
12/31/2021 10:05 PM 

A true friend. Happy New Years!
Current mood:  imaginative

A true friend is the person who can hurt you the most because they know absolutely everything about you. When they do hurt you, they come up with some kind of plan to make you feel better. Usually, it might be something only you two understand, like a bucket of cookies with a note inside that says, "Sorry I've been such a dork" or something like that. 

A true friend is the type of person you cannot see or hang out with for months on end, but when you finally do meet again, it's like that time apart never happened. A true friend does not always have to be by your side for you to feel as if you guys get each other.

A true friend can call you the worst names in the book of worst names, but you'll always push it off, saying "Pssh, whatever. You know you love me" with a joking manner but in reality, you do know they love you so those names will never do anything to your feelings.

A true friend will call you an idiot when you enter a bad relationship and call you a genius when you leave the relationship. They won't sugarcoat important stuff like that because they do care about your well-being, though the manner in which they say it might be far from conventional.

A true friend will watch you act like a maniac in public, but join in because they don't want you to look like a dumb ass alone. While you two are doing the robot on a busy sidewalk and people watch you and "tsk" about crazy people living in this world, you'll only smile at each other and count this as another day in the life of you and your best friend.

A true friend will love you, and say it at unpredictable times. You could be having the worst day of your life and they'll know this so they'll send you some quirky message online that goes like "Well, at least you're not pregnant" and send a picture of a dude preggers to add a little more humor to the mix.

So..if I don't tell you all enough, and the ones I refer to know who they are without me even saying, Thank you guys. You’re the reason I still check in here. Love ya'll!

Happy New Years!!

01/17/2016 06:57 PM 

Burning Bridges: Return to Hell's Kitchen
Current mood:  moody

Location: The Jolly Goat Coffee Bar, Hell's Kitchen, New York


A familiar but distant to many figure sits at a table, sipping a cup of black coffee. Every time the door opens, a crisp breeze rushes in to remind him how much he hates winter in the city. It's a far cry from Myrtle Beach, South Carolina where he's been laying low for the past year.

He thought going back to a familiar place would drown out all of the pain and emptiness he had left in the city.


He sighs and slowly lifts the cup to take another sip of his coffee, then sits the cup down gently to the tabletop. His expression is blank as he stares out the window of the coffee shop.

Kate had gone and on about how he was being a p**sy and running away instead of confronting his problems head on. In a way, it was kind of demeaning having a kid half his age tell him how it really was and him being just immature enough to blow off her advice. Deep down? He knew every word she spoke was the truth. At the time, he just didn't want to admit it.

Kate just didn't understand how hard it had been to lose his brother and when he need his friends the most, Clint bailed.

Now? Here he was again. He had gone down the east coast and back again. Nothing was resolved. He was still stuck with the same issues he had when he left. Withdrawn? That would put it mildly. This was the first time he had come out of his hotel room since he had gotten back in town. Baby steps was what Sampson used to say he needed to get back. Clint called it bullsh*t and excuses.

The hardest thing about being away so long was saying hello to those he had left behind. What would he say after all this time? The old clique was right, when you leave the way he had, it was hard to come back. Hell, for all they knew, he was dead. No one knew where he had been except Kate.

What would Tasha say to him if he just popped up? More than likely, he'd loose a few teeth if he tried. Then there was Bobbi? Did she even care after the way there last conversation had ended? Probably not. Same with Jessica and Kate. Too many burnt bridges and not enough time to put out the fires.

He had to start somewhere. Today was as good as any. Smoke or not.

Taking one last sip of his coffee, he placed the cup down and stood up, pushing in the chair and making his way towards the door. A moment later, the cold air hit his face, the smell of the city in all its' various forms tickled his nose. Sirens could be heard in the distance. At least one thing was certain, he was home.

Baby day at a time.

He flipped the collar of his coat up around his neck and whispered.

"Time to start putting water on those fires, eh, Clint?"

12/30/2014 11:03 PM 

As long as I breathe....
Current mood:  headphones

In my mind, I'm always thinking. I'm going through different scenario's and outcomes. It's one of the reasons why I'm so quiet at times. Some say I'm fighting with myself internally... going through motions and steps that a lot of people never consider.

Yeah, I know, I used to be the open mouth, insert foot type of guy but I guess the old saying is true. People change, even if the outcomes eventually stay the same. Then again, I figure what's the use of fighting for something and losing if you don't at least try for a desirable outcome.

Hell, what would the world be like if everyone gave up on a dream? What if I said I won't give up on my dreams even when all the circumstances say, you'll never make it? What would the world be like if we all gave up and fell in line to be like everyone else?

The answer is a simple one for me. We would lose our individuality. We would lose what makes us unique. We would turn into lost souls without vision for the future. We would all be the same.

When that happens, we would never find our way back. We would lose everything. Our freedom to have a voice. Our motivation to be something we never thought we could be. Our ability to succeed. Our love for life and imagination to climb to new elevations of self worth.

So with that said, I am not intimidated. I am willing to bring back a unique perspective of expression and imagination. I am not afraid to step out of the shadows again. I am ready to be me again.

I realize some of the things I didn't achieve that I wanted to achieve. I learned from my mistakes and I learned from other people's mistakes. I've learned that I can't change the past and I'll probable stumble in the future. But, I've also learned that I'll never reach my full potential unless I try again. It's time.

I am tired of being silent. I am tired of feeling lost in a sea of change. I will stand up again.

I must.

I can.

I will.

As long as I breathe, my story will continue.....because it has to.

04/11/2014 11:58 PM 

The Journal: Keep pushing. 04/11/14
Current mood:  nostalgic

My life has changed over the past few years. I could go on and on about how but all I can say is...

It's changed for a  lot of reasons. Living as an Avenger took a lot out of made me realize what I had lost along the way with being a cape. That's if you can really call me that when all I carry is a bow, arrow, and an attitude. Being a cape in active duty with the Avengers is a lot like being a citizen of a different country. The people that live around you are the same people you work out with, train with, and go to war with. Whether you like it or not.

And then your off to fight for people that you want to protect and help for what feels like forever and that is plenty of time to lose touch with the folks at home. When you return to the city, It's like a different planet where everything is dusty, dirty, and you don't fit in. You live every day anticipating something to go BOOM. Sometimes it does....sometimes that guy that was offering you a drink months earlier or making you crack up about something stupid is gone in an instant...and whenever you come home or see your friend's faces on your computer screen;  it seems so wild that you had a life before you came home to begin with. You hear a noise over the line like a door opening and closing in the background that you've heard your entire life and it feels surreal now, like that life you lived before happened to someone else.

And then one day you come home, pull into your driveway and it's raining.

Then you feel like something is off...

A second later the sky is blue and everything around you is green....except it isn't.

You want to be like they used to be  down to the depth of your soul...but it isn't. It never can be again.....sometimes you just have to accept the change that happened in yourself and keep pushing toward whatever fate life holds in store for you.

03/23/2014 01:31 PM 

The Journal 3/23/2014
Current mood:  stressed

((Disasters & Dipsticks))

The fall from grace didn't happen over night. No, it happened over a period of time. One event led to another, and then another, before things finally hit a head and Clint was standing there like the the coyote from a Road Runner cartoon with a help sign above his head just before the anvil hit him on the head.

The disaster didn't happen all at once. No, it built up over a period of time. First, he moved into an apartment complex, thought he'd have a crib away from wherever the Avengers were laying their heads at that day. Thought he could catch some Zzz's and watch some Walking Dead. You know, typical shit while your trying to get away from drunks in taxi cabs and lectures from star spangled, shield wielding boyscouts that like to moral people to death.

You know...the things that make you feel like your a normal person in a world that keeps spinning out of control. Like really, disapearing planes and politicians blowing shit out their asses only happens in comic books. Whatever happened to just coming home and having a drink while watching Rick Grimes blow zombies back to hell??

That was normal stuff.

What I got was a phone call and a bunch of police at my door shortly afterward. Apparently I was a killer or so they said I'd be officially charged with at some point. I had the bottle on the coffee table to argue that point but I knew better.

They just didn't get my alibi was a shit load of bottles on a table and...a dipstick move to begin with.

My past has finally caught up with me. I'm on the run but luckily I have some help this time. I'm not alone in a world of super heroes, shields, and hammer times. I have a itsy bitsy spider in my corner. I just hope that's enough. Lord knows I need it.

12/27/2013 12:38 PM 

Life is...(Journal entry 12/27/13)
Current mood:  inspired

Life is what it is. Sometimes it's rainbows of Skittles falling around you and then the next, a pitfall of melted Hershey's chocolate that seemingly slows down your forward progress. There has to be a point here but I've yet to figure it out but what the hell, I'm going with the Skittles tonight. Maybe the point will come back to me.

In the meantime, there's this other thing I had to check on. 

Clint shakes his head, the lifts a cold glass with his favorite poison. A moment later, he glides the glass back down to the table top and picks up his pen. The fireplace is lighting up most of the room with flickering light even as the luminance of a lamp dimly lights up his desk. Soon after, pen begins to stroke against the page of his journal. 

Well...I had a hell of a week, which started off with me pulling a drunk and thinking I could take a shot at a bad guy. That went bass ackwards and now the cops are telling me I killed someone. That's bullshit. I know better. Even drunk off my ass, there's no way in hell I'd miss a shot like that. Still, I feel for the family and just as much for my face. Whoever said a woman can't slap the taste out of man's mouth when she's mad is full of shit. I know over and over again.

Note to self...see if Stark can create me some face guards.


Avengers do not kill. And even though I'm not an official Avenger these days does not mean I need this case hanging over my head. More like, I don't want the whole lecture from Steve telling me I should know better than to be in that situation to begin with. Tasha has been the only one to jump to my defense. She's the last one I expected to do that too. 

I guess people change over time. I have. Maybe she has too. We'll see. Then again, sometimes you just have to take a leap of faith. I'm willing. To be honest, I don't have much of a choice. 

Clint laughed a little as an imaginary light bulb clicked on above his head.

And maybe that was my point to begin with...sometimes to get to rainbows, you have to make it through some shit. I guess this is where my new adventure starts and shit gets deep; I'm game to get there.

Until next time journal...wish me luck.

09/18/2013 11: PM 

Rules of an Archer
Current mood:  adored


About Me: I love to Role Play. Simple and plain. I role play on several sites but prefer the interaction on social sites. Overall, I guess I've been using Hawkeye for around nine years. I know the character in and out, his up and downs, loves and losts. I know what he can do in a fight and what he can't. Comic history? I have that too in abundance.

The World of Role-play According to Clint Barton:

COMMUNICATION: My biggest request is communication. Before we play a major idea out, we plot. I don't mind the random chats or role-plays but if it is something that will directly affect the role-play history of Hawkeye continuity here? We must discuss it. Just send me a message and we'll talk.

GODMODING: DO NOT put me into no choice situations. Shoot them, punch them, beat the hell out of them, insult them, but always give them a choice. If you break this rule, I will not play with you anymore. Ever. Clint Barton is Marvel Comics copyrighted character but when I write him here, I have the right to decide if he dies or lives. Not some dumbass "fight and kill" role-player with a woody on for violence. Comic writers do not kill off their characters without plotting together, I expect the same from the people I role-play with. With that said, I'm not above taking blows and love to spar.

GATECRASHING: I seriously dislike gatecrashers. What I mean by this is, don't just butt in on my RP, or if I'm RPing with someone without... COMMUNICATING first to make sure all parties involved are OK with it. If you GATECRASH... well see GODMODING... Ask before you assume anything.

IC/OOC: I'm fine with OOC chat to explain something, personally I use ()'s to talk OOC. Also, just because I may know you OOC, or speak to you OOC, it does not mean I know you IC. Chances are unless we have role played an encounter where we know each other, or meet for the first time, I will think you are just some strange weirdo.

SCHEDULES: I work a real life job and go to school. I love my RP as much as the next dude but I will not blow off other things IRL. If I am at work I will always be OOC and using the ()'s to talk to people when I can log from there unless it is bulletins. I may still put the () in there at times if I feel I am misunderstood by the people I am talking to. I will usually make some strange IC excuse of why or what I am doing.

DETAILS/STORY/FACTS: Get the story, who, what, when, why, how, background, and research done if you are going to make a large Earth-shattering plot. Don't go in half cocked and not have the facts to back it up. Create a setting for the RP. Take notes if you must to remember people, places, and names. It will just enhance and enrich the RP. Don't sweat the normal day to day RP.

COMMENTS: I do not role-play with any character that deletes their comments. My replies to a storyline are my creation and not something that I want deleted. I want the stories I have helped write to be read and enjoyed by others. No exceptions. Also, please do not send me random starters without messaging me first.

FUN: This is FUN, damn it! If I get annoyed frustrated or bothered, it's probably because I am not having fun anymore. That usually happens on one of the aforementioned guidelines for my character if he is not respected. I'm one of the the most easy going, nice, funny, joker, sarcastic, stupid, intense, detailed-oriented players in the world, I am told. I like to think that's true. If its not fun for all parties involved, it's not fun for anyone, and that's the whole point of this.

Cyber: Yes..I do but only with those I am comfortable with. I'm not that 3am booty call when your horny and your boyfriend isn't around. Besides, I don't see why role-players have 20 kids when all they had to do was use a condom IC. No baby daddy stuff for me at random.

Misc.: I have a deep respect for everyone around me and expect the same in return towards me. I will tolerate NO drama OOC, IC is fine. I act stupid sometimes. I try to be a comedian as Hawkeye would be. If I offend anyone, please let me know in messages and I'll go from there if I agree with you. Now..I'm just curious how many people will sign this without me asking.

08/12/2013 06:19 PM 

One stroke at a time
Current mood:  working

A bar. A familiar crowd of people that Clint has become accustomed to hanging out with. A drink in his hand that he really has no business holding. All of this equals into a fucked situation that he really wants to get out of before something else shitty happens to him. To make matters worse, there's a petite but gorgeous redhead at a table in eye's view of the bar that keeps feeding him shots on her tab. His hormones are kicking in and his eyes drift over more frequently with each shot he downs. He's at the point now that he can't tell if she's really smoking hot or just a resemblance of something his mind is imagining for him. More than likely however, it's the later. 

Lifting his hand near his face, Clint slaps the shit out of himself, then stands while reaching to his wallet, pulling out a few hundred dollars bills. He places them on the table and leans over to the bartender to speak. 

"Cover all of the drinks she bought me and hers for the night Billy. I gotta get out of here before I do something I'll regret in the morning." 

Billy grins at Clint and then looks over at the lady. 

'Your loss lad...I'll make sure ta take care of her for ya. Literally.' 

Billy flashed Clint a wink of his eye and pulls the two bill off the bar into his left hand. Clint laughs and taps Billy on the shoulder, even as he slips his wallet back into his back right pocket. 

"You do that man...see ya tomorrow." 

Billy replied with a sheepish laugh. 

'Aye boss. Enjoy ya ev'ning.' 

The bell above the tavern's door rang as Clint exited and he placed his hands in the front pockets of his blue jeans. After he had had relocated to Manhattan, he still made this long ass walk across town every night when he wasn't out pretending he was making a difference in saving the world. It was only three or four miles but it felt like an eternity on some nights. Yet, it was his time and he gained a clarity on his thoughts during this time that he otherwise never would have. Maybe it was just his chance to feel like a normal guy that made it all appealing, or maybe it was just what it really was when it came down to it, it was his escape from everything that seemed to fuck him up the ass at one time. 

A few months ago, it was Bobbi delivering him the finalized divorce papers. A month ago, it was Cherry popping in his life and throwing him a curveball with all the Bro brother shit. One week ago, it was Jess pretty much slapping the shit out of him emotionally. Yesterday, it was Kate leaving for God knows where and taking the only other friend he felt he still had in the world with her, his dog Lucky. 

Yes. It's a pretty fucked up world when even a dog he had bonded with bails on him. 

It's part of the reason though when it all comes down to it, when he feels like the world has let him down, he comes to this place. District X was his home for so many years before the riots and fire broke out years ago. The place never actually came back the way everyone said it would. Maybe that was the reason Clint felt the way about the city now the way he did, why he paid it a visit every night when he could. It was kind of a kindred spirit. Broken but still alive while trying to find out where it belonged in the world. Many had moved on from the city, much like many had moved away from Clint's life. Both were picking up the pieces and slowly moving forward into an unknown future. 

When the time came, and it would come eventually. Clint was going to come back to District X and help rebuild. He had all but made his mind up on that at that very moment. He had a lot of scars in here but it was still the only place he felt at home at now. Manhattan had the bright lights but DX had his heart. The pieces were still there. All he had to do was begin painting the picture again, one stroke at a time.

08/02/2013 11:22 PM 

The Chaos Theory
Current mood:  artistic

Part 1


I feel the sweet caress of wind on my face and love in a song, I sense balance in the world and a place to belong.  ~Clint's writer ;p


March 2, 2011

New York City.

The Big Apple. The City that Never Slept, and a hundred other stupid nicknames created by travel agents and politicians A city of dreams, starts, and failures. From the colonial settlers, to the immigrants who landed on Ellis Island, aspiring actors looking to make it big on Broadway, artist who dreamed of seeing there work in one of the hundreds of galleries in the city. Athletes, doctors, lawyers, anyone and everyone could come here and reinvent themselves. In all actuality, very few of the people who came here ever truly made it; but for that small percentage who did, the sky became the limit, and this city became home.

That's why Clint Barton had come here the first time, to look for a fresh beginning, a new start. He hoped to reinvent Hawkeye and become the hero he had set out to be. He had found that fresh start, and had lived a life that most people would only ever dream of. Still, like most things in life, after a while, he took it for granted, began to have doubts, lost his way. So he left, buried his past and abandoned his life and hit the road, looking for a new path, searching for who he was and where did that path lead him?

Right back there. To New York. To the life he left. There was no use fighting it anymore. New York was home.

He had sincerely considered giving up the hero gig again. Going away silently into the night like a cowboy riding off in the sunset with a bow in his hand instead of a six shooter. His pride wouldn't let him though. He craved adventure, the next uncertainty that was waiting for him around the next corner. Hell, he would even settle for a broken nose if the right person administered the blow. A few words he remembered from a old Tupac song rang in his head: A hero dies a thousand deaths but a soldier dies but once.

In this world, the words had meaning. How many times had a hero died and returned? Even he had died and came back but he had never died the right way. As a soldier. What he had been so early in his career. What he longed to be now. Somewhere along the path of being the voice of reason and friendship, he had forgotten the number one reason he had become who he was. It was more than living a legacy, it was him living the life for everyone that never had a chance. The bum on the corner with a can in his hand asking for handouts, the kid that never saw his hoop dreams come to fruition because of some dumbass with a gun, the kid in the carney that saw a life on the road as his only option.

As always, eventually, the meaning got lost in the blur that is life. The world kept spinning but Clint couldn't keep up with the rotation. The real and the phony, the truth and the lies, smooth talk and bullshit. After a long vacation though, his eyes were wide open to it all. He saw things in a different light.

Clint had considered staying in L.A. after he had arrived in this reality but knew their was too much at risk if he had. There was always the possibility of this times Hawkeye seeing him and that would have been a humongous no no. There was too much as stake now. He was too close to reaching his home reality to die in a foreign one. At least in NY, if someone did see him that he knew, he could play off as being the real deal.

Tonight however, Clint sat emotionless on a bench in a  workout room, the lights dimmed to fit his mood. His workout had been intense but he had actually almost got his head blown off once for losing his concentration. A rookie move if he had ever seen one and it was committed by him. Wiping a bead of sweat from his forehead, he stood up to begin again. Frustration and stress were a bitch to get rid of and this was the only way he could see to do it without hurting someone. He wanted to keep going. His spirit was willing but his body had been pushed to the edge. He hated down time because that's when the memories came back, that's when everything he had fought for came back to punch him in his gut. A constant reminder of his failures. When he was moving and fighting, he had something to focus his aggression on. When he stopped, all there was, was darkness. Fatigue. Uncertainty.

The dim lights flickered in the training room. Clint's head jolted up and he rubbed his eyes with the palms of his hands. How long had he been a sleep? That thought was brought to an abrupt halt as he heard a voice fade in from nothingness. He lowered his hands as he saw the silhouette of a chunky man walk into the room but remain in the shadow.


No. It couldn't be him. Clint had watched him die just a few month's earlier. Rubbing his eyes again, Clint looked down and then back up towards the man in the shadows.

''s me boy. I didn't expect to come to ya like this but ya know the old saying, shit happens and then ya die.'

Buck stepped from the shadows, all decked out in Trickshot costume but was fazing in and out like some communication device from Star Wars. Buck let out a light laugh, his stomach that was large from years of beer drinking wiggling some.

'Normally Clint, I would slap ya upside the head and tell ya to wake the hell up. I can't do it this time son.'

Clint was completely confused now by what was going on and was about to speak when Buck interrupted him.

'It's not gonna be good news son. I had to come and warn ya's. I know..I know, this would have to be some life altering journey that you will have had to slowly discover on your own, but hands have been forced, and the world is going to need you very soon. Son? Ya helped change my life once. I just wanted to return the favor.'

Clint finally got a word through.

"What are you talking about Buck and what are you doing here?"

Buck raised a hand as if to quiet Clint before continuing.

'Quiet Clint..I don't have much time here. One of these days ya gonna learn to shut the hell up while grown folks are talking. Just listen to me boy.'

Clint leaned forward and then stood up, walking towards his former mentor and stopping a few feet away from him. Buck continued.

'Ya spared me an eternity of suffering and grief. Ya forgave me in the moment of my twilight and you found it in your heart to look past what I had been and seen what I had become. Ya saved my soul Clint when I couldn't even save myself. The least I could do was steer ya back in the right direction. Take ya back to basics. It's not about the fancy weapons or the rock star life style, Clint. Deep down, ya know that but real life keeps throwing you too many curveballs. Now ya using that shit for a crutch. What really matters are ya friends, ya God given skills, and ya heart. I've seen ya find two of those in the last few months. He's coming boy and your gonna beat the devil. Ya gonna go home, find ya friends, and save the world again. If ya don't son. Ya loose it all. Don't let that happen Clint...'

Buck turned and walked towards the entrance of the training room.

'They're coming. Nic's coming, ya gotta be ready...'

Trickshot turned to face Clint.

'I'd love to get in on one more good ole scrap with ya boy but this is as far as I was permitted to go by the man upstairs. It's your time to shine now, kid. I've done all I can, it's your time to shine. Give them hell Clint.'

Clint nodded as he watched his mentor fade into nothingness. He took a second to reflect, then gazed at the various weapons around the room. Slowly, surely, a sly grin crossed his face. A moment later, he jolted up again, his eyes blinking rapidly as he sit straight up on the bench.

"I have to get home..."


Part 2


Dear Niesa,

It's times like these when I wish you were here. No, not in a love me, love me not way but in the ways you were when we first met. In many ways, you were my guide psychologically when I first reappeared in this world. You were my rock. Many thought I was dead after what happened with Wanda but you knew better. Something in me had changed, my energy was different; the residue of the chaos magic's ran through my aura like blood through my veins.

The jumps are becoming more frequent. It's like dying all over again with each time I see the light. I can't stop it and now I can't at least time it out so I can prepare. It was weeks before and now it's less than a day before the next jump. Something's got to give before I completely lose my grip on reality. Maybe this is what Steve was describing he went through when everyone thought he was dead. Hell, maybe I'm dead and this is Mephisto's permanent revenge on me for what went down with Bobbi in Satannish's realm.

Regardless, I remember what you taught me and I'm preparing for the worst....

God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference.


March 10, 2009 , District X

Clint Barton's eyes jolted open within the darkness, hearing that voice. His head spun, looking around, trying to find the source. But deep down, in a relatively small part of him anymore... He knew it wasn't really there. All that he had heard was a desperate attempt to find even a shread of light in the blackness that cloaked his being. But that was long gone now and he looked up. What would've usually been the sight of a clear or cloudy sky was replaced with the noise of New York City traffic and the sight of the streets below. He wasn't looking up at to the heavens. He was looking down at hell. "Damn it. It happened again..."

He couldn't lie to himself... His sudden appearance in the city when he didn't remember coming here was now a routine way of waking up. So surprise didn't exactly overwhelm him. However, for once, he wished he could feel as in control as he used to. Now he was a puppet for people he didn't want to admit to. This being? It went by a name. A name Clint came up with when he was a mere teenager. During... well, greater times... Happier times. Times he wished he could go back to. But now the name was tainted... misused beyond the point.

It's name was the name Hawkeye. And tonight, it had work to do. Clint would join it in it's work... even though he was just a backseat passenger, in a sense.

"Ready for some fun, Hawkeye?", He told himself, looking at his darkened reflection in the window across from him.

"Of course not. You never are. But then again... Look where that got you."

Standing straight, Clint reached to his bow and pulled it from around his chiseled chest, reaching for a grappling arrow and loading it to his bowline. Pulling back on the arrow with his thumb and index finger to his full wingspan, he released the arrow. The arrow snagged a nearby ledge, giving him all the time in the world.

"What was it you said, Clint? The day this all started? Oh yeah...",

Hawkeye said, before leaping off the rooftop and swinging downwards.

"Look out, world. Cause here comes Hawkeye."

He mockingly repeated, before letting go of the line.

"You really were such a pathetic asshole back then. But don't worry. After all..."

Hawkeye continued, with a smirk curling under his purple mask.

"You have me."

That small part of Clint was scared. Because he knew that, once again... He was in for hell if he let his other personality free.


March 10, 2005 

Manhattan, New York


"What the fuck hit me? The Thing?!?"

Clint mumbled to himself as he lifted his hand to his head and attempted to shake off the pain that was now fading throughout his body. Sliding his hand slowly across his face, his eyes fluttered open just as a shadowy figure appeared before him, his arms outstretched in what appeared to be a large cloak. Something whizzed by his head just as he dropped his hand to help himself up to his feet. Then an explosion erupted behind him and the sound of voices became clearer to him.

'Hawkeye!!! Get your ass over here now! We gotta jet!! '

The man he recognized almost immediately...It was Luke Cage but he was in his old Power Man get up. Just what the hell was going on here? Luke motioned for Clint frantically as the figured continuously hovered above him. Clint began to move forward as a man in a white cape and cowl ran by him and then stopped, returning to Clint's side.

'Let's go Hawkeye. They're right behind us and were not leaving you behind.'

Clint flashed the man a curious look and spoke.


The man nodded his head and pulled at Clint's arm.

'Moon Knight while were out and about let's go while we still can.'

Clint didn't ask any more questions but began to run stride for stride with Moon Knight until they reached the blackness of the cloaked man. Luke yelled out just as the two entered.

'NOW TY!!!'

The cloak wrapped closed and all of the people inside seemed to vanish into thin air.

A moment later, the cloak opened up and the three men walked out into the light that was Josie's Bar in Sapien Town. Clint had been here before but always looked at it as something that never really happened. A cruel joke that Wanda had played on the world several years earlier. Or was it the other way around? Had he dreamed all of what happened before. Was it just a psychological thing? He didn't know really at the moment and Luke didn't give him a chance to figure it out before getting in Clint's face as soon as the cloak closed.

'CHRISTMAS! What the hell were you doing out there Barton?!?'

Clint didn't know what to say and instead stuttered out a reply.

"I froze up Luke...I don't know what happened. It was like I was somewhere else and then poof! I was in the middle of that."

Luke dropped his head for a moment, shaking it from side to side.

'Clint..we've all been stressed to the max and trying to be too many places at once. Just...just go home and get some rest. We all need it.'

Everyone seemed to stand quiet for a moment before breaking into their own little groups to talk. Marc patted Clint on his shoulder and flashed a wink of his eye before heading to the bar. Clint just stood there for a moment and took everything in before going to the back to change into civilian clothes. A moment later he walked out and was greeted by Misty Knight.

'Come on Clint. I'll give you a ride to your apartment.'

Clint reached his hands down to his pockets to feel for keys and replied.

"Ok Misty."

At least one of them new where he lived now.

It wasn't long before they arrived in Manhattan and Clint stepped out of the car, thanking her for the ride home. She leaned over a bit and spoke to Clint through the window as he exited.

'It's ok Clint. She's ok in Wakanda. Bobbi loves you and understands. Just try to get some rest.'

Clint let out a light sigh and replied.

"Thanks Misty. I'll be back tonight."

Misty flashed a smile in Clint's direction and then pulled off, leaving Clint standing on the sidewalk in front of his apartment. Clint's eyes raised upwards as the mutants flew through the air, noticing familiar sites that he had come to call a dream. He wasn't in DX this time however. He was near Times Square.


Part 3


"He flies through time with broken wings...when the light turns dark; I will feel again." ~Me

Clint Barton never grasped the importance of his situation in the grand scheme of life. At ever corner through his time travels, he had been watched and studied in ways he had never been before. Silently, he waited in the shadows until the archer was broken psychologically. He had waited until the right moment to prevent an unfortunate event that transpired between the two. His name was Lync Gevoel, and soon he would retake what he had lost in the past many years before.

Palos Verdes, California

November, 1993

On the Palos Verdes cliffs;  a rolling, swirling and unnatural cloud covers the horizon. The figure of Avenger West Coast, Wanda Maximoff, the Scarlet Witch flies from the aperture.

Death is a part of living and even though it may hurt us all to the core, it is the ultimate end to life. Most of us want to die as a hero but when that death is one of a hero that you truly love..what do you feel? How do you cope? How do you manage to go day to day with knowing that the one you love died to save your life?

Clint's voice can be heard as he shoved Wanda clear of Mephisto's realm.

"Give our regards to L.A!"

He turned his attention to Bobbi with a smile on his face, speaking almost triumphantly.

"See? I told you two was better than..."

Before he could complete his words, brimstone fire shot past Clint's head unnoticed. At his side, his wife Mockingbird yelled.

'Look out!'

She then took off in a mad dash and dove towards him. Clint screamed out as he was hit by Bobbi.

"Geeeeeez! That spitball would have fubarred me if you hadn't tackled me."

As the two of them hurtled towards the rift between Mephisto's realm and their own world. Bobbi spoke to her archer.

'That's what I'm here for sport...'

Clint held her tightly as they fell together, the fiery brimstone orbs passing within inches of them on all sides.

"Check Moxie...and I'm gonna see to it that you stay right where you..."

Bobbi screamed out loudly, a piercing scream that seemed to echo straight through Clint's soul.


Clint rolled in midair, yelling out as well.


They tumbled to ground together. The smell of burnt fabric, sulfur, and charred flesh reeked fresh in his nostrils. Hawkeye reached to grasp his wife's arms.


She laid before him, a mass of scorched skin and blood.

"Bobbi!?! Say something, girl"

They had made it through back to the other side, the side of the living and not the demons but not without a cost.

Spiderwoman softly whispered.


Julia knew there was nothing she could do for either of them. Beside her;  Wanda, John, and Rhodey looked on in shock and disbelief. Tears streamed down his cheeks as Clint gathered Bobbi's broken body up into his arms, speaking in almost a whisper.

"You.. you can't leave me like this Bobbi... not after we just found each other again. You saved all our lives..."

Bobbi gathered the last of her strength and reached up to wipe the tears from Hawkeye's face. She opened her eyes a little wider, stared deep into his tear-filled ones and whispered.

'No.. Clint.. I did it.. to save... you....'

Her eyes shut, for the last time. As Clint's stricken teammates looked on and wondered how they could comfort him, Clint held her close to his chest and pressed his cheek against hers. He felt the life slip from her. He felt it slip from himself as well. He wrapped his arms tighter around her broken body and wept....

Clint Barton deserved this, the man thought to himself. Shortly after that grieving, Hawkeye abandoned the team to try to come to grips with his loss. The team was disbanded by the East Coast Avengers  and most of them went on to form their own group, Force Works. Later the Scarlet Witch would apparently go mental and create a scenario where Hawkeye would die after his quiver was caught aflame by Kree soldiers. I had a part in it all from the beginning. Clint would die and the Avengers would mostly go their own ways. It was the perfect plan.

A few months later, Clint would awake in a snowy field outside of District X confused and disoriented. Later, he would meet an old man that would end up being an older version of himself that told him how the Avengers left him for dead. This prompted him to return to the mansion and pin his own purple costume to the mansion's wall's. He never fully comprehended how dire his situation would become. This was planned from the moment he was influenced by Wanda Maximoff's chaos magic's....


March 16, 1995, District X

The archer dreams...the same nightmare he has had for two years now...

He hears her voice.


Clint speaks in a cracked voice, almost as if he's heard a ghost.

"Who? Who's there?"

The voice replies softly.

'It's me Clint... Bobbi.'

Clint almost cries now from the sound of her voice.

"B-Bobbi?...Bobbi! You're alive!?"

Her voice replies to him once more.

'Yes Clint, but I'm not here, not with you, like you think.'

Clint replies, holding back tears now.

"...Where are you Bobbi?"

Her voice grows louder.

'I'm trapped Clint! In hell! Mephisto's realm. You left me here all this time!'

His heart races now, his hands begin to tremble.

"No Bobbi!!! I didn't know! I mean, you were dead!"

Her voice grows even louder, pleading to him.

'I'm alive, Clint! He's tormenting me! Please help me get away!'

He screams aloud.

"Bobbi! No!"

Then she screams.


Clint begins to run blindly towards the voice until she comes into view, screaming at the top of lungs.


Just as an apparition of Bobbi Barton comes into his view, he jumps to reach for her , not realizing he is not where he believes himself to be.

Clint bolts upright in bed, still screaming at the top of his lungs. Sweating profusely, his hands were gripping at the sheets so hard that they had torn. He told himself over and over.

 "It's just a dream. I'm in Manhattan. Bobbi isn't here, and she's not in Mephisto's either."

The words sounded hollow, even to his own ears.

"Damn, you know better Clint. That's exactly where she is."

Now wide awake, Clint got up and looked at the clock. 4:20am.

"Sheesh...never get back to sleep now...not that I want to."

Clint headed for the shower. Stripping off his sweaty night clothes and turning on the cold water first.

"It's gonna be one of those days."


He is close now. The remaining source of his strength fades. The archer is vulnerable. It's time for the game to end. It's time for me to take back the life he took from me.


March 17, 2013

Manhattan, NY. The courtyards of Avenger's Mansion.

Clint stands next to a statue gravestone with the inscription on it reading...

Bobbi Morse Barton 19??-19??. Eternity was in our lips...and eyes.

Clint stands with his eyes filled with tears, whispering in a low voice.

"Bobbi... I still can't let you go. Somehow I feel like you're still alive somewhere... Maybe Mephisto's realm. God, I can't bear the thought of you being there. So help me Bobbi, if you are there, I'm going to do whatever it takes to get you out again. I swear..."

Clint lowers his head before reaching his hand forward to touch the cheek of the statue in the image of his deceased wife...

He felt like a fool. A fool to be here still and dragging himself through this emotional torment over and over again. Did he feel guilty that he had moved on so fast? Hell yes, even if three years was an acceptable time for any other widow. The guilt he felt because he was a second too slow, a thought off that could have changed the outcome of it all; it was still hard to accept.

Feeling a hand on his shoulder, Clint lowered his hand from the stony remembrance of his deceased wife and hung his head. When he turned to look at what he thought would be a friend, his eyes opened wide; just as a powerful wave of a telekinetic force would slam his body  against the statue of his wife. The man pounced on the archer with suck quickness that Clint had no time to reclaim his composure. The last thing he saw as he faded to black was a red mask and a voice whispering close to his face. A small needle would press into his neck as his attacker spoke.

'Goodnight ma brotha. Game o'va.'

09/18/2012 11: PM 

Bio (Comic 616)
Current mood:  adored

Clint Barton was orphaned at an early age when his parents died in a car accident and was sent to a children's home with his brother Bernard. He and his brother ran away to join the Carson Carnival of Traveling Wonders, and the pair worked as roustabouts. While a member of the circus, Hawkeye was trained by the original Swordsman (Jacques Duquesne) and Trickshot. Clint's life, however, would forever be changed after he stumbled onto the Swordsman counting the money he had just robbed from the carnival. The Swordsman offered Clint to become his partner in crime, but Clint rejected his mentor, sparking a fight that ended when the Swordsman left him for dead after he fell from the high wire. Barney, too, abandoned him, in disbelief that Clint passed up such an opportunity. Trickshot stepped up his role as Clint's mentor, later asking him to join him in raiding a criminal named Marko. However, Clint severely injured one of Marko's guards and discovered him to be his brother, Barney. Repelled by the consequences of his actions (and his mentor's role in prompting them), he abandoned Trickshot and parted on bad terms.


His natural archery abilities honed to an expert level, Clint wandered the country, working in various carnivals or otherwise making money out of the costume and persona of "Hawkeye". One day, when witnessing Iron Man save the lives of some people at the carnival, he decided to become a costumed crime-fighter himself. But as luck would have it, on Hawkeye's first night on patrol, he was mistaken for a criminal by the police and hunted down. He soon met the Black Widow, who was working at the time as a costumed villain for her country, and she easily seduced the hot-headed adventurer, making him think it was in his interest to defeat Iron Man.

Black Widow

He attempted to do so according to her prompting on several occasions, but soon wised up, regretting his decision. Instead, he hoped to join Iron Man's team of Avengers. As a way of proving himself, he broke into the Avengers Mansion and convinced their butler, Jarvis, to play the role of a victim so he could display his powers. Iron Man vouched for Hawkeye, and he joined the new line-up that included Captain America, the Scarlet Witch, and Quicksilver.

Avengers 2

Hawkeye stayed with the Avengers for a long time, leaving only briefly when his temper and ego led him to believe he wasn't wanted. He returned after a short period, having joined the "non-team" Defenders in the meantime. At one point, Hawkeye was passed over accompanying the Avengers in theKree-Skrull War due to his lack of superhuman abilities. Not one to be deterred so easily, Hawkeye took on the identity of Goliath with the use of Hank Pym's size-altering particles. He hitched a ride so as to join the team in their intergalactic adventure and maintained the Goliath identity for several months upon their return to Earth.

During his time as Goliath, Clint was approached by his brother, who had become a big-time racketeer. Barney had learned of Egghead's plans to construct an orbiting laser death-ray to extort money from the United States and came to the Avengers for help. The Avengers confronted Egghead and his allies, the Mad Thinker and the Puppet Master, but tragically, Barney died in the ensuing battle. Later, Egghead would use the Swordsman to capture Clint as Goliath, thinking him to be Hank Pym, but Hawkeye-as-Goliath soon defeated both criminals, avenging his brother at last. Soon afterward, Clint abandoned the Goliath identity but continued to serve the Avengers as Hawkeye the Marksman.

Death of Egghead

Another leave of absence was forced upon him, when, due to a type of "affirmative action", he was replaced by the Falcon to comply with the Avengers' government sanction. During this time, he eventually found employment as a night security guard for Cross Technological Enterprises (CTE). Never gone from his team for long, he soon rejoined the fold, although one particular solo adventure would have a lasting impact. His boss, head of CTE, was the villain known as Crossfire and hoped to test his ultrasonic equipment with which he hoped to turn heroes against one another, With the help of the ex-secret agent, Mockingbird, Hawkeye defeated Crossfire. The two heroes, head over heels in love, promptly got married.


At the time, the Vision was expanding the Avengers' operations, and he named Hawkeye chairman of a west coast branch of Avengers, and Mockingbird joined him as a charter member. Hawkeye led the team through several adventures, growing into a competent leader.

West Coast Avengers

He even had time to embark on a series of solo adventures. During one of these latter adventures, Hawkeye had to defend himself against many costumed mercenaries and villains hoping to collect a bounty placed on his right arm. The mastermind behind it all proved to be Trickshot, now dying of cancer, and he was hoping to goad Hawkeye into killing him. Instead, Hawkeye reconciled with his former mentor and friend.

Trickshot's Help

During an adventure where the team became lost in the past, his wife was involved with the death of the Old West hero, the Phantom Rider, and the situation caused the couple to split up.


Shortly after, the government forced the membership of the U.S.Agent on the team, and Hawkeye quit. Both he and Mockingbird wound up investigating and leading the heroes known as the Great Lakes Avengers. Eventually, however, Hawkeye left the Midwest to rejoin the Avengers West Coast, although he never really led the team again.
Great Lakes Avengers
Hawkeye continued to adventure with the team, even alongside his separated wife, and was present with them when Mockingbird was killed in a demonic dimension, saving her husband's life from an attack by Mephisto.
Death of Mockingbird
Eventually drawn back to the Avengers' fold when the team was attacked in a plan orchestrated by Immortus, Hawkeye was present with the team when they apparently died, sacrificing themselves to absorb the energies of Onslaught. Eventually, Hawkeye and the other heroes were restored, and Hawkeye quickly rejoined the reforming Avengers.
However, Hawkeye was dissatisfied. His previous experience as a team leader left him feeling too anxious as a regular member. Hawkeye turned his attention instead to the team of reforming villains, the Thunderbolts. Sympathetic because of his own outlaw past and eager for new challenges, Hawkeye offered to serve as the Thunderbolts' new leader if they would continue fighting crime and remain reformed. During his stint as their leader, he became a friend and mentor to the group, honing their skills and greatly enhancing their reputations. He and his teammate Moonstone had even began developing romantic inclinations. The Thunderbolts soon became trusted allies of the Avengers, though Hawkeye formally resigned his membership in the latter group since he didn't want any perceived criminal association with the Thunderbolts to negatively impact the Avengers.
Hawkeye returned to the Avengers full-time. At one point, he and the Wasp had a dallying romance, upsetting Yellowjacket, and the two heroes avoided talking about the uncomfortable situation. Soon afterwards, however, the Avengers suffered a series of sudden and devastating attacks from friends and enemies alike, culminating in a surprise attack by the alien Kree. During the Kree invasion, Hawkeye suffered a mortal shot to the back. In his dying moments, Hawkeye overpowered a Kree soldier, using the soldier's jetpack to fly both of them into the Kree's command ship. Hawkeye sacrificed his life to single-handedly thwart the invasion. (These attacks were in part motivated by the Scarlet Witch, whose mind became unhinged with the magical powers she constantly felt forced to control, and it is believed the Kree invasion was all a magical construct of the Scarlet Witch.)
Death of Hawkeye
Hawkeye showed up alive once more in the Scarlet Witch's mutant-dominated alternate reality, with no memory of the reality before. When a young mutant gave several of the heroes the ability to remember the way the world once was, Clint and the others were horrified at what the Scarlet Witch had done.
House of M
With his memory restored, Hawkeye remembered the events his own death. When the heroes confronted the Witch and her children, Hawkeye angrily shot her in the back, demanding to know why she had killed him, as he was her friend and had only love for her. One of the Witch's children made Hawkeye vanish into nothingness with just a thought. After reality was restored several heroes arrived at the ruined Avenger's Mansion after a report that someone had been there, only to find Clint's costume and a newspaper cutting about his death, pinned to the ruins by Hawkeye's trademark purple arrows.


It was later revealed that Clint indeed survived and that he was the one who nailed the costume on the wall. He realized that the whole world thought that he was dead and he himself also had doubts of who he really was. In his disordered state of mind he found himself standing in front of Doctor Strange's house. He met Strange who ensured him that he was who he thinks he is and that he is indeed alive. Strange informed him of what had happened and that Wanda couldn't be found and that he thought she might be dead. Clint didn't believe this and started to search for her. He found her in Wundagore Mountain where she lived with her aunt Agatha. She didn't remember anything and didn't recognize him at all. She also told him that she had lived her whole life in that village.
Clint decided to stay in the village for some time with her until he for some reason came back to the states and contacted Iron Man revealing to him that he was alive. After Iron Man had ensured that he was who he said he was he made Clint an offer to be the next Captain America. Clint even tried the flag on and got to use the original shield but he realized that it was a mistake when he met Patriot and new Hawkeye who convinced that he wasn't Captain America. Clint let them escape and gave the shield back to Iron Man and told him that he will mail the "flag" later.
Fallen Son
Not long after this Clint again found himself in front of Doctor Strange's house now seeming as though it had been abandoned and sold to a franchise company. In reality, however, it was illusion cast by Strange to hide himself and his team members from Iron Man. They decided to show themselves to Clint and after some talk and magic they decided to give Clint Ronin's costume. They then left to Japan to save their team member Maya Lopez from the Hand.
After an alien Skrull ship crashes in the Savage Land, Clint battles and kills a Skrull impersonating Mockingbird and himself. He is later reunited with the real Mockingbird during a final battle with the Skrulls. And though the two fought about their past at first, they eventually started their relationship once more.
While Clint and his wife join up with the New Avengers to search for Luke Cage's daughter, Norman Osborn forms the Dark Avengers with villains assuming the identities of fugitive heroes; Bullseye assumes the identity of Hawkeye. Clint is very much infuriated that those who would exploit their good names take advantage of the invasion. He doesn't even want to wait for the Dark Avengers to show their true colors and wants to fight them immediately. After a failed attempt to lure the Dark Avengers into a battle turns instead into a fight with the Hood's crime syndicate, Clint goes on television, unmasked, and publicly denounces the Dark Avengers, stating that Osborn has formed an alliance with the Hood, and urging people to fight against his new regime. When Norman Osborn declares war on the X-Men that reside in Utopia; Clint remarks to the other New Avengers that he is going to kill Norman. With no one backing him Clint assaults Avenger Tower on his own; only to fail and get arrested by Osborn. Eventually Clint is freed by his fellow team-mates, but not before being tortured by Osbourne.


After the Siege of Asgard, Clint is part of the new heroic age of heroes and he remains as part of Steve Roger's main team of Avengers.


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