph Morgan. I play a role on television. I was just at a convention looking for my costar Daniel and I am suddenly here. I have no idea where here is.” He could feel his own heart starting to race. How many times would you stand face to face with the character that you played on television for all this time? “You can’t be Klaus Mikaelson. He’s not REAL.”

Klaus Mikaelson did indeed stand before Joseph Morgan in all his evil glory. The golden eyes of the Original Hybrid glittered in front of him with his fangs bared. “Not REAL? I’m not sure why you’re here or how you’re here. A doppleganger perhaps? Maybe I should just kill you to find out for sure?” Klaus took steps toward the man who looked like him. He was completely human because Klaus could hear the man’s heart racing like a rabbit’s. He couldn’t let anyone get close to him because of the fact that Hope was safely hidden away from those in New Orleans who would try to kill her. Elijah was trying to find out more information for him in regard to the would be killer of his daughter. After that night that the devastation was laid bare to the town, this was the only option that could be had in terms of keeping his daughter safe. Now who was it that would have sent a doppleganger his way? This had to be a spell to try and get him to reveal Hope’s location. “Whomever you are, you’re about to die!” Klaus lunged for this intruder with his own face with murder in his eyes.

Joe backed up rapidly heading back toward the door that he’d entered. “NowNowNow! Take it easy Klaus. This is a huge misunderstanding I’m sure! I’m not here to hurt anything or anybody!” He backed into the door with a hurried misstep bumping his head into the door. The fall ended up with his head striking the brass handle of the door behind him. His eyes shut as consciousness evaded him.

“Joe! JOE!” The voice of Daniel Gillies came from just beyond his hearing. A loud moan came from the prone body of Joseph Morgan. Coming back into consciousness his eyes widened. He backed into the corner of the cot in the green room. “Take it easy there Mate. Hold on…” Daniel Gillies was in full beard and spectacles since they were in the off season and contact lenses were a b’itch.

Joe’s eyes were wide and he was panting as though he had been running a marathon. His heart was still thumping in his chest. His breathing was trying to mellow everything out so he didn’t pass out or have a heart attack. “Daniel?” He tilted his head to the left. “Daniel!” He was so relieved to see his costar. “Oh GODS. It was all a dream.” He put a hand to his forehead and started to try and calm himself down. “Is it time for the panel?”

“You been drinking a bit too much there, Joey?” Daniel smirked at Joe who was ghostly pale in his appearance. Normally Joe had played a trick on him before a panel or after a panel getting the better of him. This time Joe looked as though he’d seen a ghost. “You’ve not missed anything. Let’s get on then, alright?” He started toward the door waiting for Joe to follow him.

Joe stood up from the cot. “It was all just a dream.” He assured himself. Something was poking him in his front pocket. He reached into that front pocket and pulled out his mobile that was still in three pieces. He dropped it to the ground and practically ran out the door following Daniel. This was one panel he was never going to forget as long as he lived.
credit: james kriet

04/17/2020 11:18 PM 

Return of the King 003

for Fierce Heart
Return of the King
Rembrandt/ 1593610
In his state of confusion, he had forgotten who he was. The beautiful blonde woman in front of him kept calling him Klaus. Was that really his name? The sudden and overwhelming pain of desiccation had totally incapacitated him bringing fear to the countenance of the incredible woman he’d first seen as soon as he felt an actual breeze on his face. None of this made sense to him. He needed help to find out who he was and what had happened to him. He knew he was in the right place all around. The look of concern on her face told him that she was the one he needed. He also felt this unexplained connection to her. They had a past. He just didn’t know what it was.

He felt the first drops of blood on his lips. The life giving fluids of a human being brought life to a vampire who was quite literally starving. Hints of life started to appear in his face starting with his lips. The bloom started at his lips The tanned skin of Niklaus Mikaelson soon began to spread every where Caroline would look as he began to take in more and more of the blood. Eyes the color of the ocean fluttered open meeting those of the woman who was trying to save him. As each precious drop raced down his throat he could feel his strength returning. He kept drinking until the bag was dry. “More…” His lips moved even though they were dry. The color was nearly there but there was an ashen undertone to it.

One of the young vampires on the campus was a young man with dark skin and long braids that clacked when he moved was close by. He sped off and came back with another blood bag. He handed it to the hybrid who was gaining his strength back. He whispered to Caroline. “Ms. Forbes, isn’t that Hope’s Dad?” As he drank more from the bag, he arched a brow. He had a daughter?

He could feel his strength returning. Color was fully returning even as the last drops from the final bag entered his system. He inhaled sharply letting air fill his lungs and inflate his chest. Anyone watching would be able to tell he was regaining his strength. The smallest witch was a little fellow named Pedro. Pedro walked up to him past the others. “What’s the matter with him Kaleb?” The little witch pulled on the young vampire's pant leg.

“Come away Pedro. Ms. Forbes got this.” Kaleb motioned for the Littlest Witch to step back away from the confused Hybrid. He didn’t think either of them were in any sort of trouble. Hope's Dad looked like he needed some air. To have Klaus Mikaelson back from the dead was a major accomplishment. Whatever had the power to do this was something that was to be feared.

The Littlest Witch made eye contact with the Hybrid as he was being cared for by the Salvatore School Headmistress. Josie and Lizzie's Mom was a nice lady. Pedro liked her a lot. Pedro always felt like Ms. Forbes was a good person because she and Dr. S. always wanted to help the kids. This big guy that Kaleb said was Hope’s Dad looked like he was hurt. Pedro felt no fear. He wanted to go help him. Hope always helped everyone just like Josie and Lizzie’s Mom. He wanted to be brave like them. He walked up to Hope’s Dad. “You look like you need a little help Mr. Hope's Dad.”

He was perplexed by the small child approaching him. The child in all his innocence saw a man in pain and hurt by an ordeal that was beyond all words. He was apparently dead before and was alive again. His brain felt like it was in a fog and he didn’t know why. He admired the child’s bravery in coming closer to him. His head tilted slightly to the right as he watched the boy. “Yes. I don’t feel well Little One.” He answered with a gentle voice not offering to hurt him.

Pedro reached out with his tiny hands. Small fingers lay on the temples of the man in pain. His eyes started to glow. His fingertips on the man’s temples were glowing. The child was muttering something under his breath in Latin that Kaleb couldn’t hear. It took a few moments before the Hybrid's body tensed and his own eyes started to glow. Mere seconds passed before The Littlest Witch fell back into Kaleb. The Hybrid arched his back before his head dropped with his chin resting against his chest.

It was like a violent whirlwind inside of his mind. The eons of time passed in rapid succession in his mind in mere moments. Ten centuries of bloodshed, murder and utter destruction came flooding back. Names, faces, dates all returned to his mind. The last decades played in his mind. The memories of a lost love made a tear roll down his cheek. The image of a small child rapidly growing into a beautiful young lady completed the replay in his mind.

Kaleb held Pedro in his arms. “Come on little man. I think you deserve a cookie for this one.” He looked to Caroline. “I’ll take care of him. Don’t worry none a'ight?” He used his vampire speed to take the boy inside the school. He trusted that the Headmistress wouldn’t hesitate to call on him if she needed him.

His chin remained on his chest. His eyes remained shut. Slowly his eyes opened. His chin raised to meet her gaze. He stood to his feet. His mannerisms were all the same as they had been the last time Klaus had seen Caroline. He reached forward with his right hand to caress her cheek. “I don’t know how, but I’m here.” His memory was largely returned but there were still gaps in it. He remembered the last time he’d seen this beautiful woman in front of him. Another tear glistened in his eye before racing down his cheek. Klaus leaned forward to press a gentle kiss to her lips. The last kiss he’d shared was with Caroline before he died. Now that he was alive again, she was the first kiss of his new life.
credit: james kriet

04/15/2020 05:01 PM 

Alphabet Answers

Character Study
Alphabet Answers
Rembrandt/ 1593610
Decided to answer them all. Because why not?

A - Are you single? No, I’m quite madly in love with Caroline Forbes (fierce h e a r t) unless you’ve been living under a rock you didn’t know this already.

B- Birthday? It was so long ago, I tend not to celebrate them anymore. If you must have one, I vaguely remember May 16 being my birthday when I was younger… I think… (OOC: Joseph Morgan’s birthday is May 16)

C- Crush? - See the answer to letter A.

D- Did you get your first kiss? - Yes I did. Over 1000 years ago, out behind the Pale Mother’s cabin in the woods…

E- Easiest Person to talk to? (asked by White Wolf) - Caroline first. But I am also able to open up to Elijah and to Madeleana.

F- Favorite song - (asked by Intrepid) Poison and Wine.

G- Good at? - Does Murder count as something I’m good at?

H - Hair color - Blonde. I am Nordic in descent after all.

I - in love? See the answer to letter A.

J- Jealous of? - Absolutely no one. I have everything a man could ever want. Ignore the rumor that I’m jealous of Caroline’s wifeys. It’s nonsense. *shifty eyes*

K- Known as? - Most of my siblings call me Nik. Elijah insists on calling me Niklaus. Madeleana calls me Golden One. Hope calls me DAAAAAADDDD! Most everyone else calls me Klaus. I can’t tell you what Caroline calls me. It’s quite personal. *eyebrow wiggle*

L - Longest relationship. Formerly with Aurora de Martel. That’s about to change however when I marry Caroline for all eternity.

M- Middle Name? If I told you that, I’d have to kill you.

N - Number? (asked by [B]utcher) 867-5309

O - One wish? To be married to Caroline Forbes.

P - Person last texted? Elijah. He’s going to be my best man at my wedding after all.


R - Reason to smile? Two fold… 1 Caroline Forbes is about to be my wife. 2. Hope Andrea Mikaelson is my daughter.

S - Song last listened to? (asked by Head-Strong) Gangsta’s Paradise.

T - Time you woke up? 10 am. Had a busy night last night with my general murder and mass destruction that I incur on a daily basis.

U - 3 biggest Wishes? (asked by Clairvoyant Protector)
1- That Hope will have everything her heart desires
2 - That Caroline will just run away and get married to me in Vegas.
3 - That Elijah will finally be happy in everything he does.

V- Violent Moment? (asked by Reinette) You don’t have time for me to list them all. I am over 1000 years old you remember?

W - Worst Fear? (Asked by Ardent) That I’ll lose Caroline and Hope.

X - Ex you still liked after it was ended? Camille O’Connell. Sorry but Hayley Marshall was just a one night stand and not serious relationship.

Y - Your last hug? From Caroline before she left to go on some errands this afternoon.

Z- Zodiac Sign? Taurus the bull. Fitting don’t you think?
credit: james kriet

04/13/2020 11:45 PM 

Daggered part 3 of 4

Part III/IV Featuring Armani
Rembrandt/ 1593610
2013 New Orleans

Klaus stood beside the open coffin. Inside was his elder brother Elijah complete with dagger sticking out of his chest. It was an act of betrayal on the part of The Hybrid that The Noble Stag was in this position. Elijah had followed Klaus to New Orleans because of one warning sent to Klaus about the witches in New Orleans. The werewolf Hayley Marshall, a one night stand had actually conceived a child with Klaus. Elijah thought this child could actually redeem his brother. By the fact that Klaus was standing over his brother, Klaus meant to prove that Elijah was absolutely wrong.

Klaus had a plan. Marcel Gerard was sitting atop the throne in a manner of speaking in the whole of New Orleans vampire community. The insane need to take away that power from Marcel ate away at Klaus the longer he stayed in New Orleans. It even didn’t matter anymore about the pregnant wolf. It was about power. It was always about what was his. New Orleans was his. Everything that he and Elijah had built a century before, was being controlled by another vampire. Klaus meant to have it all back.

The vampires in New Orleans were nervous about Klaus being in town. With Elijah in town, tension was high. Marcel needed to trust Klaus. Klaus needed to have Marcel trust him. He stood there with conflicting emotions. “Elijah, I’m sorry. I will bring you back as soon as I have everything in place.” A twinge of guilt tugged at the back of his mind. “I told you back in Mystic Falls that family makes you weak. You should never have come here.” Klaus’ voice was an odd mix of anxiety, wistful regret and anger. He bounced on his heels. “Don’t you understand? Elijah, Marcel has everything that belongs to us! He even lives in our house! I have to do this to get back what is ours!” He paced away from the coffin that contained his brother only to turn around to face it again. “You proved this to me by convincing me that this child is mine. I cannot let another child die Elijah. I have to get back my kingdom. I will not hold the broken body of a Mikaelson child again!”

1000 AD Mystic Falls

The full moon moved into place overhead. The entire Viking village moved into homes with barred doors and deep inside caves to avoid the men who became monsters with the full moon. Niklaus was determined to see them close up on his own. Mother warned about them. The Pale Mother also warned against getting too close to them. He bowed his head to both of them swearing he wouldn’t go around them. Month after month; year after year, he promised he would not go anywhere near them. This month he made no such promise.

All had sheltered away in the night this night. Niklaus waited until he crept away just as nightfall blanketed Midgard. He was swift in his path toward the tribe’s village. The men would be changing soon. He wanted to watch it for himself. Something drove him there that particular night. He counted on his speed and stealing through the night. He could get there and back again unseen he was sure of it. He soon left the boundaries of the Viking settlement into the ebony curtain of darkness that surrounded them on all sides.

All he heard from every step was nothing but the sounds of the insects that hid in the dark. The low sound of an owl made the young Niklaus glance up into the tree. The wide eyed bird ruffled his feathers to protest the young man's intrusion. It was a warning of sorts to him that he had invaded space he need not tread. Niklaus in the folly of his youth thought himself infallible. It wasn’t long until he made his way to toward the settlement. Niklaus crouched behind a hedgerow. He started to peak when he heard a sound behind him. His blood ran cold for a brief moment. Falling on top of him was his youngest brother Henrik. “What are you doing here Henrik?” Niklaus hissed through clenched teeth at the youngest Mikaelson.

Henrik's wide blue eyes opened. “Niklaus please! I want to see what you were doing and where you were going. The men will be changing soon!” The youngest Mikaelson idolized his elder brother. Nik always went out of his way to teach him things even showing him how to wield a sword. Kol was also one who spent time with Nik, but he also went his own way. Henrik followed Niklaus like a lost puppy.

Niklaus was furious! He pulled his little brother into his arms clamping his hand over his mouth. “Look!” The men were all beginning to cry in agony. The sounds of bones cracking were the most nauseating sounds he’d heard. He could feel his brother trembling in his arms. Nik held onto Henrik ready to flee if they were spotted. There was a man changing into a wolf that stood apart from the others. He had blonde hair, blue eyes and a jawline exactly like Nik’s own. He made eye contact with the young Viking lad as his body shifted into a wolf. Both Viking boys were stunned and horrified by what they’d seen. “Run Henrik!” Niklaus let his brother free shoving his brother ahead of him. Henrik took off like a frightened rabbit. Niklaus followed behind him as fast as he could run. The sounds of the wolves racing behind them made his heart thump in his chest and pound in his ears. His flight was stopped when the largest wolf of the pack knocked him off his feet. He was petrified as the beast began to sniff the back of his head.

“Niklaus!” Henrik cried out in fear as two wolves knocked the boy to his back. Snarling jaws soon tore into the flesh of the younger boy. The spray of blood arched out from the point where his flesh was now hanging in ribbons. His screams of horror and agony would haunt Niklaus for the next 1000 years. His limbs were thrashing as he tried to fight the beasts as they drained the life from the boy. Once his limbs stopped thrashing, that was when Niklaus knew that Henrik was dead. The large wolf on his back was actually snarling at other wolves that came close to him on Niklaus' back. The wolves backed away and ran off in other directions that had approached Niklaus. Once Henrik was dead, the wolf climbed off his back and stood at his side. Niklaus stood fully erect. His face was etched with fear and horror at witnessing the death of his brother. Tears covered his face. The wolf had the eyes of the man that Niklaus had seen before they changed before him. He ran toward Henrik’s bloody form pulling it up from the ground as he headed back toward their village. The large wolf watched from a distance making sure that his son was unharmed. Maybe someday the boy would know the truth.

Back in the village Niklaus cried out for his father as he carried Henrik’s bloody body back. “Father!!!” Elijah was the first to hear him. Elijah took Henrik’s body and carried it back to their parents. Elijah’s countenance was wracked with horror but sympathy for the brutality that Niklaus had witnessed. Niklaus himself fell to the ground to be comforted by Rebekah. That was the night the Mikaelson Family would be changed forever.

2013 New Orleans

Klaus was now sitting beside Elijah’s coffin as he was daggered at Nik’s own hand. “You have to understand Elijah. That night hasn’t haunted you like it has me. I can’t let out family have anything less than the best. I’ll free you Elijah. I promise. Maybe someday you will forgive me.”
credit: james kriet

04/11/2020 10:28 PM 

Saving Hope

For; Saviour
Saving Hope
Rembrandt/ 1593610
Klaus Mikaelson was dead. He had sacrificed his life for his one and only daughter. Leaving behind his miracle child Hope was one of the hardest things he’d ever have to do. The depth of his love for his daughter knew no bounds. Elijah had been right. Hope had done what he had failed to do. Hope had saved him. Klaus had grown in love for his own flesh and blood. The legacy of the Mikaelson Family was left to Hope to carry forward.

Klaus had only one true love in his life. That love was Caroline Forbes. The blonde vampire possessed such a light in her life that Klaus was irresistibly drawn to it. It had been a cat and mouse game between the two of them for the better part of a decade. It was only at the end after the death of Stefan Salvatore had the two of them a remote chance to rekindle any sort of spark between them. If only there had been more time, then things could have been so different. She was searching for the answer to avoid her twins having to avoid the merge ceremony due to the blood of their biological mother. Klaus was trying to prevent true evil from killing his child. It just simply wasn’t fair.

Elijah wouldn’t let Klaus die alone. Facing death was something that Klaus had done many times over the years. To die at his own hand was something he’d never anticipated. The thought of the next life had lingered in the back of his mind. He even asked Elijah what he believed was after this. What if it’s nothingness after this, Elijah. Then we’ll face it together. After a moment of ultimate agony, the Original Brothers were gone.

His eyes closed in one life opening in another. Klaus found himself in a state of being a spirit. He was tied to the Salvatore Boarding School because Hope was there and because this was where Caroline’s heart was. As the days passed, he watched Hope grow. He could feel some higher power pulling at him. Despite his vast multitude of sins, Klaus was being offered the chance at peace. For a time, he was allowed the company of his beloved brother Elijah. Walking with Elijah in the land where they had been born unmolested by those who sought their demise had been a peaceful experience. He enjoyed the fellowship with his brother. It was like when they were children once again. This time Mikael wasn’t around to torment them.

In the middle of a walk by the brothers in the peace of Mystic Falls, Elijah stopped. He was glowing all around his entire silhouette. Elijah was unable to take another step forward. “Niklaus, I’m sorry.” The Noble Stag was radiating peace from his entire spirit. Klaus could feel the beauty and calm from his brother. It was time. The growing light began to fill Elijah’s entire being.

Klaus smiled gently at his brother. “Go Brother. Your long and weary journey is complete. Go to the peace that you deserve for all your efforts in life.” He tried to hide the fact he’d miss his brother. Elijah had deserved this for all he endured over 1000 years. Klaus reached for his brother one last time with a tight embrace. “Enjoy the peace Brother. Tell Henrik I’m so sorry.”

Elijah held onto Klaus for as long as he possibly could. He didn’t want to leave Klaus behind. They walked together for so long. The redemption of his brother was all he’d longed for even from the first night that they’d been changed. Black magic corrupted them, but it was love that kept them bound together. “Don’t keep us waiting Niklaus. You will be missed.” Elijah held tightly to Klaus until he couldn’t any longer. Slowly he faded away from Klaus' view.

Klaus stood alone on the grounds of the School. He brushed away a tear. He felt the tug of a higher power at his heart was undeniable. He was offered that peace that Elijah had accepted. Klaus wasn’t ready yet. He didn’t want to leave Hope yet. Klaus could have found that peace he deserved because he’d voluntarily sacrificed his life for love. He’d learned after all these years that the strongest power in the world was love.

Klaus turned to walk towards the building. His steps were frozen in place. Something was happening. I feel Klaus Mikaelson's soul. His eyes widened as the female voice called his name. He pulled his feet trying to walk ahead. Some witchcraft had found him. He was suddenly pulled off his feet. He was being pulled so fast the world around him was a blur. He’s not going to be happy!

The more he heard these witches calling him the angrier he got. Where was Hope? Surely she would not approve of her father being drug from the spirit world to whatever incantation was being uttered. He was screaming in anger after having been snatched away from the moment of joy with his brother. A whirlwind pulled him downward rapidly until he was abruptly slammed downward.

His eyes were closed. Pain wracked his body. He had not felt anything like this since he'd been stabbed in the heart by the white oak stake by his brother. “What is happening to me?!” Klaus actually heard the sound of his own voice. He allowed his face to assume the monstrous features once more. Klaus was no longer a spirit. He was back into his body. How had this happened? Who was behind this? He pushed himself up to a sitting position with his golden hues showing and fangs bared. He was still the Original Hybrid. It was how his life had ended and it was how he was returned to life.

There was a familiar smell to his right. Sitting on the bed near him was Stefan Salvatore. “Stefan?! What is happening? How dared to snatch me from the afterlife?” He was ready to start ripping apart the first witch he saw until he got his answers. Klaus was in full Hybrid mode ready to shed blood unless he’d gotten answers. “HOPE!!” He roared loudly. It wasn’t wise to let Klaus Mikaelson fester in his anger. “CAROLINE!!!” He needed someone to give him the answers to calm him down or someone was going to die.
credit: james kriet

04/06/2020 10:38 PM 

The Game is On.

FOR: Hex Girl
The Game is On
Rembrandt/ 1593610
There was only one way to get back into Mystic Falls without being overtly spotted. He’d been planning this for some time now. Klaus Mikaelson had been watching the Salvatore Brothers from a distance. His eyes and ears in Mystic Falls told him that the doppelganger was there and was under the watchful eye of the two brothers that had been turned by Katherine Pierce back in 1864. He’d already put the fear of God into them already thanks to Elijah’s interference. They were anticipating his arrival. It just wasn’t going to be the way they had anticipated it.

The two witches he had ready and willing to do the transference had already prepared to have their subject become the home of Klaus’ conscience for his chance to get close to all of them. He could see for himself who they were and how powerful they all were. He climbed into the coffin and lay perfectly still as the spell began. He was perfectly content that no one in Mystic Falls would anticipate his next move. He was the apex predator now and had been for over 1000 years.

Eyelids fluttered shut as the body he was born into was put into a temporary stasis. Nothing would happen to his body because of the ace in the hole that Klaus had with the Martin family. Jonas would do anything to make sure that Greta would be unharmed. Greta was so enamored of Klaus he’d had her wrapped around his little finger. Elijah was supposed to be keeping the Martin family in check. Klaus was counting on it. It had been over 1000 years since his hybrid side had been bound. The time to break the spell was well overdue.

The chosen vessel for Klaus’ infiltration into Mystic Falls High School came in the form of one Alaric Saltzman. Saltzman was already a prime candidate given that he had been married to Isobel Fleming. The sweet and pristine doppelganger Elena Gilbert was the bastard child of Saltzman’s former wife. It was really such a convoluted bloodline. Klaus found it nearly as treacherous as his own. Klaus had been raised as the child of one man even though he was the bastard of another. No wonder the Petrova blood was so tied in with the whole bloody stinking mess.

The next thing he knew, the sound of the chanting of the spell was a low drone. The drifting aspect of his consciousness was finally being installed directly into the body of the alcoholic school teacher who moonlighted as a vampire hunter. The whole thing was so perfectly constructed, Klaus was actually proud of himself for not leaving any detail untouched. The disembodied essence of Klaus Mikaelson was being guarded by the spell and incantation of two very powerful witches who were completely and utterly devoted to him. How could anything go wrong?

The world around him began to take on form and substance again. The sounds of the incantations grew louder. Klaus could feel that the body he was moving into was on his knees. He could feel the carpet beneath his knees and the chill of the air conditioning in the room. The spell was over. Klaus opened his new eyes slowly. “Excellent…” The voice that came forward when he moved his mouth was not the dapper one he had been used to for well over 1000 years. His lips curled upward and parted in that devious smile that was pure Klaus. He stood to his feet slowly. This man was taller than Klaus himself was, so that would take a slight adjustment for him to walk. It was of no consequence. Klaus was an Original. He could adjust without a problem.

The presence of Greta Martin at his side told Klaus that he was still well protected even now. What Klaus saw next made him absolutely beam with malevolent joy. Katerina was standing there with her flippant attitude. “And what are you looking at?” She folded her arms over one another with her weight shifted to her back foot. She was glaring at the face of the man she thought was Alaric Saltzman.

She was wrong.

“Now now Katerina.” The tone in his voice was still familiar but yet all too different since he was in the body of a mortal. The shock of brown was full and covering his forehead. They say that the eyes are the windows of the soul. When Katerina heard his voice and met his eyes, all the color drained from her skin. “Now you know.”

“Klaus…” She spoke silently as though she’d seen a ghost. She started to take several steps backward to avoid him. The feeble attempt was nothing but that, just an attempt.

He spoke with calming even tones. Even though he was still in the body of a mortal, he was still an Original. “You will stay here until I tell you that you can leave.” He compelled her to stay because it was finally his time to shine. Klaus was in control on all levels. The curse was going to be broken soon. First he had to find out who was all in the corner of Elena Gilbert and the Salvatore Brothers.

Katherine was in no position to argue. She would not be able to leave this dumpy apartment that belonged to the hunter/schoolteacher. She began to wonder if this was going to be her tomb. She immediately sat in the nearest chair even though her expression was not too happy in the slightest.

Klaus in the body of Alaric Saltzman started to laugh. “Now I have to get ready. It’s time for school.” He had a swagger in his step as he made his way toward Greta Martin. She was going to give him what he needed to get into the hallowed halls of Mystic High.

Later that morning

The classroom of Alaric Saltzman was relatively empty. Students all began to file into the room as the period bell rang. After the last student walked in, what they thought was their teacher joined the room. “Well look at all these eager young faces.” He grinned. It wasn’t the typical greeting that Saltzman had with his students. He had stopped along the way here to send a message to Elena and her group using compelled students. Klaus was most anxious to meet her according to the students who met up with Elena in the hall on the way here. Alaric was actually sly smirking at the fact that Elena looked completely unnerved. He assumed his message was just given.

Now to watch the pieces fall into place.
credit: james kriet

04/02/2020 04:59 PM 

Who's the Monster Now?

BL April Drabble
Who‘s the Monster Now?
Rembrandt/ 1593610
Betrayal was something that Klaus Mikaelson knew all too well. Standing in the house he’d purchased for his family he was finally able to make those Hybrids he needed to not feel so alone. Klaus had sealed Rebekah’s coffin and allowed it to be rolled away into her room. They would all understand. They had to. The Hybrids were like him, but yet they weren’t his family. Those days of innocence where he was a tiny blonde boy that hid from the wrath of an angry father still had his protectors and those that adored him. That was what he missed. That was also completely gone.

Stefan Salvatore’s invasion and insistent demands to be rid of the hybrids in Mystic Falls was the final straw. Klaus had some glimmer of hope that Stefan would actually be his friend again like back in 1920. That was definitely not the case. Compelling him to forget both him and Rebekah from then was haunting him over 80 years later. The smell of blood and the female Hybrid’s head severed from her body proved that bridge was something that been irrevocably burned. Still Klaus was not going to be threatened.

Summoning Tyler Lockwood, he relied on that sire bond for the young hybrid to do as he instructed. Klaus knew that Stefan was protective over his friends and would do anything for them. That was why he ordered the young Lockwood to bite Caroline Forbes. Stefan was pushing. Klaus wanted to push back. Tyler essentially spit in his face after he issued the edict. Assuming that the young Hybrid was off to do whatever fancied him, Klaus set about to secure his position in Mystic Falls in another fashion.

The denizens of Mystic Falls were so in love with their historical landmarks that Klaus knew that he had the one thing they all needed. Klaus began to charm Tyler’s own mother Carol Lockwood promising substantial donations for the Whickery Bridge remodel all he asked was to be left alone. He thought his offer was rather generous despite the intonations that were brought about in this line of thinking as well. Carol agreed to it, but they had to bring another person in on this. They had to get Damon to control Stefan.

For Damon to control Stefan was about as guaranteed as it was for Elijah to control Klaus himself. Now Elijah, Kol and Finn were all stashed with their mother somewhere under Stefan’s watchful eye. The thought of how this was spiraling out of his control only infuriated Klaus. He didn’t like being outplayed especially by a Salvatore. He made his way into the reception area where the model of the Whickery Bridge was being fawned over by all the people in attendance. His mobile buzzed in his pocket. The caller ID made him smile. “Stefan! Call to admit defeat?”

The sounds of Elena Gilbert on the other side from Stefan’s speakerphone made Klaus’ blood run cold. The revving engine on the car and the fear meant that Stefan was not playing. The demands continued for him to send his Hybrids out of town came back from the growling voice of the younger Salvatore. He fed Elena his blood. Stefan was actually going to do it.

Five hundred years prior, Katerina had escaped him by turning herself into a vampire after Rosemarie had innocently fed her blood to the young girl to save her for Klaus. He wasn’t about to let this happen again. “STOP THE CAR STEFAN!” He shouted at the phone after he’d walked a sufficient distance from the fundraiser. “YOU WIN. ALRIGHT?” Yes, he couldn’t lose his blood bag for his hybrids. He couldn’t believe that Stefan was ready to actually let his hatred of him to kill Elena.

The line went dead. Klaus wrapped his fingers around the phone itself nearly shattering it with his own strength. A Salvatore was ruthless enough to stand up to him like this? Rage began to make his blood boil. To say he was absolutely livid was insufficient in terms of an emotional assessment. He would have actually ripped into the next person that spoke to him. His mobile rang again. It was Sheriff Forbes. “Klaus, I need your help. Please. Tyler Lockwood bit Caroline.” His rage was quelled by the words that came from the mother of the newly undead Caroline Forbes. He immediately sped to the Forbes home without hesitation. He had found out that this was Caroline’s 18th Birthday. There was enough monsters taking violent actions against the girls of this town for one day.

Standing outside the Forbes home, he wasn’t surprised to see Matt Donovan inside the walls. Klaus was not the roaring monster that he could have been. He was actually quite humble and contrite. This was something that he actually regretted deeply. Once Liz Forbes uttered the words he needed to hear, Klaus entered making his way toward Caroline’s bedroom.

Klaus stood in the doorway to Caroline’s bedroom. She was curled up on her bed under the blankets. “Have you come to kill me?” The hurt in her voice was matched by the agony on her features.

The Hybrid’s features fell. “On your birthday?” He asked. “Do you think that low of me?” He didn’t speak in raised tones in the slightest bit. He moved slowly toward her bed. Moving back her blankets he saw the affect the werewolf venom had on her. It had already spread substantially. “That’s pretty bad.”

There was a fire in Caroline that he absolutely enjoyed to see when she was healthy and well. The toxin was spreading through her body threatening to snuff out her life. The fire was dying and it affected him more profoundly than he cared to admit. Yes, she was romantically linked to Tyler Lockwood but Klaus couldn’t help how his heart felt around her. She was unlike any woman he’d ever known. He was different around her. It was like the way he was back in those early days when he was human.

He began to pick a few errant strands of golden hair from her elegant hues. “We’ll have to adjust your conception of time as a vampire.” He actually let out a little chuckle. “I’ll let you know something Caroline. There is a whole w o r l d out there waiting for you. All you have to do is go out and claim it.” He sat on the edge of her bed. He allowed a moment to pass between them. He rolled down the sleeve of one arm. Klaus gently pulled her into his arms. He put one arm in front of her face. “Go on Sweetheart.”

He felt her fangs dig into his arm to feed from him. He let her take what she wanted in order to heal herself from this nip by Tyler. Klaus knew she was going to survive. He quietly held her in his arms until she fell fast asleep. The fever had passed in the moments that he held her making sure that no one bothered her or came near her unless he allowed it. He peaked at her shoulder. Seeing the healing flesh, he kissed her forehead gently as she slept. He carefully laid her back on her bed and covered her. “You could have died, Caroline. I wasn’t about to let that happen.” He spoke silently knowing she was asleep and would not hear him. He walked out the door giving a full report to the Sheriff as he left.

Later that night he’d come back to her bedroom leaving her that bracelet for her birthday. She was still deeply asleep. The action against Elena was enough for the supernatural community of Mystic Falls. Stefan, the hero of Mystic Falls was now a monster and Klaus was a hero. No one would know about it and that was fine by him. As long as Caroline was alive, that was all that mattered to Klaus. He left her gift and returned to his home. He had arrangements to make.

to be continued by (fierce h e a r t)
credit: james kriet

04/02/2020 03:53 PM 

The Great Lie

FOR; Scarlet Witch
The Great Lie
Rembrandt/ 1593610
The last thing he remembered was the searing pain that tore through his body. Klaus Mikaelson had only one way to save his daughter from the threat of the Hollow. Sacrificing his life so that Hope could live was something he chose without hesitation. His long life was filled with strife and murder that had been composed mostly by his design. Those who knew him best however knew of his devotion to his family. Some would call it skewed, but in his mind it was the only way he could show proper love to them. He’d never been taught what real love was like by his parents.

The love of a soul mate was what he’d found in Caroline Forbes. It tore him apart that it was something he realized too late. What opened his eyes to what was around him was the moment he was handed a tiny little girl that rose that newborn chin to actually try and focus on the sight of the big man in front of her. Pure love, love without peer came from the innocence of a child. After having spent 10 centuries as a cruel and vicious vampire, the werewolf side of him was finally set free. Klaus Mikaelson was the first fully realized Hybrid.

Being a Hybrid meant he was an aberration of nature. Klaus was a vampire and a wolf. He was undead but he was also alive at the same time. This unusual circumstance meant that a one night stand with a female werewolf would change his life forever. Cracks in his façade began to show more prominently after the birth of Hope Andrea Mikaelson. The beast that terrorized Europe and even the New World was now something that no one had ever fathomed. Klaus was a father.

Becoming a father changed him. Enemies that had crumbled at his feet in the past now found ways to actually gain an upper hand on him. Even a mere witch was able to sever his sireline completely. It was a devastation from witch Klaus was not completely able to recover. Downhill was not the word to adequately describe how Klaus had fallen. Yet looking into that tiny face and the innocence staring back at him was enough to keep him going on that same path. He somehow knew that this was going to end in one way.

Elijah had always believed that Klaus was able to be saved. At that final night with the family, Elijah willingly died at his brother’s side. The world lost two Originals on that night. Two ancient evils were gone not by the hand of some hero. They were gone all for the greatest power of them all: Love. As his brother faded from his view, the knowledge of Hope’s safety was the only thing that comforted Klaus. The afterlife awaited.

Eyes the color of the sky opened. There was nothing but darkness and void around him. He’d even pondered aloud to Elijah that there was nothing after the life they were about to leave. “ELIJAH?” Klaus called out into the void hoping to hear from his brother. Elijah promised not to leave him. What seemed like an eternity later, all that Klaus heard back from the void was the sound of his own breath. They were supposed to face the afterlife together as brothers. The lie was slowly unraveling.

The chill of death raced down the Hybrid’s spine. How had his sacrifice benefited Hope? Images of his daughter haunted him in this place of unsettled nothing and torment. She was fighting this beast called a Malivore and left behind with Alaric Saltzman as a father figure. He wanted to reach out and calm her fears and hold her in his arms again telling her it would be alright. He was going to make it better. An image of Caroline Forbes in the Salvatore School flashed before him after the face of his daughter faded. She sat alone where no one could see her, but tears raced down her cheeks. He tried to reach out for her but couldn’t hold her or touch her. The lie was complete. The potential for a greater life and a marked change in the world was lost because Klaus Mikaelson’s sacrifice had hurt more than he’d believed it would help.

In the endless darkness around him, there was a hint of light just ahead of him. Klaus narrowed his eyes in the direction of that light. He brought up his right hand to try and shade his eyes from the increasing light that was penetrating the darkness. One foot in front of the other started Klaus toward that light. Was that a chance to get back to Hope and to Caroline? Right now he didn’t believe anything around him. He was a great evil that had been scarred the Earth for centuries. He knew he wasn’t about to waltz into the doors of Paradise. But even this was worse than being burned in any sort of flame or stretched out on some torture rack. Something or someone had sent him to a place of great nothing. There was no greater torment to Klaus than to be completely and utterly alone. What could have been haunted him as his disastrous decision to end his own life did nothing but destroy tiny fragments of his soul.

The light ahead of him was beginning to grow exponentially as he approached it. He tried to keep from moving forward, but he was being pulled closer to it. Someone was on the other side of that light that was calling to him. He strained to listen. The mumbling sounds of an incantation were taking a distinct tone. Words actually began to sound like someone he knew. It was a female voice. That female was calling to him.

In that science room of the school where Hope was making her incantation, the ghostly apparition began to take on a more solid form in front of her. He had stepped from the darkness of the afterlife into this bridge that Hope had created. “Hope? What have you done?” The voice of the Original Hybrid was filled with fear and apprehension. He knew who she was, but something was still keeping him from crossing over into the world of the living. The lies never stopped. It was time to bring them to an end.
credit: james kriet

03/29/2020 08:30 PM 

Lost and Found

For; Misplaced Actor
Lost and Found
Rembrandt/ 1593610
Special guest: Armani

16 May 1876, Philadelphia
The World’s Fair

It had taken six days journey by riverboat and another two by train for the three men to arrive. The two men appeared to be slightly older than the man of color who was most definitely in their party. The wounds of a Nation divided by a Great Civil War and a murdered President were still fresh within many of the adult population. The sight of a man of color traveling freely with two white men was held by some with adulation and disdain by others. Klaus Mikaelson just dared any of those fools to say anything to him. “Stand down, Niklaus. We want no trouble here.” Elijah knew his brother all too well. Bringing Elijah along was a good decision on Klaus’ part and he knew it.

The three men entered the main exhibit hall. Klaus and his brother Elijah had seen grand displays like this before during their nearly 1000 years of life upon this Earth. The young man in their company was a former slave that Klaus had saved as a boy. Marcel Gerard was now a young vampire with perhaps 50 years alive in this selfsame world. Klaus was silently watching with an approving gaze much like a father would when he introduced his son to a new experience.

There was an ulterior motive for Klaus to bring Marcel and Elijah on this trip. The very day that Klaus had turned Marcel into a vampire, he had daggered his sister Rebekah. He didn’t approve of the budding romance between the two of them. It had nothing to do with skin tone. It had everything to do with the fact no man was good enough for his sister. Elijah’s purpose on the trip was to help educate Marcel because Elijah enjoyed intellectual pursuits. It was also to keep Elijah from the temptation of undaggering their sister. Klaus was no fool.

The next exhibit that the three saw was the torch of the new statue that Bartholdi was completing for the US. It had hit a snag in the amount of money and planning it would take to get the statue to New York. In order to raise funds to build the pedestal, the pieces of the statue made fund raising trips all over the East Coast. The torch was sent to Philadelphia in honour of the young nation’s centennial. Marcel was gazing at it with innocence and naivete. Klaus watched as Elijah studied it with his own images in mind. Klaus looked at it in a far more critical eye.

Klaus was an artist in the chosen medium of oil and canvas. Sculpture was not his calling. However as an artist he could appreciate the talent it would take to bring such a vision to life. A great dream to be shared with the world was something all should be able to witness for generations to come. “Excuse me.” Klaus moved toward one of the World’s Fair's security personnel to speak with him. Elijah watched with innate curiosity as to his brother’s actions. With his vampire hearing, he knew what was going on and he definitely approved.

Marcel was still in awe of the statue's torch. The idea of liberty for all had been taught to him by Elijah as one of the founding principles of this nation that they made their home. The idea of the bonds of tyranny had to be broken was something Elijah had taught him. “Where’s Klaus?” He turned around to see Elijah standing there smiling.

“Oh he’ll be back.” Elijah was actually beaming with pride about what his brother was doing. He was actually quite surprised. Almost 1000 years old and Klaus still had moments like this that would give him hope that his brother could be redeemed.

Klaus returned with a broad smile upon his features that highlighted his dimples. “Marcellus! Elijah! Enjoying the exhibit?” He clapped his arm around his brother’s shoulder.

“Of course Niklaus. It’s quite a powerful statement with just Liberty’s Torch here.” Elijah answered. He was smiling back at his brother’s infectious grin.

“That is what I thought as well!” He pulled out a piece of paper and handed it to Marcel. “Have a read.” He told the younger vampire.

Marcel began reading. “In recognition of the special donation of $1000 to the Statue of Liberty by… Marcel Gerard.” The young man was speechless.

Klaus said nothing. It was a sizable sum of money for the era and he knew it. Klaus had this side he showed on occasion. It was why Elijah would never give up on his brother’s redemption.

New York City
3 July 1986

He was getting ready to join the celebration. Four years prior President Reagan had appointed Lee Iaococca the head of the committee to restore the Statue of Liberty to it’s former glory. A century of time and weathering of the statue itself had made it turn a hideous green color. Klaus Mikaelson had remembered it when the statue was a glorious bronze.

The Original Hybrid was still bound by a curse that could only be severed by the blood of the doppelgänger. Katerina Petrova had beaten him at his own game. So Klaus had to find other means to sever this curse. That included finding Travelers who would possibly have knowledge if Katerina had had a child or if the Petrova line even continued.

The Travelers were a sect of nomads or gypsies that had powerful magic at their control. Unfortunately with witch magic being dominant, they had to keep on the move. It had been Klaus’ experience that Travelers tended to wind up in large cities so they could blend into the background. This was the underlying reason for Klaus to be in New York. The centennial of the Statue of Liberty was his cover story.

Freshly attired for the party before the big celebration the next day, Klaus headed out of his penthouse and down to the street level where his car and driver were waiting. Gunter had been Klaus’ companion for some time now since all his siblings save only Elijah were daggered. Gunter being a powerful witch served a dual purpose when it came to being at Klaus’ right hand as well. He was also loyal to only Klaus.

Klaus exited the building wearing a tuxedo. His golden curls flopped about loosely framing his face. He was about to step into his car when he saw something that stopped him. Loud noises distracted Klaus’ sensitive hearing. It was the sound of a father berating his son. Klaus’ eyes glittered gold before making contact with Gunter.

Somewhere nearby another boy was being told he was trash by his father. It wasn’t even in English either. It sounded Russian to Klaus. He used his vamp speed to locate the source.

He arrived just in time to stop the hand of the man who was about to strike a 12 year old boy with dark hair and eyes that were as blue as the sky. “I think you best reconsider that mate!” Klaus didn’t kill the man. He just tossed him into some garbage cans with little effort.

He knelt to the prone boy and offered his hand. “My name is Nik. What’s yours?”

credit: james kriet

03/28/2020 02:21 AM 

Daggered part II

Part II/IV feat: The End
Rembrandt/ 1593610
29 August 1835
Natchez, MS

Standing on the dock, the man with short blonde hair was lightly tousled by breeze coming off the Mississippi. He wore all the finery of a gentleman of means. He was even treated as a wealthy passenger would be by the harbor on the Mississippi River.

He stepped up to the counter with his traveling companion. The blonde man stood with a younger man who had darker hair and sapphire hues not unlike those of the blonde man. The two bore enough physical resemblance to one another to definitely be brothers. Both were dressed as gentleman of wealth and taste. The younger was watching as the others passed by heading toward the gangplank. “These times certainly have improved Brother.” The keen eyes of Kol Mikaelson began to assess each person like a fox getting ready to raid a chicken coop. “Do we need to rush back to New Orleans so soon? Can’t we just enjoy the ride?”

Stepping up with two boarding passes in hand, Niklaus Mikaelson slid those into his breast pocket with a grin. “We will enjoy the ride Brother. I just thought you’d enjoy stretching your legs a bit.” He had a cheeky grin when addressing his younger brother. He’d recently undaggered Kol after having allowed his brother to slumber for yet another century. Both Kol and Finn were in coffins as they were brought over from Europe to their new home in a backwater penal colony called New Orleans. Soon it would be the glorious glittering gem in the crown of the French Empire in the New World.

Kol glared at his elder brother with a bit of disdain. In the past, the two had actually been partners in some of the most brutal murder sprees in Europe. That was until the voice of reason, their elder brother Elijah kept them back in check. It had been Elijah who had encouraged Klaus to dagger Kol again in 1702 Cadiz. Now the undaggering was Klaus’ idea since Elijah seemed to spend more time with Marcellus than suited Klaus. It was time to set Kol free.

Elijah was surprised to see Kol undaggered. Klaus stood by his decision and he knew it unnerved Elijah that Kol was about on two feet again. Klaus took Kol to Natchez on a special task. The Riverboat was only part of it. He doubted that either of his brothers were aware of what was truly going through Klaus’ mind. Very few knew the depth of Klaus Mikaelson's mental processes. Some thought he was this caring unfeeling monster. His problem was that he cared too much.

989 AD Mystic Falls

The steady path of feet came in a decent gallop. Young Niklaus was 11 years old and a boy full of mischief. The only thing that stifled that desire for frivolity was the man that ruled the household with an iron fist. Niklaus often ran off to hide in the woods under the protective eye of The Pale Mother. Today was no exception.

The frightened feet of the little rabbit carried the boy so fast he nearly knocked over his eldest brother Finn. “Niklaus! Please be careful!” Finn was rather annoyed by his younger brother but he understood why Niklaus did it. Ever since Niklaus had nearly died, Finn had been concerned for his younger brother.

“I’m sorry Brother.” Niklaus lowered his head. “I didn’t mean to…” He was always prepared for the worst. He stood trembling in front of his brother. He flinched when Finn’s hand moved toward him. He couldn’t help but suffer some trauma from what Mikael had done to him.

Finn’s hand rested on his younger brother's shoulder. “Niklaus, please. I’m not going to hurt you.” He reached into his pocket and pulled out a necklace that had a shiny purple stone on it. “This is called an amethyst. It has healing properties and it will give you strength.” The Pale Mother had suggested that Finn use this amethyst that she found to make a special charm of his own for his little brother who was the object of their Father’s ire. “Please take it, for me.”

Elijah faced their Father’s ire in teaching him how to hunt and fish. Now was Finn facing that same ire in giving him magical gems? Apparently he was doing precisely what Niklaus did even anticipate. He turned his back to allow his brother to slide this charmed necklace over his neck.

Finn was pleased. The apprentice witch was still learning about all that nature could teach him. To hear that he could protect Niklaus only made him more happy. It was something that he couldn’t allow anyone to know. Once it was around his brother’s neck, Finn made Niklaus swear to never tell where it came from… and he never did.

30 August 1835

Klaus and Kol had been on board the Natchez for an entire day. The reason why he’d had to go to Natchez involved a very special surprise that only Klaus knew about. As he stood on the deck watching the paddlewheel churn the waters of the Mississippi, Klaus pulled out of his pocket a tiny brown bag. He emptied the contents onto his palm. It was a bracelet that matched the necklace that Finn had given him nearly 1000 years ago.

While Kol was blending in with the passengers ready to start the slaughter, Klaus began to recall his eldest brother and his secret crusade to keep him safe from all harm by Mikael. He highly doubted that Kol would even remember let alone care that Finn’s birthday was soon. Elijah might remember, but Klaus wasn’t sure.

Klaus knew. Klaus always knew. His eldest brother still dressed in the clothing of the 11th Century was about to have yet another birthday trapped in the endless night that came with the death slumber of an Original. As he pocketed his gift for Finn, Klaus turned from the river. The hint of that secret charm given by an older brother to his troubled younger brother was still there. Klaus carried that secret even now and never spoke it to anyone… not even Elijah.

Klaus left the deck of the ship to enter inside one of the smaller interior rooms. It was a gentleman's game called Poker. No one could lie or keep a straight face like Klaus did. Lying became a proficient element when trying to survive being exterminated by a man that was supposed to love him. Klaus Mikaelson turned it into an art form.

He stepped inside and closed the door behind him. Fate was not with those card players that night. Later in the middle of the night, the sounds of heavy objects hitting the water were muffled by the paddle wheel sound.

And somewhere in the darkness, The Gambler he broke even. In his final words I found an ace that I could keep.
~~ Kenny Rogers, The Gambler.

credit: james kriet

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