abraXus Section Manager

03/01/2024 01:47 PM 

how do you need to be loved?

how do you need to be loved?

till the end of forever.

        you need to be loved unconditionally. you need to be reminded that love is not temporary, that you deserve it. that those who love you will not leave. you need to be loved the way angels love humanity. or how devils love angels. you need to be loved in greatness, in fullness, you need to be loved hard and fierce. loud, shout it to the ends of the earth, your love won’t leave. you need to be loved when nothing else will be. you need to realize you are worthy even through the end.

01/31/2024 11:41 PM 

What could've been, What should've been.

Hunter's life hadn't been the same without Ophelia gracing him with her presence. Which they both knew, ultimately was his fault. Even with her constantly messaging him or calling him - each thing going unread or sent straight to voicemail. He couldn't bear to look at her still. Her constantly telling him she didn't hate him made him hate himself that much more. How could she not hate him? He didn't understand that. Couldn't understand that. But then eventually that had changed. Everything seemed to change between the two. It had started the night he finally started reaching back out to her. And just kept going to the night she met him at the rink, skating over to him. Fu ck, the way he had cried that night.

It had been a few months since then and they still haven't brought up the kiss the two had shared that night. Should they have? He hadn't been expecting it - though he also hadn't expected her to skate onto the rink. And words couldn't express how proud he was of her. Sure, she'd probably never be able to enter competitions again, but they could still skate together. Unofficially, of course. "This could either break my heart or bring it back to life." The words were whispered softly during yet another -not a date- night of pizza and beer and movies. But then Ophelia was looking over at him fondly and maybe she was right and they should just stop dancing around each other. But what a beautiful dance it was. A true story of the will they, won't they. Rumors had flown constantly around the two dating. Engagements and marriages. Breakups. But the two had been nothing more than best friends. But if her words now and her kissing him that day meant she was willing to try this out? Was he? Absolutely. A quick glance to the clock. 8:05. Why did that even matter? Maybe because she was right. This would either be the time they broke each others hearts or finally bring each other back to life. Because they had both been broken.

"Maybe it means nothing when you hold my hand... But maybe we've both been dancing around this for too long. So... if you're in, I'm in. One hundred percent, Bambi. And you know when I give one hundred percent, I give one hundred percent." He waits a moment either for her to agree or disagree before he's leaning in and pressing his lips to hers.

Song Mentions: You'll think of me - Keith Urban, Will They, Won't They - Jeremy Shada & special mention & based off of: Electric Touch - Dr. Taylor Alison Swift.

01/28/2024 01:12 PM 

Why do you hurt?

                                                                                  you were meant to.

          it was built into you. designed for you. there is pain here because it was meant for you, and how f***ing dare they. your suffering is not their right. you hurt because they gave you ways to suffer and carved it into you when you could not breathe, because the intention always was that they could weaponize your pain against you. it is Yours. You are Yours. How f***ing dare they. they cannot make you theirs; do not let them try.

01/19/2024 07:09 PM 

FAST FOOD FT. @OpheliaxGrace


Never take advice
from someone who's falling apart.
Hunter had to talk himself into even meeting with Ophelia today. While she was still in recovery from him dropping her that fateful night, she was home. And that was at least something. And while Hunter had stayed with her while she was in the hospital, the moment she was home he practically disappeared from her life. How could he not? It was his fault that her career was now over. He knows she's probably already forgiven him, but there was no way in hell he was going to forgive himself any time soon.
Their usual go to junk food was pizza, however, Hunter figured they both needed something slightly better. Which had him picking up burgers, chicken nuggets and french fries. As if that would make things okay between them. What he hadn't planned on was stopping at a bar on his way to her place and getting absolutely plastered. Showing up at her place an hour after he was supposed to be there with cold food ... well, he really should have thought everything through. But he had at least made it to her place and may have tipped his uber driver a little too well. Something he didn't care about at the moment. The one thing he did care about? Getting to see his best friend. After letting himself in, Hunter made his way to Ophelia's room and crawled into the bed beside her.
"Please tell me you haven't been in bed all day. Did you at least do any of your physical therapy?" The physical therapy she wouldn't even have had to do if it wasn't for him. Every time he looked at her he wanted to throw up. To crawl into a ball and just stay there for life. Why did this have to happen to her? He wished he would have been the one to get hurt instead. It wasn't fair to her. "Anyway, I brought food. It's a little... It's a little cold." Words were slurred as he spoke, lips against her hair before realizing she could most definitely smell the alcohol on him which had him pulling away just slightly. "You wanna go to the living room to eat? We could watch your favorite movie." He hated he still didn't act normal around her. At this point, he didn't know how to act around her in general.

Couldn't she just yell at him or something? She had every right to after all.

01/14/2024 02:55 PM 

Movie Nights ft. Ophelia.

Another Friday night meaning another movie night with Ophelia. It was something he looked forward to every week. Their one day they allowed themselves to relax and not put too much pressure on themselves. Truthfully, some days he felt like he was pushing himself too far and one of these days he'd probably definitely pass out. But one day out of seven wasn't bad for relaxing, was it? Although the indulging of pizza probably wasn't in their best interest either.

Their usual movie nights consisted of rom-coms, but for some reason the two agreed on something different this time. And how scry movies came into play, he still wasn't sure. They certainly weren't his favorites but he's pretty sure he was the one that suggested it - though he'd deny it when asked.

The movie they were watching had come out the previous year and had some pretty good reviews - but even still his attention was anywhere but at the televison. Choosing instead to look super interested in the pizza. But anytime he had noticed Ophelia looking at him, he had quickly looked back at the tv as if the movie were the most interesting thing in the world.

"Hunter," A laugh sounded from his best friend. "You know we can go back to our normal movies, correct?"

A sigh of relief fell from his own lips, "Oh, thank God." As soon as she spoke he was practically sprinting off the couch to reach for the remote before changing the movie to something more typical for them. 

"One of these nights I will be able to get through watching a scary movie." He promised, grabbing another slice of pizza.

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