
04/13/2020 02:59 PM 

Task 1

Easters at the Weaving family were always spent surrounded by loved ones and delicious food. One of the most memorable Easters spent with her baby sister, Yvonne was in 2004. The pre-teen Eva and her sister had been practicing for weeks a lipsync performance of their favorite band, Spice Girls! Nana Weaving, aunts and uncles plus cousins, lots of them were coming over. Evie and Yvonne were going to perform for the family with their favorite cousins, Mikaela, Ana, and Magaly. In the morning the family went to the beach to surf and hang out. We return back home to dress for mass service at their local church at midday. Afterward, the family went over to Uncle Hugo's family home. He had the biggest house and didn't mind hosting Easter this year. 

When they got the pair of siblings said their hellos before going to her cousin's room to go practice their routine. One of their aunties stopped by to check in and gave them a chocolate bunny. The sisters shared one and saved the other for later. Practicing was filled with laughter and dancing. They were called for dinner but after it was their time to shine. Yvonne got nervous, but Eva convinced her she would be great. "Come on, you can do this!" Her sister had been pouting wanting to give up, but at that moment Yvonne smiled and agreed to perform. They did amazing and the family loved it. Eva still thinks about this moment and remembering how nice it was to see her sister go out there and rock it. It was the moment in time when Eva realized her role as a bigger sister and how important it was for her to support her baby sister. Now, every time Yvonne goes to Eva when she is feeling insecure, Eva thinks of this memory and reminds her sister how amazing she is to instill that confidence and support. "You can do it, Yvonne! I believe in you!" I mean, that is what sisters are for after all! ♥ 

03/07/2020 04:46 PM 

My new Tumblr

Check out my Tumblr blog!

02/13/2020 03:38 PM 

February Playlist

1. West Coast By Lana Del Rey ;; Definition of West Coast standards in one song. She wants to live by the "west coast" standards. "If you're not drinkin' then you're not playin'.." So she steps away to experience that life but what she feels for him is so intense that she no longer cares to live by a "standard" because passion takes over whenever she's around him.

2. Work Bitch By Britney Spears ;; Eva's motivational song. She is an ambitious individual and enjoys having nice things in life. If you want to live in a mansion you have to work for it. And, it is true, if you want nice things in life then YOU BETTER WORK BITCH! Put in the work to get what you want in life. 
3. Take On Me By A-ha ;; Unplugged or remixed, this song is a classic and one of Eva's favorite. It is about pursuing love and she is all for it. 
4. Miss Atomic Bomb By The Killers ;; One of Eva's favorite bands, she is in love with Brandon Flowers' voice, it is perfect and soothing! This song was dedicated to her by an ex. It's a song about falling in love and loss of innocence. 
5. Instant Crush By Daft Punk featuring Julian Casablancas ;; Anything Daft Punk has Eva's stamp of approval. It has an amazing beat but also the lyrics are relatable to her. It's about a guy that wants to be in a relationship with a girl that he knows but doesn't know how to tell her, and he delays it, and chains himself to a friend as comfort, but he really doesn't know that if he doesn't tell her, he can never know if he can be with her or not, which is her doubt with a certain someone.
6. Enjoy the Silence By Trevor Something ;; This is a cover Eva enjoys running to but the lyrics are just as important. He is emphasizing the power of non-verbal communication. Words don't matter. Sometimes actions are stronger than words and therefore we can "enjoy the silence."
7. I'm Shakin' By Rooney ;; This is a love song about feelings that are unresolved. This person is panicky and nervous and wants it to turn outright. This describes how Eva feels when she has a crush and doesn't know if it's reciprocated. Being in limbo and the unknown is what keeps her up at night and makes her shake.
8. Portion For Foxes By Rilo Kiley ;; This song can be Eva's theme song. She always keeps choosing who is wrong with her. However wrong this person is "He's bad news", Eva simply cannot resist. She returns to him because she "is lonely with or without him." 
9. Things Can Only Get Better By Cedric Gervais & Howard Jones ;; This is an upbeat dance song remixed to Howard Jones' 80s song. This is a pick me up kind of song that tells you, come on, even if it gets so you lose everything and everything goes horribly wrong, you can still pick yourself up and go forward, and you can make it right, you can make things get better.
10. Let's Get Lost By G-Eazy featuring Devon Baldwin ;; This song is Eva's perspective on her one night stands. She enjoys life and does not have any regrets in finding a special guy to sweep her off her feet even if it is for just one night. She enjoys her romantic escapades because she is able to forget about the real world for those moments.

02/10/2020 09:09 PM 

February Moodboard

1. My family, can't say enough how much I adore them! I am thankful to have the Weaving family because they are amazing and supportive. We are a fun bunch no doubt!

2. I love coffee, weed, and beer. Self-explanatory. I need coffee in my life to get me up and going after my morning runs. I need weed to help me chill out and focus. And, beer is just for fun!

3. Acting, I am nothing without it. It is my passion, my art, my creative outlet and life! I love developing characters and playing out different lives.

4. Nightmare Before Christmas, it is my favorite film. I love the creative process it took to make a film like this. The story is beautiful as well as the music.

5. The beach, I love running, jumping, and relaxing at the beach. The ocean breeze is delightful and there is nothing better than to hear the sounds of the waves crashing.

6. Harry Potter, this is my fandom! I love Ron Weasley! He is hilarious, goofy and always eating like me! House Gryffindor is the best and I love everything they stand for!

7. Friends, I love them because they are my brothers and sisters from another mother and mister! They really make the world go round and I appreciate their friendship and support. I love hanging out and laughing at life with them.

8. Hollywood, has always been a dream of mine since I first started acting in Australia. I am all about the glitz and glamour that Hollywood has to offer! I hope one day I can break-out and become a Hollywood star!

9. Diamonds and everything nice! I love sparkly things especially if they are expensive. I love being on trend and having designer everything!

01/22/2020 08:08 PM 

Whale Watching Excursion

The whale watching festival at Newport Beach was happening and it was something Eva was interested in doing. She loved the time spent on the beach and ocean, therefore, going out to watch the whales was second nature for the Aussie-born. Eva invited her friends and some of her co-workers to join her. She got reservations on Captain Nick's East meets West Excursions. Not only does he have a remarkable boat, but he is also very knowledgable. She decided to book the sunset excursion to fit everyone's schedule.

The time out in the water was loads of fun! Seeing the sunset from the middle of the ocean was magical. We spotted 2 humpback whales soon into the trip. Eva had a digital, single-lens reflex camera (DSLR). The advantage of a DSLR for whale watching is that you can attach larger lenses. She carried a good zoom lens, 70-300 in order to take great pictures. She had told her family back home she was going to go whale watching and promised to send some photos. The waves were fun and made Eva squeal at some points. Luckily, she took some medicine to avoid seasickness. In the middle of their trip, they stumbled upon pods and pods of dolphins. They were beautiful as they swam near the boat. They were close enough to take amazing photos. Towards the end, Captain Nick pointed out a Gray whale family and also a few sea lions. 

Eva clicked away and took several pictures with them in the background. Also, taking a few candids of her friends. After their wonderful excursion, they stopped at Newport Landing Restaurant to have dinner and drinks. What a great time it was and the most relaxing! The Aussie can't wait to share the photos with everyone! 

12/17/2019 06:44 PM 

Holiday Moodboard

12/17/2019 01:39 PM 

Holiday Love

They say love never takes a holiday, but the holiday season does aid in reminding all of us the importance of love, family and friendship. Eva is far from home this Christmas, spending it in the Newport Beach with her friends. Her work schedule is keeping her this year, but her adoration and appreciation for the family she has back home is strong. She appreciated her parents for their everlasting support in her career but wished she could be there to shower them with hugs and bake her famous chocolate oatmeal cookies. 

Her baby sister, Yvonne, is greatly missed. She is one of her best friends and she hated being miles and miles away from her. Luckily, they texted every day and of course, they had social media. However, Eva missed snuggling with her and chatting anything and everything while watching movies. Sisters were forever, but she did feel fortunate to have found a sisterhood here in the states. Liv was not only her roomate but closest friend and confidente. She has been there for her every single time she felt like giving up and running back home. On homesick days, Liv managed to brighten her day with her great humor and company. Her co-workers and friends she has managed to connect with also make this holiday season away from home bearable. 

I'll be home for Christmas
If only in my dreams...

11/23/2019 11:39 PM 

Holiday Planning

Eva is set to celebrate the holiday season as soon as Thanksgiving is over. This will be her first year celebrating the holidays in California. She was going to miss home and her family, but she was looking forward to celebrating one in her home with Livia. The pair were already making plans to go shopping for a tree and decorations to deck out their Newport Beach condo. The blonde actress already had a few ornaments picked out on her amazon cart as well as picking up a few new ones on her last trip to Disneyland. The Aussie is ready to bring a few traditions of her own such as wearing a King’s paper crown on Christmas Day and at Christmas dinner. Apparently, this tradition dates back to Roman times when participants to the Roman Saturnalia celebrations, held around 25th December, used to wear hats.

11/21/2019 11:11 PM 

Thanksgiving Playlist

Thanksgiving Playlist

11/19/2019 12:11 PM 

Thanksgiving Moodboard


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