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05/01/2015 11:13 PM 

VAMPIRES COME OUT COME OUT...where ever you are.

Welcome my children; it warms my withering, blackened heart to see you here, reading this...

If you do not know all ready. I am Akasha Queen of all who are Damned.  Mother of all Vampires. 

I called you all here as I find roleplay quite boring here as of late. I am a long standing old school role-player from 2005. I have seen a load of drama and tons of shenanigans. I am here to boldly stand up and say ENOUGH is ENOUGH!

 It is hard as it is to find writers to role-play with let alone good Ricean writers.   The harboring of petty grudges from years ago in the Ricean RP community is tiresome to say the least.  Ridiculous insecurities, petty offenses and stupid jealousies have got in the way of ALL of us writing together for too long of a time.

I personally think it is time to wipe the slate clean and come back together.  Stop manipulating one another, stop harboring ill sentiment towards one another and lets write for heaven's sake. Out of all the roleplaying verses I have been part of....long ago the Ricean World had an old world charm and elegance to it, something that is quite non-existent today in other verses.

Help me bring it back!  If we argued long ago or disagreed before; I have let it go, you should too! It's dumb, silly and trivial Complete and total nonsense.

 It's been over 5 years since I have been in contact with anyone who have wronged me or betrayed me; I have forgiven every single one of you. Do you not think it's about time you do the same!

Come back into the fold and write again. Forget all else please. Let us be friends again, let us inspire one another again, let us laugh and cry together- by the ancient gods, I miss it so very much!

The writing was splendid, awe- inspiring and fueled with raw emotion.  I with a select few are slowly and I do mean slowly reinventing writing groups (Ricean pages & rpgs)

Come back & help us, grow with us, write with us. If you love Lestat and The Vampire Chronicles, if you read only a few novels or all of them, if you have seen films or just want to learn all about the Ricean realm, I will gladly welcome you with open arms.

There are loads of canon characters or make up one or 50! Dream with me!

Come take my hand and Join me in Death once again! Reply to this post if I have sparked your interest.

All my love for eternity,

Akasha the Divine & her writer.

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