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02/06/2021 12:44 PM 

Thirteen years later. {Drabble #30}

Della stood in the full-length mirror, she was holding up another top, she wasn’t sure why she was so worried about what she was going to wear to this meeting, it was going to be a short one, it could have been done over Zoom. She tossed it to the bed and reached for another one. “You don’t have anything left to try on Della.”

“Jeez Martin!”  She shook her head, “Well I can’t go like this. She sighed, “We are on CBS not HBO.”

“That be a whole other show.”

“Give me that shirt!” She held out her hand, “Give it, you have more, I’ve got a car coming to pick me up in ten minutes.”

“I’m wearing this shirt!” He looked down at the t-shirt, it was some concert t-shirt that she knew he just tossed on.

“So, help me Nicolas Martin!” He rolled his eyes at her, he tossed her the shirt and she pulled it on over her her head, she pulled her hair out form under it and tided it up. He shook her head, “Don’t judge me, I’m going to go get fired, from the only job I’ve had for thirteen years, I want to be comfy.”

“You want the flannel too?” She gave him a look, that basically said ‘duh, what kind of question was that?’  He tossed her that too, “Why do I feel like we are twenty again and you are freaking out over some audition you think you failed?”

Della pulled that on  over the shirt and she fixed her hair up and touched up her makeup. She didn’t answer him. She couldn’t because she hadn’t failed, not this time. She was just pure pissed off. Katie had been her life for so long that she didn’t know who she was without Katie. She snapped a picture and walked out the door. She slid into the black Lincoln the studio sent to pick her up.

“Della we really are sorry, we just feel it would be better for everyone, you and the studio if we just parted way.”

“We know that you have put your heart in to the Part of Katie over the years.” The words kept flowing from around the room, the suits were talking. They were saying it with out saying it. She was out of a job because of Evelyn Drews.

Della sat up straight in her chair, “You can save it, I am Katie, I will always be Katie, you can’t recast me, are you recasting me?” She looked around the room, she felt her stomach drop, they were going to recast her part.  “You guys have jerked me around for the whole 12th season, you say I’m bad press.” She shook her head, “You want me to thank you and just slink away. For something I didn’t do.”

“Della we understand that last March was traumatic.”

“Traumatic? She was killed, she was killed by god knows who and instead of standing by me you tossed me to the wolves. What about me makes you think I could kill her, she was as much as I hate to say it, she was blood, my blood.” She didn’t say what she wanted to say that Evelyn Drews was a horrible, vile human who helped ruin her life, she was glad she was dead.

“We know she was your mother but…”

“You all think I pulled the f***ing trigger and recorded it, leaked it to the press and just thought everyone would let me go on about my life. A life where I have three kids, I have family I was finally happy after all the bullsh*t she put me though. You cast her as my mother on here after I asked you not to, I told you once her name was attached to this show, it was going to be a bad thing, but I showed up I played my part I said my lines and smiled. I went home to my kids and I never saw the bitch again. I didn’t kill her.” Della stood up, “You know what Katie will always be me and once you recast her, you will know you screwed up not supporting me.” She walked out of the office, she didn’t know how the season would end, how the show would go but she walked away.  She had been Katie Hofstadter and if they recast the role, there would always be her, the original.

“What the hell are you wearing?” Della looked down at her outfit and smiled, “I hope you didn’t wear that in public.” The voice came though the computer screen.

“It’s my I’m officially not on a sitcom outfit.” Della said as she crossed her legs and balanced her laptop on her knee, she had a glass of whiskey in one hand.
“You look like you raided Nick’s closet.”

“Something like that.” She heard Nick mumble something from the other room, “I heard that! I’m not giving it back now.”

“So what’s the plan now?” The girl on the other end asked her, “I mean besides Harley Quinn.”

Della smiled, she would fall apart later, she would be sad when it hit her that she wasn’t going back to work on the show she loved. “Beer, Whiskey and music, three of my favorite things.” Some of the plans she had in the works since last year, she wasn’t going to let the rumors and the hate comments she had been getting get her down, not anymore.

Later late day she posted herself on Instagram and let the world wonder.

@bedazzlingdrews: gonna go to every business meeting I have from now on in @nick_martin clothes, its good luck. #notsorry


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