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07/05/2021 09:27 PM 

Raelynn/Reggie explanation TRIGGER




Alright I'm going to try to explain this again since people may be confused.



I’m sure that you all been noticing that instead of writing as Reggie/Regulus and using Hero’s face, I’m using a females face and shes calling herself Raelynn/Rae?


I’m sure that you’ve all noticed that I changed my display name from Little King to Little Queen, right?  When I write as Raelynn I change this display name to Little Queen.



Raelynn /is/ Reggie.  They are the same person. They have the same thoughts, the same mind, the same soul, the same emotions, etc.


Reggie is a very powerful wizard, and he wears an emerald amulet that he never takes off. The amulet gives him the power to change genders, so when he uses it Raelynn appears till they switch back.



Why does it change genders? It’s not because he is trans or confused or anything. Its for a different reason.


He does it for fun yes, but he also does it in a way of freedom.  He feels like he has less worries, less problems.



The real reason is he uses the amulet to change genders when life gets tough.


You know how a personality alter appears and takes over when things get tough, in a form of protection?

Well thats the main reason for Reggie. Not the only reason.  Raelynn protects Reggie in a way. From things he doesn’t want to deal with or accept, from tough situations and when his life gets hard. Raelynn just makes life easier, she takes care of things for him so he doesn’t have to deal with things.



Why is Raelynn around right now?  It’s for the complete opposite.  Reggie wanted to protect Raelynn this time, because she’s hurting,  but she’s stronger and wasn’t going to hide away, so she used black magic and kinda freezing Reggie from being able to change back until she was ready for him to.




So Raelynn and Reggie are the same person, it’s just my storyline.


So you can write with either gender, but Reggie is the main gender.   I usually just switch everything over, if I write Raelynn for a week, I only write as Raelynn, using her name and her/she, and not Reggie, he/his.



I hope you all understand better now!











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