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11/15/2020 10:41 PM 

weird but true

(from a tiktok)

Some of us are still "it" from a childhood game of tag.

It's weird to think that nighttime is the natural state of the universe and daytime is only caused by a close star

We named other planets in our solar system after Gods and named our own planet dirt.

Because there are always pregnant people the average number of skeletons in the human body is higher than 1.

Every year we pass the anniversary the asteroid killed the dinosaurs and we don't know which day it was.

(From an interview with Kristen Stewert and Naomi Scott)

At one point your parents picked you up and then put you down for the last time, and never picked you back up again.

(Random thoughts)

We eat pizza from the inside out.

If you live to be 70 years old you will spend TEN YEARS of your life on Monday.

Sometime in the future, someone will say your name for the last time.

Outer space isn’t empty, it literally contains everything there is.

Nothing is on fire, fire is on things.

Dolphins and whales can drown because they breathe air, despite being able to be under water for a very long time.

A different version of you exists in the minds of everyone who knows you.

When we're young, we sneak out our house to go to parties. When we're old, we sneak out of parties to go home.

Your future self is talking sh*t about you.

At special occasions girls with curly hair straighten it and girls with straight hair curl it.

It's not fair that coffee stains your teeth brown, but milk doesn't stain them white.

Making a typo in an online argument is the equivalent of voice cracking in a verbal argument.

Social anxiety is basically Conspiracy Theories about yourself.

Maybe dogs bring home sticks because that was bred into them over millennia of humans needing wood for fires.

Ducks can swim, fly and walk on land. They have access to all terrains. They are the ultimate animal.

Eating lunch alone as a kid is like torture, getting to eat lunch alone as an adult is a nice treat.

Its common for babies to fall asleep and wake up in different locations all the time, but as an adult the idea of that happening is terrifying.

25 years ago seeing a toddler use technology was seen as a stroke of genius, today it is largely met with thoughts of a lack of parenting.

Your voice in your head doesn't need to take a breath.

Your dog thinks "fetch" is a game that the two of you made up, and he loves you for that.

If the thumb is not a finger, then there is no middle finger.

For the first 8 minutes of your life the sunlight around you is older than you are

The Wizard of Oz was many people's first exposure to a color film. Decades later, it's many people's first exposure to a black and white film.

Being shot with an arrow is basically being long-distance stabbed.

The E's in pee/bee are silent.

Everything after "Q" is queue is silent.

The only part of your reflection you can lick is your tongue.

Since your internal voice doesn’t have to breath, you can scream internally forever.

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