06/28/2024 05:06 PM 

Princess Robin

Legal Name: Mar'i Grayson
Nick Name(s): StarShine (Tim Drake)
Alias(es): Robin (previously), Nightstar (Current)
Age: 13-20 (Depends on the RP)
Sex: Female
Gender: Female, but would most likely be Gender Neutral if she could
Pronouns: She/They
Nationality: American (Tim has falsified her information)
Height: 5'11"
Weight: Undetermined
Hair Color: Black with purple fire at the ends
Eye Color: Green
Skin color: Tan, almost orange like her mothers
Father: D*ck Grayson
Mother: Kori' Anders 
Sibling(s): Johnny Grayson (Younger brother) 
Grandfather(s): Bruce Wayne (Adoptive), Mayander (Maternal Grandfather) 
Grandmother(s): Selina Kyle (Adoptive), Lewander (Maternal Grandmother) 
Aunt(s): Komand'r (Maternal)
Uncle(s): Ryand'r (Maternal) 
Sexual Orientation: Sapiosexual
Relationship Status: Single (Multi Love Interest, if that's not OK with you I understand) 

Personality: Fire is the best way to describe her personality, protective, but if handled wrong can bite back harder than you imagine. She'll be a guiding light, she'll warm your life, but if you misshandle her and the gifts she can give she will bite back to set her boundaries. She loves with her whole heart, no matter who you are, and if you break that heart she might even give you a second chance. Yet you hit it too many times you'll see fangs you didn't even know she had. 

Powers and abilities: Flight even in the vacum of space, Super strength, adaptation to travel in space, can survive without oxygen, star bolts can be used offensivly and defensivley. She can learn any language therough a kiss of a native speaker, though this does not translate to animal (the closest she could get would be Garfield Logan but in the end that only opens up her ability to feel their emotions better). 
Her human abilities were all taught to her by D*ck and the other Robins, she's flexible just like him and great in a tight situation, a clear head is needed and even with her extreme fear of death. Having experimented with human weaponry she favors a bow like Tim (Rather a three sectioned bow in her case), or a mid range taser sword. 

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