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04/22/2020 01:13 PM 

Capture (part 3)

Ooc; This was banter between Payne and I; I've used it here to add to this drabble, which had already been in the works. Yes, I'm going against the norm and saying vampires can procreate. I know everyone has their own lore. This is mine. I adjust for stories with people in other verses usually. As this is mine, I get to write as I like. Our storyline also takes us back to 1793, so our story is quite detailed. We’re still working on things...but this one kind of took on a life of its own. I have his consent to use him as I see fit. His words are his own. If miscarriages are triggering for you, I suggest skipping this part.
Capture. [III]
mention: payne zile queen
1944. Berlin.

"So...what made you join?" Silas asked Clarisse one night as they sat in their respective cells. Clarisse closed her eyes, she didn't want to do this. Not now. They'd been here six months already. No one was coming. She'd figured that out on her own. Opportunities to escape were rare because they kept changing locations. They were in Berlin, then sometimes in the woods, then who knew where. She had last seen the outside a month ago. The stale air here was getting to her. It was like being quarantined--except, they could not escape. The last two to try had been shot and then tortured. Clarisse had no idea what they'd done to them, but the stench of burnt flesh had filled the facility for about a week and their wails of agony were still in her head. Others, when they denied the soldiers what they wanted, were subject to other methods of torture. People whispered and Clarisse shut them out.

Now Silas wanted to know about this. Her eyes closed. She didn't...but yet, she began to tell him. She had not originally planned on it. On the contrary. She had wanted to stay home, in the lovely home she and Payne shared, where they were going to raise a family. "It's funny you should ask me that," she began hesitantly, the emerald of her eyes finding Silas easily in the dark. "I joined out of...desperation. A need to get away from my life."

Flashback: 1940.

It is a terrible thing to want something so badly and to have it denied you.

Clarisse had been delighted when there had been stirring within her. Having felt it once, when she was still human, she knew exactly what it was. There was a glow about her and she didn’t even complain when she spent mornings with her head in the porcelain bowl of the toilet. She'd always wanted to be a mother. It might have been old fashioned of her, but she still wanted that above all things. Payne had been hesitant, promising he loved her all the same child or not, but once Clarisse had made her mind up, he was hard-pressed to deny her. Besides, the attempts had been passionate encounters and he wasn’t one to complain. Once the swell of her belly became visible, he too had grown excited. They’d even begun to set up a nursery and perhaps that was where they’d gone wrong. Some said it was bad luck to set up a nursery before the child was born.

Was it an omen?

The terrible moment came when she’d been sleeping. She'd awoken to the metallic scent of blood in the air and wetness between her thighs. Pain shot through her midsection and she wailed, clamping her thighs shut as if that would prevent the miscarriage. She wailed her lover's name, as though he could do something. He had been enjoying a glass of bourbon whilst listening to the radio for news of the war. But what could be done? Deep down, Clarisse knew that nothing could be done. Their child, made from love and determination, had not survived. She sensed the last beats of its heart and then...nothing. Payne barged into the room and his eyes met her own. "Clarisse!" He exclaimed softly. "Help me…" she pleaded, her hands covered in blood as she sat in the middle of their bed, staring hopelessly at the wall. Tears streamed down her cheeks as he ministered to her for a moment and then left for a moment to call the midwife. She dealt with 'special' cases and once she arrived, she shooed him out of the room.

For two hours, he was left pacing in the hallway, each moment more agonizing than the last. Clarisse's moans and cries were loud at first, then there were whimpers and silence. When the door opened, the woman came out and shook her head before offering her condolences.
"I tried...but it was no use. I'd suggest you never try again either. She's unable to carry to term."

The news was hard to swallow and he did not want to envision having to tell her that. Now wasn't the time. Instead, he nodded and Payne asked, "Could you tell what the sex was? Or was it too early still?"
"I believe it was a girl," the old woman replied. "Did you have a name that you wanted to be recorded down? That way a headstone can be prepared."

Payne considered for a moment before answering and offered her a handful of cash. Given that they'd met in 1793 at the execution of the Queen of France. "Antoinette Louise Queen." A tribute to both royals and to Clarisse's eldest sister, Antoinette, whom he had met once and whom he knew Risse adored, even some two centuries after her death.

Clarisse was once more settled on the bed, which had fresh sheets; the others had clearly been burned. Good riddance to it. Though usually pallid, she was as pale as marble and the sparkle in her green eyes was muted. Tears rolled down her cheeks and she let out a soft whimper. His arms encircled her as she wept, her small frame violently trembling against his until she fell asleep. "Sleep, my love," he whispered, stroking her hair and pressing kisses to her temple. Payne held her most of the night; at some point, she wriggled from his grasp.

That was how it remained for a week. When he went to hold her, she recoiled. And the moments she did look to him, he had been hurt by her actions and looked away. That week was a cruel one, each of them desperately needing one another but Clarisse was a victim to her own mind and she tried to push him away. She expected he'd leave and when he didn't, it frustrated her. She wanted him gone, but she wanted him to hold her. She was a mess. The more she stayed in the house, the more she felt tempted to burn the place down. She had to get out. As she listened to Winston Churchill on the radio, the answer became very clear.

"Even though large tracts of Europe and many old and famous States have fallen or may fall into the grip of the Gestapo and all the odious apparatus of Nazi rule, we shall not flag or fail. We shall go on to the end. We shall fight in France, we shall fight on the seas and oceans, we shall fight with growing confidence and growing strength in the air, we shall defend our island, whatever the cost may be. We shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; "we shall never surrender."

She would do as she had done in two wars prior. She would help. On the morning of the eighth day, Clarisse slowly rose, pulling on clothes before heading out for a walk. Payne was pleased to see her up and didn't press her to say where she was headed. Nor did he ask where she was going. Perhaps if he had, he might have talked sense into her.

"I...I need to talk to you," she began when she came into the house around an hour later. His crimson eyes met her own and she paused. She hated that he looked so hopeful at that moment because she knew this would hurt him. Yet, her pain was still so fresh that deep down, she didn't really care if she hurt him or anyone else. "They need nurses and so, I signed up."

"I'm sorry, what?"

Clarisse brushed her hair back and twisted her ring around her finger, finally sorting out her words. "Every time you look at me, I see pity. I see bitterness and disappointment. You don't look at me the same as before. I need you. But I need the you who isn't going to treat me like a fragile doll. I need to be away from here. I signed up. I won’t change my mind, please don’t ask me."

"You're the one seeing a fragile doll, Clarisse. The moment I look at you, you look away! Disgusted and you well up in tears again. Yes, I do feel remorse but you're not the only one who lost a child! I've told you time and time again that I don't blame you! I want to help you but you shut me out. And now you decide to join the war?!” For a moment he paused, his voice cracking slightly. “Do I have to lose you too, Risse?"

His words hit her like a truck. But she was wallowing in her emotions and she spat out her words, perhaps a touch cruelly. "You won't even touch me! You don't hold me. You don't see it, but you're treating me differently. The only disgust I feel is at myself! I wanted this so god damned much. And now all I feel is anger and hurt. I'm not fragile. I feel like a bomb and I need to explode and to let out this rage. I shut you out because I have lost myself. I had this image in my mind...and now I've lost it and I don't know who I am now. I'm broken, Payne. And I know you are too. I need to do something to help heal myself...and I find that helping others helps me."

"I won't touch you? I treat you differently because you've shut me out so much that I can't treat you like I want to! I've tried to hold you, time and time again. Even at night, you move away from me, during the day you do as well! I get that you're broken, Clarisse, but you're not alone! I am right here! You weren't the only one who wanted this! I get that you're angry, but don't lash it out in a war! They'll find you! They'll hunt you down and kill you if they don't use you as a lab rat first! Don't forget that I know how this kind of war works, baby. They bring out the worst in people. They become the monsters that they see us as!"

That he spoke of people coming after them brought out a perverse thought that perhaps she wanted to be caught. To die and no longer suffer. But she was greedy. She wanted to live and seeing him glaring at her in askance was painful too. She sighed, her shoulders slumping. "I just want to feel whole again. I want us to be us again. You hold everything together so much better...why is that? How? What in you doesn't allow you to break down like me? Do demons not cry? I am alone! I felt our child die--you didn't feel that. I could sense her heartbeat ceasing. I killed it somehow! I have to live with that!" She wailed, sinking to the floor, covering her face with her hands. "And you didn't have that old crone put her hand up inside you--" Clarisse shuddered at the thought of it, remembering the feel of the midwife's hand and the cold forceps, pulling out the small body of what was supposed to grow into their child. "They didn't get me last time. They won't this time either. Baby, please. Let me go. You deserve better. Someone not damaged and as f***ed up as me."

Kneeling down next to her, he pulled her into his arms. Holding her tightly and not allowing her to fight him off this time. She was small, wiry, and strong, but he was stronger. "Devils do cry. The reason I'm keeping it together is so that you don't have to. So that you can get all the pain and hurt out of your system, and continue to live on...so that you can go through every emotion in its purest form. Because you know that I will still be here, taking care of you. You didn't kill her. We knew the risks. We tried it anyway...and Clarisse, you know it's you I want. It's been you since day one."

Leaning against him, she wept openly and hard, her body shaking from the force of her tears. Part of her ached to push him away, but she stayed, bringing her arms around his neck. "You shouldn't have to be so strong," she whispered. "I did. My body... We felt them moving a week ago...and now they're gone. Payne, I just want to die. I don't want to feel this anger. I don't want to feel anything."

"The anger is what you need to feel. It's your pain. It's grief. You need to mourn, Risse. Wanting to feel nothing is not the way to go. Dying is not the way to go. We remember her by living. It's a painful thing to do. But it will get easier in time. I'm not losing you. If you want to fight in the war, you better use your skillset as a nurse--and only that. Otherwise, you are not going. I will join you. Protect you in any way that I can as well. If you're going...we're both going. We might be apart. But you know that I've got you."

"It was a girl?" She asked, her voice soft, registering what he'd said.
."Yes, my love. I gave her a name, so we will visit her and you'll see her headstone."
"What did you name her?"
"Antoinette Louise. After the Queen and after your sister. And Louise for the King. I thought you would like that. But..focus. Did you hear me? Unless you're using your nursing skills, I forbid you to go. But as I said...I'll be going too."
"You...no. Baby, no. I don't want you to go." She shook her head slowly, meeting his eyes, "Payne, no. You'll go into battle. I know you. How is that fair? I do nursing and you fight? N-no." She knew from his tone that he wouldn't budge. There were some battles that she would never win. Panic filled her as she looked at him. "What if you get sent somewhere else? They won't let me come with you. You have to write to me. Everyday. No excuses. And I'll write to you. But...what if they go after you?"

"I can apply for the protection of the hospitals so that I would never be too far away from you. Of course, I will write, you've got my word, Kitten, and if they go after me, they'll have another thing coming. You know as well as me that I am close to unstoppable if they try to come to me. I'll be close, always."

"You're too good to me," she murmured, drawing his face down to her own, softly brushing her lips against his for the first time in a week. "They should never try to get you. You'd end the entire war in an hour," she quipped, offering a gentle smile before resting against him again. "I'll do nursing. That's all. I promise."

"Ha! Thirty minutes if they really get me going," He grinned, kissing her lips lovingly when she brushed them against his own, holding her closely into his arms. "And I promise that I will not leave the country. I will not go into a full-on battle. I will be close to you."

"Mm. Might like to see that," she smiled up at him, sighing softly as he kissed her, realising just how much she had missed his touch. "I'm sorry, my love, for neglecting you and how you feel," she apologized. "I still need to work on myself though. I'm not...entirely right. But as you'll be with me...I think I'll be okay."

As he held her, cradling her close, she buried her face in the crook of his neck, taking in his scent. It was too late for her to go back on her word, she had already signed up to go. Leaning into him, she closed her eyes, weeping anew. Weeping for their child, for the broken parts of themselves, for many reasons. And true to his word, Payne let her rant and rave, weep and question God and even his own father, Lucifer. He refused to let go of her and even when she tried to squirm away, he still held firm. She knew his words were meant to make her feel better. She also knew that where they sent people, they had no say. But she wanted to believe and so, she did. Perhaps foolishly. But still, he wouldn't leave her and she finally wept herself to sleep. She didn't even feel him lift her up and carry her into their room, nor did she feel him slide her shoes off of her feet. The only thing she felt was his lips against her temple when she shifted slightly during the middle of the night.

A week later.

"I'm going to be an hour away. That isn't so far," he promised her. "I'll post you a letter tonight, I promise." They were at a train station and he was catching a ride along with other new recruits. They had to go over some basic training. Something that made her laugh, considering how old they both were. Still, she was blinded by her tears and he drew her close. "Kitten," he murmured sweetly to her, using her nickname. "We'll be back together before you know it. Remember your promise to me."
"Remember yours."
"I'll write to you every day. I just said I'll write to you tonight." He chided her playfully, before taking out a small box. "It's not a ring, calm down," he chuckled, noticing the widening of her eyes. Holding it up, it was a gold necklace, with a locket at the end. "Call me self-centered, but I thought you'd like having me with you," he joked before putting it on for her. "I even went old fashioned, putting a lock of hair in there," he added with a wide grin, showing her where he'd cut it from. Laughing as she rolled her eyes, she thanked him by giving him a kiss. As he hugged her again, she held tight, tears rolling down her cheeks again. They remained together, with him whispering in her ear until the conductor yelled, 'Allllll Aboard!' and the whistle permeated the ears of all close by.

"Risse, don't send me off with the memory of you crying," Payne called as the train began to slowly move. Clarisse wiped at her eyes and sniffed, running along the side. He leaned down, holding onto the guardrail with one arm and wrapped his other arm around her waist, pulling her up. "You'd better come home," she murmured against his lips. She wasn't convinced that he'd only be gone two weeks. "I will," he promised, peppering her nose with kisses before deeply kissing her once again, without a care for who saw before setting her back down on the platform. "Two weeks!" He promised, waving to her until she couldn't see him any longer. Raising her hand, she blew him a last kiss.

It was a promise he couldn't keep.

credit: james kriet

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02/06/2020 10:54 PM 

Forties Friday: Capture.

This has been updated to mention Payne Zile Queen.
[Part one]

“Hey Clarisse, look at that man."
"Is he wounded?"
"Then he can wait."

Looking up towards the other woman, a fellow nurse named Abigail, Clarisse brushed her blonde hair back from her face to reveal the seriousness. In the midst of this makeshift hospital, she had no time to endure distractions. There were innocent lives on the line. A moment's distraction could cost someone their life and for the vampire, that wasn't a chance she was willing to take. She wasn't going to be swayed from the task at hand. These soldiers were dying and it was only a matter of time before they did so. Some were close to death. Others were teetering back and forth. Brushing a few tendrils back from her forehead, she moved to wash her hands. They were stained with blood. A young man had come in with his arm nearly blown off and his superior officer hanging over his shoulder. She'd been unable to save his arm but had assisted in the amputation. She'd been vexed by the doctor not cauterizing the wound and dismissing her words altogether. "It will staunch the bleeding, if not stop it entirely," she had protested. "It will keep the tissue from dying and in the long run help him survive." It would not save his arm, true, but it would prevent infection. Infection was one of the top killers on the field. 

The arrogance of the men sometimes astounded her. If he weren't the only doctor there, she might have punched him in the jaw. However, she simply deferred to his 'wisdom'. Most of the nurses did that; smiled, nodded, cursed the rampant sexism under their breaths, and continued on doing whatever it was they were doing anyway. 

She had served in this capacity in several different wars. The American Civil War, the first World War. Now, this one. She was more than aware of what she was doing, even though she couldn't exactly explain that. She sighed as she took a few moments to clean up more since it was quiet for a moment. She hadn't quite realized that she was covered up to her elbows in dried blood. Her shoes pinched her toes, her clothes were in desperate need of a good scrub--or maybe to be burned and something new put on. She was in desperate need of sustenance herself, but so were the other nurses and resistance fighters. Thus, she dared not complain. But, she had to clean up and she would later. She would have a day off and on the day, she'd procure clothes and clean the old ones.  She didn't want to be the cause of a wound getting infected. Clarisse knew the other women looked to her. She had to be a good example.

The irony of a vampire doing good and being an example was not lost on her. However, she had never followed the norm. And as she stood cleaning up, she squared her shoulders. Overhead an Allied bomber went by and she blessed herself, hoping that they would continue to fly and not end up in the small hospital. But she looked up, realizing that she had lost herself in her thoughts again. 

 That a curious villager was meandering around was of no importance. "Assess if he's a danger if he is not; leave him be." She concluded before pushing her hair back out of her face again. She noted the half-moons below her eyes and she sighed, pinching her pale cheeks to give them some color. She mustn't show that she was tired as well. 

 Death was quietly lurking about, she knew this. Waiting to usher some of these poor souls to their next chapter. Still, she wouldn't leave them until it was truly their time. She moved from where she stood and got back into the swing of things. She sat with them, talking if they had the strength, writing letters for them and she even prayed with one young man. There were a few who lay dying but wanted to speak, to dictate a letter. Entering their minds, she gently prodded them to release the words, all the while sharing her energy as best she could until they had finished. Her hand seemingly flew over the paper as she took all of the words down and committed them there. Once they had gotten their words out, their passing was peaceful as she dosed them with a bit of morphine. They hadn't had a lot of it, but she had persuaded a dying German medic to give her what he had. Her power of persuasion had been to let her features change; fangs fully extended and her eyes a deep crimson. It was no wonder that he'd been willing to oblige. She'd counted herself lucky he hadn't thrown a grenade at her.

The war had brought out the secretive side of her again; a side she thought was gone after the horror of the first world war and the civil war before that. She spied for the French occasionally but she preferred the resistance work. Patrolling with other women and protecting small towns and villages brought her pleasure. For once, she was not the monster. She was just someone who saw wrong and tried to right it. When the resistance had met with trouble and had been forced to retreat for a night, then she had allowed that dark side of herself to come out. She had feasted upon a battalion of German soldiers, leaving nothing but the husks of what were once living men. She had drunk of them and had rather savagely drawn their hearts and entrails out with her fist. She had stolen their ammo, their medicine, and their intelligence, sending it to the Allied soldiers who were in the next town over. Every once in a great while, one would see a headline about bodies found that were exsanguinated. The other women joked about it but Clarisse was smart enough to keep her trap shut for fear of giving herself away. She also found it remarkable that she had not gotten one drop of blood on her clothes in the attack either. She had stopped by a creek to wash up, cleaning her arms and face. 

She loathed war, truly. Yet, she did enjoy the feeling of being productive. Helping in hospitals was something she particularly liked. She couldn't place it but assumed it was the same reason--feeling hopeful and useful. Besides, if she went home...there would be no one there. Of course, that was her own fault. She could still be home. Payne too. Though, he might be there by now. His face flashed across her mind, her long time lover. Reaching to the necklace she wore, a locket with his picture and a curl of his hair rested within. She pushed him from her mind. They were only supposed to have been apart for two weeks. They were going on two years now. If things had gone to plan..Antoinette would be two years old now--no! She wasn't doing this now. She refused.

She missed the jovial nature she was known for. She was tired of being hard and serious. She hated being fearful of the bombs that never seemed to stop falling. She was tired of seeing civilians being forced from their homes. She was tired of wondering how her friends were, of waking up alone. Of rationing everything. Soap, for God's sake. They rationed soap. She wanted a good, long bath. 

A few hours later, Clarisse stepped out and she stretched out. She had saved enough soap for a good span in a tub. There was a fireplace in the small flat she was staying in, she could boil the water so it would be hot. Whilst most complained about these things, she had grown up in a time where to bathe in hot water, it had to be boiled. It was frustrating to some and yet, she almost felt like she had been drawn back in time. The hot water would loosen up the tightness throughout her frame. She'd been grabbed, shot at, and just had endured the hell that was war. Clarisse raised her hand to her neck, rubbing it before she stood erect once more. Sleep sounded even better than a bath right now, to be honest. 

Hearing an unexpected noise, she raised her gun instantly, ready to shoot. She stood her ground, narrowing her eyes and readying to shoot if needs be. Her finger rested on the trigger, the hammer already cocked back. It was a German gun; an MP40 9mm. She'd knicked it off of one when she'd been rooting about for ammunition. "State your business," she barked out but received no answer. Sighing, she dismissed it as her nerves being on edge and tried to relax. She smiled as Abigail joined her and the pair walked towards the fountain about ten feet away from the hospital’s front doors.

Settling down with her on the corner of the fountain, the two sat silently when the other woman produced a flask. "Here, you need this," the woman chuckled and Clarisse took a sip in agreement. After the day they’d had, she didn’t mind indulging and sipping on whatever this was. It did not take her long, however, to realize this wasn't alcohol. Her eyes widened in horror as she looked over at the woman beside her. She grasped at her throat, the burning sensation agonizing as it burned all the way down. Clarisse’s nails dug into her flesh as if she were trying to claw out her own throat. Weakness coursed through her and her normally pallid skin turned ashen, with her veins protruding noticeably. She continued to gasp for breath as she dropped the flask. "Wh--why?!"


As if that weren't in bad enough, she winced as something suddenly hit her. Looking down, it was a stake protruding from her chest. Clearly, he’d meant to miss her heart, but she was immobilized now for the most part, save for being able to wiggle her fingers. She couldn't even manage to speak when a male joined Abigail, the two speaking in rapid German. She gathered that the Germans had found out about just how many of their number she’d taken out and that ‘das fuhrer’ was very curious about the occult and the supernatural. To have her in his number? They’d be heroes! Some heroes. If she could regain her strength...she’d kill them all. But she had a suspicion...she was in for a hell of a time. They weren’t going to kill her. She’d be useless then. She gripped the stake weakly, trying to pull it from her chest. It was a futile attempt. At least her blood was marking where she last stood.

As they dragged her off, Clarisse was able to wiggle her finger just enough to allow her daylight ring to slide off of her finger. Her daylight ring. It hadn’t left her finger since the day it had been put there. It was the one thing she had that would alert others. The other nurses knew to reach out to Peggy Carter. The only question was...would they? And would Peg reach out for help from one of the few people in the world who would know how? She didn't know about Payne, Clarisse had kept that quiet. She didn't want him to worry and chase after her. 

Clarisse’s mind went to Damon Salvatore, whom she knew was somewhere in Sicily, and she hoped he was safe and to her adoptive father, Elijah Mikaelson. She had a letter from him in her personal belongings that she had been aiming to respond to. She had been busy at night, going through battlefields, helping the wounded, and sending the dying off to their next life. He’d always chided her about her safety and her apparent lack of care for herself. If she could, she would have grimaced at the lecture he would give her eventually. It would be one of many; she knew Damon would give her a hard time too. Payne as well. There were many in her life who would give her a hard time. Though...if she were alive to hear it?

She’d listen. 

The Next Day.

Walking into the office of the SSR, Margaret Carter approached Howard Stark. Normally, she had her hair done, lipstick applied and make-up on. Today, she was in her uniform and she rushed into the makeshift office.  

 "Pegs, you look as sad as the day I told you Jarvis makes better chocolate cake than you," Howard spoke. She knew he was trying to cheer her up, but news had come in overnight and it was personal. She gave him a look before finally speaking.

"You need to reach out to Elijah Mikaelson," she told him, her tone low. She never knew where he was, but Howard did. She also didn’t want anyone to listen in on their conversation Elijah’s life could be endangered if anyone found out things.

"I'm not going to reach out unl--"

Peggy held out a small silver ring with a striking lapis lazuli stone in the center. Howard turned it around in his fingers, noticing the small engraved text on the underside: -A.C '01 Mx. CdV.- “Aleister Crowley, Mexico, 1901. Clarisse du Volde.” Peggy murmured. “If we have it, it’s because she’s been captured. Intel tells us that a nurse named Abigail was sharing a drink with her. After that, all they found was this ring, blood on the ground, and her gun. Abigail, whomever she is, is German. Whether she's going after Clarisse because she's a vampire, or because she's spied for us, is unclear. She might even be a target because of her closeness to Elijah. You know the supernatural community--secrets get out.”

“Christ. I’ll get him, Peg. This is going to be bad, isn't it?" Howard asked, looking over to his friend, laying a hand on her shoulder.

"That's his adopted daughter. It's going to be worse than bad. Just be glad he’s on our side," Peggy finished before raising her mirror and adjusting her hair. "The minute you reach him, please let me know. We have our work cut out for us--unless the little imp gets away from them. And since they'll go to any length to keep a vampire? Even I have to doubt her for once."
credit: james kriet

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