04/23/2017 03:41 PM 

Touched By an Angel

Theta Sigma, Shiver, Souffle Girl

Alex paced round the TARDIS console, flicking switches and pushing buttons, taking the old girl on a trip through time and space. He was quite getting the hang of this; his father had taught him the basics but he had learned to handle the TARDIS more by himself. With her familiar noise, she touched down. Looking at the scanner, Alex raised an eyebrow - it was pitch black out there. Something must be blocking the external camera, he'd better go fix it. He crossed to the door and eased it open.

Only to find the face of a Weeping Angel, just inches from his face, staring back at him.

03/22/2017 08:03 PM 

The Ninth Wave - Interlude #1

Alex's eyes snapped open. He was lying on the TARDIS console again. What a dream... he thought, raising his head and surveying his surroundings. It was exactly the same as it had been when he'd first woken up and gotten thrown into that ocean. Getting up, he went to the console and flicked a switch, hoping to get the time up on one of the monitors.

"Wake up," a voice said, echoing through the console room. The lights immediately shut off and the space suddenly felt hollow and cold.

"A good morning, sir, your early morning call."

"You must wake up."

"Wake up!"

"Wake up, child, pay attention!"

"Come on, wake up."

"Wake up, love."

"We should make the night ... but see your little lights align."

"Stop that lying there, sleeping in bed, get up!"

"Can you not see that little light up there?"

"Over here."

"You still in bed?"

"Wake up, sleepyhead!"

Every voice sounded different and yet the same. They echoed and reverberated off the walls. They seemed to be coming from every direction ... upwards, downwards, sideways. Alex could feel the words penetrating his skull and bouncing around in his brain. He wanted it to stop, he just wanted this nightmare to end.

"Over here!" a voice called, seeming to be louder above the din of the others. Alex suddenly felt a warmth move past him and he wheeled round. The black figure from the lake was standing on one of the ramps encircling the upper area of the console room. It had its back turned, just like it had in his dream.

"Hello?" Alex asked. "Whoever you are, show yourself!"

The figure turned round slowly. A familiar face smiled at him; the eyes, the mouth, the hair, he remembered them so well. The face of his original incarnation was standing there, a face he missed very much.

"Well, don't look so perplexed, new me," he said. "That's not the way to look at yourself, is it?"

"I don't get it," Alex said. "What are you doing here and why are you ... here, now? Am I still dreaming?"

"Oh yes, you are," the man said, beginning to make his way down onto the central platform where the console was. "I'm afraid to say, my friend, that's exactly what you've been doing; and it's not going to stop any time soon."

Alex raised an eyebrow as his former face drew closer. "What d'you mean it's not going to stop? Who are you, exactly and what the hell is going on here?"

"All in good time, my little pretty, all in good time," the man said with a smirk. "Still just as oblivious and innocent as you were when you were me. Time sure does fly, doesn't it? But I'm afraid, time tot, you're gonna have to use your brain to get out of this one, or else we're in a world of trouble. Both you and Dad and whatever bit on the side he's got travelling with him."

"Rose?" Alex asked.

"Yes ... her," the man said, bitterness creeping into his tone. "You claim to be a Time Lord, eh? Well, you could say that I'm a sort of ... Dream Lord, in that respect."

"Dream Lord, what's that?" Alex asked. "Do you live in my dreams or something?"

"Oh we all have our own little Dream Lords, Alex," the man said, beginning to circle the console. "Those little influences that dictate whether what we see when we go to sleep is good or bad. But in a place like this, where time seems to irrelevant, they have a habit of ... manifesting themselves."

"I've had enough of this," Alex said, turning to head toward the door. "I'm getting Dad."

"Oh, he won't help you," the man said, perching himself on the console. "I made sure you sealed the doors in your sleep while you were in dream land. Daddy's not getting in here any time soon, well, at least not until I've finished with you."

Alex wheeled round, glaring at his former self, even if he could be called that. "You let me out of here, right now."

Chuckling, the man drew closer to him. "Oh, my boy, sometimes demands don't work and they definitely don't work with me. Just pay attention to your surroundings ... if you die down there, lord knows where you'll end up."

The man reached a pale finger and lightly tapped Alex on the forehead. The console room snapped out of Alex's vision as if a light had been turned off and he was falling again.

03/20/2017 05:51 PM 

The Ninth Wave - 2. Under Ice

"Under the ice, moving
Under ice, through water
Trying to get out of the cold water
It's me..."

Alex's eyes snapped open. He had been asleep! He had fallen deeper into the water! He was going to drown! Straining in the deep darkness, he could see a faint glow of light floating just above him. A perfect round circle; the light at the end of the tunnel, so to speak. If only he could get to it.

As he tried to move his limbs, he realized he was totally submerged in water at this point, probably a few yards deep. Trying to stay calm, he moved his arms in a circular motion, trying to propel himself up towards the light. And sure enough, it was getting closer, slowly but steadily. He couldn't stay here for long; if he did, he surely would drown as his respiratory system gave up. A few yards ... a yard ... a few inches ... an inch.

Alex gave a large intake of breath as his head broke water and air rushed into his lungs. The light was blinding, he couldn't see properly. But that didn't matter right now, he had to focus on getting himself out of this water. He reached out both arms and felt a hard surface directly in front of him. It was cold, and slippery, but it was better than water. Struggling to find purchase, he lifted himself out of the water and fell onto the surface. He felt a crack form between his fingers. That couldn't be good.

As his eyes adjusted to the brightness, he could see a vast expanse of white before him. Snow? Sheets? As Alex heaved himself upwards, his feet slipped on the ground. No ... it was ice. Loads of it. He could see the black outlines of trees all around him, hemming him in. He'd somehow gone from being stuck in a freezing cold ocean, to standing on a frozen lake.

There was no other way but forward. If he kept moving forward, he could probaly find someone, whether they be human or alien, and possibly get in contact with his father. That is, if his phone wasn't completely wrecked by the water. Slowly, shivering from the cold, Alex trudged forward carefully on the ice, terrified that it would crack open at any minute and send him tumbling back into the water.

A piercing shout cut through the silence, echoing in the crisp air. Alex wheeled round and spotted what looked like a tall, black figure standing between a crop of trees. "Hello?" he called out, stepping towards it. "Hello, I'm wondering if you can help me. I've had an accident."

Suddenly, he could hear a strong bumping noise. It was coming from somewhere beneath his feet. Alex looked down and could just about make out a sort of grey mass moving underneath the ice. Was it a fish ... or something else? Alex bent down slightly to get a better look at it. He spotted what looked like a hand, and a brief flash of hair.

Someone was stuck down there! Maybe they'd gotten stuck in the water like he had and were trying to find their way out. Quickly, Alex bent down and started scraping away the layer of frost covering the ice. Definitely someone was trapped down there, and they floating further and further away.

Alex looked up again, the figure was still there in the distance. "Can you please help me? I need help now, someone's stuck down there!"

He looked down again and his two hearts leaped into his throat. Staring back at him through the ice ... was himself. But not him the way he was now, but his old face. That familiar face he'd grown to love, and was snatched away from him by a cruel twist of fate. His eyes widened. And the eyes opened, revealing a pale, eerie glow.

All of a sudden, sharp cracking sounds could be heard. The ice was breaking underneath him! He was going to fall. He took one last look at the figure in the distance. "HELP ME!" he shouted at the top of his lungs, but the figure still didn't move. "IT'S ME UNDER HERE! IT'S ME!"

But it was too late; a spider's web of cracks had formed around him and he felt the ice give way beneath him, sending him tumbling into the freezing cold water. Water filled his mouth, dragging itself down into his lungs; he couldn't breath, he couldn't hear, he couldn't think. A scream rose up in his throat, garbled by the sudden rush of water. He was falling again; down, deeper into the swirling blackness of the deep.

"Wake up."

03/19/2017 03:47 PM 

The Ninth Wave - 1. And Dream of Sheep

Wave after wave, each mightier than the last
Till last, a ninth one, gathering half the deep
And full of voices, slowly rose and plunged
Roaring, and all the wave was in a flame

- Alfred, Lord Tennyson, The Coming of Arthur

"Let me be weak
Let me sleep
And dream of sheep..."

Alex Tyler's eyes fluttered open. He couldn't recall falling asleep at all - the last thing he could remember was sitting in the TARDIS console room, waiting for his father or Rose to wake up and all of a sudden ... blackness. He'd had a sort of Alice in Wonderland moment; it was like he'd fallen down a rabbit hole and woken up again, with no recollection of what he'd discovered whilst down there.

He raised his head from where it had slumped down onto the TARDIS console. Nothing seemed to be out of the ordinary ... except that the lights in the room seemed to have dimmed somehow. Usually the TARDIS didn't do that unless the Doctor put her in sleep mode, which was something Alex didn't know how to do yet. Maybe he'd pressed the button that did it when his head had touched the console when he'd passed out. Why had he even passed out anyway? He didn't remember feeling tired, even though he had been throwing a lot of energy into school work.

Squinting in the dim light, Alex got up from the console and walked slowly around the central column, surveying everything. It didn't look like the Doctor or Rose had been in here since he'd fallen asleep. In fact, he had the feeling that he hadn't been asleep for that long. This lighting was a bit weird though, he should probably put it back to normal before his dad came in. He walked up to the console and pressed the button that usually controlled the lighting...

The console exploded in a shower of sparks and steam. The entire room lurched sideways and Alex was thrown off his feet and his body slammed hard into the railing encircling the central platform. The console continued to spark and explode - flames began licking at the internal wiring.

"Stop!" Alex shouted, trying to get back to the console to put out the fire with the fire extinguisher stored under the console. But the room gave another lurch, this one a lot more violent than the last and Alex was flung towards the doors ... which opened and he fell out.

Wind whipped at his face as Alex felt himself hurtling towards some unknown ground. He could see the blue box of the TARDIS falling further and further out of reach as he fell; smoke was billowing out of the doors and trailing into the dark sky.

Alex's body slammed into something and water engulfed his entire body. He had landed in some sort of ocean, he could smell and taste salt. His arms waved round wildly as he tried to grab hold of something, anything to stop himself slipping under the water. Towering waves loomed over him and crashed down upon him, smothering him. He couldn't breathe, he couldn't see, he couldn't cry out for help; cry for his father who was probably standing miles and miles above him, unable to hear a word.

More and more water converged on him, bearing down on his body and his lungs. Alex felt himself getting pulled under, foam and bubbles filling his mouth. He could only catch glimpses of the sky, peppered with far off stars and constellations. But he could spot something falling ... something bulky and orange. It landed almost on top of him. He scrabbled for it. He noticed it was a gleaming orange life-jacket, with an emergency light attached to the collar. Frantically, Alex grabbed it and hauled it over his head, trying not to submerge himself even deeper into the water. He was panting heavily; a wave of cold had struck him, the water was freezing. He reached for the light and clicked it into life. A bright red glow began to illuminate from the jacket, a small wheezing sound as the shutter eased itself up and down on the bulb.

"Please..." Alex sighed, his breath misty in the cold air. "Dad, please, I'm right here. Come on, I'm freezing down here."

He lay there, floating, for what felt like an eternity, his eyelids growing heavier and heavier as the cold water tightened its grip on him. He couldn't fall asleep now, he just couldn't. If he did, he was dead, no doubt about it.

"Dad..." Alex said, beginning to use his mind to reach out to his father, wherever he was on the TARDIS. "Dad, help me..."

He couldn't keep his eyes open any longer. He could feel himself slipping ... further and further into blackness ... and the water.

09/07/2016 06:41 PM 

The Party


- Alex Tyler
- Souffle Girl
- The 11th Doctor



September 11, 2016

The alarm clock on Alex's bedside table squawked and screamed, rousing him from the depths of sleep. Sighing, he slammed a hand down on the snooze button and a finger slid a button sideways to deactivate the alarm. He opened his eyelids to see the sun streaming in through his window, framed by the other London apartment blocks. It all came flooding to him in an instant. It was his birthday - he was 20 years old. He could see he was no longer a teenager, but being a time tot, that didn't end until he turned 80.

Alex lay in bed for a few more moments, letting it sink in that 20 years ago, his mother had given birth to him on Gallifrey, aided by yet another Gallifreyan echo of Clara Oswald (although not the Clara he knew in this universe); both were long gone now. His mother in a wooden box underneath the earth, and Gallifrey just atoms floating in the deep vacuum of space. He and his father, the Doctor, were the only remaining beings from that part of the universe, and all they had was each other. His eyes ran over the various knick-knacks he had stored on shelves; a long untouched folder full of old homework sheets and unfinished essays from when his godmother had been his teacher. A scribbled recipe for banana cupcakes from his last birthday. A photo of him, Clara and his godfather from some photo booth in Cardiff after he'd said goodbye to his foster father, the three of them pulling a series of stupid faces. He didn't just have one parent - he had three, and he wouldn't have it any other way.

Alex smiled slightly before lifting himself out of bed, gazing out of the window at the sunrise. He wondered what was in store for him, just like every other day. Then it dawned on him - nothing would happen to him today, because his godparents had forgotten his birthday. They were running off on some dangerous adventure, leaving him to look after his little brother. Happy bloody birthday, he thought, trying not to let it turn bitter. Sighing, he got undressed, pulled on a pair of jeans, a plain white shirt and a denim jacket and left his bedroom, whistling the happy birthday song.

The least they could do is give me some breakfast, he thought, making his way to the kitchen. A cup of tea, at least. Then it would feel more like they'd remembered.

He turned the handle and entered the kitchen, wondering if his godparents were up yet. They surely were, what with Caspian fussing at all hours of the day and night.

08/10/2016 07:03 PM 

Writer's Appreciation Wednesday - 1 Year Later

Okay, where we are. One year later - one year since I first made this profile and revived this character and almost one year since I last made a writer's appreciation post. Since then, weird and wonderful things have happened both to me and my character during my time here and this post is half a thank you to those who've stuck by me and helped me through this past year and half a GO AND ADD AND WRITE WITH THESE AWESOME PEOPLE RIGHT NOW OR ELSE I'LL THROW A LAMP AT YOU. Are we sitting comfortably? Good. Then we'll begin.

1. Theta Sigma/Caretaker

Yes, he comes top of the list ... again. One, because his Ten is my main Doctor and two, because he was the first ever writer I struck up a conversation with and the first person I got to know on both a friendly and personal basis. As some of you know, due to rl matters, he made the difficult decision to delete all of his original accounts. But at the beginning of last month he made the decision to return and I am still over the moon that he decided to do so, even though his rl is still hectic and he probably doesn't come online as much as he'd like to. But what makes him top of this list is basically the fact that he is probably the most open-minded roleplayer I know. Plenty of writers who play the Doctor (especially the Tenth Doctor) would have taken one look at my character and rejected him immediately without so much as a chance for me to explain or write one word (that's how cliquey roleplaying has become recently). But instead, he sort of welcomed me with open arms and dived headfirst into my crazy theory and ever since we've just had a blast just throwing stuff at the wall and seeing what sticks. He is so much fun to write with, even when his character is all serious and mine is being a complete twonk. The fact that he makes so much effort to give people the best in his writing, despite all the crap that he goes through in rl (crap that I think nobody should have to deal with) just speaks volumes. Do me a favour, if you're stuck for a storyline and want to get writing, hit him up and you won't be disappointed (I think he'll appreciate the distraction if I'm honest). He's going to disagree with me, but I think he's fantastic and I couldn't ask for a better writing partner. Thank you for putting up with my crazy self for the past year!

2. Souffle Girl and The 11th Doctor

Oh. My. Freaking. God. The amount of times this pair have completely obliterated my feels and emotions is insane. Another thing that bowls me over is the fact that none of the actual writers of Doctor Who could come up with anything as powerful, multi-layered and as gripping as the stuff they've written (although Moffat probably wouldn't allow some of it because he loves his little empire where he can screw with established canon but that's a different story for another day). It's an absolute honour and a privilege to be allowed to read what I assume is meant to be private story arcs and I hope they go on writing forever and ever and ever and ever.

But, the biggest connection I have from this pairing is Souffle Girl. Ever since we struck up a conversation a year ago, we've spoken almost every day about everything and anything. I wouldn't know where the hell I'd be with my character if it weren't for her. I'd go so far as to say she's my Secret Keeper when it comes to my character - she helped me iron out all the chinks in my armour and sew up all the plot holes in my theory when I first revived him and she's probably the only one who knows the deepest, darkest secrets of my character. She's a huge fountain of knowledge on just about anything, especially Doctor Who and the Marvel universe (which she introduced me to a while back and I'm slowly finding myself addicted to). Stuck with those tiny little details in a plot? Ask her and she'll be there to help you find a solution. She doesn't roll with the cliques and marches to the beat of her own drum, which calls for huge appreciation. I believe people really should respect her more, but sadly due to some jealous individuals, that doesn't come very often. I've met members of her family too and they are the nicest bunch of people you could ever wish to meet and it's so reassuring that if I'm feeling down and feel like giving up, there's people there to give me advice/encouragement.

But I'm not going to leave this hanging without a nod to her writing partner. We haven't spoken much OOC but we've done plenty of writing alongside Souffle Girl and I rarely say this about anyone but ... he perfectly embodies the Eleventh Doctor. Every little detail in Matt Smith's portrayal is there and it's like talking to the Doctor himself. And from what Souffle Girl has told me, he's a real gentleman and like Theta, always ensures that the people he writes with get the best out of him and balances it effortlessly with a job that he works damn hard at.


I guess that's about everything I want to say, but it's not just these guys that I want to thank for the past year, everyone of you are special to me and are brilliant at what you do, so here's to another year of the same.

All my love,


[ This blog post is viewable to friends only ]

09/08/2015 05:11 PM 

OOC: Writer Appreciation Wednesday

Considering it's my birthday in two days time, and I've been here at least three continuous weeks and gotten to know people and do a bit of writing, I'd like to take this opportunity to show my appreciation for the people who've made me feel at home since I started this account.

Souffle Girl (Clara Oswald)

My character's teacher/best friend/therapist. Since I've started here, she's been nothing but welcoming, kind and supportive of my character and my writing. Before starting here, I really didn't appreciate anything that I wrote, finding flaws in everything and not really trying to have any confidence in myself. I sent her one of my stories and the support and encouragement she gave was simply overwhelming and has truly given me more inspiration and confidence to continue writing for myself. We haven't done much in terms of SL writing, but what we have done has been a lot of fun and very engaging - I feel like I'm talking to the actual Clara sometimes. She's also my reference guide whenever I need help with continuity/want to iron out kinks in my theories/backstories. She's put me to shame plenty of times when it comes to British pop culture, and I'm British myself! Thank you for all of your support/the chats since I got here!

Theta Sigma (10th Doctor)

My "Dad" - the first person I started a SL with on here and my main Doctor (if he doesn't mind me calling him that; not entirely sure about this whole 'maining' thing). Like Clara, we haven't done much in terms of SLs (we're both very busy people at the end of the day), but what we have done has been brilliant. Our 'father-son' banter sessions on Ask are so much fun and he's so open and welcoming; to me, that's the sign of a great writer, people who are open to new ideas and concepts and have fun in the process. He's also lovely to talk to outside of roleplaying; he's been kicking my butt into watching things like Sherlock and The Big Bang Theory - two shows I am starting to grow to love - and we've just casually been talking about uni and how depressing it is to be a grown-up. I couldn't ask for a better writing partner!

Okay, that's about it for now - hope you two like your little write-ups and I'll see you out there in the Whoniverse!

All my love, Alex (fun fact: my name is actually Alex in rl :D)

08/21/2015 03:50 PM 


1. I am in no way involved with/associated with the BBC, Doctor Who, Chris Pratt. I am also not the character I am portraying here, obviously. This character is purely of my own creation based on a theory I've had for well over 10 years.

2. I'm willing to delve into some mature content (my character and his writer are both over 18 which shouldn't be a problem), but discussion would be preferred if this were to happen in any SLs/RPs. That includes abuse (physical and/or mental), alcoholism, drugs, sex and extreme violence.

3. No raping or killing my character without consent.

3b. My character is a time tot (a young Gallifreyan who hasn't yet matured to become a proper Time Lord); he is supposed to be childish, immature, rash and somewhat annoying. Couple that with the fact that he's had a troubled past and you've got yourself a pretty complicated character emotionally. I've had a lot of people think that my character's personality somehow reflects my personality in real life. That is not and never will be the case. If you don't like the way I write my character, you're more than welcome to delete/block me.

4. No godmodding (attempting to control my character's actions, reactions or personality). This is essentially the number one rule of roleplaying, and it is really frowned upon in the RP world, so a little word of advice. Don't do it.

5. No trying to change my character's history/background. I've had so many people try to do this and it's annoying to no end (plus, it's godmodding so you'd be wise not to). This character is AU, I don't have to stress that enough. He is MY character, so therefore I call the shots. The character is NOT MEANT TO BE SLOTTED INTO CANON; HE IS FROM AN ALTERNATE TIMELINE. There's no need to have a mental breakdown over it; I'm not the first or the last to make a character like this.

5b. This is a crucial thing that needs to be addressed. A lot of people who RP the Doctor have thought that because they write with me, my character is instantly related to them.

6. No one-liners, at least two paragraphs of writing. If I've gone to a lot of effort to give you for example three paragraphs of writing, I'd appreciate the same amount of effort back.

7. No erotic RP - it's pretty much against the rules of this site anyway. Please keep in mind that although my character is 19 years old, in Time Lord world, he is a time tot and still underage; please don't try and force my character into a relationship.

8. Please be patient while waiting on replies. All of us have lives outside of roleplaying, and mine is no exception. I am currently a full-time university student studying towards a bachelor of arts degree; my schedule can get quite frantic and crowded sometimes which leaves little time for roleplaying. It also depends on whether my brain is working properly on whichever given day we write. Sometimes I can bang out a reply in a few minutes, sometimes it'll take a few hours or days for me to come up with something. All of our creative muses work differently, so please bear with me. If I'm taking a lot longer than usual to send a reply, don't be afraid to remind me, but please don't be pushy and say things like, "Where's my reply?! I want my reply NOW!" because that will just earn you a spot on my block list. But I'd appreciate it if you're going to be slow, you tell me as well; it's only fair.

9. Please, for the love of god, no OOC drama. By all means, make my character's life hell all you want, but my life is off limits. I've had people preach that they hate OOC drama yet insist on causing it themselves so practice what you preach. If there's a problem, I'd appreciate it if you'd come to me privately to try and solve it. Indirect/passive aggressive remarks will NOT be tolerated; I think most of us are out of the 'bitchy high school teenager' phase so it'd be nice if you'd act like a responsible adult and either message/IM me if I've caused a problem/upset you. We're all here to have fun, so do us all a favour; don't be a kill joy.

10. Break any of the above rules and you're out. My decision is final.

You do not have to sign these rules but through roleplaying with me, you are bound to them.

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