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11/19/2012 08:08 PM 

Murderer In The Family

A hand rummaged through the desk drawer of a very large, expensive antique oak desk.  Julian knew he didn't have much time before his father returned and so he wanted to get in and out as soon as possible.  It wasn't the first time he'd found himself hunting through Lorenzo's desk, looking for his cheque book.  Julian did it frequently whenever he needed a quick sum of cash that Lorenzo wouldn't give to him.  He felt a sense of entitlement to his father's money.  

Finding what he was looking for he pulled it out of the drawer triumphantly.  He took a seat in the wood, leather and studded office chair that didn't look to be too far removed from a throne.  Grabbing a pen, Julian wrote out a cheque for cash, forging Lorenzo's signature for 20,000 dollars.   More than that and he knew Lorenzo would question it.   A little bit here and there, had seemed thus far to have gone unnoticed by his father.  

"What are you doing?" A voice caused Julian's heart to jump into his throat.  Standing there in the doorway to his office was his father.  

Quickly closing the cheque book before Lorenzo saw it Julian stuttered at first trying to think of something quick to say that would explain why he was there.  "Oh... I..I..I... was just balancing your cheque book.." 

Julian stood up again watching the elder man walking over to the desk. Lorenzo reached for the cheque book only to have Julian step in the way of his arm knocking it offside.  

"Grand dad?  I gotta go.." A seventeen year old boy stuck his head around the corner of the door. He had a guitar slung over his shoulder in a carry case.  "Ma wants me home for supper."  

Lorenzo turned his face to look at Pax.  "Alright Pax.  I'll see you tomorrow." 

Pax nodded.  "Bye.."  He'd already taken his first steps down the corridors when he called back.  "Bye Uncle Julian."  Minutes later a car door outside opened and shut and the old beat up Lincoln in the circular driveway started up.   

"There goes a good boy."  Lorenzo often regretted the way he'd given in to Julian's every greedy need for money, cars, anything else he wanted up until Julian had reached the age of twenty. Unlike Pax, Julian hadn't learned what it was like to not get everything he wanted until he was an adult.  And although Lorenzo wanted to spoil Pax, his son and daughter in law, Pax's parents had other ideas how to bring up their son.  Now, in hindsight Lorenzo realized that they'd been right all along.  Pax's compassion for others and independence were treasured characteristics that Lorenzo unfortunately had never seen in his own eldest son, Julian.  

"I sometimes wish I was harder on you growing up.  Perhaps then, you would have learned the true value of money and working for it.  Not just waiting for me to hand it to you when you thought you needed it."   He'd sent Julian to all the best schools money could buy, and yet his no good dead beat son seemed to just be biding his time thinking that he didn't need to work because he was only a matter of a few years away from an inheritance that he'd never be able to spend in his entire lifetime.  Julian didn't know it, but he was in for a shock upon Lorenzo's death.   

The old man reached down picking up the cheque book and opened it.  "You wouldn't try to steal it.."  He finished glancing down at the cheque Julian had tried to forge in his name.  "I'm going to do what I should have done a long time ago." Lorenzo's voice was heavy with regret as his eyes lifted to fix on those of his greedy son.  "Pack your bags Julian.  I want you out of my house.  It's about time you learned how to support yourself." 

Julian's world seemed to come crashing down around him.  "No. Pa, please...?" Julian didn't want to be cut off. 

"GET OUT!" Lorenzo ordered turning his back on his son he was about to walk away when Julian reacted by snatching up a heavy paper weight on the desk and swinging it with all his might at the back of the old man's head.  

"You won't cut me off you old bastard!  I'll kill you before I let that happen!"  He dropped to his knees where Lorenzo had fallen and hit him again, and again, and again and again until the back of Lorenzo's skull was caved in.  Blood splattered everywhere, over the desk, walls, chair, polished floors, and all over Julian and his face.  He didn't stop pounding until Lorenzo was barely even recognizable.   Blood seeped through the wounds at the back of his head, through his mouth nose and ears onto the wooden floors.  Julian didn't stop beating his father until long after he'd stopped moving all though the first couple of skull fractures would have been enough to kill him.     

When he was finally tired he stopped, standing up and dropped the paper-weight to the floor beside Lorenzo's motionless body.  He wiped the top of his head with the sleeve of his jacket only to have the blood smear across his brow.  "See what you made me do you old fool!" He kicked Lorenzo in the ribs as a final act of defiance.  

After disposing of the murder weapon, he took a shower, cleaned himself up then burned of his clothes in the incinerator before going back into Lorenzo's office and making a mess, pulling free drawers, files and anything else to make it look like a robbery had gone wrong before finally calling 911.

10/16/2012 05:17 PM 

Rude Awakening

OOC: Archive Storyline:




KING RAVEN: Once again Raven invited himself into the private quarters of Pax Erris. Like usual, he used the portal and came through in the bathroom so not to wake him. Raven grinned from ear to ear as he made his soundless approach to the bed. Dragonfly wings sprouted from his back so he flew up, hovering over Pax. And began to sing, "Last night, I had this dream about you, and in this dream I was dancing right besiiiiddde youuu." He continued to grin like a Cheshire cat. The rest of the song he hummed loudly but in perfect tone. 


PAX ERRIS: Pax didn't stir for several seconds. He had a habit of drifting into a deep sleep and so he didn't wake right away at the sound of someone singing over him. It was slowly that Pax returned to consciousness, up until a point that he realized someone was there, which suddenly brought him back all the way. "Raven? What the hell are you doing in here in the middle of the night?" 


KING RAVEN: "What you consider the middle of the night, I call the golden hour." His blue eyes twinkled. "I'm nocturnal by nature, most Unseelie are. Anyway, I thought I'd come to serenade you." Raven settled himself on the edge of the bed, making his wings disappear from human sight. "Don't stop come a little closer, as we jam the rhythm gets stronger, There's nothing wrong with just a little little fuuunn." He finished singing and bounced the bed. "Get up! Come dance with me!" 


PAX ERRIS: "Wait a minute? Serenade me?" Pax groaned into his pillow. "It's the middle of the night and I've got a show to do tomorrow." Raven came and sat on the end of his bed and tried encouraging him to get up and dance. Continuing his song. Pax shook his head. "Raven we're not even the same species.." 


KING RAVEN: He -always- had a show in the morning. The man never stopped to have senseless fun. Raven believed him to be a workoholic. Which couldn't be healthy for the rock star. Pax's response to his overturns was quite typical. "So? Many species interbreed. Its a new galaxy out there with more species falling in love with those from a different species. I can't even keep on top of it." Raven smiled and bounced again. "You work too much. You ought to take a break. I could show you a good time without spending much money. You just have to have imagination. Or, as we call it, glamor. That's how I make these." He summoned a ball of light and blew it at Pax. Tons of tiny little firefly like things fluttered around the musician's face before dissipating. "They say fun keeps the heart young." He waggled his eyebrows. 


PAX ERRIS: Pax rolled back over onto his back and glanced from under his arm at Raven whilst Raven tried to tell him that he worked too much. He probably did, he conceded to himself, at the same time he felt happiest when he was working. There were few greater feelings than being on stage and taking in that electricity of an adoring audience. He was almost a junkie for that feeling, even if his lifestyle left him exhausted more often than not. 


Money was never an issue with Pax, he had more than even he knew what to do with. Money had never been a motivation for him choosing his current career path. "Look.. I doubt anything would come of the prospect of a relationship between us.." 


KING RAVEN: That simply made the Fey tilt his head back and laugh. It wasn't discouraging to him; quite the opposite, it made him want to try harder. He felt he could show the mortal a few things about love and fun together. "But we're already in a relationship. I work for you as security, have you forgotten? I'm just trying to add more spice to our relationship . Its not every day a man or woman holds the fancy of the King of Fairies." He was tired of watching how exhausted Pax was after every concert. The man was digging himself into an early grave. "If I sing another song, would that change your mind?" His eyes became large as moons as he pouted in Pax's direction. In the moonlight his eyes appeared almost silver. 


PAX ERRIS: Pax sat up a little, propping himself on his elbow and studied Raven's expression. To say Raven was persistent was to put it mildly. Slowly, Pax sat up. "Working for me, is different.." Pax answered, he just wanted to flop back in the bed and pull the covers up over his head. The 'why me?' attitude seemed to have kicked in totally by that point. Pax regarded Raven's question with what appeared to be certainty about whether or not another song would change his mind. "I doubt it.." 


KING RAVEN: "It's still a relationship."Raven pointed out gleefully. He watched Pax looking miserable at having been woken up so late in the night...or early morning, rather. Time didn't exist to Raven in the same way it did to humans. Time. Never ending. He started to sing slowly. "Never thought you'd make me perspire, never thought I'd do you the same, never thought I'd fill will desire, never thought I'd feel so ashamed. My sweeet prince..." It was a low, unsettling song, almost hypnotic. Raven really was good at singing, he just had a different style from Pax: a darker style. He ran a hand back through his hair and inched closer to Pax. "My sweet Prince." 


PAX ERRIS: "Well there are lots of different kinds of relationships Raven. They all don't necessarily lead to romance. You're on my pay-roll but then again so are thousands of others.." Pax pointed out, sitting up fully. He sighed when Raven started singing a new song and flopped back in the bed, grabbing the empty pillow he put it over his head. 


KING RAVEN: Raven ceased his serenade and tipped his head to the side in askance. He knew the difference between being paid help and romantically involved. He just didn't see a reason for them not to be romantically involved with one another. They both had talent, good looks, and the power to charm an audience. The King Fairy considered another song. "A friend in need is a friend indeed, a friend with weed is better, and when he's pressed he will undress and make for boxing clever." Raven's teeth flashed white in the moonlight. 


PAX ERRIS: What was it going to take to shut Raven up? That was what was going through Pax's mind at that point when he launched into yet another song. He groaned. He had to get up early in the morning and travel to his next appointment. His days were long and tiresome and Pax had come to rely on what little sleep he did manage to get, which averaged about four or five hours per night. At least when he couldn't be bothered with company. Finally he just threw the pillow at Raven's face. "I need to sleep." 


KING RAVEN: The pillow hit him square in the face, nearly causing him to fall backwards off the bed. Instead of being indignant and cross, he held the pillow in both hands as if measuring his next move. It didn't take long. Without warning he grabbed one end of the pillow and smacked Pax in the head. "Pillow fight!" He dove on the other man, smacking him repeatedly with a pillow. Rolling off him, he grabbed the second pillow on the twin bed and started to playfully beat him with it. "So you ARE into foreplay." 


PAX ERRIS: After throwing the pillow, Pax dropped back into the bed and pulled the blankets up over his head. He just wanted sleep, but how could he get that point across to the persistent King of the Fairies? His attempt at sanctuary hadn't lasted more than a few seconds though and soon Pax felt a sudden hit in the head with the pillow he'd thrown at Raven earlier because he just wanted to sleep. Much to Pax's irritation Raven saw being hit in the face with a pillow as an attempt at foreplay. "Argh!" He threw the covers off and jumped out of his bed. He'd had about all he could stand. "Raven... I'm a human. I. NEED. Sleep." 


KING RAVEN: That got his attention. "Oh yeah. You're human. Sometimes I forget. You're such a beautiful human it easy to forget your needs. Very well. I shall leave you to your rest and will see you bright and early for the concert! Tata!" And with that, he disappeared into a golden hole shaped like the sun. 


~~ END~~ 

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